Fan Bingbing became the queen of the dinner party in a floral dress, saying he was satisfied with being photographed by the media

Wang Xueqi, Wang Xiaoshuai, Fan Bingbing, and Yu Dong, President of Poly Bona (from left to right)

Wu Yanzu and Gu Tianle

Jia Zhangke, Zhao Tao

        Movie Network News(Photo/Shanghai Film Festival Report Team) The "Bona Night" dinner hosted by Poly Bona was held in Shanghai on June 13. That night, Fan Bingbing, Wu Yanzu, Gu Tianle, Er Dongsheng, Wang Xueqi, Wang Xiaoshuai, Huang Yi, Jia Zhangke, Zhao Tao, Peng Haoxiang, Weng Hong, Yuan Li, Chen Zhipeng, Zhang Jie and other stars made their debut.

Fan Bingbing

Fan Bingbing and Poly Bona President Yu Dong

Fan Bingbing floral dress show beach style, high popularity can be called the queen of the dinner party

        Fan Bingbing is definitely the popular queen and topic queen in the entertainment industry today, and everywhere he goes is the focus. That night, Fan Bingbing was wearing a floral dress, with big wavy hair hanging down to his chest, and with red leather shoes, it was quite a beach vacation style.

        Although Fan Bingbing arrived late, as soon as she appeared, the directors and bosses at the reception immediately came forward to greet her and rushed to take photos with Fan Bingbing. Unlike other actors, Fan Bingbing was basically unable to move at the reception, surrounded by a large number of passers-by, competing to see her style. Fan Bingbing’s popularity was evident, and she was definitely the queen of the dinner party that night.

Fan Bingbing was the highlight of the night

Fan Bingbing denied the identity of the agent’s boyfriend, saying he was satisfied that he was secretly photographed

        Recently, Fan Bingbing was exposed by a Hong Kong weekly magazine, saying that she was in love with her agent, Mu Xiaoguang, and also published a picture of Fan Bingbing burying his head in a man’s chest in Cannes. Fan Bingbing also responded publicly to the matter for the first time that night. She laughed and said that not only was she not angry, but she thanked the weekly magazine for taking a beautiful picture of her, and she was very satisfied.

        "I saw the photo, and the man on it has no head, but I’m still grateful for this fake news, because everyone knows that this weekly magazine has always been famous for taking ugly pictures of female stars, and every time it takes a very ugly picture of the artist, but this time it took a very beautiful picture of me, and the photo also makes me look very cute." Fan Bingbing announced louder, "If I fall in love, I will definitely tell you loudly, because this kind of happy thing must be shared with everyone!"

The scale of online car-hailing users is growing rapidly, and shared travel has entered a period of standardized development

[Key words]: online car rental, standardization, transformation

According to CNNIC’s latest 39th "Statistical Report on the Development of China’s Internet Network", as of December 2016, the scale of online booking taxi users reached 225 million, an increase of 66.13 million compared with the first half of 2016, with a growth rate of 41.7%. The proportion of online booking taxi users among netizens was 30.7%, an increase of 8.4 percentage points over the middle of 2016; the scale of online booking car users was 168 million, an increase of 46.16 million over the first half of 2016, with a growth rate of 37.9%. Online booking car users accounted for 23.0% of the online population, an increase of 5.8 percentage points over the first half of 2016.

Figure 1: Size and Utilization Rate of Online Car Rental Users in 2016

As a representative industry of the sharing economy, online car-hailing has played an important role in revitalizing existing vehicle resources, meeting users’ personalized travel needs, and increasing social employment. In 2016, the online car-hailing market gradually stabilized.

The relevant management measures for online car-hailing have been issued to promote the standardized development of the market. In July 2016, the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of the Taxi Industry" was issued to promote the reform of taxis and build a diverse service system that includes the coexistence of new and old formats of cruise taxis and booking taxis. Under the promotion of policies, the number of online booking taxi users increased by 41.7% in the second half of 2016. Since November 1, 2016, the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Business Services" came into effect, clarifying the legal status of online booking cars from the level of national regulations, incorporating online booking cars into the taxi system. At the same time, stricter access conditions were set for drivers and vehicles, and higher requirements were put forward for online booking platforms in the protection of passengers’ personal information to ensure the safe operation of online booking cars.

Major online car-hailing platforms are actively exploring new growth directions and paving the way for the company’s transformation. In 2016, Didi Chuxing was committed to promoting overseas car rental business on the one hand, and made strategic investments in the field of shared bicycles on the other hand. In addition, it also launched a minibus business, mainly promoting short-distance carpooling. At present, it has involved 9 major business systems such as taxis, special cars, express trains, hitchhiking, chauffeur, test drives, and public transportation; Shenzhou special car is making efforts in the field of automobile finance and automobile e-commerce. In the second half of 2016, the newly launched one-stop automobile financial service platform provides customers with automobile consumer credit services including used car finance and automobile mortgage loans. At the same time, the proceeds raised are actively used to develop the development of its automobile e-commerce platform. ( Tan Shufen, Industry Analyst, China Internet Network Information Center

1 Network reservation class includes special car, express and ride network reservation services.

The idol economy generates a fundraising frenzy, and the fan circle carnival behind the star concert

  Xiaomin, who is in her third year, has been very busy recently, grabbing tickets, delineating the support area, buying light boxes, and calling on people to go to the scene… Because of a 5th anniversary concert of her "Idol" (the homonym of the word "idol" in English – reporter’s note), Xiaomin has experienced up to 2 months of abuse and battle (Internet catchphrase, the same as PK here – reporter’s note).

  Today’s fan group is called "rice", and the circle they form is called "rice circle" and "rice ball". As the saying goes, "Once you enter the rice circle, it is as deep as the sea, and from now on, Idol is your wife", this sentence is a true portrayal of the current rice circle.

  In the past, chasing a certain star or band was at most buying albums and watching concerts. Basically, they were all loose fans, and there was no concept of a fan circle. In recent years, with the expansion of the fan base, the idol economy has continued to develop, giving birth to a variety of ways to buy peripherals (derivative products) for idols, rent advertising space for promotion, vote, and do charity and public welfare activities. In order to win the favor of Idol, fans are busy brushing sales every day, brushing topics and discussions on social networking sites, participating in pre-voting, on-site voting, etc., and also conducting an extremely fast Amway (Internet term, referring to strong recommendation) for Idol’s new works.

  Xiaomin’s love bean is one of the members of a well-known idol boy group in China, and fans like her are called "Weijian" in the fan circle. "I will spend money for the stars. On the one hand, I will buy albums and official peripherals, on the other hand, I will buy air tickets and tickets to watch the performance, and on the other hand, I will buy the support fee." Xiaomin said that the anniversary concert or celebration of the group every year is a "Weijian" support battle. Each star or group has an official support color, the group has a support color, and each member will have a separate support color.

  "In order to make the concert scene a little more friendly, the main task of the people in the circle this year is to battle the light signs." Since very early on, Xiaomin’s fan circle has begun to call on everyone to buy light signs. Purchases are usually called by the support club and big fans, and develop from various organizations to the whole circle. "The more light signs you buy, the better!" Xiaomin bought 8 light signs with an area of 1 square meter in one go, and each light sign sold for 188 yuan.

  The members of the support committee "basically bought it, and those who don’t go will contribute." Xiaoyu couldn’t go to the concert because of something, so she participated in online fundraising to raise funds to buy light signs. "The fundraising groups are all temporarily formed," Xiaoyu said. This time, the support committee started to call for the purchase of light signs in the micro bar. There are many ways to raise funds, and they are constantly innovating. "Some time ago, Alipay had a scan code to receive red envelopes. We asked a big fan to issue a QR code for payment, and others scanned the code for consumption. The red envelope income can be a large amount of money, and it can be used to buy light signs. Of course, there are also direct transfers through WeChat, Alipay or self-purchase."

  Xiaoyu participated in the fundraising activities of the support, Alipay red envelopes earned tens of thousands of yuan, and fans directly transferred tens of thousands of yuan. The total amount is specific, Xiaoyu said "not completely open so I don’t know". There are many members of the fan circle like Xiaoyu. They know that the fundraising process can only be semi-public, and they also know that there are dark debts, but they will still support each fundraising without hesitation.

  "Dark accounts are inevitable, and the money that should be raised will not be fully disclosed," Xiaomin said, because some of the money will be used for public relations, such as for the promotion of newspapers and magazines and self-media endorsement products. This is the part that cannot be made public, and public disclosure will allow the opponent to fully understand their situation. "Even if there is a dark account, as long as the vast majority of the money is spent where it should be spent, and the amount is not high, no one will investigate it."

  Nowadays, it has become the norm for the support committee to raise money, and the problems in the supervision of funds have been frequently reported in the newspapers. Just in July this year, "101 fund-raising was investigated" once made the hot search list. There are media reports that in the process of creating 101 fans to raise funds, there are "fans" in the name of boosting popularity for the Idol finals. After collecting funds, they ran away and even bought a sea view house.

  Xiaomin thinks she is lucky, because she has been in the rice circle for 4 years and has never encountered a run away. She is also relatively tolerant of the tricks in "fund-raising", "We need people who do these things, and forcing them (fund-raising promoters) away is not conducive to the stability of the rice circle, because the big fan has the voice over and the appeal."

  If fans don’t pursue it, is there no supervision in the gray area of fundraising in the fan circle? Lawyer Yuan Shaoguang of Beijing Tongchuang Law Firm believes that the promoter of "fundraising" should be responsible for the authenticity, legality and use of crowdfunding funds. The promoter cannot misappropriate or embezzle crowdfunding funds. If the promoter uses fictional facts or concealing the truth to defraud crowdfunding funds for the purpose of illegal possession (such as running away with money, etc.), he may be suspected of criminal crimes such as fraud.

  In the end, Xiaomin’s support association bought a total of more than 5,000 light signs, "It’s not enough to buy light signs, after all, it takes heads to hold light signs". Each support association must determine the support area in advance, determine the number of people present and grab tickets. China Youth Daily · China Youth Online reporter saw from a "concert support area map" provided by Xiaomin that 32,000 seats at the concert site were divided in different colors, and they were all booked by fans of 5 support associations. The support association where Xiaomin is located has 4,000 to 5,000 people present to help out.

  "Everyone who can be called has gone, and it is difficult to grab tickets!" Xiaomin grabbed the front row of the infield at the price of 1880 yuan through the ticket-grabbing platform, and bought 3 peak tickets (stand tickets) out of her own pocket for friends who are not fans to go in and help hold the light signs. The 3 tickets given to friends cost more than 3,000 yuan, but Xiaomin felt it was worth it for her love bean.

  From a psychological point of view, their needs have reached the level of one-way payment to obtain great satisfaction and pleasure, and deep mining is their own values. "Wang Chao, a researcher at a digital economy think tank, believes that deep fans will bind their value orientation to idols. In the process of pursuit, they join the support group because of the herd effect. When everyone has the same goal to do one thing, this is his knowledge system, and he will be subtly influenced by this group.

  Faced with the strong support of fans, the reaction of stars is not the same. Also this year, Zhu Yilong Studio sent a letter of thanks and apology on Weibo, deciding to refund all the hundreds of thousands of yuan of support fees raised by the support club, which attracted attention. "From a legal perspective, fans voluntarily raise funds. Even if the promoter runs away after fundraising, the star does not need to bear civil liability if he does not know and has no fault," said lawyer Yuan Shaoguang.

  In the opinion of Li Xuejing, a "technical fan" who works as a video director, the star’s move is due to "fan behavior idols pay the bill". She believes that the support fee is burning fans’ money, and it is understandable that the star asks to return it after knowing it. "Because many fans support is a spontaneous behavior, the star does not know it, and there is no transparent fan management and financial mechanism, which causes a lot of things similar to fans running away with money and earning rebates in the middle. Once there is a problem with fans burning money for support, it is easy to cause scolding wars among fans, and it will also affect the star artists themselves. These are all factors that stars should consider."

  Compared with some celebrities who need fans’ support in order to be exposed, famous, and hyped, Li Xuejing pays more attention to those stars who speak with their acting and singing skills, because they are willing to settle down. "Fans need rationality, and only works are the foundation of a star’s foothold."

  Yuan Rui, China Youth Daily China Youth Online Reporter

Tencent hosts the 2021 China Online Media Forum Content Forum, focusing on "Communication: Shaping Value"

  On November 25th, the opening ceremony and main forum of the 2021 China Internet Media Forum jointly sponsored by the Central Network Information Office, the Central Radio and Television Station, and the Guangdong Provincial Committee of Internet and Information Technology was held in Guangzhou. With the theme of "Development and Order: Let Large Traffic Surge Positive Energy", the forum focused on the new situation, new tasks and new challenges facing the construction of online content. It promoted online media to strengthen its ideals and beliefs, keep in mind its original mission, and continue its red blood. It is determined to maintain integrity and innovation. It actively participates in the hot practice of network content construction. It further sings the main theme, promotes positive energy, promotes the construction of network civilization, and creates a clear and clear network space. Xi Dan, senior vice president and chief talent officer of Tencent Group, attended the opening ceremony.

  This forum set up five parallel forums on technology, content, responsibility, industry, and the Greater Bay Area, focusing on topics such as "Innovation: Technology Empowering", "Communication: Shaping Value", "Responsibility: Co-governance and Sharing", "Development: Steady and Long-term", "Greater Bay Area: One Network Connected" and other topics to conduct discussions and exchanges, colliding with ideological sparks.

  The content forum was co-hosted by Xinhuanet, Tencent, China Federation of Internet Societies, and Yangcheng Evening News Newspaper Group. With the theme of "Communication: Shaping Value", guests from all walks of life discussed and exchanged views on how online media can spread positive energy, expand the influence of mainstream values, and build a more harmonious, clear, and upward-looking online culture in the current era of in-depth media integration and profound changes in public opinion ecology.

  Chen Yong, vice-president of Tencent, delivered a keynote speech titled "Bringing together" good flow "to help spread positive energy." Chen Yong said, "We deeply realize that traffic is like a coin, on the one hand is the trust of netizens in the platform; on the other hand, it is the serious responsibility and solemn mission of the platform. For large traffic, Tencent has always been in awe." Chen Yong believes that accompanied by large traffic is the mission of the times, the choice for good, and the value of users and society. First, we must closely adhere to the proposition of the times and bring living water to the source of positive energy. The changes of the times and the struggle of the present are the best themes for creating high-quality content. Large traffic should be bred from the big era. Second, we must innovate the connection form and promote positive energy to bloom. If traffic is the branches and leaves, the connection is the root system. Large traffic should grow in large connections. Only by constantly innovating the connection form between technology, content and users, and constantly enriching the connection scene, can we promote the growth of the positive energy traffic ecology. Third, we need to enhance the value-based, converge "good flow" and spread the good. Large traffic should be based on big value, and use positive energy communication to help a better life. This year, Tencent has raised social value to the height of the company’s strategy, increasing investment in areas such as digital aging, protection of minors, public welfare, and traditional culture, and using technology and products to converge "good flow" to spread the good. Looking forward to exploring new possibilities for positive energy transmission through this openness.

  Chen Yong said that science and technology for good is Tencent’s mission and vision. In the trendsetting era and technology, Tencent has always been in awe, adhered to the principles of responsibility and value, and strived to make traffic upwards to absorb the spirit of the times and contribute to a better life.

  This year’s forum held the first exhibition of new technologies, new applications and new business formats in China’s online media field. This is the first large-scale offline exhibition with the theme of online communication, and it is an important innovation in the concept of online communication. With the theme of "Science and Technology Create Beauty", more than ten high-quality projects on display in the Tencent exhibition area attracted a lot of attention.

  Open the "Travel to Dunhuang" Mini Program, you can easily visit more than 200 caves in Dunhuang, admire more than 2,000 murals and painted sculptures, and experience "one click to cross the millennium"; through the "Digital Forbidden City" Mini Program, you can "cloud" tour the major buildings of the Forbidden City, view millions of rare collections, browse online to understand the "cold" knowledge of the Forbidden City, and check the digital cultural relics resources of the Forbidden City with one click. "Travel to Dunhuang" and "Digital Forbidden City" are cultural heritage digitization projects created by Tencent in cooperation with the Dunhuang Research Institute and the Palace Museum respectively, leveraging its own digital capabilities. " The model of "Technology + Culture" has revitalized the connotation of traditional cultural IP in cyberspace, and convenient digital channels and rich interactive methods have made more young people willing to accept and spread traditional culture, so that traditional classics have a lasting vitality.

  The "Tencent Virtual Live" project has attracted many live media to experience it. Using virtual-reality fusion, 3D game engine, cloud rendering and other technologies, live streaming hosts can be implanted into flexible and variable virtual scenes to improve the viewing effect and convenience of live broadcasts. Among them, self-developed algorithms greatly reduce the deployment cost and difficulty of live broadcast rooms. Just customize the green screen wallpaper, no need for wrinkle-free green screen, locator and other cumbersome and expensive hardware, you can realize advanced functions such as mirror movement and zoom, and at the same time, you can reduce the deployment cost of the traditional solution of about 30,000 yuan to at least 300 yuan, so that ordinary live streaming hosts can realize high-quality and low-cost virtual live broadcast at home, and experience the convenient "all-real Internet" live broadcast experience.

  At this exhibition, Tencent also exhibited a "hard core equipment" – 5G remote real-time driving mining car. Sitting at the exhibition site in Guangzhou, the staff can easily control the mining car in the Ordos mining area 2,000 kilometers away. The remote intelligent mining car launched by Tencent and Sany Smart Mine shows the charm of intelligence and unmanned. Accurate operation across thousands of miles relies on a low-latency remote real-time control product called "Tencent Cloud Unbounded". Tencent has applied the real-time audio & video technology that has been accumulated in the field of network communication over the past 21 years to support the ultra-high concurrency of massive users in the field of industrial production. The powerful cloud network of Tencent Cloud guarantees the stability of 2000 kilometers of ultra-long-distance transmission. The ultra-low latency of end-to-end as low as 200 milliseconds based on 5G network ensures the timeliness and accuracy of operation, making it very suitable for industrial autonomous driving and remote operation scenarios in dangerous environments. At present, this technology has been applied in mines, ports and other scenarios, and is an effective landing of digital and real fusion in the industrial field.

  In addition, the exhibition area also showcased Guangdong Learning Party History Guangdong Love Party – clock in Guangdong Red, Tencent Growth Guardian Platform, National Treasure Global Digital Museum, Grand Canal Digital Culture Project, Tencent Miaobi · Immersive Interactive Ink Painting, VR Panoramic Immersion Experience Tencent Science WE Conference, Tencent Free Perspective and other projects, respectively, from the perspectives of science and technology to help spread positive energy, science and technology to protect the growth of young people, and science and technology to promote the popularization of knowledge.

  The 2021 China Network Media Forum is organized by the Network Communication Bureau of the Central Network Information Office, the Network Information Office of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, CCTV, the Network Information Committee of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee, Guangdong Radio and Television Station, and Tencent. The China Network Media Forum is currently the highest-level, most authoritative and influential annual event in the online media industry in our country, and is known as an important window to observe the development trend of China’s online media.

Sold for 132,020 yuan, Geely icon Galaxy limited edition listing

  A few days ago, we learned from the official that the (|) Galaxy limited edition model was officially launched.The new car launched a total of 1 model, the guide price is 132,020 yuan, limited to 2020 units, and will be delivered on January 1, 2020.In addition, other models of Geely icon are currently available for pre-order and will be announced in January. See the table below for details:

Geely icon Galaxy Limited Edition, guide price Model Selling price (10,000 yuan) 1.5T + 48V 7DCT Galaxy Limited Edition 13. 2020


  The Geely icon has a different design style from previous Geely models. The square lines are outlined, and the split headlight set looks very avant-garde. Of course, the iconic paper grille of the Geely family is retained, but it looks more three-dimensional. The "Galaxy Limited Edition" car will have a Starship gray body, a white-brown two-tone Starship interior, 19-inch all-aluminum two-tone wheels and Continental UC6 SUV tires, and the exclusive aluminum identity of "Time Symbol".



  On the side of the body, the new car uses straight lines to match the three-dimensional front and rear wheel eyebrows, which does not look monotonous. At the same time, the car also adopts a hidden door handle design. The new car also adopts a suspended roof shape. The simple lines at the tail make the new car’s visual effect very wide. With the horizontal headlights, it looks full of personality. In the body color part, the ordinary version of the model will provide ICON 50 °, ICON 80 ° gray, ICON green, ICON red, ICON white, ICON blue, and ICON gold. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4350/1810/1615mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2640mm.



  In the interior part, the new car adopts a new style of design techniques, the color matching of white and khaki leather, exudes simplicity and fashion, and is equipped with a double 10.25-inch instrument panel and a central control display screen, of which the central control screen is suspended on the center console, giving people a stronger sense of technology. At the same time, the trend shape below is designed with "∞" (infinite) symbol elements, bringing a good sense of design.

  In terms of configuration, the new car will offer air quality management, air filtration, negative ion air purification, lane keeping, urban pre-collision, adaptive battery life, intelligent high beam control, blind spot monitoring, wireless charging, and more.

  In terms of power, the Galaxy Limited Edition model is equipped with a 1.5T engine + 48V micro-hybrid system. The 48V micro-hybrid system can bring an additional 10kW of power and 45 Nm of torque. The system has a combined power of 190 horsepower and a peak torque of 300 Nm. The transmission system is matched with a 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox. (Text/Autohome Zhang Xuelian)

Mermaid sadomasochism! What story does Zhou Xingchi’s "Mermaid" tell?

    1905 movie network feature On January 31, "Mermaid", which is about to be released on the first day of the new year, held a "Fish and Water Acacia" conference in Beijing. Director Zhou Xingchi made a collective appearance with the mighty "Mermaid Family", and also released a 1-minute and 40-second ultimate version trailer on the spot.

    This highly anticipated film has maintained a sense of mystery to this day, and has been taking the route of hunger marketing. It has not held any screening or media advance viewing activities. It is really difficult to say whether Xingye is too confident or too unconfident in the quality of this film.

    We can only get a glimpse from a few sets of film materials that have been exposed so far.

1. This movie is very popular

Stephen Chow is not only the king of comedy in the acting world, but also the films he directs are unique. Starting from "Journey to the West", he no longer gives himself a place in the film, but hides behind the monitor as a director.

Inner OS: What the hell…

    The first time we heard that there was no Stephen Chow in a movie, we felt a little regretful, but after seeing "Journey to the West to Conquer Demons", we were pleasantly surprised to see the cynical but deeply familiar shadow in the article, Huang Bo, Luo Zhixiang, and even Shu Qi’s characters.

    After a lapse of three years, there will also be no cameo in "Mermaid", but through the director’s special film exposed in the film, it can be found that his directing method is to completely instill his own performance into the actors, and even repeatedly demonstrate himself in order to accurately meet his requirements.

Demonstrate and guide actors to perform

    So, even if Lord Xing doesn’t appear in the movie, we don’t have to worry. "Mermaid" is definitely a film that inherits Zhou Xingchi’s strong personal style. There are all kinds of nonsense, cold humor, sullen, and crazy, and there is no guarantee that there will be one.

2. Characters start from the bottom ?? N corner relationship mermaid sadomasochism

    To say that there are quite a few familiar faces in this movie, from the current exposed trailers, we have seen Deng Chao, Luo Zhixiang, Zhang Yuqi, Lin Yun, Li Shangzheng, Lu Zhengyu, Yang Neng, Bai Ke, Kong Lianshun, Wu Yifan, Article, Zhang Mei’e, etc., all kinds of immortals show their superpowers – of course, most of them are "dead walk-on".

For example, this one:

Yang Neng, the "pork guy" in "Shaolin Soccer," became the director of the World’s Rare and Exotic Beasts Museum in "Mermaid," and performed for a group of tourists – "Our ancestors were all fish"

There are also two police comrades who were exposed in the first trailer with "super good" painting and "first-class" understanding ability, played by Tang Seng’s article and Sand Seng Li Shangzheng in "Journey to the West" respectively.

Even Wu Yifan, who came as a guest, got a glimpse in the final trailer – he should be a rich second generation looking at his clothes.

However, there was one character who had yet to reveal his true face, and that was "Master" Xu Ke! At the press conference held yesterday, not only did the "Mermaid Family" come out, but also Xu Ke, an old friend of Xing Ye, was invited, and it was revealed on the spot that he had a cameo appearance in "Mermaid", "There are more than one line."

Xing Ye also smiled and said, "Xu Hark’s acting skills are very good. In fact, the director who is the most capable of acting, I think one is Director Xu and the other is me. The acting skills are unknown."

Two "old urchins" made fun of themselves at the press conference

Of course, the most important characters in the movie are the four King Kong – octopus, mermaid, sea urchin and… lettuce?

Deng Chao: The male protagonist of the film is a wealthy real estate developer and a local tyrant. In the words of Stephen Chow, the character is a baby at heart, and the beard is his disguise, and he wants to pretend to be a mercenary adult. Deng Chao himself explained in Deng’s English at the press conference – "putting on a beard is a ghost (ghost) and taking off a beard is an angel (angel) ".

Angel’s affections

The evil of ghosts (should be trying to say evil… straightforward-A student’s English is not flattering

Lin Yun: The heroine of the film, the mermaid, can only be driven to a broken boat to survive due to human damage to the sea and ecology. Deng Chao, who disguised himself as entering human society and prepared to develop marine resources with love, did not expect that he really fell in love with him.

Tearful French kiss

Luo Zhixiang: As an octopus, he is also a sea creature (nonsense). He has always loved the mermaid, and when he found out that "the person I love has a lover," he was very sad and wanted to try to kill his rival with his tentacles. With eight giant tentacles, he can be regarded as the main fighting force of the Mermaid Gang.

Zhang Yuqi: As Deng Chao’s ex-girlfriend. Not only does she look like a domineering female silver, but she is also the film’s villain – the kind that is completely bad. She summed up the character herself as "a combination of violence and aesthetics" – which translates to: I am beautiful, but I am not gentle.

Mysterious Mermaid: In the final battle of the ultimate trailer, the stunning mermaid tail on the previous trailer and poster reappeared. Compared with Lin Yun’s little tail, this fish tail with colorful light has powerful abilities, and if it flaps the sea, it will be "the clouds and waters of the four seas are furious, and the five continents are shocked by wind and thunder". From the terrified expressions of the mermaid and octopus, the big mermaid should be the villain in the film. Zhang Yuqi, who is also a villain, had a strange look at each other with the little mermaid in the trailer… Could it be that Deng Chao made two mermaid girlfriends in one breath? (This doesn’t seem to be the point…

But when the camera is carefully zoomed in, the upper body of the mermaid seems to be a long-haired man wearing a white shirt, which is somewhat similar to Yang Neng’s image.

How big is Xing Ye’s brain opening, the answer can only be revealed after the film is released.

3. The story line is positive

If you read the character introduction and feel that this is a story where he loves her, she loves him, he loves her but not her, and she loves him but not him, then you are too young (fu) and naive (qian). We were told at the very beginning of the trailer that this is a high-profile: environmental protection promotional film!

Mermaids and humans should coexist peacefully, but who knows, the more they progress, the more violent they become…

Deng Chao’s character, Xuan Shao, was originally a mercenary businessperson. The development of real estate involved reclamation projects, which threatened the ethnic groups living in the sea. The mermaid Shan played by Lin Yun was sent to stop it. She transformed into a human and developed feelings for each other during the interaction with Xuan Shao, and finally succeeded in stopping the development of the entire project and protecting her homeland.

From this still, we can also see that the mermaid is covered with all kinds of garbage and waste in the sea

The conclusion of the trailer also echoes the theme:

If you only have the last minute of your life, if there is not even a drop of clean water or a mouthful of clean air on the earth, what would you most like to do?

In addition to this, we also saw a very familiar line in the previous trailer:

Isn’t this a salted fish?

If you don’t have a dream, what’s the difference between being a man and a salted fish?

It can also be regarded as a tribute to the previous work.

Hao Huijie and Yan Hanping met with Wang Jianlin of Dalian Wanda Group Inc., Ltd

On the morning of June 10, Hao Huijie, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Yan Hanping, mayor, met with Wang Jianlin, chairperson of Dalian Wanda Group Inc., Ltd. On behalf of the Yan’an Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, Hao Huijie welcomed Wang Jianlin and his party to Yan’an and thanked Wanda Group for its long-term contribution to Yan’an’s economic and social development. Both sides agreed that they will conscientiously implement the important speech of the Supreme Leader General Secretary when listening to the work report of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, and further deepen cooperation in the fields of red culture tourism, trade and logistics, and event economy.

Zhang Shibao, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress and Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, and Wang Yunxiang, Vice Mayor, attended the meeting. (Reporters, Gu Changyu, Zhang Youming) was accused of maliciously lowering the New Year’s reward in disguise. Response: Orders rebounded after the holiday

  In addition to the statutory overtime pay, many companies also provided some additional overtime rewards to employees who stayed on the spot for the Chinese New Year. However, the reporter learned on February 19 that some riders publicly questioned the platform’s temporary increase in rider orders, disguised as a reduction in overtime rewards. In response, responded that after returning to work after the year, the number of takeaway orders began to pick up, so the order requirements have increased compared with the Spring Festival holiday, which is not a malicious reduction in rewards.

  Recently, Mr. Yu, a rider at, broke the news that has launched additional year-end incentives in addition to the subsidy for each order during the Spring Festival, which are divided into seven periods, each lasting seven days. "The order volume of each issue in the first five periods is generally more than 200 orders, but the order volume of the sixth period has risen to 360 orders." Mr. Yu said: "I think this number has risen too much, and it is estimated that more than half of the riders may not be able to complete it."

  So is this the platform maliciously increasing the order volume of riders and reducing the additional overtime reward in disguise? What is the reason for the platform to increase the order volume?

  In response to the Beijing Daily client side reporter, said that due to various factors such as the New Year’s Day, the average daily order volume of the platform was originally different. After the year, the order volume began to recover rapidly, and the order volume of riders in the next few days will also increase. In addition, the order volume set for this activity was originally floating rather than fixed.

  According to the introduction, riders can get rewards if they complete more than 3 stages in total. The more cycles they complete, the more rewards they will get. Those who complete all 7 cycles can get the highest reward. That is to say, not all riders can get a unified highest reward.

  "Taking the Beijing area as an example, riders can get 3,400 yuan for completing five phases, 5,250 yuan for six phases, and 8,200 yuan for all seven phases," said the relevant person in charge of

  Regarding the controversial Phase 6 event, explained that the order volume was low before and during the festival, but with the end of the holiday and the arrival of the working day, the platform’s order volume rebounded significantly, and the subsequent order volume also increased.

  "We will evaluate each activity plan according to the actual business situation. At present, we are making adjustments to the feedback from riders, and we will also optimize the standards for the next activity according to the order volume of the platform," said the person in charge of

  However, the reporter also noticed that the root cause of the controversy is still the opacity of information. It is the platform that really masters big data. If the expected order volume range of each issue is properly announced at the beginning of the incentive policy, it will undoubtedly avoid contradictions and better protect the rights and interests of workers.

Did the concert meet the "Little New Year" veteran?

  Luo Dayou and Alan Tam have held concerts in Beijing more than once, but their recent concerts unexpectedly encountered Waterloo, which is a pity.

  The Beijing Youth Daily reporter learned from industry insiders that the performance market in 2019 is indeed somewhat different. It can be regarded as the "Little New Year" of the performance industry. Top artists such as Jacky Cheung, Eason Chan, and Jay Chou have no plans to hold concerts, and the market is relatively deserted.

  For the cold situation of Luo and Tan’s concert, industry insiders believe that "those who win the young win the world" is one of the reasons, and the old songs with a strong sense of age and the "elderly" audience are also an important reason why it is difficult to have a good box office.


  Luo Dayou Tam Wing Lun sings

  The box office was unexpectedly cold

  A month before Mr. Luo’s solo concert at the Beijing Workers’ Stadium on June 8, two ticketing websites, Yongle and Damai, showed that the lowest price of 200 yuan had been sold out, while the other five prices had plenty left. Only a third of the tickets had been sold, according to the organizers, and the remaining tickets were ready for sale at a discount.

  On the day of the concert, although the attendance rate was not too low, according to insiders, the actual box office of Luo Dayou’s Beijing concert was rather dismal, which did not match his achievements and status in the music world.

  On July 13, Alan Tam, known as the "principal of the music industry," also came to the Beijing Workers’ Stadium to hold a "40 Years of the Galaxy" tour. Although the concert could be said to be full on the day, according to people familiar with the matter, many of the audience at the scene entered with free tickets. This time, Alan Tam’s Beijing concert was also cold at the box office.


  Luo Tan and the two have a strong "sense of age"

  The acceptance of Cantonese plus old songs is not high.

  Luo Dayou, 64, has been in the music scene for more than 40 years, and the 69-year-old "music principal" Tan Yonglin is not to mention a symbol of an era. Many people think that their concerts should be popular, but the reality is always more cruel than imagined.

  Performance planner Meng Lun analyzed that Tan Yilin and Luo Dayou’s previous concerts in Beijing were held in the gymnasium, and the box office was okay. This time, they were all selected in the Workers’ Stadium, which is 4 times larger than the gymnasium, which also means that the number of tickets sold is higher than in the past. For young people today, Luo Dayou and Tan Yilin do have a sense of age, or there is a generation gap. For example, Luo Dayou’s songs are not so popular with young people.

  As for the poor box office performance of Alan Tam’s concerts, Meng Lun believes that the main reasons are these: most of his songs are in Cantonese, and his audience is mostly elderly. "Although Alan Tam is still releasing albums in recent years, his singing is not so high."

  In short, the generation that grew up listening to Luo Dayou and Tan Yilin’s songs has started or has already aged, and for them, watching performances is optional. Compared with young people, older fans have more concerns when buying tickets, and even if they have financial strength, they need to calculate the cost of time.

  Zhang Yiming, a senior performance planner and general manager of Beijing Huale Extraordinary Culture Communication Co., Ltd., believes that the good concert box office must be liked by young people. The so-called "young people win the world", such as Li Zongsheng, whose audience for each tour is at least 60% young people. "As long as it is a performance that young people are after, it will generally be very popular." In addition, in recent years, Li Zongsheng has often released new works that have been praised by the outside world. This is also an important reason why Li Zongsheng’s concerts are popular, while Luo Dayou can’t have a good box office if he changes the big venue.


  Miriam Yeung "Chunjiao" successfully planned

  One-day seckill for Beijing Railway Station tickets

  However, "Laughing Aunt" Miriam Yeung became the "box office queen" on her first tour in the mainland, which surprised many people, including the performers. Her tour in the mainland was extremely popular, and both the Beijing Station and other performances in the mainland sold out at the box office. There is no doubt that Miriam Yeung’s "My Beautiful Live" tour is the most well-deserved "hit" so far in 2019, with 11 consecutive concerts "spiked". The Beijing concert at the Cadillac Center on June 29 was Miriam Yeung’s first solo concert in Beijing. After the official pre-sale of tickets on April 8, 8,000 tickets were sold out quickly, and Miriam Yeung also became the "dark horse" in the performance market this year.

  Zhang Yiming believes that Miriam Yeung is very popular in Guangdong, and many of her Cantonese songs have a good mass base, but she did not expect to have such a high degree of singing in Beijing, and actually heard a Cantonese chorus at the performance site. The mainland tour originally planned to sing a few more Mandarin songs to cater to the mainland audience, but I never expected the call from the mainland audience: I hope she will sing more Cantonese songs.

  In addition to music, Miriam Yeung also has a lot of achievements in film and television, such as "Zhiming and Chunjiao" and "Thousand Cups Never Drunk" and other films, which have deeply rooted her image of urban women in the hearts of the people, so many tickets for this tour are sold out in one day.

  "After so many years of debuting, the accumulation has been in place." Zhang Yiming believes that the special planning on the occasion of the "10th anniversary of Zhiming and Chunjiao’s meeting" has a special link in Beijing Station – "Remembering and recreating together" Zhang Zhiming and Yu Chunjiao’s story about growing up. This wave of operation is in the hands of fans, and it has also made Miriam Yeung’s Beijing concert a double harvest of box office and reputation.

  Little New Year

  The performance market is relatively deserted

  There will be many major projects next year

  According to Zhang Yiming, 2019 can be regarded as a "Little New Year" in the performance industry. Many top artists have no plans for concerts, and the performance market is relatively deserted. In the performance industry, there is indeed a "Little New Year", in which "Little New Year" means that artists are preparing new albums, filming film and television works, or just completing a tour and need to take a long vacation. In these cases, tours will not be arranged.

  Beiqing Daily reporter investigation found that so far this year, the concerts of Luo Dayou, Alan Tam, Miriam Yeung and others have attracted much attention; now to the end of the year, the concerts worth looking forward to are only the concerts of Zhang Jie, Fei Yuqing and Cai Qin.

  But Zhang Yiming also revealed that although this year is the "Little New Year" ** the performance industry, many big projects for next year are being planned, and it can be expected that the ******* performance market will be a booming "******" next year.

  By our reporter, Shou Penghuan

  Coordinator/Liu Jianghua

Cinemas in low-risk areas will resume business; Yuan Qi Sen Lin conducts 2 billion US dollar valuation financing; Luo Yonghao enters talk show | Consumer Research Institute Weekly Report

Luckin Appoints Guo Jinyi as New CEO and Chairperson

On July 14, according to Luckin Coffee’s filing with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), Luckin Coffee announced changes to its board of directors and the appointment of a new chairperson. Luckin Coffee appointed Guo Jinyi as the new CEO and chairperson. Luckin Coffee said the company held an extraordinary shareholder meeting on July 5 and a board meeting on July 12. At present, the board of directors of Luckin Coffee currently consists of five independent directors, Cha Yang, Zhuang Weiyuan, Liu Feng, Zeng Ying and Yang Jie, Liu Feng is the chairperson of the audit committee, and Zeng Ying is the chairperson of the compensation committee; three management directors are composed of Cao Wenbao, Guo Jinyi and Wu Gang, and Guo Jinyi serves as the chairperson of the board.

The move follows a July 9 decision by a British Virgin Islands court to liquidate Luckin Coffee’s stake held by Luckin Coffee founder Lu Zhengyao, who will lose control of Luckin Coffee and KPMG will become Luckin Coffee’s largest shareholder. Mr. Lu has 14 days to appeal and has not responded.



Alibaba and Ant Group jointly released the "Digital Mulan" plan

On July 16, Alibaba Group and Ant Group officially released the "Digital Mulan" (Cyber Mulan) plan, which will cover 50 million women around the world within 5 years, and enhance women’s participation and competitiveness in the digital economy through digital means. It is reported that the "Digital Mulan" plan contains three categories of 11 measures, which will support female small and micro entrepreneurs, support women to improve digital skills, and support poor women to obtain more equal development opportunities.

Taobao special edition launched the first "1 yuan direct purchase festival" in the history of e-commerce

On July 13, Taobao special edition announced: 1.20 million industrial belt merchants on the joint platform launched the first "1 yuan shopping festival" in the history of e-commerce. The person in charge of Taobao special edition introduced that in order to allow more consumers to directly reach the high-priced goods of industrial belt factories, Taobao special edition will normalize the one-yuan shopping festival of one million goods and go online every Friday. Seventy percent of the goods in the special area are directly produced by foreign trade factories of overseas big brands, and the same quality is far lower than the price of big brands.

Tmall launches new brand growth plan: incubating 5,000 "unicorns" in two years

On July 15, Tmall launched a new brand growth plan, planning to help 5,000 brands become "unicorns" in their industry within two years. In the past three years, Tmall has grown 100,000 new brands. These "back waves" brands account for 40% of the total number of Tmall merchants. Next, Tmall’s various industries will intensively promote the "new brand growth plan". For example, the "new brand creation camp" in the FMCG industry is about to open in the summer. Through 4 months of intensive training and layers of auditions, 100 brands will eventually be incubated, and they will be concentrated on Tmall Double 11 to help them grow.

The first self-operated restaurant in Southwest China opened in Chongqing

On July 15, the "MR. Fu" restaurant of Ning Carrefour in Liangjiang New District, Chongqing officially opened, which is also the first self-operated restaurant in the southwest region of Ning Carrefour. "MR. Fu" is a key project personally handled by Carrefour, from the restaurant name to the store decoration, to the menu design and dish customization, all independently completed by the Ning Carrefour team. Different from other supermarket catering models, "MR. Fu" restaurant has three characteristics, restaurant-based, de-affiliated and self-branded, which are reflected in the restaurant’s decoration design, quality control management, self-developed customized dishes, and self-management. In addition, the restaurant also offers takeaway services, which can be ordered online through the Carrefour Mini Program, the APP, Meituan and third-party platforms for one-hour home delivery.

Meituan restarts hotel group buying: on-line "super group buying" and then focuses on high-star hotels

On July 15, Meituan will re-launch the group buying model in the hotel sector. A new product called "super group buying" has been launched for testing, which will further strengthen the high-star hotel market. In the early stage of the "super group buying" online test, it is mainly for international and domestic mid-to-high-end hotel groups to attract investment, and priority is given to hotels selected for Dianping’s "must-stay list". The discount price of "super group buying" given by hotel merchants must be 60% lower than the original price, and protection policies such as unused refunds at any time and automatic refunds after expiration are provided. In addition, users can directly see the redemption date in the calendar of the target hotel room type, and do not need to call to make an appointment. All purchases and redemptions are completed online. announces a major revision, fighting Meituan’s "City Life Service"

Recently, announced that it will be upgraded from a food delivery platform to a full-service platform for in-city life, and up the ante local retail express delivery. It is reported that will be launched on July 17 with a new revision. This upgrade covers four aspects: from food delivery upgrade to providing in-city life full-service, personalized recommendation, content-based interaction, and membership system upgrade. will therefore change from delivery to delivery of all things and services.

360 partners with hundreds of travel companies to release the "Qiyou Plan"

On July 16, based on the recent issuance by the General Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the "Notice on Promoting the Expansion and Resumption of Tourism Enterprises", 360 Smart Business, a marketing service platform of 360 Company, will join hands with hundreds of tourism enterprises to release 360 Qiyou Plan in the near future. For OTA, tourism bureaus, hotels, homestays, airlines, scenic spots, car rentals, travel agencies and other tourism industries, as well as native products, souvenirs and other related industries, provide targeted support policies such as brand exposure, service platforms, and commodity diversion to promote the recovery of the tourism industry in the post-epidemic period. At the same time, for the majority of travel enterprises, during the summer and the upcoming Golden Week of November, 360 Qiyou Plan will provide considerable help for the business growth of travel enterprises. It is reported that the plan will be released in late July and officially launched in August.

Box Pony will open stores in August

On July 15, Box Horse announced that it will start to replicate on a large scale, and a number of stores are expected to open in August. Box Pony is the first new retail brand built by the two parties after Ali’s investment in RT-Mart. Through Box Pony, citizens can order in advance on the Box Horse App on their way to work, and scan the code directly in the smart insulation cabinet to pick up the meal at the store, and then take it away. In terms of meals, Box Pony provides various Chinese breakfasts such as pancake fruit, boba steamed buns, pancakes, dim sum, soy milk, porridge, etc., plus a small amount of Western-style bread and coffee, a total of more than 40 kinds.

Luo Yonghao officially entered the talk show

On July 14, Smartisan CEO Luo Yonghao announced that he would serve as the lead comedian for the third season of "Talk Show Conference", and "Talk Show Conference 3" is about to go LIVE. It is reported that "Talk Show Conference" is a talk show master battle program jointly produced by Penguin Film and Television and Shanghai Xiaoguo Culture Media Co., Ltd. (Fast Technology)

Tencent applies for multiple trademarks related to "Pai Yi Pai"

According to Tianyancha data, recently, Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. has added a number of trademark information, including "Pat One Pat", "Pat One Pat", "WeChat Pat One Pat" and so on. The current trademark status is "Pending substantive review."

Tesla Radio goes live in the Himalayas

Recently, Tesla Electric ** launched in the Himalayas. The radio station will focus on the lifestyle of new energy owners. Tesla engineers and trainers will meet with listeners on Tesla Radio and have a series of conversations with flying guests. Each issue has a theme to share Tesla’s characteristic functions, cutting-edge information in the field of technology, life concepts, driving skills, etc.

The company established four new companies in the past week

Recently, according to Tianyancha data, from July 9th to July 14th, Liangpin Shop joint stock company wholly-owned 4 companies. Among them, on July 9th, Liangpin Shop Nutritional Food Co., Ltd. was established. The company has a registered capital of 100 million, and the legal representative is Yang Hongchun. The company’s business scope includes technology research and development, technical consultation and technical services in the field of nutritional food technology. 100% shareholding by Liangpin Shop joint stock company. On the same day, Liangpin Shop joint stock company also wholly-owned 2 companies in Hubei, namely Hubei Liangpin Shop Cloud as a Service Technology Co., Ltd. and Hubei Liangpin Shop Store Community Sales Service Co., Ltd. The registered capital is 5 million and 20 million respectively, and the legal representative is Zhang Guoqiang.


Pepsi Launches Zero-Sugar Zero-Calorie "IVIS" Soda

Recently, Pepsi launched EVERVESS, a 0-sugar, 0-calorie soda. It is reported that the new product is unveiled in a new packaging, a fine aluminum can (330mL), created by the Pepsi GCR design team. The main product is zero sugar and zero calories, without pigments, flavors, and sweeteners. At present, the new product has been put on Tmall, priced at 45.9 yuan/12 cans.

Starbucks launched the new "Tea Cloud Oolong" series of drinks

On July 14, Starbucks launched three new products, "Rose Fragrant Grape Tea Cloud Oolong", "Passion Fruit Peach Tea Cloud Oolong" and "Dragon Fruit Tea Cloud Oolong", priced at 35 yuan. Premium oolong tea base, freshly whipped into "cloud" a thousand times, fresh sweet and moist juice and pulp, 0 fat tea cloud, gently indulgent.

The new "0 sugar, 0 fat fiber +" soda on HEYTEA

On July 12, after bottled NFC juice, HEYTEA once again entered the ready-to-drink sector and launched tea-flavored soda. The core selling point of HEYTEA’s first sparkling water products is "0 sugar, 0 fat, 0 calories", and each bottle is rich in at least 6 grams of dietary fiber to add vitality to the intestines. Three sodas are inspired by HEYTEA’s classic drinks: "Grape Lvyan Flavor Soda" is inspired by "succulent grapes"; "Grapefruit Lvyan Tea Flavor Soda" is inspired by "full cup of red pomelo"; "Peach Oolong Tea Flavor Soda" is inspired by "Zhizhi Peach". The new products have been sold first in HEYTEA stores in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, HEYTEA general merchandise, HEYTEA Tmall official flagship store and 7-11 convenience stores in Guangdong, and will be sold in other cities and retail channels such as Shanghai and Hangzhou in the future.

Naxue Tea Launches "Peach Magic Wand" and "Domineering Peach Berry"

On July 10th, Naxue Tea launched a new "Peach Magic Wand" nationwide, which was refrigerated for the first time. 10 pieces of plump and smooth peach pulp, with pink and tender peach-flavored whipped cream, a mouthful of peach fragrance is full and overflowing, and the taste is cooler after ice. The price is 20 yuan per stick. South China limited "Domineering Peach Berry" 1000ml oversized cup, adding peaches, strawberries, pineapples, watermelons, oranges and other fruits softly into the bottom of Jasmine Maojian tea to achieve fruit freedom. Now Naxue Tea has been launched nationwide stores.

Weiquan launches "Good Drink Coconut" low-temperature coconut milk, with a shelf life of 21 days

Recently, Weizuan launched a new plant protein beverage "Good Coconut" coconut milk, which is Weizuan’s first foray into the field of plant protein beverages. As a manufacturer focusing on refrigerated beverages and dairy products, Weizuan’s new coconut milk launched this time is a cold chain product. The product is refrigerated and kept fresh at 0~ 7 ° C, and the shelf life is 21 days. It is reported that the product does not add flavors, pigments, or preservatives, and uses imported coconut water, which is mixed with coconut milk, which is fresh and sweet.

"Hugclub" wool shoes landed on Taobao: crowdfunding reached 600% goal in 3 days

Recently, the domestic emerging sports and leisure shoe brand hugclub (Chinese name: Helebuwei) launched the Taobao crowdfunding platform "Make Some New Goods", and achieved 600% of the crowdfunding goal in less than 3 days. At present, the completion rate of the crowdfunding goal has exceeded 1000%. Hugclub was established in 2019 and aims to create new material sports and leisure shoes with comfort as the core for young people in China. In the second half of this year, hugclub will launch the brand flagship store on Tmall and will launch new styles with a stronger sense of design. At the same time, hugclub is also developing natural materials such as bamboo fiber and coffee grounds. In the future, new products will cover more life scenarios of young people.

Ubras Launches Naia ? Cellulose Staple Loungewear

Recently, the new loungewear launched by Chinese local underwear brand Ubras adopts the fabric containing Naia ? cellulose staple fiber jointly developed by Alibaba’s new manufacturing platform and Eastman Chemical. It is very breathable and light, not easy to shrink, and not easy to pilling. NAIA ? cellulose fiber is produced in a safe closed-loop process and has passed the OEKO – TEX ? STANDARD 100 product level 1 certification. It does not contain any hazardous chemicals listed in the ZDHC manufacturing restricted substances list. The manufacturing process is traceable and sustainable, and the impact on the environment is very small. Only a small carbon footprint and water footprint.

Perfect Diary x Li Jiaqi teamed up to customize the new product "Feather Satin Powder"

Recently, the final version of Perfect Diary’s "Feather Satin Powder" after 5 product meetings with Li Jiaqi by the Perfect Diary product team was officially launched, priced at 129.9 yuan. Under the influence of the epidemic, Feather Satin Powder is a product development for the purpose of maintaining the integrity of makeup under masks. According to the brand, the product adopts an innovative sheet-sphere structure design to achieve a friction coefficient lower than 1/2 that of ordinary foundation. In addition, according to the brand’s official introduction, Perfect Diary integrates active ingredients such as Japanese sea moon jellyfish ingredients, German synthetic sapphire ingredients and Japanese porous silicon powder into the product to meet consumers’ needs for oil control and moisturization of summer products.

HFP x ITO jointly launched "Ice Cream Bags"

Recently, ITO Travel and skin care brand HomeFacialPro jointly launched the "Restart City" summer joint gift box. The gift box reads: "Although I can’t travel in ******, I still want to send you the Easter Egg ** the City Restart this summer." The limited gift box contains the "ITO X HomeFacialPro" joint ice cream bag, the Restart City luggage tag, stickers, HFP whitening small white shield, oil control smoothie cream and other products. The gift box also contains "whispers" from the five cities ** Shanghai, *******, Wuhan, Hangzhou and Guangzhou, and invites users to share "which city do you want to visit most after the epidemic".


Lele Tea × Joocyee jointly launched "Taste Makeup"

On July 10, the joint gift box "Taste Makeup" launched by Lele Tea and Joocyee landed delicious, fresh fruit meets color, and happiness is double fermented. Before the meal, "Peach Cheese Eye and Lip Makeup Remover" is priced at 119 yuan for 300ml; the starter "Mirror Lip Glaze" is priced at 99 yuan each; the main course "Gradually Change Blender" is priced at 79 yuan each; the side dish "Peach Beauty Blender" is presented with the main course Gradually Change Blender; the dessert "Peach Eyeshadow Plate" is priced at 129 yuan, all inspired by Lele Tea’s Iced Tea series. " Joocyee is a mid-to-high-end fashion makeup brand incubated by Tachibana Company. It uses the wonderful process of "color fermentation" to create creative beauty.


Nike Rose Retail Concept Store Applies Sustainable Materials

Recently, the world’s first Nike Rise retail concept store opened in Guangzhou, reflecting Nike’s determination and efforts to implement its sustainability mission. The concept store uses a wide range of environmentally friendly materials to introduce the concept of sustainable development into the physical retail environment design. About 10% of the recycled materials come from environmentally friendly rubber recycled and converted from footwear waste, including the rubber floors and display supports in the store.

French beauty brand La Bouche Rouge has launched a full range of recyclable cosmetic kits for the first time

On July 12, French beauty brand La Bouche Rouge launched a new eco-friendly makeup collection based on its recycled lipstick. The collection is made without any plastic, all products have refillable shells, and have a unique leather design. " Le Serum Noir mascara comes in a container made of 100% recycled glass, and the brush head avoids microplastics; Le Kh?l Noir eyeliner, formulated with natural ingredients and the shell is made of recycled metal; The Universal Compact in Metal is made of 100% recycled metal and upgraded leather, and comes in four colors, which can be matched with its eyeshadow highlights at will.

State Film Administration: Cinemas in low-risk areas can resume business in an orderly manner on July 20

On July 16, the State Film Administration issued a notice on the orderly resumption of the opening of cinemas under the conditions of normalization of epidemic prevention and control. It mentioned that low-risk areas can resume business in an orderly manner on July 20 under the premise that various prevention and control measures of cinemas are effectively implemented. Medium and high-risk areas will not be open for business for the time being. Once adjusted from low-risk areas to medium and high-risk areas, epidemic prevention and control regulations must be strictly implemented, and prevention and control measures must be strictly implemented. Cinemas suspend business in a timely manner as required.

OnTheList Launches "Green Plan"

Recently, the "Green Plan" of OnTheList, a membership-based pop-up platform in Asia, was officially launched in Shanghai. OnTheList has partnered with innovative recycling company TerraCycle to set up zero-waste bins in offline stores to recycle used shopping bags, and the company has also set up zero-waste bins internally for recycling coffee capsules. OnTheList started from its main store in Central, Hong Kong, China, insisting on recycling and reusing essential items during clothing transportation, avoiding the use of disposable products, in order to reduce the impact on the environment. It is reported that OnTheList will open offline stores in Beijing and other cities one after another.

More than 1,800 e-cigarette-related companies in China have been cancelled or cancelled

According to the data of Tianyancha Professional Edition, there are more than 13,000 enterprises in our country whose names, business scope or brand names include "electronic cigarettes, electronic atomizers", and their status is in operation, existing, moving in and moving out (referred to as "electronic cigarette-related enterprises"). As of July 15, based on the industrial and commercial registration, Tianyancha Professional Edition data shows that more than 1,800 electronic cigarette-related enterprises in our country have been cancelled or revoked. Among them, 809 enterprises have been cancelled or revoked after March 15, 2019, accounting for about 44% of the total number of "dead" enterprises.

Beverage company "Yuanqi Forest" is raising $2 billion valuation

The beverage company "Yuanqi Forest" is about to complete a new round of financing, with a post-money valuation of about 2 billion US dollars. According to people close to the transaction, the transaction has not yet been fully completed, but it is basically confirmed that Sequoia China and Yuansheng Capital will be the new investors, and some old shareholders will follow suit. Yuanqi Forest officials responded that they will not respond to the news of financing for the time being.

Artificial meat developer Waishida receives 14 million yuan capital increase

Recently, Xue Rong Bio announced that it plans to increase its capital in Beijing Weishida Technology Co., Ltd. with 14 million yuan in cash. After the capital increase, Xue Rong Bio holds a 10% stake in Weishida. Xue Rong Bio also said that it will jointly develop plant-based "artificial meat" meal products based on edible mushroom protein with Weishida. Weishida is the first R & D-driven plant meat company in China, dedicated to the research and development and sales of new generation plant meat products.

Artificial milk startup Perfect Day raises $300 million in Series C funding

Recently, artificial milk start-up brand Perfect Day received a $160 million Series C additional investment led by the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board. Old shareholders Temasek and Horizons Ventures followed suit. The total amount of Series C financing reached $300 million, which will focus on expanding production scale and reducing costs. Founded in 2014, Perfect Day is committed to "revolutionizing the way dairy products are manufactured". The production of milk protein through microbial fermentation can quickly adjust production according to demand, adjust the supply of artificial milk in time, and avoid unnecessary waste.

Fat-reducing takeaway brand "non-sugar" received tens of millions of yuan in Series A financing 

Recently, the fat-reducing takeaway brand Non-Sugar has completed tens of millions of yuan in Series A financing, and the investor is Panda Capital. Non-Sugar provides a 21-day diet package of high protein, low fat and low sugar through exclusive nutritionists to help users reduce weight. The products involve Satay Chicken, Black Bean Beauty Soup, Arhat Zhai, Orange Lemon Fish, etc. Combined with Japanese frozen fresh-locking technology, large-scale production and distribution are realized. The service covers 53 cities across the country, and it is heated and ready to eat. It provides a service commitment to keep 5 kilograms thin.

Weight management brand "Dong Eat" received tens of millions of yuan in Series A financing

Recently, the subscription-based weight management brand "Dong Eat" completed tens of millions of yuan in Series A financing, and the investor is Panda Capital. In 2018, Dong Eat also received angel round investment from Haipeng Capital and Qifu Capital partner Zeng Zheng. Compared with other companies that solve food problems, Dong Eat’s biggest feature is the "meal replacement". Dong Eat uses the online subscription meal model to freeze and bag the prepared meals, deliver them to the home in the cold chain, and users can eat them after heating them in a microwave oven or water. According to the data provided by the company, Dong Eat has served more than 100,000 users, of which more than 20% have subscribed for more than 10 weeks.

Technology sports platform "Fast Fitness" completes a new round of financing

Recently, the technology sports platform Kuaikuai Fitness announced the completion of a new round of financing, and the investor is Blueprint Venture Capital, an investment company under Blue Cursor. Kuaikuai Fitness was established in 2015 and launched the Kuaikuai Weight Loss APP in the same year. It adopts the mode of online booking courses + offline brick and mortar store course learning services, and customizes personalized fitness plans for users through physical testing before class. Kuaikuai Fitness offline stores use the self-employment model of smart fitness + coffee, and have opened 166 stores in 24 cities across the country as of now.

Interactive entertainment platform "Hurry Up" completes nearly $100 million in Series C financing

Recently, the youth interactive entertainment platform "Hurry Up" announced the completion of the C round of financing of nearly 100 million US dollars, led by Sequoia Capital China Fund, and the old shareholders such as GGV GGV Capital and Morningside Venture Capital collectively exceeded the investment. This round of financing will be used for platform content ecological construction, IP creation, product function optimization, and team building. Hurry Up is a conversational reading interactive community platform that uses UGC content and centralized intelligent algorithm distribution strategies to provide game-like reading experience, and has opened the function of interactive comments and rewards. With a strong sense of substitution and easy dissemination of conversational reading to enter the reading market, and superimposed bullet comments that meet young people’s preferences, a content community ecosystem for young readers has been established. In 2019, hurry up and turn to film and television short drama production, officially launching thousands of self-made video short dramas, one episode is 1-5 minutes, and the whole episode is 30 or 40 episodes.

New tea brand "Gu Ming" completes a new round of financing

Recently, the new tea brand Gu Ming completed a new round of financing. The investors are Sequoia Capital China Fund and Dragon Ball Capital, a subsidiary of Meituan. So far, the registered capital of Zhejiang Gu Ming Technology Co., Ltd. has increased to 108 million yuan. Gu Ming opened its first store in Wenling Daxi, Taizhou, Zhejiang in 2010, earlier than HEYTEA’s 2012 and Nayuki’s 2015. At present, the brand adopts a "direct sales + franchise" business model, focusing on the lower-tier market. As of April this year, it has more than 3,000 stores nationwide.

[For more information on new consumer trends, follow the Consumer Research Institute (ID: trendmakers) ]
