How many of these technologies from NASA have you seen?

  Today viewpoint

  Aerospace gives people a special feeling of "high cold", which reminds them of advanced fighter planes and magnificent space stations that ordinary people can’t see, touch or use.

  A few days ago, the well-known American website "GOBankingRates" took stock of 25 kinds of technologies originated from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in our daily life, which spread all over our "food, clothing, housing and transportation". They come from the distant sky, but they are convenient for our daily life.

  Food: baby milk powder, freeze-dried fruit, food safety packaging.

  At present, more than 90% of infant formula in the United States contains microalgae. It was originally the product of NASA research, the purpose of which was to test the potential use of algae as an oxygen "recycling agent" in space travel.

  Freeze-dried fruit is a common snack. However, the purpose of NASA’s development of freeze-drying technology is to make the fruits in the Apollo mission easier to carry, and this technology can maintain 98% nutrition with 20% quality.

  In order to ensure the safety and quality control method of space flight food development, NASA has now become a food industry standard to protect the food safety of consumers all over the world.

  Life: memory foam mattress, scratch-resistant lenses, anti-ultraviolet sunglasses, cordless vacuum cleaner, Nike air-cushion sports shoes, space blankets, ski boots.

  Comfortable memory foam mattress can fully fit the human body and relieve stress, which is necessary for many families. Memorable foam was not originally used to make mattresses. It was originally developed by NASA to cushion the impact of spacecraft landing on astronauts.

  Compared with ordinary glass, scratch-resistant lenses have a longer life. In fact, the scratch-resistant coating is a "by-product" accidentally discovered by Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) under NASA when researching the diamond hard coating for aerospace.

  In 1980s, two scientists from JPL developed a kind of welding glasses, which can absorb, filter and scatter the strong light emitted during welding. Later, this technology was widely used in anti-ultraviolet sunglasses.

  Initially, Black&Decker was ordered to develop a portable device for Apollo and Gemini missions, which was used to extract samples from below the surface of the moon. This technology has been improved to become a "cordless vacuum cleaner".

  Nike air-cushioned sneakers use the patent of "Blow Rubber Molding" obtained by M. Frank Rudy, a former engineer of NASA. The initial application target of this technology is spacesuit.

  The space blanket is insulated and heat-preserved, which is an essential item for survival in the wild and marathon. But it was originally developed by NASA to protect spacecraft and astronauts at low temperatures.

  In addition, the technology used by NASA in the joints of spacesuits has been improved and used in ski boots, which improves the athletes’ control ability in skiing.

  Home: swimming pool purification system, household heat insulation materials.

  In order to resist the extremely low space temperature, NASA made an insulating material called "radiation barrier" from aluminized polyester. According to JPL, aluminized polyester is now used in most household insulation materials.

  In 1960s, NASA developed an electrolytic silver iodide filter to provide clean drinking water for astronauts, and now it is widely used to purify swimming pools.

  Travel: aircraft deicing system, precision GPS, anti-skid groove on highway, better tires.

  According to NASA’s technology transfer plan, civil aircraft can fly in cold weather, mainly due to a thermoelectric deicing system called Thermawing developed by NASA.

  Many mobile phones are equipped with precision GPS technology developed by JPL, and its data comes from JPL global GPS receiver network. Even if there is no wireless connection, you can still use GPS positioning on your mobile phone.

  NASA’s Langley Research Center has developed anti-skid slot technology to prevent aircraft accidents on wet runways. Later, this technology was widely used in expressways.

  In 1970s, Goodyear Company developed a new tire material for NASA Viking Mars probe, which was used in parachute system. This technology was later used to improve ordinary tires, increasing their life by 10,000 miles.

  Electronic products: mobile phone camera, notebook computer, high-power solar cell, wireless headset, mouse, CAT scanner.

  In the 1990s, NASA asked JPL scientists to make a miniature camera that can be installed on spacecraft while ensuring the quality of photography. According to JPL, one-third of mobile phone cameras now use this technology.

  According to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, "Grid Compass" is the first notebook computer in the world. It was first used in the space shuttle mission in 1983, which is one of the inventions of NASA.

  The crystalline silicon solar cells used in the home originally came from the lightweight solar energy system developed by the Environmental Research Aircraft and Sensor Technology Alliance under NASA for electric aircraft.

  NASA has developed wireless headphones for astronauts to facilitate their communication. Now this technology has entered thousands of households.

  According to JPL, a NASA researcher developed a computer mouse in the 1960s, which allowed users to operate on the computer screen and made the computer more interactive.

  JPL initially developed a CAT scanner to scan aerospace components to get advanced digital images to detect defects. Now, it has become a commonly used medical instrument.

  Medical care: cochlear implant, invisible dental appliance, ear temperature thermometer.

  Adam Kiser, an engineer at Kennedy Space Center, used his working experience in electronic, sound and vibration sensor systems in the space shuttle project to develop early cochlear implants by using electric pulses instead of sound amplification technology.

  Compared with the traditional metal appliance, the invisible dental appliance is more beautiful. It is made of transparent polycrystalline alumina, which was originally developed by NASA to track heat-seeking missiles.

  Nowadays, many parents use ear thermometer to measure the temperature of sick babies or young children. According to JPL, this thermometer adopts infrared dissection technology invented by NASA and Diatek.

  There is always one of these 25 technologies that you have seen, touched and used. Aerospace technology can not only be used in high space, but also improve our quality of life after landing, which is one of the driving forces for human beings to explore and fly higher and farther.

  (Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, July 8 th)

Cherry in Jiangxian County, Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province: From Webcast Room to Big Market

Shanxi Economic Daily reporter Liu Yefei

Xue Yuntao, member of the Standing Committee of Jiangxian County Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department (first from the right), turned into a network anchor to introduce Jiangxi cherry to netizens. Shanxi Economic Daily reporter Liu Yefei photo

A few days ago, the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Jiangxian County and other agriculture-related departments launched a one-month "Cherry is beautiful, peaches are drunk-the first online cherry culture publicity activity in Jiangxian County" during the cherry harvesting and sales period. Through live webcasting, the cherry sales channels were unblocked, and the impact of the epidemic on the sale of big cherries was alleviated, which sold a good price and solved the urgent needs of farmers.

"Today, I recommend this selenium-rich big cherry in Jiangxian County to everyone …" In the cherry planting shed in Donglu Village, Hengshui Town, Jiangxian County, Zheng Piaosha, a grassroots cadre, turned into an anchor with goods in the live broadcast room in Tik Tok, constantly introducing the benefits of the big cherry in Jiangxian County to netizens.

"The cherry is ripe, but because the epidemic can’t be sold and the market is not good, our whole family is very anxious." Dong Jianzhong is a cherry grower in Donglu Village, Hengshui Town, Jiangxian County. At present, cherry is in its mature stage. Big cherries with bright color, good quality and sweet taste are covered with branches, but how to sell them under the epidemic situation has become a difficult problem at present. 

Jiangxian Big Cherry enjoys a long-standing reputation, with a long planting history and excellent quality. It is the largest cherry planting base in North China. At present, the planting area of big cherry in the county is about 40 thousand mu, of which about 3000 mu is cultivated in greenhouse facilities. The selenium-enriched cherries here have long illumination time, high sweetness and good quality, and have been the main source of income for local farmers for many years. At present, as the weather gets warmer, 3,000 acres of big cherry in greenhouse are coming into the market one after another. 

In order to help fruit farmers solve difficulties and explore local and surrounding markets in time, the online cherry culture publicity activities in Jiangxian County have played a great role. "Live for two hours every day, and you can probably sell more than 20,000 yuan on average. Through the live broadcast room, not only a large number of merchants were attracted, but more importantly, all the cultural tourism and investment promotion policies in Jixian County were publicized. " Zhang Chengyun, a grassroots cadre in Jixian County, said.

"These days, through the live broadcast platform, our cherries can sell for 10,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan a day, and the price is good. Compared with previous years, it can basically be flat." Through the live broadcast, the cherries planted by Dong Jianzhong quickly reached the table of consumers. 

It is understood that at present, the direct sales of the cherry live broadcast activity in Jixian County has reached 323,000 yuan, and it has also attracted a large number of merchants, all of which have been handed over to cooperatives and farmers, and there are still 30 live broadcasts to be carried out. 

The reporter learned that the agriculture-related departments such as the Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Jiangxian County, during the cherry harvesting and sales period, summarize the number of ripe acres, varieties, maturity, varieties and quantities to be sold, varieties and quantities sold, etc. every three days, accurately grasp the base, communicate and coordinate at any time, dispatch and contact, and take various measures to make farmers have a bumper harvest. The county party committee and government of Jiangxian county coordinated the prevention and control of epidemic situation and economic and social development, and combined with local conditions, provided accurate and considerate services such as tracking service of cherry sales service, point-to-point transportation, source organization, and issuance of "pass" for outbound vehicles, so as to achieve the prevention and control of epidemic situation and cherry sales, and do their best to reduce the economic losses of fruit farmers.

Moral cultivation determines the therapeutic effect? On how the ancients in China recognized diseases from novels.

Recently, due to the outbreak of pneumonia in Covid-19, its virus source has been traced back to wild animals, so even the eating of game in A Dream of Red Mansions and the illness of the characters in the novel have attracted some people’s attention. Although scholars can’t see any connection between eating game and getting sick from combing the relevant contents of A Dream of Red Mansions, it also leads me to think about another more common problem of correlation.
In China’s ancient novels, the writing about people’s illness and treatment is often not a purely pathological or medical treatment problem, but inextricably intertwined with people’s moral cultivation.
As mentioned in the "Speech" article of the early novel Shi Shuo Xin Yu, a child in the Western Jin Dynasty went out to ask for medicine because of his father’s malaria, and some people sarcastically said to his father, "How can such a noble gentleman ("Ming De gentleman ") suffer from such a bad disease? The child responded quickly and replied: it is specially designed to harm the gentleman, so it is called a bad disease! Although such an answer is quite witty and textbook-style, on closer examination, the child’s answer belongs to the concept of stealing and changing the identification of a gentleman into the identification of a disease. But the reason why the child had to steal the concept was because he couldn’t refute a social consensus at that time, that is, he thought that a gentleman could resist the attack of disease by virtue of his own moral cultivation.
With the thought of karma deeply rooted in people’s hearts, people in ancient times have become accustomed to thinking that personal moral losses will not only make diseases invade themselves, but also affect their children. Conversely, relying on people’s moral cultivation can also produce mysterious healing power for diseases. At that time, there was an article in the strange novel Xuan Yan Ji, which was quite representative. The novel writes:
The Zhou family has three sons, and they can’t speak. One day, someone came to beg for a drink, heard the voice of his son, asked him, and it was true. The guest said, "You have sinned, but you can still think about it." Zhou Yi’s words are very strange. For a long time, it is a cloud: "I don’t remember my sins." The guest said, "Try to think more about your childhood." When I entered the room, I ate my food, and when I went out, I said, "When I remember a child, when there is a swallow’s nest in the bed, there are three children in it, and the mother still feeds it, so I can eat it out and raise my hand under the house; Refers to the nest, the swallow also exports to bear. And take three thistles and swallow them each, both of which are dead. When the mother returns, she doesn’t see her son, she mourns and goes away, and she always regrets herself. " The guest turned into a Taoist, saying, "Since you know that you regret it, your sin is now removed!" I heard that his words were Zhou Zheng, that is, I did not see the Taoist.
Here, the description of the causes of Zhou’s three sons’ natural dumb diseases is completely the punishment of Zhou’s killing behavior in his childhood, and once Zhou has repented, the children’s diseases will be cured without medical treatment. Although religious moral principles play a dominant role in the novel, we can’t ignore the role of different levels of cognitive structure of different living beings. Because Swallow, Zhou’s family and Taoist belong to three different levels of the cognitive world, Zhou can easily fool Swallow into swallowing Tribulus, but he can’t understand why his three sons are dumb. Only when the Taoist priest above his cognitive level came to enlighten him did he raise his cognition to a new level and make him sincerely regret his past. That is to say, only when Zhou can realize the far-reaching consequences of his actions, the cognitive limitation of swallows is no longer a limitation for people, and people also raise their cognitive level to the height of people who are enlightened. The novel shows that the so-called differences in the cognitive level of the three levels essentially depend on the actions of people at the middle level, and the plot conflict developed from people’s cognitive conflict constitutes the moving power of art.
In this way, the novel suggests that the behavior of the characters in the novel has unpredictable consequences, which makes people feel moral awe of all things in nature, making this novel have extensive metaphorical value.
Of course, even if the value of this novel can be understood at the metaphorical level, we can’t ignore that there is a defect in the process of its plot development, that is, the natural mechanism of human life is basically ignored, and the disease problem is completely related to human religious morality, which shows that such an artistic vision, although it has a broader thinking beyond the role of life, is too simple and rough precisely because it overemphasizes the moral force and ignores the writing of the life mechanism itself.
In contrast, the writing about medical diseases in A Dream of Red Mansions is far more comprehensive and in-depth. On the one hand, of course, it is a million words long, which makes it possible to show the panoramic life of the characters; On the other hand, it is also the author who has a more dialectical understanding of the relationship between medical treatment and morality.
For example, at the beginning of the novel, it is said that Jia Rui died of illness, which is of course due to repeated teasing by Wang Xifeng, which leads to cold and illness, but it is also directly related to his own indiscretion and uncontrollable desire. In this sense, "Feng Yue Bao Jian" plays an admonishing role in the moral cultivation of the world. And then continue to write Qin Keqing, Qin Zhong’s untimely death, more or less also has this meaning, especially writing Qin Keqing and Jia Zhen’s behavior, suggesting that they may have moral incest, which was once a special topic in the study of Red Mansions. However, directly or indirectly implying the correlation between people’s moral cultivation and diseases is only one aspect of the writing of A Dream of Red Mansions and the author’s adaptation to traditional ideas. More importantly, the author deliberately cut this connection with another pen and ink.
The twenty-first time I wrote that Wang Xifeng’s daughter, eldest sister, had a very dangerous pox (smallpox). In addition to inviting doctors to stay at home day and night for nursing, medication conditioning and offering sacrifices to the acne queen at home, Xifeng also isolated her family and let Jia Lian move to the study room. This is of course because acne rash is highly contagious, and isolation from family members can effectively prevent infection. But the special function is that letting Jia Lian move out is still a moral requirement for the host and hostess, which is in harmony with the pious attitude of offering sacrifices to the acne queen at home. The problem is that in the next ten days, although Wang Xifeng did this, Jia Lian could not. He had an affair with the cook’s wife, many girls, which was obviously a more serious moral impurity according to the mainstream attitude of the society at that time.
Surprisingly, the novel goes on to say that Jia Lian’s immoral behavior doesn’t seem to offend the acne queen, let alone hinder the elder sister’s recovery. The treatment itself is the most effective. Although Jia Lian was not careful, he was hidden by Pinger, and did not let Xifeng find out, which finally made everyone get a satisfactory ending. Therefore, from the actual effect writing of this isolation, we find that the author’s "isolation" of moral influence is to isolate the influence that is thought to be ubiquitous in the traditional concept from the novel. But this isolation does not mean that the author totally denies the influence of morality or immorality on illness and treatment, otherwise he will not write so much about the death of Jia Rui, and he will not totally deny the positive effect of morality. But at least in the description of this incident, he denied the mysterious power of realizing morality by providence.
What needs to be added is that when the older sister who grew up later encountered difficulties in life, Grandma Liu did not hesitate to rescue her after learning about it. Because Wang Xifeng once rescued Granny Liu, a kind of moral behavior based on interpersonal communication finally had a feedback effect. This kind of resetting the mystery of moral cause and effect of heaven with human communication is one of the reasons why Cao Xueqin is better than traditional novelists.
(Zhan Dan is a professor at the School of Humanities, Shanghai Normal University)
Source: Wen Wei Po

First frost today | The last solar term in autumn has come. Do you know all this knowledge?

"A night of frost and cold wood leaves"
Today, we welcome 24 solar terms.
The eighteenth solar term
It is also the last solar term in autumn-first frost.
This is the last solar term in autumn.
The climate changed from cool to cold.
Everything grows bleak with the cold.
  First frost is the beginning of the transition from autumn to winter.
The weather is getting colder and the first frost appears.
The vegetation began to yellow.
What are the customs of "first frost"?
What is "first frost Third Waiting"?
This knowledge,
Watch it with Xiaobian!

First frost Sanhou

A jackal is a sacrificial animal.
This time of year
The prey that the jackal will catch.
"Display" before eating.
It’s like holding a "animal sacrifice" ceremony.

Second, the vegetation falls yellow.

Boundless falling trees rustle down

As if overnight.

Golden color covered the whole city.

Autumn leaves fall and fly.

The west wind is rolling, and the vegetation is dying.

It’s a unique scene in this season.

Three-waiting stinging insects are salty and prone.

Sting insects curl up in holes and don’t eat.

Hang one’s head and go into hibernation

Nature at this time

Present a kind of quiet beauty

Like a spiritual attitude.

Expect a new life


First frost custom

Eat persimmon


In some parts of our country, red persimmons should be eaten in first frost season. In the eyes of local people, this can not only keep out the cold and keep warm, but also strengthen the bones and muscles. The old man in Quanzhou said that first frost ate persimmons: first frost ate diced persimmons, and his nose wouldn’t run.


Eat duck

In Minnan area and Taiwan Province area, first frost will take supplements on this day, which is often called "sticking autumn fat" in the north. There is a proverb in southern Fujian, which is called "It is better to make up for first frost in one year", which fully expresses the importance that Fujian and Taiwan people attach to the solar term of first frost. Every time in first frost, ducks in Fujian and Taiwan are very popular.

Chrysanthemum viewing

In ancient times, there was a saying that "frost hits chrysanthemums". In the eyes of the ancients, chrysanthemums have unusual cultural significance, and climbing the mountain to enjoy chrysanthemums is also one of the elegant things that literati must do in first frost.

First frost season is the time when autumn chrysanthemums are in full bloom. Many places will hold chrysanthemum parties at this time to enjoy chrysanthemums and drink alcohol, so as to show their respect and love for chrysanthemums.

Taro delivery ghost

Children build the Vatican Tower with tiles, put firewood in the tower and light it. When the tiles burn red, they destroy the tower to simmer taro, which is called "taro pot", and then throw the tiles outside the village, which is called "taro-sending ghost", in order to eliminate the ominous, which shows people’s simple auspicious concept.

ascend a height


In autumn, the air in mountains and mountains is fresh, and there are less floating dust and pollutants in the atmosphere. Climbing to the top and overlooking in first frost season can not only make the function of the lungs comfortable, but also make people feel relaxed and relaxed.


"Three Preventions" in first frost

First, prevent autumn dryness

As the last solar term in autumn, the weather in first frost is getting colder, and autumn dryness is obvious, which is prone to dry mouth, dry lips, dry throat, constipation, dry skin and other phenomena, and dryness is easy to hurt body fluids.

Second, prevent autumn depression

In late autumn, the weather is getting colder, the plants are yellow, the leaves and fruits are falling, and everything is bleak, which is easy to cause anxiety and make people depressed and depressed.

Three defenses against autumn cold


First frost solar terms, the temperature plummeted, this time node is no longer suitable for "autumn freezing". For the elderly and children with poor resistance, clothes should be increased or decreased on time, so as to avoid the invasion of damp and cold pathogens and lead to illness.


First frost’s poetry

First frost.
Heshui Zuo
Once in autumn and dusk, it becomes frost, and some parts condense and some parts are yang.
The lotus is defeated by a thousand pools, and the cotton is harvested in thousands of hectares.
Fu De Jiu Yue Jin (Autumn Word)
Yuan Zhen
After first frost’s 30th birthday, he left a Ye Qiu.
Xuanyin welcomes the sunset, and the cool spirit is exhausted.
In the middle of the night, the ashes moved, and the Ming emperor was imperial.
Pan An spent this evening, so don’t worry about chanting.
Boating boat for Xu yi
Wei Jian
Boating a boat in Huai River, first frost flows in the evening.
The tide invaded the shore for a long time at night, and the cold moon approached the city.
Pingsha depends on geese to stay, waiting for the pavilion to listen to chickens.
Beyond the clouds, who can care about travel?
Autumn Huai Feng sends Zhu Bu Que
Wu Yuanheng
On the garden numerous first frost, poets began to hate.
White clouds are deep and ugly, and decaying grass is everywhere.
In the twilight and autumn, the smoke is heavy, and the cold sound is empty.
Pan Shengqiu thinks hard, and Tao makes the world feel sparse.
It has been made into a land tax, and it is still a good idea to hunt books.
I don’t know what the score is like.


Year’s Eve
Bai Juyi
In first frost, the water returns to the valley, and the wind falls to the mountain.
Ran Ran will have a banquet at the age of 20, and everything will return to its original source.
Why did you move to the south? You haven’t returned it for five years.
The fate of the chariot has been fixed, and the heart will be safe for a long time.
Also taste the heart and mouth, quietly read and speak privately.
Going to the country is not fun, but returning home may not be fun.
Why bother? It’s easier to give up than to ask for it.

Xiaobian reminder


When the days are cool and the nights are long, people’s appetite is wide open, and the daily calorie intake of the human body easily exceeds the calorie consumption, so that fat is accumulated little by little. If it is not adjusted, people will gain a lot of weight after autumn and winter. Therefore, we should pay attention to a reasonable diet and proper exercise.

This article is integrated from | Xinhuanet, People’s Daily, People’s Daily, etc.
Editor | Du Runnan
The pictures in this article were all taken by Xiaobian.

Paris Olympic Volleyball Qualifying Tournament settled in China, and the group draw was held on March 17th.

  Image source: FIVB website.

  BEIJING, March 9 (Xinhua) According to the China Volleyball Association, some qualifying matches of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games will be held in China. Among the host countries of the Paris Olympic Qualifying Tournament announced by FIVB, China, Japan and Poland will be the venue for women’s qualifying matches, and China, Japan and Brazil will be the venue for men’s qualifying matches.

  The women’s qualifying tournament for the Paris Olympic Games will be held from September 16th to 24th, 2023, and the men’s qualifying tournament will be held from September 30th to October 8th.

  There will be 24 teams in the men’s and women’s volleyball qualifying competition, which will be divided into three groups, with 8 teams in each group playing single round robin, and the top 2 teams in each group will qualify for the Paris Olympic Games. The remaining qualifications will be generated according to the world rankings after the 2024 World Volleyball League sub-competition.

  On March 17th, 2023, the FIVB will hold a draw for men’s and women’s volleyball teams in Lausanne, Switzerland, and then the teams of each group will be determined.

Rare parasitic fetus! Guangzhou doctor skillfully picked 25 cm "volleyball" in the belly of an 8-year-old girl.

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Lin QingqingCorrespondent Song Liping Cha GuanlinFigure/provided by the hospital
Xiaoqiu (Hua surname), an 8-year-old girl, is thinner than a child of the same age, weighing only 40 kilograms, but her stomach bulges like a volleyball, and the diameter of the "tumor" in her abdomen reaches 25 centimeters.
After examination, this "tumor" is a huge parasitic fetus and a rare congenital disease in the world. Genetically, it is also called "fetal fetus", and the incidence rate is about one in five hundred thousand. At present, only more than 200 cases have been reported in the global related literature.
A few days ago, the team of experts in gastrointestinal surgery of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine once again challenged the difficulty, and the giant tumor was successfully removed for Xiaoqiu in 65 minutes. Xiaoqiu recovered and was discharged 8 days after operation. This is also the first time that Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has completed the excision of giant parasitic fetus in children.
An 8-year-old girl is pregnant with a rare giant tumor.
On July 1st, last Saturday, Diao Dechang, director of Gastrointestinal Cancer Center of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, turned down the invitation of academic lectures and drove to Lianzhou People’s Hospital for three hours. There are a pair of anxious parents waiting for him.
At the end of 2014, Xiaoqiu was born in a rural family in Lianzhou City. However, when she was one year old, the local doctor told her parents that Xiaoqiu was suspected of having a tumor in her body. Because of the poor equipment, it was impossible to clearly diagnose the size and nature of the tumor. Seeing that Xiaoqiu did not show obvious discomfort, Xiaoqiu’s parents took Xiaoqiu home with luck.
Since June this year, Xiaoqiu has always felt pain in her upper abdomen. Compared with her thin body, her stomach is getting bigger and bigger, and sometimes it is difficult to breathe, which seriously affects her daily activities. After examination by the hospital, it was found that Xiaoqiu had a huge "tumor" in his body, which severely oppressed the liver, great abdominal vessels and diaphragm, and the corresponding organs were severely squeezed and deformed. Due to the lack of relevant diagnosis and treatment experience, the local hospital contacted Diao Dechang, director of the Gastrointestinal Cancer Center of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
The moment I saw Xiaoqiu, Diao Dechang was shocked. In the thin body, the tumor is the size of a volleyball! Through abdominal examination, Diao Dechang felt the hard nodules like bones. The tumor was hard and could not be pushed, indicating that the tumor had formed dense adhesion with the surrounding organs and tissues, and even invaded the surrounding organs.
The results of imaging examination show that the tumor is located at the core of abdominal life, which pushes up against the heart and right lung, pushes forward and surrounds the inferior vena cava. The difficulty of the operation can be imagined, and it may damage the great blood vessels and endanger life at any time. Faced with this extremely difficult and risky case, Diao Dechang decided to transfer the little girl to Guangzhou for further diagnosis and treatment.
65 minutes of surgery successfully "disarmed"
After Xiaoqiu came to the Provincial Gastrointestinal Tumor Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine, preoperative CT showed that the tumor was located in the retroperitoneum of the right upper abdomen, which was considered as a rare giant parasitic fetus in the body, located in the retroperitoneal area behind the right liver, with a diameter of 25 cm. Because the parasitic fetus has already died, it has a neoplastic growth. The tumor wraps and pushes the inferior vena cava forward to the vicinity of the anterior abdominal wall, and pushes the abdominal aorta to the left severely. The liver was severely squeezed into an irregular sickle shape by the tumor, and the right kidney was squeezed downward into a triangle shape, so the renal blood vessels could not be distinguished. The diaphragm is also obviously squeezed upward and lifted upward, resulting in severe compression of the right lung and damage to the function of the right lung.
The most challenging thing is that there is no dividing line between the tumor and the organ, and the operation is very likely to damage the abdominal aorta or inferior vena cava and lead to massive bleeding and death. The anatomical separation of hilar region and hilar region is also extremely difficult, and unpredictable events may be fatal at any time.
At the same time, surgery is also a great test for children’s lung function and heart function. The removal of tumor will easily lead to the instantaneous expansion of peripheral blood vessels, which will lead to the decrease of blood return, which will lead to the decrease of blood pressure, and even lead to cardiac arrest in severe cases. However, the long-term compression of the tumor on the right lung leads to a serious reduction in the volume of the right lung, which is also an important problem that leads to lung dysfunction during and after surgery.
In order to ensure the smooth operation, the team of director Diao Dechang of the Hospital Gastrointestinal Cancer Center organized many discussions in the hospital. The anesthesiology department, pediatrics department, critical care department, blood transfusion department and other departments of the hospital conducted multi-disciplinary consultation before operation, and prepared sufficient surgical plans for various possible surgical situations.
At 9: 00 am on July 7th, Professor Diao Dechang performed the operation, with the assistance of Dr. Xiong Wenjun and Dr. Li Jin, and Professor Zhong Min presided over the anesthesia. When Diao Dechang opened the abdominal cavity, he saw that the thick inferior vena cava of the thumb was surrounded by the tumor at 270 degrees and pushed forward under the abdominal wall. Most of the tumors are surrounded by the liver, intestine and abdominal vessels, and only the palm-sized "tip of the iceberg" can be seen.
These pipes of children are as thin as toothpicks and may be damaged at any time. Diao Dechang successfully separated these pipes from the tumor by using the characteristic technology of the hospital-suction and curettage anatomy technology.
Subsequently, the surgical team carefully unwrapped the tumor from various wraps such as inferior vena cava and abdominal aorta. The tumor was completely removed! The operation took only 65 minutes and the bleeding was only 20 ml. Under the careful treatment of all the medical staff in the gastrointestinal surgery department of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Xiaoqiu was discharged from the hospital on the eighth day after the operation.
"Thank you so much! Director Diao, you are a great benefactor of our family! " When he was discharged from the hospital, Xiaoqiu’s father held Diao Dechang’s hand tightly and thanked him excitedly. (For more news, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pai
Source | Yangcheng Evening News Yangcheng SchoolEditor | Liang ShanyinProofreading | Zhu Aiting

Minimum MINUS 11°C! It will continue to snow in Guangxi!

On January 22,
Many places in Guangxi ushered in the first snow this year.
In xing an, Guanyang County, Guilin,
Ziyuan County, quanzhou county, lingyun county of Baise,
Rongshui Miao Autonomous County in Liuzhou,
Fengshan county in Hechi,
You can enjoy it
Snowflakes are flying all over the sky, and the beauty of the earth is wrapped in silver.
This strong cold air is really "frozen".
It has brought a rich weather "gift package" to Guangxi.
In addition to cooling, rainfall and strong winds,
Sleet, freezing rain and freezing are also on the line!
▲ Snowman in Guilin citizen’s pile. Photo courtesy of respondents
▲ On January 22 nd, there was a beautiful view of ice in Daming Mountain in Nanning. Lu hengxing
Statistics of Guangxi Meteorological Observatory,
Since the 19th, affected by cold air,
Guangxi continues to cool down,
Average daily temperature in most parts of the region
8 ~ 13℃, local 14℃ above;
Guilin, Liuzhou, Hezhou, Laibin,
Eight cities in Hechi, Baise, Nanning and Yulin
The lowest temperature in some areas is below 0℃.
The lowest is -8.3℃ in Guali Township, Ziyuan County, Guilin City.
In terms of rainfall,
There are moderate rains, local heavy rains and heavy rains in northern and western Guangxi.
There is light rain on cloudy days in other parts of Guangxi.
From 20: 00 on the 18th to 8: 00 on the 22nd,
Accumulated rainfall is greater than 100mm.
There are Maoershan (124.2 mm) in Xing ‘an, Guilin,
Liujiang Sanjiang Gaoji Township (102.2 mm),
50 ~ 100 mm
There are 95 townships in 23 counties (cities, districts) in 5 cities.
In addition, 25 counties (cities, districts) in Guangxi
Snow, sleet, freezing rain,
Freezing or road freezing;
Guilin, Liuzhou, Hechi, Baise,
Nanning, Qinzhou, Fangchenggang, Beihai and other cities
There is a strong wind of magnitude 8 or above.
▲ Snow scene in the suburbs of Guilin. Photo courtesy of respondents
January 22nd
Guangxi meteorological observatory continues to release
Low temperature blue warning and frozen yellow warning
Guangxi meteorological bureau
Level III Emergency Response to Major Meteorological Disasters (Cold)
Continue to take effect
▲ There is snow on the windowsill of the building near the East-West Lane in Guilin. Photo courtesy of respondents
The meteorological department expects
Affected by the continued replenishment of cold air
There are still in Guangxi from the 22 nd to the 24 th
Obvious low temperature, rain, snow and freezing weather
Maintain low temperature and cold weather from 25th to 27th.
At present, the 0℃ line has been pressed south into northern Guangxi.
It is expected that the 0℃ line will be pressed south to central Guangxi on the morning of the 23rd.
Next 3 days
The temperature in most parts of Guangxi is hovering in single digits.
The lowest temperature will appear on the morning of the 23rd.
Cold mountain area-11 ~-3℃
It is-3 ~ 1℃ in the northeast of Guangxi and 1 ~ 6℃ in other areas.
In addition, cold air will mix with warm and humid air.
Fighting over Guangxi
Guangxi will continue to be affected
Rainy and wet "magic attack"
Remember to bring rain gear when you go out.
▲ On January 22nd, it was raining at low temperature in Nanning, and citizens traveled with umbrellas. South China Morning Post All-Media Reporter You Yongjun Photo
Anyway, the next few days
Still cold and cold!
When will the weather in Guangxi get warmer?
The temperature began to rise after 24 days.
But the recovery is very difficult and slow.
It is difficult for the temperature to rise before the 28th.
This cold, snowy and freezing weather
Will continue to maintain
Little friends these days
Put down jackets, autumn clothes and trousers,
Put on all the clothes with velvet and thickening.
Hot water bottles, small sun and electric blankets are all used.
Turn on the air conditioner for heating and bake it on fire.
But remember to pay attention to the safety of using fire and electricity
The specific forecast is as follows:
23 rd: There is light snow, sleet, freezing rain, freezing and road icing in the alpine mountainous area and northeast Guangxi; There is light rain and local moderate rain on cloudy days in other parts of the region. There are 5 ~ 6 gusts and 7 ~ 8 northerly winds in eastern and southern Guangxi. Minimum temperature:-11 ~-3℃ in alpine mountain area,-3 ~ 1℃ in northeast Guangxi, and 1 ~ 6℃ in other areas.
24 ~ 26: there are sleet, freezing rain, freezing and road icing in the alpine mountainous area and northern Guangxi; There are scattered light rains on cloudy days in other parts of the region. Minimum temperature:-10 ~-2℃ in alpine mountain area,-2 ~ 2℃ in northeast Guangxi, and 2 ~ 7℃ in other areas.
27th: The whole region is cloudy, with light rain and local moderate rain in northern and western Guangxi. Minimum temperature:-2 ~ 4℃ in alpine mountain area, 4 ~ 6℃ in northeast Guangxi and 6 ~ 10℃ in other areas.
Reporter Li Yingxia/Wen, You Yongjun/Tu
Source: South China Morning Post

Ordinary figures build a series of security barriers.

Zeng Qiuju and community workers publicized the knowledge of epidemic prevention and control.

 Deng Xiaohu, a community doctor, helped the residents to do a detailed examination.

"If we climb one more floor, we can reduce the possibility of virus transmission." "If we buy more, we can guarantee the supply of food baskets for everyone." Community prevention and control is the first line of defense against the epidemic in COVID-19. In the past few days, the "most beautiful retrograde" around us has been jointly controlled and fearless in the epidemic, building a safety barrier.

Work together to overcome the difficulties. In this epidemic, community secretaries, volunteers, retired people, caring people, drivers, etc. appeared in every corner of urban and rural areas, and became a warm-hearted force in prevention and control.

Sanxiang Metropolis Daily reporter Bu Lan reports.

Community epidemic prevention personnel:

Grandpa died of illness, and he fought back his grief and went to work.

"Resolutely win the epidemic prevention and control war!" On January 29th, in Xiufeng Sub-district Office, Kaifu District, Changsha City, party member Commando, composed of 49 party member, made a solemn oath. Yao Jing, the vice captain standing in the front row, has a firm eye, but everyone doesn’t know that his elderly grandfather in his hometown is dying.

On January 28th, more than 30 Hubei guests stayed in a designated hotel in Xiufeng Street. Street commandos entered the hotel as quickly as possible. After Yao Jing was busy, she arranged for the team members to take turns on duty and do a good job in prevention, control and service. Because he is in charge of the health line among the members of the street team, from the New Year’s Eve, he has been involved in the epidemic prevention work all the time, going deep into the house-to-house investigation of the community and turning around for several days. However, at noon on January 29, the most feared news came, and grandpa left this world.

"The most kind smile never see again, I’m sorry! Grandpa walked all the way! " After writing this passage in a circle of friends, Yao Jing held back her sadness and devoted herself to the frontline epidemic prevention work.

Community aunt:

Changing patterns to supplement nutrition for front-line workers

"Since the New Year’s Eve, the community has been posting notices in the community. The staff eat instant noodles every day and work overtime until midnight. I really feel sorry for them. " Zeng Qiuju, who lives in Lifa New Town Community, Muyun Street, Tianxin District, Changsha, said that although he has retired, he also wants to do something for the community.

From January 30th, every morning at 8: 00, Zeng Qiuju, 57, will go to the nearby supermarket to buy food early. After coming back to disinfect the kitchen, he will start cooking rice to ensure that five dishes and one soup can be served on time at 12 noon.

Zeng Qiuju will cook in a variety of ways according to everyone’s preferences, such as bean paste, fried radish skin with bacon, stewed chicken, seaweed and egg soup, etc. After cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks, Zeng Qiuju will go with the community workers to check the epidemic prevention situation in the jurisdiction, such as registering the business situation of surrounding stores, community disinfection, epidemic prevention publicity and so on.

Community doctor:

Crush one’s head and extract specimens for suspected objects

Since January 22, Deng Xiaohu, deputy chief physician of Qingyuan Street Community Health Service Center in Tianxin District, Changsha City, has been working, visiting households, checking and monitoring every day, publicizing protection knowledge, and walking in a hurry.

Deng Xiaohu visits more than 10 families every day. Once the suspected person is found, it is necessary to take his temperature, ask about the contact history, guide the matters needing attention, register it, and carry out dynamic monitoring.

At 9 o’clock on New Year’s Eve, he received an urgent call. A girl in her twenties needed medical observation because she was taking care of her grandmother who was diagnosed in novel coronavirus. "After I put on protective clothing, I was sweating all over, and even my goggles were water mist. In this case, it is very easy to be infected to extract secretions from the throat of the suspected object. At that time, it was really hard on the scalp. "

Community police: I had a special "reunion dinner" with my family through video.

On January 24th, New Year’s Eve, Yan Xiaodan, a community policeman at the vault police station of Yuhua Public Security Bureau in Changsha City, and his wife, elderly parents and young daughter who couldn’t go home at the same post had a special "reunion dinner" through WeChat video.

Yan Xiaodan’s wife is a pediatrician in the Provincial People’s Hospital. She went to the front line years ago and hasn’t come home yet. As a community policeman, since New Year’s Eve, Yan Xiaodan has been carrying out epidemic prevention propaganda in the community and checking the personnel and vehicles in the jurisdiction, cleaning up the entertainment places and mahjong halls that are still open in the jurisdiction, and has been on duty for several days.

The epidemic was urgent, and both husband and wife were fighting at the front. When thinking about his family, Yan Xiaodan can only report his work status to his family through WeChat video connection and encourage each other. "Since our husband and wife are engaged in this profession, we must undertake the mission entrusted to us by the profession."

Community driver: Take a cot and get ready to drive at any time.

On January 26th, Lei Dongqiang went to the Eden Medical Park to purchase protective supplies and disinfection materials. It was past 6 pm when he returned to the unit to unload the materials and do the daily maintenance of the ambulance. He hurriedly ate a bucket of instant noodles and stood by in the hospital. At 10 o’clock that night, he received a temporary emergency task and went to the high-speed exit to be on duty. Lei Dongqiang rushed to the high-speed exit, and it was an all-night stay.

Lei Dongqiang, a 67-year-old ambulance driver, is an old party member in Xiufeng Street Community Health Service Center, Kaifu District, Changsha. His daily work is the ambulance driver and the water and electricity maintenance of the unit. In the past few days, in order to be able to set off at the first time after receiving an urgent task, Lei Dongqiang set up a temporary bed directly in the health cabin of the main building and rested on this simple bed at night so as to get out at any time.

Fixed-point service hotels, high-speed exits and referral of suspected cases open to people in epidemic areas also need to cooperate with various communities to investigate the situation of returning people in Wuhan. Lei Dongqiang is always on call, taking everyone around every place.

Community caring people: drive 300 bags of vegetables for free every day.

"Pollution-free vegetables are collected free of charge, and the virus is heartless and affectionate. We will work together to fight the epidemic." On the morning of February 12th, Wang Zihao drove a van full of vegetables that had just been picked from vegetable fields, and sent them from Gao Qiao Town, Changsha to Xingshacheng District, Changsha County for citizens to collect for free.

Wang Zihao, 25, retired from the army last September and returned to Weihan Village, Gao Qiao Town. He is going to open a fast food restaurant in Xingshacheng District this year. In the early stage, he planted a few acres of side dishes in his hometown. "Now there are many side dishes at home, but at present, the store can’t be opened, so he has the idea of delivering vegetables."

From February 8th, he picked and packed vegetables with his parents every day, prepared about 300 bags, and then drove for an hour from Gao Qiao Town to Xingshacheng District for the citizens to collect. "It’s my regret that I retired early and couldn’t fight with my comrades. I can only do my best to do something meaningful at this critical moment." Wang Zihao said.

Community retired elderly: 70-year-old party member led 21 members to fight the epidemic together.

"Huang Miao, you have come back from shopping. Come on, spray your hands with alcohol first, and take your temperature before entering the community." "Brother Zhao, remember to wear a mask when you go out!" "Fat Dad" Chen Yunxiang greeted the residents at the gate of the community while busy doing various epidemic prevention propaganda work.

On the first day of epidemic prevention and control work in Tangjialing community of Changsha, he volunteered to participate in the prevention and control war "epidemic". "I am a party member, even if I am 70 years old, I am still a party member, and I will take protective measures."

From the beginning of the circulating broadcast of mobile speakers to the distribution of warm tips, epidemic prevention notices and posting notices to residents, "Fat Dad" has to walk more than 10 kilometers every day for inspections. Moreover, he also led 21 players to join the "epidemic". "We set up a volunteer team last year, and now it just comes in handy!"


Psychological stress in community work?

Try to do this!

The data shows that nearly 4 million urban and rural community workers are fighting in the front line of epidemic prevention and control in 650,000 urban and rural communities, and each community worker has to face 350 people. So, how should community workers do psychological debugging?

Insiders suggest that we should protect ourselves first. If you are under great pressure at work or have important things at home, you should communicate with your colleagues and superiors in time, and you can stop working or rotate your work if necessary. If you can’t adjust yourself well, you can also call the psychological assistance hotline for professional help. If you can’t control your worries, try to divert your attention and find something that you can devote yourself to for a long time to change your fear.

At the same time, you can often soak your feet with hot water and listen to soft music to relax and ensure adequate sleep.

How cold will it be this winter? The authoritative answer is coming!

  The climate forecast for this winter released by the China Meteorological Bureau on the 4th shows that the cold air activities affecting China this winter are frequent and strong, the temperature in the central and eastern regions is mainly cold, and the precipitation is generally distributed in the north and less in the south. As the "Double La Nina Year", how cold will it be this winter? Will there be a large-scale rain, snow and freezing disaster? What precautions should we take?


  Frequent cold air activity

  Cold temperature does not mean cold winter.

  Earlier, the National Climate Center said that a weak to moderate intensity La Nina event would be formed this winter. In the winter when most La Nina events reach their peak, the cold air activities affecting China are more frequent and stronger than normal. In view of the La Ni? a event in autumn and winter from 2020 to 2021, 2021 will be the "Double La Ni? a Year". Under the "double influence", many people are concerned about whether this winter will be cold?

  The forecast shows that the cold air activities affecting China this winter are frequent and strong, and the temperature in the central and eastern regions is generally cold. Among them, Liaoning, central Inner Mongolia, Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, northwestern Shaanxi, northern Henan, Shandong and northern Xinjiang will be 1℃-2℃ lower.

  Jia Xiaolong, deputy director of the National Climate Center, said that the concept of cold is different from that of cold winter. Cold refers to whether the temperature is low or high on average, but there are strict criteria for judging cold winter. The basic factor of judging cold winter is the average temperature in winter for three months, which is divided into three levels in space: single station, regional and national.

  Single station cold winter means that the average temperature anomaly of a single station is less than or equal to -0.43 times the standard deviation; Regional cold winter means that the number of cold winter stations exceeds 50% of the total number of regional stations; The national cold winter requires the cold winter area to exceed 50% of the national effective area. Therefore, the criteria for judging cold winter are related to the degree and range of low temperature.

  "Cold winter is more a comprehensive evaluation and judgment of winter climate conditions. This year, we expect that the possibility of low temperature is relatively high, but whether it can reach cold winter depends on the standard." Jia Xiaolong said.

  In addition, La Nina event is only one of the factors that affect China’s winter climate. Snow in the middle and high latitudes and changes in Arctic sea ice will increase the uncertainty of winter climate. By analyzing 15 La Ni? a events since 1951, it is found that the winter temperature in China is low in 10 La Ni? a years, high in 5 La Ni? a years, and the latest high occurred in 2020.

  Although there were four cold waves in the last winter, the cold wave in early January made the minimum temperature of several meteorological observation stations break through or reach the historical extreme value since the establishment of the station. However, the news released by the National Climate Center in March this year said that the winter from December 1, 2020 to February 28, 2021 was warm. Professional judgment standards are sometimes different from the actual experience of the public. Compared with the average temperature, extreme events with abnormal temperature fluctuations are more likely to attract attention.

  Image source: China Meteorological Bureau


  Intraseasonal cold and warm fluctuations

  There is a high possibility of staged extreme cooling events.

  The forecast shows that in December 2021, except for the low temperature in the northeast and eastern Inner Mongolia, the temperature in most parts of the country is close to normal or high. From January to February 2022, the cold air activity will obviously become stronger, and the temperature in most parts of central and eastern China may be lower than normal, so it is very likely that there will be a staged extreme cooling event. The northeast, north China, the eastern part of northwest China, northern Xinjiang and other places may have staged strong cooling and heavy snowfall.

  Experts said that the volatility in this winter season is relatively large, and it is not ruled out that there will be a strong cold wave event, and the impact on the north is more obvious. Under the background of global warming, the climate system is more unstable, and the frequency and intensity of extreme events are higher.

  From November 4th, the cold wave will affect most parts of China from northwest to southeast, and the cooling range is generally 8℃-10℃, and the cooling range in some areas may exceed 16℃. Along with the "cliff-like" cooling, there are strong winds, rain and snow, and the Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning of cold wave on the 4 th.

  At the same time, the forecast shows that staged low temperature, rain, snow and freezing weather may occur in the eastern part of Southwest China and the western part of Jiangnan. According to experts’ analysis, unlike the large-scale continuous rain, snow and freezing weather in the south in 2008, the water vapor conditions in the south this year are not as good as those in 2008, and it is unlikely that large-scale and continuous low-temperature rain, snow and freezing weather will occur, but we should pay attention to the adverse effects of phased low-temperature rain, snow and freezing weather on power grids and transportation.


  Precipitation is generally more in the north and less in the south.

  Experts warn against the adverse effects of climate.

  In terms of precipitation, the forecast shows that there are more places in the northern part of Northeast China, most of North China, northern Huanghuai, eastern part of Northwest China, northern part of Southwest China and northern Xinjiang than normal, including eastern Heilongjiang, southwestern Hebei, most of Shanxi, Shaanxi, Ningxia, eastern Gansu, northern Sichuan, northern Xinjiang and other places.

  This year, the precipitation in many places in the north is more than normal, which is in sharp contrast with the drought in some parts of the south. According to the forecast, the precipitation in this winter will remain more in the north and less in the south. Experts said that this is mainly affected by relatively active cold air activities and strong water vapor transport to the north.

  Since summer, the distribution of atmospheric circulation in the middle and high latitudes in Europe and Asia has led to the active cold air in the northwest path. At the same time, the ridge line of the western Pacific subtropical high continues to be northward compared with the normal period, and the water vapor transport from the northwest Pacific and the Indian Ocean is obviously strong. The strong and persistent warm and humid airflow in the south and the active cold air in the north frequently meet in the north, which leads to obvious precipitation in the Yellow River basin and Haihe River basin. However, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Jiangnan and South China are under the control of subtropical high, with high temperature and little rain, and the accumulated precipitation is significantly less than that in the same period of normal years, and even moderate to severe meteorological drought occurs in some areas.

  "On a longer scale, the lasting impact of La Nina is a very important reason. In addition, global warming has also led to an increase in precipitation in the northern region." Jia Xiaolong said.

  Experts have warned that there are more and stronger cold air in China this winter, especially in the northern region, where there may be staged strong cooling and heavy snowfall, and in the southern region, there may be staged low-temperature rain, snow and freezing weather, which will have a greater impact on agriculture, transportation and infrastructure. Drought should be prevented in areas with less precipitation in the south, and forest fire prevention should be strengthened in areas with higher temperature and less rainfall in the southwest in winter. At the same time, the climate fluctuates greatly during the winter season, so the public should pay attention to the weather changes nearby in time and add clothes to keep warm.

  Reporter: Huang Wei

Source: Xinhuanet

The Shanghai Composite Index rose for 4 consecutive days, and the real estate and banking sectors broke out.

On Friday (January 26th), the A-share market reappeared the differentiated market of "Shanghai is strong and Shenzhen is weak". As of the final session, the Shanghai Composite Index closed at 2,910.22 points, up 4.11 points or 0.14%. Shenzhen Component Index closed at 8762.33 points, down 93.89 points or 1.06%. The small and medium-sized composite index fell slightly by 0.87%; The GEM fell by 1.52%; Kechuang 100 fell 2.98%. The turnover of the two cities totaled 839.484 billion yuan, 7% smaller than that of Thursday.
According to the statistics of Tongda letter, the ratio of A-share stocks rising and falling on that day was 2145: 3032; The proportion of stocks that have risen or fallen by more than 10% is 47: 18; The proportion of stocks that rose or fell more than 5% was 70:153.
The effect of making money on the disk is outstanding, especially the "classic blue chip" continues to interpret the legend of highlights. Specifically-
The real estate sector rose by 3.27%, exceeding 3% in the last three trading days, and "four-day increase of 18.19%" and "weekly increase of 10.11%" set the best records in 8.5 years and 21 months respectively. Among them, Pudong Jinqiao, China Enterprise 4 boards, China Communications Real Estate, Everbright Jiabao 3 boards.
The banking sector rose more than 1.5% for three consecutive days, the strongest record in nine years. Agricultural Bank of China broke through a record high, and ICBC was one step away from a record high. At the same time, the insurance and securities sectors also closed up slightly.
The blue-chip prefix continues to be short, China Railway Assembly has three consecutive daily limit of 20%, COFCO Capital, China Haicheng and Zhongcheng Co., Ltd. have three consecutive daily limit, China Television Media has four consecutive daily limit, and China Petroleum has soared by 6.38% to an 8.5-year high.
In addition, oversold low-priced stocks in the A-share market are popular collectively. Tongda letter design is smaller than 3 yuan’s low-priced stock index, which rose by 1.17% on the same day. In addition to the popularity of low-priced stocks on the main board, many low-priced stocks on the Growth Enterprise Market are also eager to move.
Shanghai’s main board rose strongly for four consecutive trading days, which finally released investors’ mood. However, on Friday after PetroChina’s daily limit, the constituent stocks of Shuangchuang Board fell sharply, especially when the "pharmaceutical sector collectively collapsed and fell" rushed to the hot search, which seemed to cast a shadow over next week. So, how should investors deal with the change when the central bank lowers the RRR for a week?
Tang Hewen, general manager of Jiangnan Avenue of Galaxy Securities, told upstream journalists that it is expected that the stock market will be dominated by deep bottoming and supplemented by blue-chip market next week. Perhaps a certain stage of buying points will be born before the central bank’s RRR cut on February 5, and investors may consider actively low-sucking.
(The views in this article are for reference only and do not constitute investment advice. The stock market is risky, so you should be cautious when entering the market.)
Upstream journalist Wang Ye