Gillian may be abandoned by the Emperor (Photo)

Feature: Picture Channel

  Chen Edison and Zhong Xintong became miserable mandarin ducks because of the "Photo Gate" incident. Chen Edison’s image fell to the bottom, and the advertising endorsements were lost one by one. Yesterday, the morning newspaper reporters witnessed Chen Edison’s huge advertising was taken down in Raffles Square; and Gillian, who chose to face the media bravely, could not be recognized by the public. On the evening of the 17th, her first comeback performance encountered a record-breaking complaint in Hong Kong TV history, and the advertising endorsement was also boycotted by netizens. It is reported that the Emperor will "give up" Gillian at any time.

  Edison Chen

  Lose tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars in endorsements

  Yesterday at 1 pm, the morning newspaper reporter passed by Raffles Square and found that a worker was tearing off a huge advertisement for Edison Chen’s endorsed jeans. The advertisement has been posted in Raffles Square for nearly a year. At this time, tearing off the advertisement makes people think whether the advertiser has removed the spokesperson. The reporter contacted the advertiser, and the spokesperson did not clearly indicate the replacement of the spokesperson, but only said that he had been ordered to tear it up by the company. The reporter also learned from Korean media reports that Edison Chen is the advertising spokesperson for a Korean digital product in Hong Kong. From the indecent photos taken by Edison Chen, it can be seen that Edison Chen is taking a selfie with the brand camera in the mirror, which makes the product merchants happy and worried. However, the brand owner believes that in the long run, this is not conducive to brand perception, and then revealed to the media that he does not plan to contract renewal with Edison Chen in the future. It is understood that Edison Chen has lost nearly 5 because of the "Photo Door" incident, and the advertising loss is about 10 million Hong Kong dollars. Yesterday, the reporter learned from Leung Wing-keung, a senior lawyer in Hong Kong, that in order to protect the interests of both parties, advertisers generally require the spokesperson to maintain the image in the contract. If the spokesperson’s image is damaged in the contract, the advertiser’s image is damaged or the business volume drops sharply, and the advertiser can claim for civil compensation.


  The emperor will give up at any time


  On the evening of February 17, Gillian sang the song "Love for Six Years" with her partner Ah Sa in TVB’s live broadcast program "Warm in the Snow". As of 5:00 pm the day before yesterday, the Hong Kong Broadcasting Authority has received 1,900 complaints, while TVB has received 526 complaints, which is the largest complaint received by TVB since the establishment of this mechanism. In addition, the audience rating of Twins during the appearance period is only 21 points, which is 3 points lower than the average audience rating of 24 points for the entire program of "Warm in the Snow", that is, nearly 190,000 less viewers. Gillian has become an "arrow target" for Hong Kong audiences from an idol.

  In addition, there have been a large number of "summoning posts" boycotting the products endorsed by Gillian on the Internet, involving many well-known brands such as beverages, clothing, cosmetics, printers, etc. The netizens announced that they would "stop buying" these products endorsed by Gillian until Gillian quit the entertainment industry. Some "enthusiastic" netizens also listed the recent advertisements endorsed by Zhong Xintong and others in the form of text pictures, and commented one by one. According to reporters learned from the Emperor, Gillian’s comeback is "testing the waters" public reaction. If the public cannot accept Gillian, the Emperor may give up Gillian at any time. Yesterday, the reporter interviewed the Emperor’s artist director, Huo Wenxi, who denied that the Emperor would give up Gillian: "What do you say now? Yes, this is just a transition period. I hope everyone can accept Gillian again. She will work hard and do her part well. It’s not that she did something wrong, she has already bravely faced the media! "


Editor in charge: Li Erqing

Fan Bingbing became the queen of the dinner party in a floral dress, saying he was satisfied with being photographed by the media

Wang Xueqi, Wang Xiaoshuai, Fan Bingbing, and Yu Dong, President of Poly Bona (from left to right)

Wu Yanzu and Gu Tianle

Jia Zhangke, Zhao Tao

        Movie Network News(Photo/Shanghai Film Festival Report Team) The "Bona Night" dinner hosted by Poly Bona was held in Shanghai on June 13. That night, Fan Bingbing, Wu Yanzu, Gu Tianle, Er Dongsheng, Wang Xueqi, Wang Xiaoshuai, Huang Yi, Jia Zhangke, Zhao Tao, Peng Haoxiang, Weng Hong, Yuan Li, Chen Zhipeng, Zhang Jie and other stars made their debut.

Fan Bingbing

Fan Bingbing and Poly Bona President Yu Dong

Fan Bingbing floral dress show beach style, high popularity can be called the queen of the dinner party

        Fan Bingbing is definitely the popular queen and topic queen in the entertainment industry today, and everywhere he goes is the focus. That night, Fan Bingbing was wearing a floral dress, with big wavy hair hanging down to his chest, and with red leather shoes, it was quite a beach vacation style.

        Although Fan Bingbing arrived late, as soon as she appeared, the directors and bosses at the reception immediately came forward to greet her and rushed to take photos with Fan Bingbing. Unlike other actors, Fan Bingbing was basically unable to move at the reception, surrounded by a large number of passers-by, competing to see her style. Fan Bingbing’s popularity was evident, and she was definitely the queen of the dinner party that night.

Fan Bingbing was the highlight of the night

Fan Bingbing denied the identity of the agent’s boyfriend, saying he was satisfied that he was secretly photographed

        Recently, Fan Bingbing was exposed by a Hong Kong weekly magazine, saying that she was in love with her agent, Mu Xiaoguang, and also published a picture of Fan Bingbing burying his head in a man’s chest in Cannes. Fan Bingbing also responded publicly to the matter for the first time that night. She laughed and said that not only was she not angry, but she thanked the weekly magazine for taking a beautiful picture of her, and she was very satisfied.

        "I saw the photo, and the man on it has no head, but I’m still grateful for this fake news, because everyone knows that this weekly magazine has always been famous for taking ugly pictures of female stars, and every time it takes a very ugly picture of the artist, but this time it took a very beautiful picture of me, and the photo also makes me look very cute." Fan Bingbing announced louder, "If I fall in love, I will definitely tell you loudly, because this kind of happy thing must be shared with everyone!"

The idol economy generates a fundraising frenzy, and the fan circle carnival behind the star concert

  Xiaomin, who is in her third year, has been very busy recently, grabbing tickets, delineating the support area, buying light boxes, and calling on people to go to the scene… Because of a 5th anniversary concert of her "Idol" (the homonym of the word "idol" in English – reporter’s note), Xiaomin has experienced up to 2 months of abuse and battle (Internet catchphrase, the same as PK here – reporter’s note).

  Today’s fan group is called "rice", and the circle they form is called "rice circle" and "rice ball". As the saying goes, "Once you enter the rice circle, it is as deep as the sea, and from now on, Idol is your wife", this sentence is a true portrayal of the current rice circle.

  In the past, chasing a certain star or band was at most buying albums and watching concerts. Basically, they were all loose fans, and there was no concept of a fan circle. In recent years, with the expansion of the fan base, the idol economy has continued to develop, giving birth to a variety of ways to buy peripherals (derivative products) for idols, rent advertising space for promotion, vote, and do charity and public welfare activities. In order to win the favor of Idol, fans are busy brushing sales every day, brushing topics and discussions on social networking sites, participating in pre-voting, on-site voting, etc., and also conducting an extremely fast Amway (Internet term, referring to strong recommendation) for Idol’s new works.

  Xiaomin’s love bean is one of the members of a well-known idol boy group in China, and fans like her are called "Weijian" in the fan circle. "I will spend money for the stars. On the one hand, I will buy albums and official peripherals, on the other hand, I will buy air tickets and tickets to watch the performance, and on the other hand, I will buy the support fee." Xiaomin said that the anniversary concert or celebration of the group every year is a "Weijian" support battle. Each star or group has an official support color, the group has a support color, and each member will have a separate support color.

  "In order to make the concert scene a little more friendly, the main task of the people in the circle this year is to battle the light signs." Since very early on, Xiaomin’s fan circle has begun to call on everyone to buy light signs. Purchases are usually called by the support club and big fans, and develop from various organizations to the whole circle. "The more light signs you buy, the better!" Xiaomin bought 8 light signs with an area of 1 square meter in one go, and each light sign sold for 188 yuan.

  The members of the support committee "basically bought it, and those who don’t go will contribute." Xiaoyu couldn’t go to the concert because of something, so she participated in online fundraising to raise funds to buy light signs. "The fundraising groups are all temporarily formed," Xiaoyu said. This time, the support committee started to call for the purchase of light signs in the micro bar. There are many ways to raise funds, and they are constantly innovating. "Some time ago, Alipay had a scan code to receive red envelopes. We asked a big fan to issue a QR code for payment, and others scanned the code for consumption. The red envelope income can be a large amount of money, and it can be used to buy light signs. Of course, there are also direct transfers through WeChat, Alipay or self-purchase."

  Xiaoyu participated in the fundraising activities of the support, Alipay red envelopes earned tens of thousands of yuan, and fans directly transferred tens of thousands of yuan. The total amount is specific, Xiaoyu said "not completely open so I don’t know". There are many members of the fan circle like Xiaoyu. They know that the fundraising process can only be semi-public, and they also know that there are dark debts, but they will still support each fundraising without hesitation.

  "Dark accounts are inevitable, and the money that should be raised will not be fully disclosed," Xiaomin said, because some of the money will be used for public relations, such as for the promotion of newspapers and magazines and self-media endorsement products. This is the part that cannot be made public, and public disclosure will allow the opponent to fully understand their situation. "Even if there is a dark account, as long as the vast majority of the money is spent where it should be spent, and the amount is not high, no one will investigate it."

  Nowadays, it has become the norm for the support committee to raise money, and the problems in the supervision of funds have been frequently reported in the newspapers. Just in July this year, "101 fund-raising was investigated" once made the hot search list. There are media reports that in the process of creating 101 fans to raise funds, there are "fans" in the name of boosting popularity for the Idol finals. After collecting funds, they ran away and even bought a sea view house.

  Xiaomin thinks she is lucky, because she has been in the rice circle for 4 years and has never encountered a run away. She is also relatively tolerant of the tricks in "fund-raising", "We need people who do these things, and forcing them (fund-raising promoters) away is not conducive to the stability of the rice circle, because the big fan has the voice over and the appeal."

  If fans don’t pursue it, is there no supervision in the gray area of fundraising in the fan circle? Lawyer Yuan Shaoguang of Beijing Tongchuang Law Firm believes that the promoter of "fundraising" should be responsible for the authenticity, legality and use of crowdfunding funds. The promoter cannot misappropriate or embezzle crowdfunding funds. If the promoter uses fictional facts or concealing the truth to defraud crowdfunding funds for the purpose of illegal possession (such as running away with money, etc.), he may be suspected of criminal crimes such as fraud.

  In the end, Xiaomin’s support association bought a total of more than 5,000 light signs, "It’s not enough to buy light signs, after all, it takes heads to hold light signs". Each support association must determine the support area in advance, determine the number of people present and grab tickets. China Youth Daily · China Youth Online reporter saw from a "concert support area map" provided by Xiaomin that 32,000 seats at the concert site were divided in different colors, and they were all booked by fans of 5 support associations. The support association where Xiaomin is located has 4,000 to 5,000 people present to help out.

  "Everyone who can be called has gone, and it is difficult to grab tickets!" Xiaomin grabbed the front row of the infield at the price of 1880 yuan through the ticket-grabbing platform, and bought 3 peak tickets (stand tickets) out of her own pocket for friends who are not fans to go in and help hold the light signs. The 3 tickets given to friends cost more than 3,000 yuan, but Xiaomin felt it was worth it for her love bean.

  From a psychological point of view, their needs have reached the level of one-way payment to obtain great satisfaction and pleasure, and deep mining is their own values. "Wang Chao, a researcher at a digital economy think tank, believes that deep fans will bind their value orientation to idols. In the process of pursuit, they join the support group because of the herd effect. When everyone has the same goal to do one thing, this is his knowledge system, and he will be subtly influenced by this group.

  Faced with the strong support of fans, the reaction of stars is not the same. Also this year, Zhu Yilong Studio sent a letter of thanks and apology on Weibo, deciding to refund all the hundreds of thousands of yuan of support fees raised by the support club, which attracted attention. "From a legal perspective, fans voluntarily raise funds. Even if the promoter runs away after fundraising, the star does not need to bear civil liability if he does not know and has no fault," said lawyer Yuan Shaoguang.

  In the opinion of Li Xuejing, a "technical fan" who works as a video director, the star’s move is due to "fan behavior idols pay the bill". She believes that the support fee is burning fans’ money, and it is understandable that the star asks to return it after knowing it. "Because many fans support is a spontaneous behavior, the star does not know it, and there is no transparent fan management and financial mechanism, which causes a lot of things similar to fans running away with money and earning rebates in the middle. Once there is a problem with fans burning money for support, it is easy to cause scolding wars among fans, and it will also affect the star artists themselves. These are all factors that stars should consider."

  Compared with some celebrities who need fans’ support in order to be exposed, famous, and hyped, Li Xuejing pays more attention to those stars who speak with their acting and singing skills, because they are willing to settle down. "Fans need rationality, and only works are the foundation of a star’s foothold."

  Yuan Rui, China Youth Daily China Youth Online Reporter

Tencent hosts the 2021 China Online Media Forum Content Forum, focusing on "Communication: Shaping Value"

  On November 25th, the opening ceremony and main forum of the 2021 China Internet Media Forum jointly sponsored by the Central Network Information Office, the Central Radio and Television Station, and the Guangdong Provincial Committee of Internet and Information Technology was held in Guangzhou. With the theme of "Development and Order: Let Large Traffic Surge Positive Energy", the forum focused on the new situation, new tasks and new challenges facing the construction of online content. It promoted online media to strengthen its ideals and beliefs, keep in mind its original mission, and continue its red blood. It is determined to maintain integrity and innovation. It actively participates in the hot practice of network content construction. It further sings the main theme, promotes positive energy, promotes the construction of network civilization, and creates a clear and clear network space. Xi Dan, senior vice president and chief talent officer of Tencent Group, attended the opening ceremony.

  This forum set up five parallel forums on technology, content, responsibility, industry, and the Greater Bay Area, focusing on topics such as "Innovation: Technology Empowering", "Communication: Shaping Value", "Responsibility: Co-governance and Sharing", "Development: Steady and Long-term", "Greater Bay Area: One Network Connected" and other topics to conduct discussions and exchanges, colliding with ideological sparks.

  The content forum was co-hosted by Xinhuanet, Tencent, China Federation of Internet Societies, and Yangcheng Evening News Newspaper Group. With the theme of "Communication: Shaping Value", guests from all walks of life discussed and exchanged views on how online media can spread positive energy, expand the influence of mainstream values, and build a more harmonious, clear, and upward-looking online culture in the current era of in-depth media integration and profound changes in public opinion ecology.

  Chen Yong, vice-president of Tencent, delivered a keynote speech titled "Bringing together" good flow "to help spread positive energy." Chen Yong said, "We deeply realize that traffic is like a coin, on the one hand is the trust of netizens in the platform; on the other hand, it is the serious responsibility and solemn mission of the platform. For large traffic, Tencent has always been in awe." Chen Yong believes that accompanied by large traffic is the mission of the times, the choice for good, and the value of users and society. First, we must closely adhere to the proposition of the times and bring living water to the source of positive energy. The changes of the times and the struggle of the present are the best themes for creating high-quality content. Large traffic should be bred from the big era. Second, we must innovate the connection form and promote positive energy to bloom. If traffic is the branches and leaves, the connection is the root system. Large traffic should grow in large connections. Only by constantly innovating the connection form between technology, content and users, and constantly enriching the connection scene, can we promote the growth of the positive energy traffic ecology. Third, we need to enhance the value-based, converge "good flow" and spread the good. Large traffic should be based on big value, and use positive energy communication to help a better life. This year, Tencent has raised social value to the height of the company’s strategy, increasing investment in areas such as digital aging, protection of minors, public welfare, and traditional culture, and using technology and products to converge "good flow" to spread the good. Looking forward to exploring new possibilities for positive energy transmission through this openness.

  Chen Yong said that science and technology for good is Tencent’s mission and vision. In the trendsetting era and technology, Tencent has always been in awe, adhered to the principles of responsibility and value, and strived to make traffic upwards to absorb the spirit of the times and contribute to a better life.

  This year’s forum held the first exhibition of new technologies, new applications and new business formats in China’s online media field. This is the first large-scale offline exhibition with the theme of online communication, and it is an important innovation in the concept of online communication. With the theme of "Science and Technology Create Beauty", more than ten high-quality projects on display in the Tencent exhibition area attracted a lot of attention.

  Open the "Travel to Dunhuang" Mini Program, you can easily visit more than 200 caves in Dunhuang, admire more than 2,000 murals and painted sculptures, and experience "one click to cross the millennium"; through the "Digital Forbidden City" Mini Program, you can "cloud" tour the major buildings of the Forbidden City, view millions of rare collections, browse online to understand the "cold" knowledge of the Forbidden City, and check the digital cultural relics resources of the Forbidden City with one click. "Travel to Dunhuang" and "Digital Forbidden City" are cultural heritage digitization projects created by Tencent in cooperation with the Dunhuang Research Institute and the Palace Museum respectively, leveraging its own digital capabilities. " The model of "Technology + Culture" has revitalized the connotation of traditional cultural IP in cyberspace, and convenient digital channels and rich interactive methods have made more young people willing to accept and spread traditional culture, so that traditional classics have a lasting vitality.

  The "Tencent Virtual Live" project has attracted many live media to experience it. Using virtual-reality fusion, 3D game engine, cloud rendering and other technologies, live streaming hosts can be implanted into flexible and variable virtual scenes to improve the viewing effect and convenience of live broadcasts. Among them, self-developed algorithms greatly reduce the deployment cost and difficulty of live broadcast rooms. Just customize the green screen wallpaper, no need for wrinkle-free green screen, locator and other cumbersome and expensive hardware, you can realize advanced functions such as mirror movement and zoom, and at the same time, you can reduce the deployment cost of the traditional solution of about 30,000 yuan to at least 300 yuan, so that ordinary live streaming hosts can realize high-quality and low-cost virtual live broadcast at home, and experience the convenient "all-real Internet" live broadcast experience.

  At this exhibition, Tencent also exhibited a "hard core equipment" – 5G remote real-time driving mining car. Sitting at the exhibition site in Guangzhou, the staff can easily control the mining car in the Ordos mining area 2,000 kilometers away. The remote intelligent mining car launched by Tencent and Sany Smart Mine shows the charm of intelligence and unmanned. Accurate operation across thousands of miles relies on a low-latency remote real-time control product called "Tencent Cloud Unbounded". Tencent has applied the real-time audio & video technology that has been accumulated in the field of network communication over the past 21 years to support the ultra-high concurrency of massive users in the field of industrial production. The powerful cloud network of Tencent Cloud guarantees the stability of 2000 kilometers of ultra-long-distance transmission. The ultra-low latency of end-to-end as low as 200 milliseconds based on 5G network ensures the timeliness and accuracy of operation, making it very suitable for industrial autonomous driving and remote operation scenarios in dangerous environments. At present, this technology has been applied in mines, ports and other scenarios, and is an effective landing of digital and real fusion in the industrial field.

  In addition, the exhibition area also showcased Guangdong Learning Party History Guangdong Love Party – clock in Guangdong Red, Tencent Growth Guardian Platform, National Treasure Global Digital Museum, Grand Canal Digital Culture Project, Tencent Miaobi · Immersive Interactive Ink Painting, VR Panoramic Immersion Experience Tencent Science WE Conference, Tencent Free Perspective and other projects, respectively, from the perspectives of science and technology to help spread positive energy, science and technology to protect the growth of young people, and science and technology to promote the popularization of knowledge.

  The 2021 China Network Media Forum is organized by the Network Communication Bureau of the Central Network Information Office, the Network Information Office of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, CCTV, the Network Information Committee of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee, Guangdong Radio and Television Station, and Tencent. The China Network Media Forum is currently the highest-level, most authoritative and influential annual event in the online media industry in our country, and is known as an important window to observe the development trend of China’s online media.

Nine cars made their debut at the auto show, and Hengda Yinlang unexpectedly beat the opposite BMW. Will sales be stable next year?

For Hengda’s amazing goal of "selling 1 million cars in 2025 and 5 million cars in 2035", many people may still not believe it, but Hengda has done the car puzzle step by step in the past two years, which is an indisputable fact.

Author: Hanwei

Image: From the Internet

At this year’s Shanghai Auto Show, the sound waves of new car-making forces are getting louder and louder. For example, Evergrande Motor is participating in the exhibition for the first time, next to this first-line luxury brand, but from the popularity of the scene, Evergrande has become the king of fans. The Hengchi brand has launched nine new cars in one go, from Hengchi 1 to Hengchi 9. And Liu Yongzhuo, president of Evergrande Motor, announced that in the fourth quarter of this year, Hengchi Automobile has entered the trial production stage and will be delivered on a large scale next year.

Perhaps many people still do not believe Hengda’s amazing goal of "selling 1 million cars in 2025 and 5 million cars in 2035", but it is an indisputable fact that Hengda has completed the car puzzle step by step in the past two years. At the scene, Hengda organized "Thousands of Media Watch Hengchi", visited the factory in Songjiang, Shanghai, and test-drove Hengchi 5, which became a breaking point of this Shanghai Auto Show.

Nine cars are shipped together, there is always a luxury model that suits you

As a newcomer in the automotive industry, Evergrande has always been "less said and more done". The debut of the Shanghai Auto Show this time showed the side of "ruthless people don’t talk much". The nine new cars cover all grades from A to D, covering sedans, coupes, SUVs, MPVs, crossovers and other full range models. With this strong lineup, there are countless fans.

The story of the birth of the new car of the Hengchi brand is already familiar to everyone. Evergrande has selected 15 of the world’s top automotive design masters to cooperate, including the original chief designer Anders Warming, the original design director Walter De Silva, and the German design master Alexander Sasha Selipanov, who has served as the chief designer and chief designer of the car. A total of 14 models have been developed, and now 9 models have been launched.

These nine cars are all pure electric vehicles, which can cover 95% of the world’s luxury car market segments. They have different styles, including noble luxury, avant-garde, or simple. They are like "walking works of art" at the auto show, representing the highest level of automotive design in the world today, and have become the traffic star models of this Shanghai Auto Show.

From the perspective of car selection, although "appearance is justice" is the consensus, it is not the whole thing. Now that consumers are becoming more and more mature, they want face and lining, so for car companies, the accumulation of core technical strength is also crucial.

And Hengda has been through a series of mergers and acquisitions in the past three years, combining vertical and horizontal, coupled with its own independent research and development investment at all costs, and will not pull the hip in key technologies.

For example, in terms of the cruising range that everyone cares about the most, the nine cars exhibited by Hengchi have a maximum comprehensive cruising range of 700km, and some models exceed 800km. Among them, Hengchi 1 is 760km and Hengchi 9 is 810km, which are all first-class in the industry.

Be the first to test drive Hengchi 5, the sense of luxury is not only in the appearance

As a new brand, Hengda’s progress is not slow, from project approval to selling cars in about three years, but after all, everyone lacks trust in a cross-border new brand, so Hengda is inevitably accused of tricks, and this test drive of Hengchi 5 is just in time, proving that Hengda’s production car has been fully formed.

The Hengchi 5 was designed by a Japanese designer. After driving, it has a more visual impact than when parked. The front face features an H-shaped sharp headlights, a tough body, a 2780mm wheelbase, and the rare 21-inch oversized wheels of this class of SUV, which makes the whole vehicle feel powerful.

In the winter test more than two months ago, the Hengchi 5 was still a construction vehicle, and this time the test drive has achieved a high degree of completion, showing the speed of Hengda’s car construction. After driving, you will obviously feel that the acceleration response of the Hengchi 5 is very fast and linear, and the push back is extremely strong.

Sitting in the car, the panoramic sunroof is open and atmospheric, and it feels very transparent. The world’s specially created super-large 3D curved surround triple screen has a strong visual impact. This car is equipped with the H-SMART OS Hengchi intelligent network system developed by Evergrande in collaboration with Tencent and Baidu, as well as AR Driving augmented reality driving assistance. I believe these functions will be important selling points after the real car is launched.

You know, in Evergrande’s independent research and development system, autonomous driving and intelligent networking are the same as power batteries, which are the top priorities. These are also the key research projects in the automotive industry at present. Whether it is technology companies such as Huawei and Baidu, or new car-making forces such as NIO and Xiaopeng, or traditional car companies such as…

At this year’s Shanghai Auto Show, Evergrande also fully showcased technologies such as intelligent connectivity, intelligent driving cabin, 3.0 chassis architecture, charging pile, AI assistant Xiaochi, etc. The future performance in the actual car is very worth looking forward to.

Highly intelligent factory, fully automatic black light operation

For Hengda, after solving the problems of product design and core technology, but also to face the last bottleneck, that is, product quality, consumers are most worried about the new car forces in this link, after all, the car is a large, trial and error costs are too high.

After visiting the Shanghai factory, I will have more confidence in Hengda’s car manufacturing level. The style of this factory is in the same vein as the Nansha factory in Guangzhou. The overall feeling is very high-end and atmospheric, in line with the positioning of the Hengchi luxury brand. The most outstanding highlight is the level of intelligence. The factory is built according to the Industry 4.0 standard. According to the requirements of digitalization, intelligence, ecology and efficiency, it adopts the world’s most advanced equipment and the world’s most advanced technology to achieve the world’s most advanced intelligent manufacturing.

The stamping workshop adopts the German Stedman automatic high-speed stamping line, and is composed of an automatic packing system composed of Japanese Fanuc robots to realize the full automation of production, packing and transportation; the body workshop adopts German KUKA equipment and technology, and the automation rate reaches 100% to create the world’s most advanced high-end intelligent "black light factory"; the painting workshop adopts the German Dürr production line, the pretreatment electrophoretic flipping conveying, dry paint mist separation, gluing and spraying are 100% automated, and the whole process is intelligent and environmentally friendly.

When visiting the production line, you can see nearly a thousand intelligent machines orderly collaboration, seamless docking, from rapid mold change, stamping, to accurate welding, riveting, gluing, and no dead angle automatic spraying, etc. Most of the processes are completed by robots independently.

Through high automation, product quality and production efficiency can be improved. After all, machines are more accurate than humans, and machines can work 24 hours a day. With the increase in output, costs can also be reduced, further improving the competitiveness of the Hengchi brand. It is believed that with the large-scale delivery of the new car matrix under the Hengchi brand next year, it will inevitably have a huge impact on the existing new energy vehicle market structure.

Koo Tianle mourns Wu Mengda, and then reveals the details of Wu Mengda’s illness on the set. Goodbye Dago, the spirit will live on forever

Gu Tianle mourns Wu Mengda: Farewell to the person who accompanied us in our youth, his spirit is immortal – Introduction

The famous Hong Kong movie star Wu Mengda died of liver cancer on February 27. For fans, we have lost a great movie actor, but for those entertainer friends who have worked with him, they may have lost a close friend. Friend or role model.

The word "brother" replaced "uncle", making the relationship between the two even more extraordinary.

The most anticipated word in the world was probably "goodbye". Saying goodbye meant that there was still a chance to meet again, but this goodbye was forever. The so-called "goodbye" was nothing more than good hope and sustenance.

From the description, we can see that Wu Mengda fell ill during the promotion, and then he continued to attend various press conferences, which made the veteran actor, who had an important position in the Hong Kong film industry, seriously ill.

"This collaboration really stuck with me," said Mr. Koo, who followed Aberdeen and worked with Mr. Ng on the film Eavesdropping 3.

Mr. Koo describes Mr. Ng’s role as a cunning businessperson in the movie "Eavesdropping 3," using the words "full of drama."

Perhaps because Wu Mengda’s acting skills are too superb, or because he was inspired and encouraged in the process of cooperating with Wu Mengda, Koo Tianle is obsessed with this collaboration.

People will eventually grow old, but film and television works will not. A good work, over time, may also become a classic.

Although Wu Mengda has passed away now, the characters he created over the years may be funny, cold, or ordinary. The touching characters brought to us by these characters will forever remain in our hearts.

He seemed to be comforting us, as well as himself.

We must also learn to say goodbye. Those who grew up with us as children must also learn to accept the fact that they are gone.

In the golden age of Hong Kong cinema, Wu Mengda left a deep impression on the history of Chinese cinema with his profound acting skills, and won the love of countless movie fans. That’s enough!

Responsible editor:

Huawei AITO asked the world M9 declaration map exposure, dual motor four-wheel drive and extended range hybrid two power options

According to MIIT’s latest announcement of the 375th batch of "Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Product Announcements", Huawei AITO Qinjie M9 was officially exposed on September 12, 2023. This new car adopts the same design as the previously announced patent drawings. The body length is 5230mm and the wheelbase is 3110mm. It is expected to be officially launched within this year. The model offers 1.5T extended range dual motor four-wheel drive and pure electric dual motor four-wheel drive two powertrain options.

The appearance of the production version of the Q & J M9 is exactly the same as the previous patent application drawings. The headlight set adopts the same design as the Smart S7 in Huawei’s Smart Choice car series, rather than continuing the family-style design of the AITO Q & J M5 and M7. This design feature may become the second generation design language of Huawei’s Smart Choice car system. The whole car has a two-tone body color scheme, a lidar is installed on the roof, and a side door handle with a hidden design.

The appearance of the extended-range model is different from that of the pure electric model only at the front and lower air intake grilles, and other parts remain the same. The tail shape of the Qjie M9 is relatively flat, and the tail light group is consistent with the shape of the headlight group. The internal lamp bead arrangement has unique characteristics, while the extended-range version adopts a hidden exhaust layout. The tail label of the pure electric version has a special "EV" nameplate.

The new car offers two-color body options, front air intake grille options, hubcap options and other personalized configurations, and the headlight group can be optionally equipped with laser matrix headlights. The body size of the M9 is 5230mm*1999mm*1800mm, the wheelbase is 3110mm, the pure electric version has a curb weight of 2560kg, and the extended range version has the same curb weight. Standard 265/45 R21 rims, optional 285/45 R21 rims.

In terms of power, the M9 pure electric version is equipped with dual motors developed by Huawei Digital Energy Technology Co., Ltd., forming an electric four-wheel drive layout. The peak power of the front and rear motors is 160kW and 230kW respectively. The plug-in hybrid version is equipped with an extended range hybrid system composed of Xiaokang Power H15RT 1.5T range extender, dual motors and Ningde Times ternary lithium battery. The maximum power of the 1.5T range extender is 112kW, the maximum net power is 110kW, and the peak power of the drive motor is 165kW and 200kW respectively.

The car is equipped with a 40.055kWh ternary lithium battery pack from Ningde Times, with a pure electric cruising range of 175km and a fuel consumption of 6.9L/100km (NEDC standard).

The official exposure of the AITO M9 has provided consumers with more information about this brand-new model of Huawei’s smart car series, making people look forward to its performance and features.

Focusing on the family, the Xiaodu smart screen X10 allows the whole family to have an exclusive smart assistant

(Article source: Lei Technology)

(Original title: "Lei Technology Public Testing | Xiaodu Smart Screen X10 has conquered our public testing officers"

Nowadays, from opening our eyes every morning to turning off the lights and going to bed at night… Every day, we work, study, live and play, what do we see and touch the most?

Perhaps, most people would give the same answer, that is: all kinds of screens, large and small…

In the foreseeable future, there will be more and more screens around us, plus a screen, from walls to windows, from desktops to blackboards, from floors to ceilings, from billboards to road signs, bus stop signs… will become the Internet of Everything, and the end point of intelligent information within our reach.

On October 29th, at the Xiaodu autumn new product launch conference, the Xiaodu smart screen X10 designed for family scenes made its public debut, becoming the well-deserved "new flagship of the Xiaodu smart screen family".

From the original Xiaodu smart speaker to the current model of Xiaodu smart screen, what has changed is not just the name, but more Baidu has given it a new mission – this screen is no longer an extension and attachment of smart speakers, but more of another visual and touchable product line called smart screen.

How is this iconic revolutionary product? I am looking forward to applying for the public test of Lei Technology. After a week of trial experience, please follow me to approach the Xiaodu smart screen X10 (hereinafter referred to as "Xiaodu X10").

Ritual Sense · Unpacking

Well-designed packaging

To be honest, the weight of the package is quite large, and it is heavy to lift. The package is specially designed with a handle, presumably not to carry it out every day, but to carry it home in a more elegant posture when received.

From the graphical brief description on both sides of the box, you can easily understand the rich functions of Xiaodu X10: one side lists the rich skills of Xiaodu X10 in the form of icons, while the other side teaches you the basics of talking with Xiaodu in the form of bubble voice examples.

Sense of technology and design

Design with a sense of technological futurism

The design style of the whole host is very simple. The upper body is a huge 10.1-inch screen, and the lower body is a gray velvet 8W full-range speaker. In the center of the frame on the screen, the opening position is the camera, and the bottom of the speaker is a ring base. The whole body stands diagonally on the base at an angle of about 80 degrees.

Put on a iPhone 6s comparison, so that you can roughly understand the size of the whole host. Here’s a word more, the base does not have any data interface, and does not support the connection between the host and the mobile phone. The alloy die-cast base is made of solid materials, and the front half of the semicircular area is hollowed out. The contact area between the base and the desktop is also designed with a shock absorption ring, which is more stable when placed on the desktop, and is also very good for the desktop. Protection.

From the top, the 20mm slim body is stylish and simple. There is only one power button at the top. Long press: power on/off, and click: exit/close the screen. There are two microphone openings on the left and right sides of the power button. The design of the top ensures that it has a better radio effect. According to Baidu’s official introduction, this group of microphones supports omnidirectional high fidelity audio acquisition, with far-field pickup, automatic echo cancellation, and intelligent noise reduction processing functions.

Take a closer look, there is a 5 million pixel camera + light sensor in the center of the top of the screen near the power button. For smart screens, not only do you want to be able to see its screen, it can also "see" you. It is conceivable that when it can "see" you, the functions it brings will be greatly expanded – video calls, home monitoring, gesture control… Let’s look forward to it together! The metallic border is designed with rounded corners at the corners, and the simple design is very futuristic. The heat dissipation hole design on the back also has ulterior motives. It extends from the dense openings on the left and right sides to the central area as a strip, which is very beautiful!

The lower right of the host is near the corner, and it is designed with a power jack. A dedicated power adapter is required to input 12V1.5A current and voltage.

Futuristic control

Power-on self-networking design

Because it has a touch-operated screen, the Xiaodu X10 supports directly clicking on the screen to select a Wi-Fi network and entering a password to connect to the Internet for the first time. Currently, it only supports 2.4G Wi-Fi networks, presumably considering the need to be compatible with most home environments.

Personally, I believe that in today’s rapidly adopted Wi-Fi 6, Xiaodu X10 should support 5G Wi-Fi or even WiFi 6 in network support. At the same time, it is best to launch a version that can be plugged into a mobile phone SIM card or supports an e-SIM card in the future and supports 4G and 5G networks. In this way, maybe the Wi-Fi network connected by traditional telecom operators is no longer needed at home, and it will be more convenient to use the Wi-Fi hotspot of Xiaodu X10 directly.

After successfully connecting to the network, Xiaodu X10 will prompt to scan the code on the mobile phone to install the Xiaodu APP to activate the device, and bind it to the Baidu account on the mobile phone. After the setting is completed, you can use the Xiaodu APP to perform rich mobile phone and smart screen linkage operations on the mobile phone, such as: remote control, parental control, Xiaodu calls, family albums, smart home and rich content libraries, etc., all of which can be linked and operated on the mobile phone.

Full voice control Xiaodu X10 has a 10.1-inch IPS high definition screen with 1280 * 800 resolution. For all voice commands, Xiaodu X10 will automatically light up and display your conversation with it on the screen. In most application scenarios, Xiaodu X10 can support full voice control like a smart speaker. You only need to say the summoning word "Xiaodu Xiaodu…", Xiaodu X10 will respond by saying "Um", "Hello…", "I’m here" and other responses, and you can continue to say voice commands.

Xiaodu’s artificial intelligence system will be continuously upgraded. You can chat with Xiaodu every day. From time to time, there will be small surprises and small touches to bring you. Gesture control Xiaodu X10 focuses on its latest supported "gesture control" function in the function introduction video after the first boot. Currently supports the control of pausing and continuing playback with gestures during audio and video playback.

Facing the camera of Xiaodu X10, stretch out your palm and stay for 1 second, and pause the playback; with an OK gesture, the playback will continue.

Gesture operation is still quite convenient, one step can solve the problem, sometimes faster and easier than voice control, and it is also helpful for some people who have difficulty speaking. Looking forward to the future small upgrade to support more gesture operations, such as: click in the air (press gesture), swipe in the air (swipe up, down, left, right), zoom in and out of the picture (thumb index finger zoom gesture), etc.

voiceprint recognition

Xiaodu X10 supports setting up a variety of family member types: male host, female host, elders, children, and supports setting voiceprints for different family members to identify different members.

After setting the voiceprint, Xiaodu X10 will have different personalized usage recommendations for different people. For example, after I set my name through the voiceprint, Xiaodu will call me "Brother Xiaoyao", haha! And my habits with the smart speaker will be saved, including: favorite playlists, watched videos, etc. When the voiceprint is set for the child, when the child’s voice is detected, Xiaodu will automatically enter the child mode, optimize and customize the content for the child, and block the content that is not suitable for the child.

Geek Mode

Calling the wake word "Xiaodu Xiaodu" every time you operate is sometimes annoying. Xiaodu X10 has launched the "Geek Mode" with experimental functions. In this mode, when playing audio & video, Xiaodu X10 will monitor the voice command in real time. When you say "next song", "previous song", "pause", play "" collection "and other commands, you don’t need to read the wake word anymore, just say the command directly.

In addition, Xiaodu X10 also provides a "eye delay" function. When Xiaodu detects that you are staring at the host, it will automatically extend the time for the host to receive voice commands, just like when you talk to someone, the other party will continue to listen to what you say. Many times, Xiaodu also supports the nearest wake-up function, which will automatically detect the distance between you and it, who is close to you, who is playing music or video, and which Xiaodu will give priority to your voice commands. This setting is also very considerate. For example, Xiaodu in another room is playing music, and the "Xiaodu Xiaodu" you shout when you raise your voice should refer to it, not necessarily the Xiaodu in the room closest to you.

Massive audio and video platform full access

Xiaodu X10 supports docking with almost all mainstream video and audio platforms on the market.

At the same time, it also supports member login of the corresponding audio & video platform or joint VIP membership of Xiaodu. Your viewing data on each platform can also be more conveniently synchronized to Xiaodu X10; your VIP membership on each platform can also be shared with Xiaodu X10.

For some platforms, the iQIYI joint VIP membership launched by Xiaodu X10 provides more favorable prices, allowing you to enjoy more convenient audio and video services with multi-platform linkage at a lower price.

Baidu massive resource library support

Xiaodu X10 is supported by the data (graphics, audio & video, etc.) of Baidu’s massive resource library accumulated over the years, and can be said to be the most comprehensive digital encyclopedia. If you have any intellectual questions or troubles, you can ask Xiaodu. Xiaodu X10 has priority matching for video answers. If the question asked has a corresponding video version, the video will be broadcast first.

Baidu network disk linkage

Xiaodu X10 supports docking with Baidu Netdisk, which can be said to be a unique skill in the field of smart speakers and smart screens, and only Baidu’s smart screens can do it. It can not only automatically synchronize the videos, recorded audio and pictures shot on Baidu Netdisk to Baidu Netdisk, but also search for the content in the bound Netdisk through Xiaodu X10. At present, it only supports searching and playing pictures, audio and video in the Netdisk.

The Xiaodu X10 itself is an excellent Bluetooth speaker, equipped with an 8W 300cc large sound cavity speaker, providing a full sound quality listening experience.

In order to test the low frequency, intermediate frequency, high frequency of the speakers, as well as the sound field, detailed performance and sound control, I specially selected 6 songs to audition, namely: "Ferry", "Hotel California", "One I Love", "Drum Poem", "Cloud Atlas" (Star Version) and "Hungarian Dance". Overall test experience, Xiaodu X10’s comprehensive performance is quite excellent, the drums of "Ferry" echo in the ears, "Hotel California" applause failure and other live sounds are immersive, "One I Love" female cappella in the ventilation sound and saliva clear, "Drum Poetry" in the drum bass thick rhythm clear, "Cloud Map" in the performance of different singers of distinct levels, "Hungarian Dance" passion incisive.

Intelligent monitoring

The camera equipped with the Xiaodu X10 makes it a rather practical smart monitoring device, providing richer and easier-to-operate functions than ordinary home smart monitoring cameras.

This function is similar to the real-time monitoring function of ordinary surveillance cameras. After clicking, you can view the situation in front of the device in real time.

2) Nursing assistants

This function is a bit similar to the motion detection function of ordinary surveillance cameras, but it provides three options in a refined manner. Safe care mode: When someone or object moves, video recording is automatically turned on, and the Xiaodu APP on the mobile phone will receive an instant reminder.

Child care mode: Only when the child is detected in front of the device, the video recording will be automatically turned on, and the Xiaodu APP on the mobile terminal will not receive a reminder message.

Pet care mode: Turn it on when a pet is detected, automatically record a video, and also do not push prompt messages to the mobile phone.

The two modes of child care and pet care can not only record interesting videos in real time, but also record children’s use of the device, and guide children to use the screen reasonably.

The recorded video will be automatically encrypted and uploaded to Xiaodu cloud storage space and kept for 3 days. If you purchase a Xiaodu member, it supports 7-day storage, and supports one-click storage to Baidu Netdisk for permanent storage.

Xiaodu call

Xiaodu X10 supports two call modes, one is free network audio & video calls, and the other is to make ordinary calls for a fee.

To put it simply, with free online audio & video calls, you can use the Xiaodu APP or Xiaodu device to make a call to another Xiaodu APP or Xiaodu device, which is displayed as a "video call" or "audio call" button on the interface.

To make an ordinary call, you can use the Xiaodu APP and Xiaodu device to make an ordinary call. The other party does not need to install the Xiaodu APP, nor does it need to be a Xiaodu user. Your incoming call will be dialed to the other party by displaying a certain phone number.

Because this is equivalent to making a phone call, you need to buy the corresponding calling plan and pass real-name authentication. Xiaodu provides 10 minutes of free phone time every month for free, which is good for experience and occasional use.

remote control

Xiaodu X10 also supports convenient remote control functions, which simply means to display the screen on the Xiaodu X10 screen through the Xiaodu APP, and can also perform touch and voice operations.

Using this function, you can more conveniently control the small devices at home, thus controlling various smart home devices. More importantly, you can use this function to remotely guide parents and children to easily use the device, and all operations can be displayed synchronously on the device and mobile phone screen in real time.

Smart Home Control

Xiaodu series devices (not only Xiaodu X10) all support complete smart home control functions, and more and more home devices are supported. At present, smart home devices including some Xiaomi ecological chain, such as Yeelight, Aqara, Zhimi DC inverter fan, stone sweeping robot, etc. all support Xiaodu.

It is particularly worth mentioning that after connecting the above smart home devices to the Xiaodu platform, it will not affect the use of its original smart home platform. Simply put, you can use the Xiaodu and Xiaomi smart home platforms to control the supported smart home devices at the same time.

Intimate · Caring

child mode

For families who buy smart speakers, one of the most important uses is parent-child early education and assisting children in learning. Xiaodu X10 has specially launched a children’s mode, which has been thoughtfully designed from the perspective of interface style, customization and preferred content, vision protection, etc. After entering the children’s mode, Xiaodu’s shape has also become a cute little robot.

The fresh and simple cartoon-style interface design allows children to like it at a glance; and the carefully customized and optimized content is tailored for babies of different ages, while avoiding the adverse impact of unsuitable information on the baby. In addition, it can also be set to automatically enter the child mode when the camera recognizes that the user is a child; the child’s use can be viewed at any time. When the child uses the device to time out, parents can also receive a push message reminder from the Xiaodu APP on the mobile phone.

In order to prevent the child from exiting the child mode by himself, facial recognition is required when exiting the child mode. Various settings that care for the child allow parents to rest assured that the child can use the device healthily and reasonably.

Parents tell stories

When you are busy with work, sometimes you don’t have time to accompany your child? Do children have to listen to their parents tell stories to fall asleep? Through the "Parents Tell Stories" function of Xiaodu X10, you only need to use the Xiaodu APP to record 5 minutes of audio, and Xiaodu can imitate your voice and tell stories to your baby.

When recording, please pay attention to finding a very quiet environment and concentrate on recording the story for your child with emotion. When recording, the Xiaodu APP will automatically detect the noise. If you feel that the noise is too loud, you will not be allowed to continue the recording operation. No matter how busy you are with work, for the sake of your child, take 5 minutes to find a quiet environment to concentrate on recording a love story. Even so, Xiaodu’s imitation can’t replace the company of parents. Remember to put down your phone and accompany your child more~~

Caring for elders

When we grow up, the time we spend with our parents can be described as a handful. While trying our best to spend more time with our parents, how can we let them enjoy more fun in the Internet age? It is also the concern of every child. Parents have bad eyes, and it is too hard to use mobile phones for a long time. They like watching various TV programs, listening to opera crosstalk square dances, and listening to classic old songs. No problem, Xiaodu X10 has rich audio and video resources. The above content is tailor-made for elders, and various resources are very rich.

Parents’ bodies should also be always concerned and considerate. The information on the Internet is mixed, and Xiaodu helps you select authoritative information. Parents can ask any health questions. At the same time, they can also remind them to take medicine, drink water, do treatment, and pay off their credit cards on time.

More skills

The screen brought by Xiaodu X10 provides it with revolutionary changes and progress, bringing more functions and skills expansion. Family Album: From mobile phone uploads to photos to Xiaodu, the daily rotation is an electronic photo frame;

Message function: Support the transmission of text, pictures and voice messages between the Xiaodu APP and Xiaodu X10 on the mobile terminal. If you have anything to do, you don’t need to leave a note;

Alarm Reminder: In addition to the Xiaodu APP, it can also be managed through the smart screen, which is more intuitive and convenient; Skill Center: This is simply a treasure! Puzzle games turn Xiaodu X10 into a large-screen touch tablet game console, Douyin and Kuaishou are optimized versions of the large screen (also support scanning code login), as well as education and learning, life tools, etc. Simply put, this is the app store of Xiaodu X10 version. You can try searching for almost the commonly used apps on iPads and mobile phones.

The Skill Center is an open platform where the applications are constantly expanding, and the capabilities of the Xiaodu X10 are also becoming more and more powerful. It can be said that the Xiaodu smart screen can now do almost anything other than writing and painting productivity work on the tablet. In the future, if you expand further, the Xiaodu smart screen may really become your next computer.

Summary: Your next smart home hub

When smart TVs become more and more popular, more manufacturers have given TVs the role of smart home centers. At present, smart screens are still combined with smart speakers, and smart screens should be more applied to all aspects of work and life in the future. Xiaodu X10, you deserve it, it will help you approach the future from now on! Make your work and life easier and more comfortable! Most importantly, its functions are family-centered and family-centered! Love your family, love yourself, and use technology to help, starting today!

Disclaimer: This article is reprinted from our website to provide readers with more news information. The content involved does not constitute investment or consumption advice and is for readers’ reference only.

[Editor in charge: Zhong Jingwen]

Before and after the Spring Festival is the traditional off-season of the automobile market, but this year, the sales volume of stores opened in shopping malls increased as usual.

    Jiefang Daily reporter Wu Danlu

    Before and after the Spring Festival is the traditional off-season of Shanghai’s automobile market consumption. In the past, many 4S stores closed for rest during the Spring Festival holiday, but now, most new energy automobile brands that like to open stores in shopping malls choose to operate normally.

    In Zhiji Changtai Plaza Store, in order to receive customers who are looking at cars and buying cars, the store arranges more than three employees to take turns on duty during the holidays every day, which can receive more than 10 groups of customers every day, and with the opening of the return peak in Shanghai, the passenger flow is gradually increasing. Hu Bin, the manager of Zhiji Changtai Plaza Store, told the reporter that generally speaking, January and February are the low sales period, but compared with the store’s performance last year, the sales volume in the same period has increased by more than ten times.

    Hu Bin’s store’s sales increased, mainly because of the large volume of the latest model, Zhiji LS6. A few days ago, the sales data released by SAIC showed that in January, the sales volume of SAIC’s new energy vehicles was 64,000, and the retail sales exceeded 90,000, which doubled year-on-year. In particular, Zhiji LS6 performed well, selling 4,766 vehicles in a single month, winning the sales champion of "medium and large pure electric SUV" for the third consecutive month, and becoming a dark horse in the auto market around the end of the year. For SAIC’s new energy transformation, Zhiji’s hot sale against the trend is a positive signal.

    Before the holiday, the sales volume of Zhiji "broke through"

    Compared with being on duty during the Spring Festival, Hu Bin was more impressed by the car sales before the holiday. Generally speaking, a few months before the Spring Festival is the peak period of promotion and consumption in Shanghai auto market. During that time, Hu Bin and the shop assistants hardly had any rest. They arrived at their posts at 7: 30 in the morning and got off work at 12: 00 in the evening, receiving customers all day. Taking the sales volume in the two months at the end of 2023 as an example, Zhiji Changtai Plaza Store sold over 400 cars and became the "sales crown" of Zhiji’s national stores.

    The data shows that Zhiji LS6 was listed in October 2023, with a sales volume of 3,627 vehicles in the first month, while sales in November and December climbed to 8,156 vehicles and 9,878 vehicles, ranking first in the sales of "medium and large pure electric SUVs". Relying on the year-end efforts of Zhiji LS6, the overall sales volume of Zhiji brand reached 38,200 vehicles in 2023.

    It is a "threshold" that the monthly sales of new energy vehicles reach 10,000. For the market, LS6 is close to crossing this "threshold". For Zhiji itself, this is also the best achievement achieved by its brand since its establishment more than three years ago.

    Established in 2020, Zhiji brand is a high-end electric vehicle brand jointly established by SAIC, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech and Alibaba. In April 2022 and February 2023, Zhiji successively released two models, L7 and LS7, both of which were priced at more than 300,000 yuan, anchoring the high-end market of Zhijia, but it has not been able to enter the first echelon, and the sales volume of a single model has been hovering around 1,000 vehicles for a long time.

    What did Zhizhi do right when he was able to "break through" the mainstream market this time? Front-line sales staff told reporters that the high cost performance is the key reason why Zhiji LS6 is concerned by consumers.

    In terms of configuration, high-level intelligent driving ability has always been the main selling point of Zhiji LS6. Lu Da, executive director of Zhiji Automobile Communication Division, introduced that in December last year, this model has realized the opening of national high-speed NOA, that is, navigation-assisted driving. On January 23rd, Zhiji LS6 took the lead in pushing the NOA function of the city in Shanghai, and users can basically realize the whole process of intelligent navigation-assisted driving in the main roads of the city. In 2024, Zhiji will accelerate the opening of the city NOA, and strive to achieve the advanced version of commuting mode covering 100 cities across the country during the year.

    An industry insider said that at present, Tucki is the most advanced intelligent driving technology in China. However, a number of car companies have announced the plan to open the city NOA, and 2024 may be the first year for the popularization of intelligent driving technology in China. At the media communication meeting before the release of LS6, Tamia Liu, co-CEO of Zhiji Automobile, also expressed similar views. He said that the intelligent driving level of Zhiji LS6 is about 2-mdash behind the most advanced level in the industry; 6 months, but its core technology is completely self-researched, and it has a strong late-comer advantage. It will quickly promote the landing of intelligent driving technology through subsequent OTA (remote update).

    In the market, Zhiji is stepping up its marketing efforts. For today’s Zhiji, high-end is very important, and it is more important to take out the explosion. It is widely believed that SAIC has reached a critical moment in shaping new advantages and transitioning from fuel vehicles to new energy vehicles. It will be crucial for SAIC’s future transformation and development to exchange scale for experience and accumulate experience in electric vehicle products from brands such as Zhiji.

    SAIC pushes "explosive" cars.

    The strategy of creating explosions is not limited to Zhiji. In the SAIC system, Feifan, Roewe and MG all push explosive products in their respective price ranges. For example, Roewe also released the first product of a brand-new series of "D Family" in November last year, Roewe D7, with a listed equity price of 121,800 yuan. After preferential treatment, the price of the entry-level model D7 DMH can reach 109,800 yuan, focusing on "the space, value and price of B-class cars" and entering the B-class car market.

    Roewe has high hopes for this model. In addition to offering the most competitive price, Roewe is also promoting the transformation of sales system and service system to new energy. Luo Fancheng, deputy director of the marketing department of Roewe Brand Division, said: "Many of our dealers sell fuel vehicles, but the sales methods of new energy vehicles are different from those of fuel vehicles, and the focus of users’ concern is different, so it took us a long time to polish the whole marketing system to new energy." Since the launch, the new style of play has achieved initial results, and the market share of Roewe D7 DMH has also increased against the trend. In January, the sales volume increased by 29% month-on-month, ranking among the top three in the medium-sized hybrid car market.

    SAIC’s new energy strategy is accelerating. From the perspective of the industry, the automobile market as a whole is now in a critical period of transition from fuel vehicles to new energy vehicles. As the largest fuel vehicle sales enterprise in China, SAIC is bound to bear enormous transformation pressure. In fact, SAIC began to explore electrification and intelligent technology nearly ten years ago. Counting joint venture brands, SAIC’s sales of new energy vehicles have been among the best among domestic car companies in recent years. However, in order to complete the relay of new and old kinetic energy, in the current high-end pure tram market with the fiercest market competition and the most recognized reputation, SAIC needs more explosive models to help its own brands accumulate the operating experience of intelligent electric products and boost the overall intelligent electric transformation.

    Of course, the downward price probe will inevitably bring greater cost pressure. Guo Huaiyi, an auto industry analyst, said that the price war is still the mainstream of the market this year, and everyone is fighting for the price. SAIC recognizes the current style of play and must also bear the corresponding profit pressure. But at the same time, he also stressed that this is almost a necessary process for China automobile to build cars with new energy. Both the new forces and BYD started to build cars with money for a long time, so it is difficult to have both high growth and high profits in the current market environment.

    In response to the profit pressure, Tamia Liu once told reporters: "There will definitely be cost pressure, but relatively speaking, the cost supply chain is SAIC’s strength." He said that SAIC is one of the strongest players in China’s automobile industry chain, and with the same level of parts and technology, SAIC must have an advantage in terms of cost. Of course, the cost is also directly related to the scale, so Zhiji hopes to increase the sales volume through the LS6 and the fourth car to be released soon, thus further exerting the cost advantage.

Cantonese-speaking Jackson Yee, Wuhan-speaking Hu Ge… more attractive?

1905 movie network feature You try to get the Beijingers around you to speak without a voice, or the Shandong people to speak without inverted sentences.


Maybe this difficulty factor is a bit high, after all, the homophone is a sign that follows everyone since childhood, and it is also a symbol of home.


As more and more realistic films appear in front of the audience, actors speak with accents or speak in dialects, directly pulling the audience into the theatrical setting.


In the movie, although the director simply placed all the characters in the general environment of Shenzhen, the actors used a lot of language details in their performance, allowing the audience to more or less construct that Shenzhen is a city where many migrant workers gather.

Do as the Romans do, in a city for a long time, naturally also know a few local dialects. Jing Hao (decoration) in several conversations with the locals, inevitably mixed a few words of Cantonese.


Examples of this abound. The details of language give characters more identity information. So what is their charm?

The local accent of the world

"Miracle Stupid Child" takes place in Shenzhen. The large number of migrants must be one of the labels of public perception of this city.


The group portraits depicted in the film are hardly any of the aborigines of Shenzhen, with a mix of southern and northern accents.

Uncle Liang, who plays the role, speaks with a "free shipping area" accent. But there is one detail. When he took Jing Hao to talk about the venue of the electronics factory, he deliberately imitated the local accent of Shenzhen.

The original unconscious in the accent, to the details of the deliberate imitation, are actually the subconscious performance of the outsider’s integration when playing games with the locals. But these subconscious are all details.

And the actor Tian Yu himself is actually a native of Beijing.


Wang Chunmei (played), who goes out to work, doesn’t have to be as smooth as Uncle Liang, and her straight personality is also reflected in her accent. Actor Qi Xi admitted in an interview with us that when writing a biography for the character, she decided to put her own Guizhou accent on the character to enrich the character’s side.


There are not many scenes in the movie, but he is full of Hokkien accent, which makes the image of the irascible contractor more dramatic.


But when he arrived, the Guizhou actor picked up a Sichuan accent again.


Regarding this dialect setting, the director once said in an interview, "Using dialects is a feature. We learned that the proportion of Sichuan troops in the Volunteer Army was very large, and it was also to add some realistic features and give actors more freedom."


In the movie, many of the soldiers were fellow villagers. This was actually an adjustment made by the director according to the actor’s growth environment. However, he was not forced to speak this dialect. For example, if he did not know Sichuan dialect, he would speak Mandarin in the movie.


Using accented lines to tell the story added life to the actors’ own interpretation. Especially in this kind of war-themed movie, the soldiers come from all over the world, and the integration of accents and dialects from all over the world can also make the mood the highest.


In the film, the soldiers come from different parts of the country and speak different dialects – Shaanxi dialect, Beijing dialect, Jiangxi dialect and Sichuan dialect. These dialects are set ad hoc by the actors on the spot, and none of them were in the original script.


These dialects or lines with distinct regional accents are naturally a plus for the film itself.

Well-documented settings

The use of these accents is never groundless.


For example, when an animated movie was released, a mouthful of "Trump"’s Taiyi real person caused dissatisfaction among the audience. At one point, some people even thought that the director himself was a Sichuan native and added dry goods in the creation.


Finally, the director came out to explain that during the creative process, he checked the relevant information, "We all know that he is a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, one of the twelve golden immortals of Kunlun, and his cave residence, Qianyuan Mountain Golden Light Cave, is in Jiangyou City, Sichuan, so Taiyi Zhenren can also be said to be from Sichuan."

After all, the audience thought that immortals should be immortals and have a strict attitude based on the past film and television works. But there has always been information that becoming immortals will lead to the progress of Mandarin. There is evidence to test, but in the end, Taiyi Zhenren’s "Trump" became the laughingstock in the movie.


When the identity of the character cannot be explained, some inexplicable accents appear a little abrupt.


In the recently released film, the Taiwanese actor has a Taiwanese accent, which seems a little out of place among other actors with northern accents.


In the past, this situation often appeared in films where Taiwanese actors and mainland actors worked together. However, in some film creations, the team used dubbing to make the actors’ accents seem less dramatic.


For example, the producer specially found a voice actor to do the voice processing for the male lead.


Or in the movie, the classic "How can you eat a rabbit, a rabbit is so cute", the actor’s soft and cute voice numbs everyone on and off the screen. And the role itself is set from Taiwan, China. At the same time, another Taiwanese actor, in the film, is set as a woman who is good at coquettish.


Under such adjustments and settings, the actor’s accent became a plus for the movie itself.


When the movie was created, the first cut was actually dubbed in Mandarin, but after everyone watched it, they felt that many of the original baggage in the script had lost its flavor. Therefore, they made up for the dialect content in the movie, and it was because of this movie that the Cantonese "top your lungs" became a popular phrase of the year.


Admittedly, movies come from life, and when it comes to stories about the little people at the bottom, dialects and appropriate accents can make them more "three-dimensional". For example, the story that also happened in Chongqing, the movie uses Chongqing dialect, while the movie is in Mandarin, the latter’s story is obviously not so "down-to-earth".

Dialect learning

The accent adds more or less to the character’s charm, and this detail of life makes the character more three-dimensional in the story.


Not only the accent, but now in more and more movies, the creators are starting to tell stories directly in dialects.


Looking back at the movies released in recent years, the actors no longer even rely on the dubbing of later dialects, and have been filmed in local dialects since the early days.,,,, and so on.


Speaking Nanjing dialect, speaking Kaili dialect, and learning Wuhan dialect, even in the early stages of the film’s release, these actors’ dialect became an important part of the film’s promotion.


This kind of shooting allows the characters and the environment to have a deeper emotional resonance. For example, in the starring movie "Hidden in the Dust", it is performed with amateur actors and dialect performances, which naturally becomes the key for star actors to integrate into life.


At the same time, when the director communicated with Haiqing in the early stage, dialect became one of the director’s appeals, "I asked her to set aside time to learn dialect."


This kind of learning that loses its halo, during the filming, Hu Ge once "cross-dressed" and went deep into the streets of Wuhan to learn dialects.


In an interview with us, Hu Ge admitted that the hardest part of filming the whole movie was speaking Wuhan dialect. At the filming scene, he made an agreement with the local actors in Wuhan that anyone who spoke to him on the scene must speak Wuhan dialect.


Actress Gui Lunmei is even more so.


The movie started on April 28, 2018. After the ninth day of the new year, she moved to Wuhan Chengzhong Village first. She also found a local teacher and practiced speaking Wuhan dialect every day. She found a small room in the tube building in the film for a week, shopping for food, cooking, playing mahjong with the elderly, and observing the lives of the residents.


Finally, after the release of "The Wild Goose Lake", even many Wuhan audiences praised the actors’ performance in dialects in the movie.


Line skills have always been one of the standards for audiences to discuss an actor’s acting skills, and the vitality of the performance is the embodiment of the actor’s performance. When these two elements are combined, the charm of language and the smoke of life are truly interpreted by the actor.