A number of commercial banks lowered the deposit listing interest rate again-enhancing the sustainability of financial support for the real economy.

  On September 1st, a number of national commercial banks lowered the deposit listing interest rate, which was another reduction after the national commercial banks lowered the deposit listing interest rate in early June this year. Compared with June, the deposit interest rate has been lowered even more, mainly for time deposits and certificates of deposit. For example, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Agricultural Bank of China lowered the interest rates of RMB time deposits for one year, two years, three years and five years to 1.55%, 1.85%, 2.2% and 2.25%, while they were 1.65%, 2.05%, 2.45% and 2.5% respectively.

  The market has fully expected this deposit interest rate cut. According to the data released by the State Administration of Financial Supervision recently, the net interest margin of commercial banks in the second quarter was 1.74%, which has dropped to a low level in recent years. Wang Yifeng, chief financial analyst of Everbright Securities, believes that it is imperative to control the debt cost of the banking system in view of the downward pressure on the net interest margin of commercial banks.

  On August 18th, when the three departments held a video conference on financial support for the real economy and prevention and resolution of financial risks, they proposed to play an important role in the market-oriented adjustment mechanism of deposit interest rates, enhance the sustainability of financial support for the real economy, and effectively play an active role in promoting consumption, stabilizing investment and expanding domestic demand.

  To continue to promote the steady decline of entity financing costs, it is necessary to ease the pressure on the debt side of banks, and lowering the deposit interest rate has become the choice of many banks. According to the deposit self-discipline pricing mechanism, the member banks of the self-discipline mechanism refer to the bond market interest rate represented by the 10-year treasury bond yield and the loan market interest rate represented by the one-year loan market quotation rate (LPR) to adjust the deposit interest rate level reasonably.

  The latest LPR quotation released on August 21st shows that the one-year LPR is 3.45%, down 10 basis points from last month. "This move will further guide enterprises and residents to reduce financing costs." Wen Bin, chief economist of Minsheng Bank, believes that in the context of the pressure on the bank’s asset-side yield, the subsequent central bank will continue to guide the deposit interest rate down to maintain the bank’s interest margin and profit margin. "The downward deposit interest rate is expected to promote the transformation of residents’ high savings to a certain extent, accelerate consumption and investment behavior, and promote a virtuous circle of economy and finance." Wen Bin said.

  Rong Liu, the chief financial officer of China Construction Bank, recently said at the semi-annual results conference that the downward adjustment of LPR will lead to the downward trend of loan interest rate, which will put some pressure on the net interest margin of commercial banks, and the specific impact range and rhythm will vary due to the differences in product term structure of various banks. "Specific to CCB, since the repricing of loans, especially the repricing of personal loans, is mainly concentrated in the first half of the year, the impact of LPR downturn in the second half of the year is relatively small. According to preliminary calculations, the downward impact of LPR and the downward impact of deposit interest rates can roughly offset each other. " Rong Liu said.

  The Report on the Implementation of Monetary Policy in China in the Second Quarter of 2023 issued by the Central Bank pointed out that, considering that the financial cycle and the economic cycle are often not completely synchronized, it will take some time for the exposure of bank credit risks, and there should be some financial preparation and risk buffer. Allowing banks to maintain their steady operations in a reasonable way can enhance their ability to continuously support the development of the real economy.

  From the perspective of preventing financial risks, banks need to maintain a reasonable profit and net interest margin level, which is also conducive to enhancing the sustainability of commercial banks supporting the real economy. "From this perspective, the policy orientation hopes that the net interest margin of commercial banks can remain relatively stable; From our own point of view, we also hope that some measures can be taken to stop the decline in net interest margin or slow down the decline. " Rong Liu said.

  Under the background of several rounds of downward adjustment of deposit interest rates, how should residents manage their finances? Dong Ximiao, chief researcher of Zhaolian, said that if there are more deposits in residents’ asset allocation, the income may decline; If you pursue relatively stable income, you can properly allocate cash management wealth management products or money funds outside deposits; If you want to get higher returns, you need to bear the corresponding risks, so you should fully understand the products and balance the relationship between risks and returns. (Economic Daily reporter Lu Min)

China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission: Strengthen financial rescue assistance for traditional service industries affected by the epidemic, such as catering and cultural tourism.

Cctv news: "China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, China" WeChat WeChat official account news, China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission recently held a party committee (enlarged) meeting.

The meeting demanded that next year will be the first year to implement the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, and it is of great significance to do a good job in economic and financial work.

First, adhere to the overall leadership of the party, especially the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee. Adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee throughout the whole process and all aspects of financial supervision, continuously enhance the political and people-oriented nature of financial supervision, and unswervingly follow the road of financial development with China characteristics. We will improve the implementation mechanism of major decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and conscientiously implement the reporting system for major issues. Solidly promote the normalization and long-term effectiveness of the central inspection and rectification. Continue to promote bank insurance institutions to strengthen party building and integrate party leadership into all aspects of corporate governance. Support and cooperate with local party committees to strengthen leadership over party organizations of local financial institutions. Select and strengthen the leading bodies of small and medium-sized financial institutions, adhere to the cadre standard of "strong politics and good business", implement "financiers run finance", and do everything possible to fill the shortcomings in system and talents.

The second is to increase financial support and expand domestic demand. Financial policies should be more actively coordinated with fiscal policies and social policies, giving priority to supporting the recovery and expansion of consumption. Strengthen financial assistance to traditional service industries, such as catering, cultural tourism and so on, especially small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households. Optimize consumer financial products and services, encourage the consumption of bulk commodities such as new energy vehicles and green household appliances, promote the improvement of residential consumption, and provide credit support and insurance protection for new consumption and service consumption. We will continue to improve the financial services for new citizens to better meet the needs of rural migrants, newly graduated college students and other groups to live and work in peace and contentment. Enrich the supply of financial products, increase residents’ safe and stable property income through multiple channels, improve household balance sheets and enhance consumption power. Strengthen the financing guarantee for investment. We will promote the improvement of the investment and financing system in the social field, and explore qualified institutions such as hospitals, schools, culture, sports, old-age care and nursery schools to accelerate their development with various financing tools. Deepen structural reforms on the supply side, support the implementation of urban renewal actions and rural construction actions, and promote the shortcomings in social undertakings. Give play to the countercyclical adjustment role of policy banks and guide commercial banks and insurance institutions to provide supporting financing. Adhere to the "two unwavering" and increase financial support for private investment and private enterprises. Promote the smooth domestic and international double circulation, improve foreign trade credit and export credit insurance services, and consolidate and expand new advantages in foreign trade competition.

Third, actively support the construction of a modern industrial system. We will guide more financial resources to gather in mid-to-high-end manufacturing industries, and continue to increase medium and long-term loans and investment in insurance funds around key areas such as advanced manufacturing industries, strategic emerging industries, and transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. Strengthen financial support for the construction of modern infrastructure and circulation system, and accelerate the development of digital economy and modern service industry. Adhere to both standardization and development, and support platform enterprises to show their talents in leading development, creating jobs and international competition. Promote "technology — Industry — Finance "virtuous circle, optimize technology and finance services, improve the financing support of the whole industry chain, and continue to promote the first (set) of equipment, the first batch of sub-materials and other scientific and technological insurance pilots. Support green transformation and development, promote the sustained growth of green credit scale, and develop green insurance. Actively help promote rural revitalization in an all-round way, improve the rural financial service system, promote the sustained growth of agricultural loans, and expand the scope of agricultural insurance.

Fourth, resolutely prevent and resolve major risks in the financial sector. Adhere to "one line, one policy" and "one company, one policy" and accelerate the reform of insurance institutions in small and medium-sized banks. Anticipate the risk of deterioration of credit assets, encourage banking institutions to increase the disposal of non-performing assets, and promote small and medium-sized banks to accelerate the pilot project of disposing of non-performing loans. Promote the normal cycle of finance and real estate, do a good job of "ensuring property delivery, people’s livelihood and stability", meet the reasonable financing needs of the real estate market, and improve the balance sheet of high-quality housing enterprises. Adhere to the positioning of "staying in a house without speculation", implement differentiated housing credit policies based on the city’s policy, meet the demand for rigid and improved housing, support the construction of long-term rental housing market, and promote the smooth transition of the real estate industry to a new development model. Cooperate to resolve the hidden debt risk of local governments. Adhere to the differences between private placement and public offering, investment and credit, equity and creditor’s rights, prevent the resurgence of various high-risk shadow banks, promptly investigate and deal with fraudulent acts that promote "capital preservation and high returns", and severely crack down on illegal financial activities. Strengthen the financial stability guarantee system and firmly hold the bottom line that regional and systemic financial risks will not occur.

Fifth, continue to deepen reform and open wider to the outside world. Promote the construction of a multi-level, wide-coverage and differentiated financial institution system. Accelerate the establishment of a modern financial enterprise system with China characteristics, improve the internal governance of financial institutions, and prevent manipulation by major shareholders and insider control. Accelerate the reform of rural credit cooperatives with the focus on transforming the functions of provincial credit cooperatives, and steadily promote the reform and restructuring of rural banks. Promote the insurance industry to return to its origin, focus on its main business, and strengthen its risk protection function. Standardize the development of the third pillar endowment insurance. Guide the trust industry to develop original businesses such as service trust, asset management trust and charitable trust. Supervise financial asset management companies to focus on the disposal of non-performing assets. Unswervingly promote high-level opening to the outside world, adhere to both "bringing in" and "going out", steadily expand institutional opening such as rules, regulations, management and standards, improve the level of "One Belt, One Road" in financial services, and actively introduce foreign-funded financial institutions with stable operations, excellent qualifications and professional characteristics.

Sixth, strengthen and improve modern financial supervision. Improve the financial rule of law and prudential supervision rules. Follow the constitutional purpose and legislative spirit, and substantially increase the cost of violating laws and regulations. Improve the risk prevention, early warning and disposal mechanism. Strictly regulate the cross-regional operation of local financial institutions and promote the classified management of business licenses of financial institutions. Accelerate the digital and intelligent transformation of supervision and enhance the penetration ability of data analysis. Strengthen the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of financial consumers, and urge banks and insurance institutions to strengthen the appropriate management of investors.

The meeting demanded that the whole system should strengthen the sense of responsibility, combine the spirit of implementing the Central Economic Work Conference and the Central Rural Work Conference with the spirit of studying and implementing the Party’s 20th Congress, and do a good job in implementing the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee in the banking and insurance industries. Improve professional quality, pay attention to strengthening the understanding and grasp of financial laws, and creatively carry out various work. Carry forward the work style, strengthen investigation and research, make decisions and arrangements for the Central Committee of the Party, push the supervision of the banking and insurance industry to a new level, and contribute more financial strength to make a good start in building a socialist modern country in an all-round way.

The female star at the grand ceremony was ingeniously matched with a full set of DR true love high-end jewelry.

Girls in love,

What role should it play?

Some people say that the girls who accept DR are the lucky ones who are cared for by God of Love. In fact, a girl’s role in a love relationship is not just the enjoyment. When they find the faith of love, they dare to risk their lives for love.

Recently, two actresses wore DR jewelry to attend the grand ceremony. They performed well in the play, and they also managed their love happily outside the play. This time, they are wearing DR’s most luxurious jewelry collection.

DR high-grade jewelry combines diamond brilliance with the concept of true love, showing the eternity and firmness of love. At the ceremony, they ingeniously matched a full set of DR true love high-grade jewelry, showing the eternal romance of loving a person for a lifetime with rare treasures, and showing women’s "true love confidence".

01 Viann: Become the focus of the topic and remain true to yourself.

Love enlightenment for DR girls;

You don’t need to borrow anyone’s light, you give yourself the confidence of love.

All along, DR has paid attention to integrating the concept of true love into the design of works, so that magnificent jewelry has a unique atmosphere of true love, and hopes that the faith of love contained in it will be witnessed by the world in a dazzling way.

Recently, Viann wore the LOVE LINE series of DR’s high-grade jewelry to attend the 35th anniversary fashion ceremony of ELLE China.

Gorgeous diamond ornaments set each other off and shine with infinite charm of true love.

Viann once became the focus of the topic. In the spotlight, Viann always presents his true self in the most intuitive way, without pretending or shrinking. She uses her personality charm to change everyone. Beneath the self-confidence and charm lies her frank and brave attitude towards love.

DR high-end jewelry worn by Viann.

LOVE PALACE Series Treasure Auditorium Bracelet

LOVE PALACE series hall love earrings

LOVE LINE series love winding bracelet, earrings and bracelets.

LOVE PALACE Series High Jewelry

Inspired by the Sacred Heart Cathedral in France.

DR injects the soul of true love into the holy church to create a splendid treasure.

The classic shape of the auditorium arch reproduces the sacred moment of mutual loyalty.

Bright diamonds are connected with each other, showing their brilliance between light and shadow.

Just as Viann is steadfast in love.

Because of Do not forget your initiative mind, it shines all the time

LOVE PALACE Series Treasure Auditorium Bracelet

02 Wang Zhi: Passers-by saw only smoke, but there was a fire in her heart.

Love enlightenment for DR girls;

Although we go all out, sincere people will not be disappointed.

In the design of high-end jewelry, DR still devotes his ingenuity and meticulously depicts every detail. Every piece of true love high-grade jewelry is ingeniously drawn by DR’s design master, and it has been adjusted and revised by the designer’s manuscript for countless times before it can be built.

At the closing ceremony of the Golden Rooster Award, actor Wang Zhi appeared in the series of DR Paris, a high-grade jewelry by Dr, and Starlight Glimmer performed his true love attitude of loving one person all his life.

Wang Zhi focused on the performing arts for many years, and finally ushered in the highlight moment of The Wandering Earth. At one time, she also received some different comments, but she was not defeated because of her perseverance, but climbed to the peak of performing arts with her works and strength. And when I meet true love in my 30 s, I will be steady and steady in my career. I hope Wang Zhizhi will make progress all the way, and I hope everyone can meet his only love.

DR high-end jewelry worn by Wang Zhi.

DR PARIS series romantic accompanying earrings and chain sets.

DR PARIS series high bead earrings (ES0050)

DR PARIS series high bead necklace (TL0011)

DR PARIS series of high-grade jewellery

Draw inspiration from the pyramids of the Louvre in Paris

Decorate the princess square drill with geometric and modern design language.

Pyramid structure micro-inlay fine drill

Present the classical beauty that has been tempered by time.

Show the eternal promise of true love to the world.

Just as Wang Zhi insisted on performing arts.

Because of lasting love, the power is infinite.

DR PARIS series romantic accompanying earrings

DR PAIRS series romantic accompanying chain

Love is more than one language.

Every self-confident beauty can present a true love attitude.

Whether it’s DR’s proposal diamond ring or DR’s high-end jewelry.

Every piece of jewelry

They are all true love works created by Dr.

Turn self-confidence into eternal true love in an instant

Pay tribute to eternity with ingenuity

DR invites you to witness together


In December, let’s meet in Wanning in the name of movies!

Hainan in December, the temperature is pleasant.

Sun Moon Bay in December

One wave after another.

"Hot" degree is sultry.

Following the 13th Wanning International Surfing Competition on December 16th,

After the hot start of the National Surfing Training Base

December seventeenth

YOUNG Langchao makes waves and seeks shadows.

-The 5th Hainan Island International Film Festival

The "Golden Coconut Carnival" Wanning screening activity also kicked off.

Star guests gathered

Brilliant brightness

Citizens and tourists meet to see the sea and watch movies in three or five days.

Taste delicious food and feel the lively and happy atmosphere

"My husband and wife came from Xinglong and wanted to come and watch the movie and feel the excitement." Ms. Chen said that she was prepared with her lover. "The wind is strong at the seaside. Look at the backpacks we brought, and we have brought enough clothes."

The first night of the event

The film shown is

Indian comedy Happy Sunday 2016

It will be shown in the next two days.

Explore through travel

Discover the motorcycle diary in the depths of the soul

Warm family road movie "Starlight Walk with Me" and so on.

Citizens can go to the scene to watch movies for free.

Feel the charm of the movie

A pair of young friends are talking while watching the exhibition.

"Did" She Disappeared "released this year shoot in Wanning?"

"Why did the Shenzhou Peninsula become the punching point in online celebrity? It is because" She Disappeared ",the famous desert lighthouse, has become the key place for many social media travel punching."

It is understood that

Held on December 17 th

In the unit of "YOUNG Wave Starry Music Party"

Wanning film was set up on the spot.

Development course exhibition area

Show the films filmed in Wanning in recent years.

"Although I am a native of Wanning, I saw the exhibition of Wanning’s film development process, and I realized that there are so many films shot in Wanning. This exhibition attracted me to see and understand these films."

A young man said that it was more attractive because he took pictures in his familiar hometown, which became the driving force for him to go into the cinema to watch movies.

Wanning is a mountain and sea city.

Has a profound cultural heritage and unique customs.

There are more than 10 bays, such as Shanqin Bay, Shimei Bay and Riyuewan, along the 109-kilometer coastline. There are seven islands and peninsulas, such as Dazhou Island, Jiajing Island and Shenzhou Peninsula, on the sea, and there are also cultural customs of the hometown of overseas Chinese, the secret of tropical rain forest, etc. Therefore, Wanning has always been a favorite location for film and television crews.

In addition, in recent years, Wanning City has continuously promoted the integration and development of culture, tourism and sports, created more advantageous tourism resources, and continuously improved the supporting facilities of tourism services, attracting many film and television variety shows to take pictures. Since 2020, more than 40 film and television dramas, documentaries and variety shows have been filmed in Wanning.

The night is getting late.

The sea breeze brings a little coolness to people.

But at the moment

Everyone’s heart at the scene is blazing.

Everyone feels the charm of the film festival

While feeling the fireworks of life

"Are you producing agarwood? Where is the production base? "

"This is Qinan Aquilaria sinensis, and our base is in Wanning …" Facing the guests who came to inquire, He Youbian, the propaganda director of Hainan Shenghengxiang Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd., patiently answered, "We are an enterprise integrating planting, processing and product sales. When grafting planting is introduced from Maoming, the income is faster than that of Aquilaria sinensis, and it can usually be harvested in four or five years. Now it also drives villagers to plant and becomes a way for them to increase their income. "

At the agarwood booth

Qinan agarwood tea and agarwood beads are on display.

Aquilaria sinensis essential oil, incense and other products.

He Youbian told reporters

Their products are now in short supply.

Hundreds of thousands of plants were planted in Hainan last year.

After four or five years, there will be gains slowly.

"Like this bracelet, it has a calming effect. This agarwood tea, nourishing the liver and protecting the kidney, is also very helpful for people with poor spleen and stomach. " Speaking of the goodness of agarwood, there are many treasures. She hopes to use the platform of film festival to promote agarwood products, attract more businesses, and drive more local people to join the planting ranks, bringing economic benefits.

In order to let more people know about Wanning’s geographical products and food characteristics, this film festival screening activity integrates elements such as minority culture, music, cultural creation and food, launches food market and cultural creation market, and displays Wanning’s local specialty products such as coffee, tea, duck eggs and agarwood.

Look, thriving coffee, Peking University’s Shansu cuisine, South Bridge’s colorful cakes, etc. These shops and foods gather in Sun Moon Bay in the name of "movies", emitting fireworks, and movie screening has become a communication medium, and "movie+"seems to be the essential purpose.

The young man brought his mother to the movies.

People of the same age meet romantic seaside and enjoy music.

A large family put a baby over one year old

Hold high on your shoulders and watch the performance.

And hold up an umbrella for him.


One picture at a time

Happy and warm

Maybe, this time

Will plant children’s love for movies.

Will remain in the hearts of young people.

Expectation and blessing for Wanning

The movie "Happy Sunday 2016" began to air.

The story about "happiness" begins.

The movie story about Wanning is also being told.


Original title: "December, let’s get together in Wanning in the name of movies!" 》

Read the original text

Steel Association visited Shougang to discuss the core issues of steel industry development.

  On December 17, 2023, He Wenbo, Party Secretary and Executive President of China Iron and Steel Industry Association, led a team to Shougang Group for a tour of office, and had in-depth exchanges and discussions with Zhao Minge, Party Secretary and Chairman of Shougang Group, on the core issues of the industry, such as capacity management mode, steel export orientation, China’s green and low-carbon standards and international discourse system, green financial policy, and common technology research and development organization mode, and reached a number of consensuses.

  Members of the Party Committee of Steel Association, Deputy Secretary-General and heads of relevant departments, leaders of Shougang Group Qiu Yinfu, Wang Hongjun and Wang Jianwei, and heads of strategic development department, operation and finance department, safety and environmental protection department, technical research institute, Zhongshou Company, marketing center, procurement center and other relevant departments attended the exchange discussion.

  He Wenbo presided over the traveling office meeting. At the meeting, Jiang Wei, Deputy Secretary, Vice President and Secretary-General of the Party Committee of the Steel Association, introduced the progress of the key work of the Association from six aspects: comprehensively promoting the "232" key work system, striving to guide industry self-discipline and balance between supply and demand, promoting the "three-oriented" development of the industry through collaborative innovation, comprehensively strengthening and deepening international exchanges and cooperation, strengthening industry-related basic services, and promoting the construction of industry cadres and talents from a high starting point. Qiu Yinfu, deputy secretary of the Party Committee, director and general manager of Shougang Group, reported on Shougang’s focus on the "six foundations" and laying a solid foundation for Shougang’s high-quality development from the aspects of the group’s operation and the steel industry’s operation, the main indicators completed the progress target, and the main profit indicators outperformed the industry, and the key work arrangements for 2024.

  After listening to the operation of Shougang, He Wenbo spoke highly of Shougang’s development achievements. He said that in 2023, under the severe market situation, Shougang’s operating efficiency still achieved steady growth, which is not easy, reflecting the solid foundation of Shougang’s work, and also reflecting the results of Shougang’s years of persistence in promoting industrial restructuring and business mode transformation, which brought confidence to the overall development of the industry in the downturn of the steel market. Shougang is very clear and pragmatic in its current work deployment and future development planning. He talked about three feelings: first, Shougang is the benchmark of the industry in terms of green transformation, especially in terms of the effectiveness of ultra-low emission transformation, and is an example for the whole industry to learn. Second, Shougang has continuously increased the proportion of high value-added products through unremitting technological innovation, and achieved remarkable results, contributing major profits to the main steel industry. Third, Shougang’s judgment on the development situation of the industry and its future-oriented planning reflect the depth of understanding and the integrity of the layout, which can provide useful reference for the industry.

  During the exchange, He Wenbo and Zhao Minge and other Shougang leaders made in-depth discussions on such issues as adhering to the correct steel export orientation, optimizing and improving the way of controlling production capacity, increasing the recycling of recycled steel and speeding up the green transformation of the steel production system.

  He Wenbo hopes that Shougang can work well with the Association in three aspects in the future: First, Shougang has a thorough understanding of the new mechanism of capacity management, and hopes that Shougang will contribute more wisdom and strength in the clear direction. Second, according to the viewpoint of three-dimensional dynamic evaluation of economy, ecology and safety, the Association and Shougang jointly studied how to promote the green transformation of China steel, and focused on how to improve and build a green steel discourse system and actively develop healthy international relations. This is a common topic in the industry that has just started, and Shougang should become an important driving force. Third, Shougang’s green transformation started early and has a lot of experience. I hope to discuss with the association the specific path of how supporting policies and measures such as green finance can land in the steel industry.

  Zhao Minge welcomed the arrival of He Wenbo and his party and thanked the Steel Association for its support and help to Shougang. He said that at the beginning of the year, Secretary He led a team to Shougang to carry out joint study of the central group, which deepened Shougang’s understanding and grasp of the macro situation and industry situation. At the end of the year, Secretary He once again led a team to Shougang to carry out a roving office to discuss the core issues of iron and steel industry development, which made us deeply moved and felt great responsibility. The Steel Association has played an important role in the high-quality development of the steel industry. I hope that the Steel Association will continue to care for and support the reform and development of Shougang.

  Zhao Minge introduced Shougang’s experience, overcome difficulties and achieved results since the 14th Five-Year Plan from the strategic level and the implementation level. Zhao Minge pointed out that strategic thinking is very important. We observe, think and analyze problems from a strategic perspective, and constantly enhance the principle, systematicness, foresight and creativity of our work. Shougang formulated and implemented the 14th Five-Year Plan, followed the "3+2" step arrangement of "laying a solid foundation for high-quality development in the first three years, and realizing the transformation of development quality in the next two years", focusing on "six foundations", and taking laying a solid foundation for high-quality development as the main line of work in the first three years, which made the strategic plan have a clear timetable and roadmap, maintained strategic strength, and promoted the implementation of the plan, and achieved the best operation in the history of a hundred years. The implementation of the strategy is very critical. We should not take what we say as it is, take what we have done as it is, and do not take refuge. No matter how big the difficulties are, we should bite the bullet and chew on the "hard bones", hammer after hammer around the "six foundations" and 24 indicators, keep our feet on the ground and charge repeatedly, greatly improve the liquidity of assets, strive to run well in the four "tracks", and make progress and retreat to form an industry with strong anti-cycle.

  Zhao Minge expressed his opinions and put forward suggestions on issues such as "capacity management", "expanding two markets", "double carbon" and "technological innovation". He stressed that it is necessary to stand at the high end, connect with the high end, adhere to the high end, promote the export of high value-added steel products, promote the steel industry to achieve high-quality development in connecting with the world and participating in high-level competition and services, and help accelerate the construction of a new development pattern. It is necessary to intensify efforts to tackle key problems in the innovation of iron and steel enterprises, organize and unite the forces of iron and steel enterprises to jointly develop and innovate common technologies in key areas and important aspects, and promote the overall competitiveness of the iron and steel industry.

  Zhao Minge said that Shougang should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Central Economic Work Conference, maintain strategic strength, persist in striving for stability and promoting stability through progress, promote technological innovation to become the first competitiveness of Shougang, realize the transformation of development quality to higher efficiency, resilience and sustainability, and accelerate the creation of a Chinese-style modern Shougang scene.

  During the exchange and discussion, the two sides believed that during the critical period of the transformation and development of the steel industry, the roving office of the Steel Association faced the reality and challenged the difficult problems, and through full communication with the "helm" of various steel enterprises and the heads of relevant departments, it was of great practical significance to focus on the core issues affecting the development of the industry and discuss countermeasures and solutions, which would promote the high-quality development of the industry.

Sweep Meizhou away with one foot in the Super League? The last round of Nantong Zhiyun still needs to go all out

Special correspondent Jiang Hai reports On October 29th, the penultimate round of the Super League in 2023 started at the same time. Nantong Zhiyun, who ranked second in the standings, challenged Meizhou Hakka away. In the end, the team scored 3 points with a score of 4-0. With the last round left in the league, the points rose to the penultimate third, beating Dalian people, and the final round of the game would be successful in relegation.

After losing to Shanghai Shenhua 0-1 at home in the last round of league tournament, the relegation situation of Nantong Zhiyun was once in jeopardy. In the last two rounds, they will play against Meizhou Hakka and Tianjin Jinmen Tiger away from home. Even if they all win, they also need to look at the face of their relegation opponent Dalian. Moreover, in terms of mutual record with Dalian people, Nantong Zhiyun is the main loser and does not have an advantage. Therefore, as long as Dalian people all win in the last two games, Nantong Zhiyun will get whatever results in the last two rounds.

Therefore, the game against Meizhou Hakka is a "can’t afford to lose" final for Nantong Zhiyun, and the team has suffered five consecutive defeats before, and it is urgent to get points to improve the morale of the team. Fortunately, Nantong Zhiyun started very well, and Jiang Zilei broke the deadlock in the 12th minute of the game. In the following game, Nantong Zhiyun played smoothly: in the 64th minute, Castillo made meritorious deeds, 2-0, expanding the lead; In the 89th minute, Morelato scored a goal, 3-0; In the second minute of stoppage time, Zheng Haogan scored a single goal after breaking the ball and sealed the victory 4-0.

While winning this game, Nantong Zhiyun also gave Meizhou Hakka the first defeat in the last five rounds. At the same time, Nantong Zhiyun also took the fate of relegation into his own hands. Generally speaking, the performance of Nantong Zhiyun team in the Super League this season is not ideal. They need to reflect on their own problems and find a solution to them.

Before the current round against Meizhou Hakka, Nantong Zhiyun scored 19 points with Dalian People’s Team, but due to the disadvantage of winning and losing, Nantong Zhiyun was in the relegation zone. At the same time of this game against Meizhou Hakka, Dalian people challenged Qingdao Manatee away. Compared with Nantong Zhiyun’s away victory, Dalian people scored two goals in a row when they were 0-2 behind, but they failed to beat their opponents in the away game and only got 1 point. However, Dalian people’s fighting capacity in this game was admirable. However, they lost their relegation advantage to Nantong Zhiyun without getting 3 points from Manatee. After the end of this round of competition, the championship suspense of the Super League has been revealed, leaving only one suspense of relegation. In addition to the relegated Shenzhen team, another relegation team will be created between Nantong Zhiyun and Dalian people. The away win of this game also allows Nantong Zhiyun to temporarily occupy the relegation advantage.

In the final round, Nantong Zhiyun played against Tianjin Jinmen Tiger at home, while Dalian people played against Shanghai Harbour, which has won the championship at home. Holding a 2-point lead, for Nantong Zhiyun, the last game must be won. If you can get 3 points, you don’t have to look at other people’s faces, and you can successfully avoid relegation at home. However, if you draw or lose, you need to look at the result of the game between Dalian people and Shanghai Harbour. At present, it can only be said that Nantong Zhiyun has left one foot in the Super League next year, but the team still cannot relax its vigilance until the end of the league.

After the game, David, coach of Nantong Zhiyun team, said: "As we expected, today is a difficult game. The opponents will not let you win the game easily. They played with the strongest lineup. We also carried out the counter-attack tactics arranged before the game well, and it is also very important that we didn’t concede a goal today. The opponent is a very strong team, so these three points are also very valuable to us. Our players have been fighting like warriors. In the last game, we need to fulfill our promises to our fans, win the game, and achieve the goal of relegation. For fans, it is too little to say thank you, and they are supporting us both at home and away. "

As far as Dalian people are concerned, the team has been pushed to the edge of the cliff. Even if the team beats Shanghai Harbour at home in the last round, it may not be able to avoid relegation. While Nantong Zhiyun has the initiative, he still has to go all out in the face of Tianjin Jinmen Tiger, who has nothing to ask for. As the "only seedling" of Jiangsu football in the Super League, Nantong Zhiyun’s game this season has gone through a rough time. Now it can regain its relegation advantage. The team should go all out to draw a satisfactory end to this season with a home victory, and at the same time let Jiangsu football remain in the top leagues in China.

What are the sports?

There are many people who don’t know what sports are. There are many kinds of sports. Many people know many kinds of sports, but it doesn’t mean that they all know that sports can improve our physical fitness, and sports can also improve our physical weakness. The benefits that sports bring us can’t be clearly stated in a few words. There are various sports, suitable for the elderly, suitable for children, suitable for pregnant women, suitable for maternity, etc.

First, roller skating

Speaking of age, roller skating can be regarded as the "grandfather" in extreme sports. Roller skating is a transition from skating. According to relevant data, in the 18th century, a Dutch skater tried to put a wooden spool under his shoes and slide on a flat ground in order to continue his training in the ice-free season. His experiment finally succeeded after continuous failure and improvement, creating the history of "skating" with wheeled shoes. Since then, roller skating has been born, developed and developed rapidly in Europe.

In 1860, Joseph Merlin, a Belgian musical instrument manufacturer, made a pair of roller skates by hand, but when he brought his masterpiece to the World Expo in London, England, and showed it to the enthusiastic London audience, there was an accident: he broke a big mirror because he couldn’t brake, and people were injured. After this incident was hyped by the media, it caused a great shock to people. Therefore, roller skating is also regarded as a "dangerous sport" and has been neglected for a long time.

The first pair of roller skates was invented in 1863 by James Pliem Puton of the United States. His invention promoted the development of roller skating in various countries, and he made a fortune from it.

In 1866, James invested and opened the first indoor roller skating rink in new york, and organized the new york Roller Skating Association, which officially included roller skating in the official sports events for the first time. At the same time, roller skating quickly spread to European countries. Because of its high skill and appreciation, after a long period of development, roller skating has become one of the important events of extreme sports street competition. Countless extreme enthusiasts are crazy about it.

Second, skateboarding

Surfing on the water is fast, exciting and nervous. Have you ever experienced it? You know, skateboarding is an extension of surfing on land. In the middle and late 1950s, residents of the beach community in Southern California invented the world’s first skateboard, and a 50*10*50CM board was fixed on the iron wheel of roller skating. Although this is only a simple sports equipment, it has gradually attracted people’s attention because it can bring people the same feeling as surfing.

Because skateboarding is derived from surfing, the skateboarding culture in the 1970s bears the imprint of surfing, and skateboarding parks built by skateboarders are all simulating surfing terrain. It was not until the "West Wind" skateboarding team in Santa monique, California, USA abandoned surfing knives, used keyhole as a venue for practicing vertical surface skateboarding for the first time, and set off a "swimming pool skateboarding craze" in the United States. At this point, skateboarding began to separate from surfing and was taken to the streets by fans, and formed its own language, skills, clothing style and music hobby, which is what we see now.

After reading it, do you think that our sports in China are extensive and profound? There are still some sports that we don’t know about. These sports can help us improve our physical fitness. If we often do these sports for ourselves, we will also improve some bad habits of dyskinesia. Because many people don’t exercise, it will be inconvenient for them to do physical activities when they are old. In fact, they have to exercise more, so that their bodies will be more hale and hearty.

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"Music" Li Mei/Deng Zi "Horse"

"Horse" Singing: Li Mei/Deng Zi.

Obviously, people are still smelling incense in the morning, and they are still drinking pot in Kowloon Rongguan. Why don’t you just lie in? I am on the bank of Hongchuan River, standing in the ancient and mysterious city culture. The moonlight shakes and shakes, and I do math in English. All of a sudden, I’m still wondering where I am. My ear looks like a Chinese aunt. At first, I wanted to burn it carefully, and finally it was my turn to go back to the building. The fancy gun did a back flip, and the waist was tied with a horse stance just look. Play games more than anyone else, and then sing a concubine and overlord. The erhu on the stage of playing games is playing loudly, and the audience is pushing hard, and the playing games are more floating than anyone else. Peking opera blues’s figure performance swept the audience.

Highlights of the Super League finale: Shenzhen farewell battle, Dalian Nantong who was downgraded, Shenhua Zhejiang for the third place.

11moonfoursunhalf past three p.m.,2023The 2008 Super League is about to usher in a grand finale.eightThe Super League will kick off at the same time.16This team will play the last Super League match of this season. Advance at Shanghai seaportoneAfter winning the Super League championship, there are still several games worthy of attention in this round of Super League: First, the Shenzhen team, which has been demoted in advance, will face Beijing Guoan at home, which is not only a farewell battle for Shenzhen’s Super League, but also a farewell battle for football; Second, Dalian people.VSShanghai Harbor and Nantong ZhiyunVSThe results of these two games in Tianjin Jinmen Tiger will determine which team will be relegated; Third, Shanghai Shenhua will face Zhejiang at home, and the two teams will fight for the third place in the league to win the Asian League next season.2Qualifications for the competition.

ShenzhenVSBeijing Guoan.Shenzhen, which has been demoted in advance, will face Beijing Guoan at home, before Shenzhen.29Only won the last game.threeThe field is flat.threeField, come on.12Points, booked a demotion quota early, Beijing Guoan.48Super-ranked in sub-rankingssixA, the two sides this season’s first leg Beijing Guoan home.5:0Beat Shenzhen team. The result of this game has little influence on the ranking of both sides, but for the Shenzhen team, this is not only their last Super League game, but even the last battle of the team. According to relevant media reports, Shenzhen Football Club’s current unpaid wages (including tax) are approaching.10With the current situation, it is even difficult to pass the qualification examination of next season’s China A, and the possibility of dissolution is not ruled out. Even with the efforts of all parties, Shenzhen, which will play in China A next season, may be an all-China class like Guangzhou, and its return to the Super League will be in the foreseeable future. Therefore, there may be many Shenzhen fans going to the scene to watch the final game of Shenzhen’s Super League.

Dalian peopleVSShanghai seaport.Dalian people are currently20Super-ranked in sub-rankings15Name, lag behind the first14The famous Nantong branch cloud2Points, this round will be their relegation battle of life and death; Shanghai Seaport won the championship ahead of schedule in the last round, and this round has nothing to ask for, the first round between the two sides.1:1Draw. Dalian people are the first in the Super League.22wheel2:1After defeating Shenzhen, since thensevenThe super league only took it.2At present, the team, like the Shenzhen team, is in a crisis of survival. If relegation fails, it is likely to be abandoned by investors and become a "child without milk" next season. If Dalian people don’t win this game, they will definitely be relegated. If they win, it depends on the result of Nantong Zhiyun’s game. Therefore, for Dalian people, this game is not only a battle of relegation, but also a battle of life and death. If they win, they may not live, but if they lose, they will definitely die.

Nantong zhiyunVSTianjin Jinmen tiger.Another relegation battle was launched between Nantong Zhiyun and Tianjin Jinmen Tiger. Nantong Zhiyun is currently22Lead Dalian people in points2Rank first14Bit, as long as the final round wins, it will be relegated to success; If Nantong Zhiyun draws in the final round and Dalian wins, the two teams will score the same point, but because of their record relationship (Nantong Zhiyun plays Dalian)oneflatoneNegative), Nantong Zhiyun will be relegated, and Dalian people will be relegated successfully; If Dalian people don’t win, then Nantong Zhiyun can avoid relegation regardless of the outcome. Tianjin Jinmen tiger is currently accumulating.45Super-ranked in sub-rankingseight, both sides in the first round1:1Draw.

Shanghai ShenhuaVSZhejiang.This will be the most close match in this round, and the two teams are currently tied.fifty-twoPoints, Shenhua because of mutual record (Shenhua away in the first round1:0Won) ranked third, Zhejiang ranked fourth. After this round, there may be several results: if Shanghai Shenhua wins, it will rank third, and the Zhejiang team will determine the ranking with Chengdu; If Shenhua draws Zhejiang and Chengdu Rongcheng wins, then the three teams will be tied.53Points, compare the small cycle record between the three teams to determine the ranking, Chengdu Rongcheng2winoneflatoneThe best negative record ranked third, Shanghai Shenhua.onewin2flatoneNegative ranking fourth, Zhejiangonewinoneflat2Negative ranking fifth; If Shenhua loses to Zhejiang, then Zhejiang will rank third and Shanghai will rank fourth or fifth. The third team in the league can play in the AFC Champions League next season.2(After the restructuring, the second-level club competition of AFC is called AFC Champions League.2)。

Shanghai Shenhua has also entered the semi-final of the FA Cup. Their opponent is Qingdao Manatee. If they beat Qingdao Manatee, they will face Taishan in Shandong in the final. The FA Cup champion will participate in the AFC Champions League Classic next season together with the Super League champion (the first-level club competition of the AFC after the restructuring). By the way, the status of the cup champion is the same as that of the league champion, higher than that of the runner-up, which is extremely rare in leagues all over the world.

Shandong TaishanVSHenan.Shandong Taishan failed to win the Shanghai seaport in the last round, and has missed the Super League championship in advance. Currently,55Leading Shanghai Shenhua and Zhejiang teams.threePoints, due to the mutual advantage with Shanghai Shenhua and the same record with Zhejiang, and the total goal difference far exceeds that of Zhejiang team, Shandong Taishan has ensured the first place in the league regardless of the outcome of the final round.2First name. In addition, Shandong Taishan has entered the FA Cup final, and the opponent will be the winner between Shanghai Shenhua and Qingdao Manatee. If Shandong Taishan wins the FA Cup, then Shandong Taishan will play in the AFC Champions League next season with Shanghai Harbour. If Shandong Taishan loses in the FA Cup, it will be ranked first in the league.2Play in the AFC Champions League play-offs next season.

Therefore, for Taishan Mountain in Shandong Province, the final match of the Super League is not important, what is important is the FA Cup final. Henan team is currently36Super-ranked in sub-rankings10Bit, has been relegated ahead of schedule, the first round at home.0:1Losing to Shandong, the result of this league is not important for both sides, friendship comes first, and the game comes second.

Chengdu RongchengVSMeizhou Hakka.Chengdu Rongcheng is here.29Rear product of wheel50Super-ranked in sub-rankingsfiveName, if Chengdu Rongcheng wins this round and Shanghai Shenhua and Zhejiang draw, then Chengdu Rongcheng will rank first with the small round record between the three teams.threeName; Or Shanghai Shenhua beat Zhejiang this round and Shandong Taishan or Shanghai Shenhua won the FA Cup this season, then the Super League won the first place.fourA team will also have the opportunity to participate in the AFC Champions League next season.2Therefore, the final round of Chengdu Rongcheng is still motivated. However, for Chengdu Rongcheng fans, the most regrettable thing is that Miami International canceled coming to China and missed the opportunity to watch Messi’s game at home. Meizhou Hakka at present34Super-ranked in sub-rankings11Bit, relegation success in advance, has no desire. The first leg of the league between the two sides is Meizhou Hakka home.3:1Defeat Chengdu Rongcheng.

Cangzhou xiongshiVSQingdao manatee.Because of the relationship between Miami International and Messi, Qingdao Manatee is the hottest Super League team in recent years, and its popularity even exceeds that of Shanghai Harbour. Unfortunately, like Chengdu Rongcheng, it finally missed the opportunity to play against Messi. Cangzhou Xiongshi is currently30Super-ranked in sub-rankings12Qingdao manatee27Super-ranked in sub-rankings13Bit, both teams have been relegated ahead of schedule. By the way, Cangzhou Lions have already surpassed the Super League.eightIt’s not how well the Cangzhou lions played in the early stage, but that there are too many bad teams in the Super League, and the first round between the two sides.1:1Draw.

Changchun YataiVSThree towns in Wuhan.Changchun Yatai is currently39Super-ranked in sub-rankingsnineThree towns in Wuhan.48Super-ranked in sub-rankingssevenThree towns in Wuhan are at home in the first round of the two sides.2:1Beating Changchun Yatai, the result of this game will not have a big impact on the ranking of the two teams in the Super League this season. Considering that the three towns in Wuhan will have the AFC Champions Group match next, this game may give more opportunities to substitute players and young players.

No matter how many problems there are in the Super League, after all, this is our own league. I hope more fans can support the Super League.

Remarks: The pictures are from the Internet.

These games are super cute! Summarize the leisure mobile games worth playing in 2023.

What should I do if I encounter post-holiday syndrome after the Dragon Boat Festival holiday? Come and try these cute casual games that you can play when fishing! Including recent domestic and overseas new works, you can gain happiness by clicking occasionally.

I haven’t written casual games for a long time, never back down, a casual mobile game party!

National Travel Service

TapTap/App Store

The national costume has finally been launched in the near future. This game seems to restore all the inner imagination of beautiful scenery-blue sky, white clouds, leaves in the wind and fantasy planet in the sky. Because it is an independent game, according to the player’s words, the picture reveals a "poor and exquisite taste."

Use props to travel to all kinds of fantastic planets and bring the handwritten letters of the planet back to this clear grassland. Xiao Feng, who grew up in the wild grassland, will collect one memento mori after another, so that the photo album will be gradually enriched.

Does it sound like a teenage version of a traveling frog? But this memento mori is more linear and complete. Xiaofeng will find his childhood memories while waiting, and the player will reveal the real mystery of this world.

If you put it in your mobile phone and open it occasionally, you can have a healing world.

Frog pot

TapTap/iOS is temporarily unavailable.

The frog slept soundly in the pot. The pot is still warm, but it will boil soon. You want to wake it up.

"Once the temperature is too high, I will definitely go out."

"Sometimes it’s like this, you don’t want to do anything, you know."

The frog turned over. He feels that the water temperature is getting warmer and more comfortable. He wants to learn guitar recently. He wants to lie flat like this. What’s good about going out? It knows that going out is nothing, taking pains and having fun, and so on.

You know, it’s hard to pull a person who has fallen into a trough back to face the outside wind. But you can’t say what’s wrong. You have to come up anyway, right?

Frog Pot is an ultra-short linear visual novel that can be cleared in 5 minutes. Although it is simple, every sentence hits the player’s heart. There are 9000 players on TapTap who scored a high score of 9.7, and the comment area has become a tree hole for everyone to express their thoughts.

Everyone is the frog. Where should the frog be happy?

This question is too big, the answer is space, but everyone who has played the game will have an answer. Even just thinking about this problem has already taken a step from the pot.

Lonely bird

TapTap/App Store national area

In fact, it was launched a long time ago, but who would refuse a bird that is emotional, chirping and loves you wholeheartedly?

"Do you want to make friends with me?" Here is a bird. After a simple greeting, the game begins.

It’s easy to be friends with it. Go and see it every day, watch the starry sky together, sing songs behind the waterfall, pick oranges from the trees to feed your stomach, and each flower makes a different sound.

Birds will kiss up to your crooked paintings, cry for you, and occasionally get happy after emo.

You don’t talk much every day. It seems that you are trying your best to find your favorite topic every time. But just a few minutes is enough, and intimate friends don’t need to stay together all the time.

No matter what the final result is, you will always remember such a bosom friend, right?

"Although you are virtual, your company is not"

Next is the overseas game. Although the highly anticipated mobile game "Swaying Camping △" was just launched on June 15th, the previous game attracted more than 1 million global reservations with a picture, but after opening the service, everyone saw the familiar cultivation system. ……

It is indeed a real machine picture.

So I won’t introduce it here.

《Cat Snack Bar》

Outside Google play/App Store

Cat Snack Bar was launched overseas at the beginning of this year. In the small restaurant that opens when the sun rises, arrange cute Siberian cats, English short, muppets, Bangladeshi cats and cheese cats to entertain an endless stream of guests.

As long as the guests order, it is our cat’s business policy to do everything!

From such a humble little night platform:

A luxurious restaurant like this:

There is also a long line of cats waiting in line for dinner, and the main thing is a healing.

But don’t be scared by such a scale of business, because it is a game that secretly disguises itself as a game:

As long as they keep collecting gold coins and upgrading the technology of the world, such as adding a cat, raising the price of sandwiches and selling an extra drink, they will automatically work, and the digital suffix of the earned gold coins will be added from A to E. Therefore, it’s ok not to go to some technology and keep it waiting for the payment-as long as you can resist the temptation to upgrade a little.

When the business scale is enough, you can fly to another map to start a new business.

Boss, don’t you consider opening a restaurant?

Bonfire Cat Cafe

Google play/App Store country area

Cats are really the darling of casual games. Just after opening the food stall, I will come to the forest to sit around the bonfire, wooden crib and dining car for a picnic.

"Bonfire Cat Cafe" creates a dreamlike camp with a somewhat beautiful style, while employees and customers are moles who are keen on singing, rabbits who like lobsters, round cats and cool alpacas.

Everyone will leave some acorns for meals, and occasionally guests will come to tell you his strange life stories.

With these acorns, you can change from primitive wooden boards and stones to post-modern decoration filled with neon lights, and then go to the seaside and snow mountain to open two chain stores.

This game omits many numerical chains from raw material procurement to serving in simulated business games. The most thing you need to do is to learn new recipes according to the needs of guests and pick up acorns from the ground in time ….. so you are not so tired to play.

Diandian bakery to make bread

Seeing that your income has gone from tens to hundreds to tens of thousands, your sense of accomplishment is still very sufficient.

The sound of birds

Outside Google play/App Store

Cat Backyard and Traveling Frog, a new work by the studio, とりのぉと (The Voice of Birds). Collect musicians to sing on an occasion-all kinds of birds!

Musician Birds are also birds. As long as food and articles are placed in the square, they can be attracted to create a grand concert. I would like to call it the backyard of birds and birds.

Although the system is basically the same as Travelling Frog, and the props such as lady finger, Egg-shaped Bird’s Nest and Crystal Bed are also very simple to answer … But when the forest gets busy, there will be wonderful sounds of proposing marriage, guzheng and guitar flowing in the mobile phone.

And each one is very cute!

So, who can tell the developer to join the dock and French fries?

This recommendation ends here. Although there are fewer individual game developers in China, Japan and South Korea than in the previous two years, independent mobile games are relatively stretched, and our recommendations are correspondingly reduced. However, there are always excellent works constantly appearing to fill the gaps in players’ mobile phones. If you have a fun game recently discovered, please leave a message and share it with everyone!