How was the classic epic war movie "Fighting in the South and Fighting in the North" born?

1905 movie network news "Please stick to the last five minutes!Please hold on for the last five minutes! "Old fans must know that this familiar line comes from a 1952 movie.The film is Shanghai.The war film made by the film studio is also the first military film made after the founding of New China.


"Travel South and Fight North" and Bayi Film Studio were produced in 1962 and 1965 respectively.Together, they are affectionately called "the third war" by fans., and "fighting in the north" is ranked first.

After the release of "Fighting in the North" in 1952, thousands of people were deserted, which triggered a craze. The film was magnificent, with a large number of classic clips and majestic war scenes, making it the first war film with the charm of war epic in the history of new China movies.


So why is this film so successful?

In 1951, the Central Film Steering Committee, the Central Film Bureau and the Shanghai Film Studio decided to shoot a war film in order to present the Army Day on August 1st the following year.He once had director experience in Northeast Film Studio.form a leafy shadeAnd from Shanghai Film StudioTang XiaodanBe chosen to be the director of this film.

At that time, 35-year-old Cheng Yin participated in some important battles and knew more about war life. As a director, he won the first prize of excellent film of the Ministry of Culture and the Peace Prize of the 6th Karlovy Farley International Film Festival.


Karlovy Farley International Film Festival, as one of the international Class A film festivals, became the stage of China films in 1950s. Many domestic films, such as The Biography of New Heroes and Children, Making a scene in Heaven and so on, have won prizes at this film festival.


Tang Xiaodan’s career as a film director is even longer. He is good at shooting military films, especially at depicting human feelings and humanity in the war environment, and softening the cruelty of war with human emotions and beautiful hearts.His representative worksAnd so on, also known as "the father of China war movies".

In this way, Chengyin and Tang Xiaodan set up a creative team, and it happened that a drama called "The Front" was particularly popular at that time, and its story was consistent with the idea of the film to be prepared. The director group decided to adapt and create on the basis of the drama.


Soon, Shen Ximeng, the founder of "The Front", took the lead in forming a film and literature script writing group. In order to show that PLA soldiers fought in the north and south and experienced many battles, the film was named "Fighting in the South".

In the whole process of making this film, apart from the crew, there are two people who have brought great influence to this film.The first is General Chen Yi. He was in the East China Military Region.commanderMember, mayor of Shanghai.Chen Yi paid close attention to the preparation of the script after learning that "Fighting in the South and Fighting in the North" was to be filmed.

During the script writing, Chen Yi was ill and hospitalized in Nanjing. It was summer, and the temperature in Nanjing was very high. He listened to Shen Ximeng, Shen Mojun and Gu Baozhang read the script for him in turn in the ward. At that time, there was no air conditioning, and Chen Yi was often sweating.


Despite this, he endured the heat and illness, absorbed himself, and put forward suggestions for revision while listening, down to a line.It is said that the emotional clues between the characters in the film were modified by Chen Yi, which makes the film "Fighting with the North" more human.In this way, it lasted for half a year, and the script of "Traveling South and Fighting North" was finally released.

Because the script was still being revised after the film crew was set up, in order to ensure the film was released as scheduled and after polishing the lens-splitting desk together, Tang Xiaodan decided to divide the two teams into two parts, and the two teams shot separately. In the studio, the drama of the People’s Liberation Army was generally in the charge of Yin, while the drama of the enemy on location was in the charge of Tang Xiaodan, and the big scene was completed by the two teams.

In order to make everyone understand the director’s intention, Tang Xiaodan invented the method of "holding a blackboard meeting". The director drew the ideas and shooting requirements of each scene on the blackboard so that others could see it at a glance.

The filming task is tight, so we have to seize the time. At the busiest time, the two film crews record, dub and edit at the same time. Yin has a war life. Tang Xiaodan has rich film experience, and they cooperate very tacitly in their respective fields.

The crew of "Fighting in the North" is unprecedented in scale, with more than 3,000 people, which is also a difficult problem in overall planning. The crew can run effectively, and the two directors also contributed.There is another person who has a great influence on making this film, and that is General Su Yu.The battle reappeared in the film "Fighting in the South and Fighting in the North" was personally directed by Su Yu.So he also paid great attention to the filming of this film.

Su Yu also specially invited the directors to Beijing to personally explain the military and political situation and fighting situation on the battlefield in East China at that time. The director later recalled that the guidance of General Su Yu was very important, which laid a solid foundation for them to better grasp the details of the war scene.


The most impressive thing about this film is the war scene, which is unprecedented in terms of the momentum of the war scene, the scale of the battle, the performance of strategic decision-making and military thinking.


The reason is that in order to restore the war scenes to a greater extent, the film crew rushed to the location of the East China battlefield to shoot, and mobilized a division’s troops to cooperate.Real explosives are used in shooting. Before shooting, safety circles should be drawn where there are explosives. When shooting, actors can’t go inside the safety circle. The fighting in Motianling is also real bullets, and there is no one opposite when shooting.


At that time, there was no walkie-talkie, so the explosion site was numbered with 1, 2, 3 … and the bomb was detonated with the signal flare as the letter. Taking risks is to make the film more realistic and effective.


Because of this, although Chen Yi granted a special fund of 1 million yuan to support the filming of "Fighting against the North", the funding for filming is still very tight, with thousands of tons of light explosives used, and most scenes are shot as real as possible.

At the same time, limited by conditions, many difficulties were encountered in the filming process. There is no elevator in China. In order to take a panoramic view of the battlefield, the film crew made a wooden elevator that can swing from side to side and lift up and down.


In summer, when shooting a scene in winter, the actors can only run on the road in the hot sun with big pants and cotton-padded jackets. After a scene, everyone is sweating, and sometimes they even drink a lot of water without going to the toilet, because they all run away in sweat.

Sometimes when shooting on location, the car loaded with props suddenly had a flat tire and turned into a ditch, and several escorts were injured. Except for the props who were seriously injured and needed hospitalization, other wounded people bandaged their wounds and returned to the shooting scene to continue their work.The whole film crew worked very hard.

Later, when the actors recalled it, they were all filled with emotion. Although they were hard, they were all precious memories.There are also many fans of the older generation who are familiar with "Traveling South and Fighting North"staractor For example, playing the teacherChen ge, the representative works are;

Huada Tang, who plays the political commissar of the division, has the masterpiece "Crossing the River";Play the machine gunnera state in the Zhou DynastyforeverexpensiveZhong Xinghuo, and later starred.;

Later starred in classic films.hit the target/markSun DaolinAlso made a guest appearance in this film.


Gao Yingchang, who plays a very important role in the film, is played by Feng Zhe, a famous handsome young man. He is elegant in temperament and tall and straight in posture. Before that, he created romantic and affectionate images of childe and talented person.

But he plays a soldier in "Fighting in the North". In order to better present his role, Feng Zhe actually entered the company. Every day, in addition to practicing assassination on the playground, he also had to swim in the cold water, and blisters appeared on his mouth. In the end, he successfully created the classic soldier image in the new China movies.


One of the classic female images, the village head Zhao Yumin, is played by Zhang Ruifang. Zhang Ruifang is one of the four famous artists in the drama field. She has no experience in rural life, but in order to play the role of the village head, she put on an old cloth shirt and lived with the villagers for more than eight months.

Learning to shoot during the day and having a meeting around the oil lamp at night, Zhang Ruifang made the simple and unpretentious image of the typical working people deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.This is also due to the high requirements of the crew. Before shooting, the crew stipulated that all actors should experience life on the spot, and most of these actors from Shanghai Film Factory successfully completed their tasks.


The music in "Traveling South and Fighting North" is also very distinctive. When it comes to music, I have to mention Yan Ge. Perhaps many people are not familiar with his name, but when it comes to movies for which he made music, there are many treasures, such as Nie Er.


He won numerous awards, and his music was widely circulated. The music he made for "Fighting in the South and Fighting in the North" won the first prize of the Ministry of Culture in 1957, and the score of capturing a place in Phoenix Ridge was a classic passage in which music and pictures were synchronized.

In addition, "Fighting in the North" also has some admirable artistic techniques and classic lines, such as parallel montage, slit lens and moving lens. Even though the film has been shown many times, it is still talked about by many fans.


The war scenes became the model of later war films, and all the honors and achievements of such a classic are attributed to everyone who has paid for this film.

A hundred years’ experience of football in China 143

Chapter 143: Robert Evergrande’s successful employment in his hometown and Su Meng, the boss, hit it off at once.

Su Meng was a little frustrated after Su Cheng Evergrande failed to invite Heinz Barton. One day, she drove into her hometown Robert while drinking on the road.

"You are blind and drink while walking." Su Meng is so angry.

After a while, I watched my hometown Robert fall down, but I was still concerned and asked him if he was okay.

"I’m fine." Robert in his hometown replied in English.

"Why are you drinking while walking? I think you must have something on your mind." Su Meng didn’t know what Rob was good at in his hometown. When he saw that he was a foreigner, he also asked in English.

"There are some troubles. I wanted to travel to China to relax myself, but I found that a person is still boring."

"That’s true. Traveling alone is really boring."

"I’m sorry, lady, I bumped into you while I was drinking. Fortunately, you drove slowly, otherwise I would die in a foreign country, haha."

"You’re so humorous. I’m glad you’re all right. Get in the car. I really want to talk to you."

"Well, I see that you are also a real person. Find a place and I will invite you to dinner."

"Let me treat you, you know? Sioux City is my hometown. How can you invite me in my hometown? I should invite you. "

"Then I’m welcome. My name is Robert from my hometown. Nice to meet you."

"My name is Su Meng."

As soon as they sat down in a restaurant, the observant China fans recognized Su Meng and his native Robert and asked them to sign their names and take a photo.

"So you are the famous Brazilian native Robert."

"So you are the owner of a famous football club."

The two praised each other and both admired each other.

"I know, you’re a world-class handsome man, so how can you fall …" Su Meng was unbelievable and hard to ask, but he wanted to know why.

Robert knew what Su Meng meant, and told Su Meng the whole story of his falling out with the Brazilian Football Association.

"So that’s it." After listening to Robert’s story in his hometown, Su Meng was so surprised that he burst out laughing.

"Ms. Su, what happened to me was so terrible. You laughed at me when you said you hit it off with me?"

"Mr. Robert, you misunderstood. I just want to say that this is really a blessing, haha." Su Meng said and smiled again, and then her topic.

"I mean, you are my Bole, my noble, you know? Our club is looking for a new coach, and recently negotiations with German famous coaches Heinz Barton and Van Ba Siteng failed. "

"I see, you mean you want me to be the head coach of your club?"

"Mr. Robert is really a smart man, that’s what he means. If you make a name for yourself in our club, you won’t worry about finding a next home."

"I can think about it. To be honest, the two guys you mentioned just now made me miserable, haha!" Hometown Robert said jokingly.

"I have to thank these two guys, otherwise how could I meet such an excellent coach in my hometown?"

After that, both of them burst out laughing. After that, Su Meng arranged a place for Robert in his hometown, and took him to visit Suzhou City and Suzhou Evergrande Club, and signed a contract with him. From February 2015 to November 2017, the goal was to achieve the Grand Slam in China and win the AFC Champions League in three seasons.

Robert from his hometown told Su Meng that he and she hit it off at once. Now she has helped himself and offered a very high salary. At the press conference when the new coach took office, he said in front of everyone on the scene that he would definitely lead the team to complete the task. If he failed to complete the task, he could do it for free.

After signing the contract with Suzhou Evergrande, Robert in his hometown was in a good mood and thought to himself: It seems that he has come to China this time.

The new president of the Football Association must be responsible! The first goal was finished, and China football took the Korean team to the end.

On November 1st, Beijing time, China drew 1-1 with Korean women’s football team in the third round of Group B of the Asian Women’s Football Qualifiers for the Paris Olympic Games, and finally ranked third in the group, and missed the Paris Olympic Games! This is the failure of China football, and it is also the failure of Song Kai, the new president of the Football Association!

It can be said that China women’s football team and South Korean women’s football team didn’t win. Both sides died together and went out together, and they didn’t wait for a miracle. This is the second time in the history of China women’s football team that they missed the Olympic Games! Moreover, all the competition tasks of China Women’s Football Team have ended this year, which is a great loss of face for the players, and many people don’t even have a chance to make up for it!

After the game, many women’s football players in China shed tears. In the Xie Chang session of the whole team, Dou Jiaxing cried very sadly in Shui Qingxia’s arms. Wang Shanshan, the eldest sister, choked up several times after the interview, and finally she couldn’t help crying. It can be seen that women football girls are very unwilling to lose, but what’s the use? After all, even if the China women’s football team wins the Korean women’s football team, it will still miss the best second place! As early as losing to the Korean women’s football team, the ending has been decided!

In another group match, Uzbekistan beat the Indian women’s football team 3-0, and became the second best team with 6 points and 2 goal difference, and advanced to the next stage together with the first Australian women’s football team, the Korean women’s football team and the Japanese women’s football team! It can be said that after Uzbekistan men’s soccer team let China men’s soccer team see their weight, their women’s soccer team let China women’s soccer team despair in the end!

The most embarrassing thing is that Song Kai just took office as the president of the China Football Association. The first goal he shouted was to ensure that the China women’s football team advanced to the Paris Olympic Games, and he also strengthened the leadership team for this purpose! Now, China’s women’s football team dreams of breaking the Paris Olympics, and Song Kai is humiliated. He was finished as soon as he took office. Will his leading bodies be responsible for this?

The new EU regulations crack down on the "fast fashion" mode and prohibit the destruction of unsold clothes.

According to European media reports, on December 5, local time, the European Union approved new regulations prohibiting large retail groups from destroying unsold clothing and footwear, in order to combat the "fast fashion" mode and reduce the waste of resources.

According to the European Commission, Europe produces 5.2 million tons of discarded clothing a year, of which less than a quarter is recycled, which is harmful to the climate and the environment.

"It’s time to end the’ fast fashion’ mode."

On December 5, local time, the European Parliament and EU member states announced new regulations to combat "fast fashion" and reduce waste of resources, including prohibiting the destruction of unsold clothes and shoes, so as to promote enterprises to produce and sell products that are more durable and easier to maintain and recycle.

This new EU regulation will not be implemented immediately. In principle, large enterprises will have a two-year transition period, medium-sized enterprises will have a six-year transition period, and small enterprises will be exempted. In addition, EU member states and the European Parliament still need to finalize some details of the new regulations.

According to the new regulations, goods must also carry a "digital product passport", which shows the information about the impact of the whole industrial chain of the goods on the environment and helps consumers make better choices.

In the future, the European Commission will also have the right to extend the ban on destroying unsold products to other fields besides clothing and footwear, such as furniture, tires, detergents and other commodities. Many raw material industries, such as iron, steel and aluminum, will also be regulated accordingly. However, the EU auto industry and military industry may be exempted.

Delara Burckhardt, a member of the European Parliament, said that consumers alone cannot change the global textile industry, and the EU must legally require manufacturers and large fashion companies to operate more sustainably.

"It’s time to end the’ fast fashion’ mode." Alexandra Moreti, a member of the European Parliament, said that she summed up the "fast fashion" model as "acquiring (resources), manufacturing (products) and destroying (surplus or outdated products)". The new concept advocated by the EU is "reuse, maintenance and recycling".

A number of European garment enterprises have issued statements acknowledging that there are problems in their production and sales models. "Overproduction and over-consumption are an industry-wide problem" and "the fashion production and consumption patterns need to be changed-this is an undeniable fact".

The legislation being promoted by the European Commission also includes requiring retailers to bear the cost of collecting old clothes for reuse and recycling. According to the proposed regulations, retailers will pay about 12 euro cents for each piece of clothing sold in the EU, and the cost of clothes that are more difficult to recycle is higher.

Millions of tons of discarded clothes are dumped into garbage dumps in Europe every year.

It is reported that the EU has been seeking to solve the negative impact of European textile consumption.

The European Commission said in July this year that Europe produces 5.2 million tons of discarded clothing a year, less than a quarter of which is recycled, and millions of tons of discarded clothing are dumped into landfills.

According to the European Commission, "Fast Fashion" mass production and sale of low-quality and low-priced clothing is a "highly unsustainable" model, which is harmful to the climate and the environment.

According to the research report quoted by the media, it is estimated that the fashion industry is one of the biggest sources of pollution and waste in the world, which produces about 20% of the world’s wastewater and about 10% of greenhouse gas emissions.

Burckhardt said that second-hand clothing is piling up in Ghana and other countries, and textile waste appears in oceans and lakes. The "fast fashion" model is exploiting human and earth resources. "Human and earth are obviously more important than the profits of the textile industry."

On August 25th, 2021, Lagos, Nigeria, the second-hand clothing market displayed old clothes imported from Europe and America. Figure /IC photo

According to the United Nations trade data, the EU exported 1.4 million tons of second-hand textiles in 2022, more than twice as much as in 2000. These second-hand textiles have caused troubles in many parts of the world, so the local market can’t digest so many second-hand clothes and lacks other effective disposal methods.

Chile in South America, Ghana and Kenya in Africa are major second-hand clothing importers. It is estimated that the Atacama desert in Chile has been piled up or buried with about 3 square kilometers of waste clothes, so this area is called the "world trash can".

Ghana is the largest importer of second-hand clothing in the world. The country imports 15 million pieces of second-hand clothes every week, and the locals call these clothes "obroni wawu", which means "clothes of dead white people" (note: when the second-hand clothes in Europe and America first appeared in Ghana, the locals thought that such good clothes were still sold, so it was called).

Local people in Ghana said that in these textile wastes, a large number of clothing labels have not been removed, and they have never been worn and have been discarded.

Non-governmental organizations in Ghana said that due to the huge number, only some of these garments can be sold locally, and the rest are either burned or dumped in informal landfills. A lot of textile waste eventually flows into the sea, and local beaches are full of clothing and other textile waste.

Beijing News reporter Chen Yukai

Editor Zhang Lei proofreads Li Lijun.

Swimming often, what will happen? Tell you the answer

(Circle cards have been added here, please go to today’s headline client to check)

Sticking to swimming has a great exercise effect on the whole heart and lung function, and it needs to consume calories when swimming, so it is good for consuming excess fat in the body, promoting muscle development and increasing the strength of ligaments.

Who considers swimming "the best sport in the world". Statistics: Swimming can promote 50% blood flow in human body, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis; It can squeeze 50% of the blood vessels of the human body, which is a simple "vascular gymnastics"; Exercise at least 50% of the muscles, which helps to maintain the total muscle mass.

Let’s take a look at 19 benefits of swimming!

01. Increase memory.

With the growth of age, people’s memory is also declining, and swimming can increase memory.

02. Open the meridians.

Sitting in the office for a long time, I didn’t pay attention to my health. The meridians were stiff, and there would be small pimples all over my body. If I insisted on swimming, there would be fewer pimples.

03. dredge the pulse.

The meridians are blocked, the pulse is naturally stiff, and my whole body is very nervous and stiff. I swim for half an hour every afternoon and my whole body is relaxed.

04. Peace of mind and body.

Physical and mental disharmony, physical and mental uneasiness, physical and mental unevenness, and physical and mental diseases all come from qi and blood stagnation. The reason for qi and blood stagnation is that the meridians are blocked. Therefore, the body and mind are not free. Through swimming, qi and blood are unobstructed, and the body and mind are free. This aspect has something to do with Buchan.

05. Enhance heart function.

I don’t like sports, so my heart is not good. Swimming can enhance my heart function and make my heart slow and powerful.

06. Open the blood vessels.

Medically speaking, swimming can enhance the elasticity of blood vessels, reduce the possibility of blood vessel rupture, and also enhance the whole body elasticity.

07. Enhance muscle strength.

Life is irregular, so the muscles of the whole body are stiff and inelastic, and there is no strength. After swimming, muscle strength is enhanced, as well as leg strength, foot strength, bones and muscles, and joints are flexible.

08. Smooth blood circulation.

Human blood is not smooth, because the meridians and veins are impassable, people are prone to get sick. Swimming can open the meridians and enhance human blood circulation and metabolism.

09. Reduce five zang-organs diseases.

The five zang-fu organs need exercise. If they don’t exercise, they will naturally harden and get sick. Therefore, swimming can enhance the secretion function of digestive glands, promote the regular peristalsis of gastrointestinal tract, increase appetite and enhance the elasticity of the five zang-fu organs, and many diseases will be cured naturally.

10. Cure the three highs.

There are three highs, and the doctors have prescribed many prescriptions, which have no great effect. Let’s start swimming. We have lost 40 pounds in five months, and three highs will be three. Swimming has a good effect on preventing and treating hypertension, diabetes, obesity and habitual constipation.

11. Happy in spirit.

According to Tibetan medicine, swimming regularly can eliminate ischemic symptoms of the heart or lower blood pressure. Make the human body eliminate fatigue, feel happy and relieve palpitation. People’s unhappiness is related to blood, swimming can reduce blood sugar and blood lipid; Eliminate blood stasis, anemia and other garbage in the blood, there is no garbage in the blood, and people will be happy.

12. Beautiful figure.

Whether a person is beautiful or not is directly related to blood. If there is no garbage in his blood, he must be beautiful and beautiful. If there is more garbage in his blood, he is naturally not beautiful. Therefore, swimming can eliminate the garbage in the body and the garbage in the blood, reduce the accumulation of abdominal fat and keep the beauty of the human body.

13. Reduce myocardial infarction.

Medically speaking, myocardial infarction is mainly caused by blood stasis and blood clots blocking blood vessels. Swimming can reduce the formation of blood clots and reduce the possibility of myocardial infarction.

14. Enhance kidney function.

People are lazy, unwilling to move, and sitting for a long time will hurt the kidney, resulting in kidney deficiency, nephritis, kidney calculi, and renal failure. Therefore, if the blood supply to the kidney is insufficient, the liver blood will be insufficient; Liver blood deficiency, lack of effort, began to get sick. In order to take medicine for treating diseases and increase the burden on the kidney, swimming can reduce taking medicine, thus enhancing the function of the kidney.

15. The brain is clear.

Stay in front of the computer, read books and write articles at home, and your brain will be unclear. Let’s swim and accept fresh outdoor air, and your brain thinking activities will become clear and flexible, which will obviously eliminate the fatigue of your brain and improve your study and practice.

16. Enhance your eyesight.

Reading books, playing computer and sending wechat too much, their eyesight has deteriorated. According to the test of relevant experts, those who swim three times a week for 40 minutes for four months in a row have sharp reflexes and superior vision and memory compared with those who don’t like sports.

17. prolong life.

Life is the meaning of exercise. Swimming is a kind of fitness method with movement in quietness and quietness in movement, which can relieve neuromuscular tension and stabilize emotions, thus prolonging life naturally.

18. Develop wisdom.

There is an indirect relationship between stupidity and blood. There is a lot of rubbish in human blood, so people naturally become stupid, and stupid people cannot develop their wisdom. Sticking to swimming regularly can eliminate the garbage in the blood, eliminate fatigue, be cheerful, relieve palpitation, eliminate waste gas pollution, strengthen the body, be spiritually active and improve wisdom. For your health, please start swimming.

19. Good for brain health.

Outdoor swimming helps the brain release more euphoria hormone endorphins, while indoor swimming is more beneficial to mental health than indoor treadmill exercise.

The market and funds of the medical sector are playing "fire and ice". Will the medical treatment be good in the second half of the year? There is something to say about the medium-term strategy of se

A-share medical sector once again staged a literal "fire and ice".

On June 28th, the CSI medical index fell by 0.76% to 8582.54 points, hitting a new low of more than three years after 26th.When the index touches the freezing point again, follow the index of head medical treatment.ETF(512170) funds are scarce.Extremely hot, more thanonehundred million yuanFunds increase their positions when they fall.. The data shows that as of the 28th, the medical ETF(512170) has been net subscribed for funds for 16 consecutive days, with a total amount exceeding 1.8 billion yuan.

[CSI Medical has successively "new lows"VSFund share overlappingnew high"

Since June, the medical sector has continued to adjust, and the CSI medical index has dropped to the level of 2019, and it has recently hit a new low of more than three years. On June 28th, the CSI Medical Index closed at 8582.54 points, which was2019yearninemoonsixThe lowest point since the day.

When the index hit a new low, a huge amount of funds accelerated the absorption of chips through related ETFs.28Day, medical treatmentETF(512170)One-day gainexceedoneThe net subscription of 100 million yuan has been continuous so far.16Net capital flow in last trading dayIn, the total amount exceeds18100 million yuan.

In terms of share changes, since June, the share of medical ETF(512170) has increased by 4.15 billion.Its latest fund share is up to537.16Billion copies, hitting a record high for 16 consecutive days..

In the same period, leveraged funds also continued to increase. According to the data of Shanghai Stock Exchange, as of June 28th, the medical ETF(512170).Financing balance reached7.41hundred million yuan,Record the second highest in history, during the yearIncrease by more thaneight0%.

2022The list of the top 100 pharmaceutical industries in China was released, and many constituent stock companies dominated the list.

In the news, on the evening of June 27th, the list of the top five pharmaceutical industries in China in 2022 sponsored by Minenet, a domestic medical health information platform, was announced, with a total of 260 pharmaceutical companies on the list. It is worth noting that in the ranking list of CXO and medical device companies, most of the top companies are important components of medical ETF(512170).

Specifically,WuXi AppTec, Yaoming biological,Tiger medicine, Kanglong Chenghua,kelleyheroRanked in the top five of the TOP20 list of CXO enterprises in China in 2022;Mairui medical treatment, UIH Medical,Weigao shares, Lepu Medical, minimally invasive medical care in 2022, China medical equipment (including IVD) TOP20 list. The above 10 companies, except Yaoming Bio and UIH Medical, the other 8 are all medical ETF(512170) stocks.

According to public information, the constituent stocks of the CSI medical index tracked by the medical ETF(512170) comprehensively cover the leading segments in the field of medical devices and medical services, among whichThe weight of medical devices is aboutfoursucceedDirectly benefit from the new medical infrastructure in the post-epidemic era;medical service+doctorBeauty weightappointmentfivesucceedIt directly benefits from the aging population, the upgrading of medical consumption and medical beauty.

[Brokerage medium-term strategy:Optimistic about the recovery of the medical market,pay close attentionknotStructural opportunities and valuation improvement opportunities]

The first half of the year is about to close, and a number of brokers have recently released medium-term strategies for the medical sector. Looking forward to the second half of the year, institutions are generally optimistic about the recovery of the medical market, prompting attention to the structural opportunities after the index bottomed out and the opportunities for valuation improvement.

Guotai Junan’s medium-term strategy states that,It is expected that the second half of the countryThe internal medical market recovered strongly.Considering cardinal utility, the year-on-year growth rate of non-COVID-19 Q2 and Q4 is relatively high; Looking at the longer time dimension, from 2019 to 2022, the dual effects of policies such as centralized mining and COVID-19 epidemic were superimposed.2023The annual growth rate is recovery.. At present, the valuation of most molecular industries has changed from PEG > before 2021; 2 Return to PEG≈1, due to the decline of market risk appetite and the downward revision of optimistic expectations.The valuation bubble has basically cleared.+The expected return will create a good foundation for the scattered market of subsequent stocks..

According to the medium-term strategy of Minsheng Securities, overall,medicinemedical treatmentThe sector is at a historical low in terms of valuation and positions.With the continuous recovery of in-hospital diagnosis and treatment,The overall operation of the plate continued to rise.I am optimistic about the direction of hospital recovery and medical innovation in the second half of the year. The CXO sector is optimistic that global investment and financing will continue to improve and innovation demand will continue to recover in the second half of this year. It is expected that local international CXO head enterprises will benefit from overseas recovery and start a new round of growth in the second half of this year; In terms of medical services, with the arrival of the traditional refractive peak season from June to August, the valuation of the ophthalmic medical service industry is optimistic.

Central china securities pointed out in the semi-annual strategy of the industry "Looking for Deterministic Growth Opportunities" that as of June 26th, the dynamic PE of CITIC Pharmaceutical Index was about 39.21 times, which was slightly lower than the median in the last decade.Considering the marginal improvement of the economic operation indicators of the medical industry, the overall industry valuation may have opportunities for improvement..

According to the medium-term strategy of Guosheng Securities,After two waves of digestion and adjustment, medical care is expected to usher in a new cycle in the true sense, and structural opportunities will be highlighted after the index bottoms out., this timeSub-areas where the decline is relatively large and the change is expected should be focused on..

Risk warning: The medical ETF(512170) passively tracks the CSI medical index. The base date of the index is December 31, 2004, and it was released on October 31, 2014. The composition of the index shares is adjusted according to the index compilation rules. The index stocks in this paper are only for display, and the description of individual stocks is not used as any form of investment advice, nor does it represent the position information and trading trends of any fund under the manager. The risk level of the Fund assessed by the fund manager is R3- medium risk, which is suitable for investors with an appropriate rating of C3 or above. Any information appearing in this article (including but not limited to stocks, comments, forecasts, charts, indicators, theories, any form of expression, etc.) is for reference only, and investors shall be responsible for any investment behavior decided by themselves. In addition, any opinions, analysis and predictions in this article do not constitute any form of investment advice to readers, nor do they assume any responsibility for direct or indirect losses caused by using the contents of this article. Fund investment is risky, and the past performance of the fund does not represent its future performance. The performance of other funds managed by the fund manager does not constitute the guarantee of fund performance, so fund investment needs to be cautious.

This article comes from financial information.

The benefits of swimming to the human body are mainly 7 points! No, hurry up and learn.

Summer is coming, and swimming well in your spare time can not only achieve the effect of exercise and fitness, but also cool your body, and there are many benefits of swimming. However, after exercise, there are some precautions to be understood for your health.

Count the benefits of swimming

First, shape muscle lines

Swimming is a very good slimming exercise. Swimming needs the cooperation of all the muscles, so all the muscles can be exercised.

Second, improve bone quality

Swimming can improve bones, which has been demonstrated by professional project research. Therefore, if you want to have healthier bones, you may wish to choose swimming as a sport.

Third, improve body flexibility

During swimming, athletes need to stretch, curl up, turn around and so on. It can be seen that the swimming effect can only be achieved by the constant cooperation of all parts of the body. First, the pedal can be pushed forward, and in order to maintain the balance of the body, the cooperation of the arms is needed. Therefore, office workers who often work in the office may wish to try more, which can increase the flexibility of the body.

Fourth, reduce the risk of inflammation

Swimming can help strengthen myocardial function and improve cardiovascular health, and some related studies have concluded that aerobic exercise can help reduce the risk of inflammation, so it can help prevent the occurrence of cardiac atherosclerosis, and once the risk of inflammation in the body is reduced, it can also help improve other diseases, with many benefits.

Five, burning fat to lose weight

Swimming is the best exercise to lose weight. Generally speaking, swimming for ten minutes, breaststroke can burn about 60 calories, backstroke can burn 80 calories, freestyle can burn about 100 calories, and butterfly can burn more fat, which are incomparable to other sports.

Sixth, relieve exercise asthma

When swimming, people can breathe more humid air, so the respiratory function can be improved, so swimming can relieve asthma symptoms and fundamentally improve the health of the lungs.

Seven, relieve stress and depression

Endorphins are a kind of hormone that makes people feel very good, which can relieve people’s mood. Swimming can effectively stimulate the secretion of endorphins, relax people’s body and mind while exercising, and combine regular breathing to calm people down and become more focused.

Matters needing attention in ensuring swimming safety cannot be less

-physical examination

When swimming, the human body consumes more physical strength than usual, so people suffering from heart disease, liver disease and kidney disease are not suitable for swimming. People suffering from pinkeye and infectious skin diseases should also pay attention to avoid mutual infection.

-Warm-up exercise

Be sure to make preparations and warm-up exercises before going into the water, otherwise sudden strenuous exercise will easily cause muscle injury and some other reactions, so you can do leg lifts and squat and stand up.

-Do not eat immediately after swimming.

Be sure to rest for a while before eating after swimming, otherwise it will easily increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, and it will also lead to gastrointestinal diseases in the long run.

Medical assistance to promote people to enjoy quality medical services nearby.

I. Introduction

With the development of social economy and the improvement of people’s living standards, people’s demand for medical services is increasing. However, due to various reasons, such as uneven regional development and uneven distribution of medical resources, it is difficult for people in some areas to enjoy quality medical services nearby. As an important social welfare undertaking, medical assistance aims to solve this problem, improve the level of primary medical services, and enable people to enjoy quality medical services locally.

Second, the background and significance of medical assistance

Medical assistance is an important measure in the development of medical and health undertakings in China. By introducing medical resources from developed areas to underdeveloped areas, it spreads advanced medical technology and management experience to the grassroots, thus improving the quality and efficiency of primary medical services and enabling people to enjoy high-quality medical services at home.

Specifically, the significance of medical assistance is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

  1. Promote the balanced distribution of medical resources: by introducing medical resources from developed areas to underdeveloped areas, help local medical institutions improve the level of diagnosis and treatment and service quality, thus alleviating the problem of uneven distribution of medical resources.
  2. Improve the level of primary medical services: Medical assistance not only provides technical support and training, but also helps primary medical institutions to introduce advanced medical equipment and management experience, thus improving the quality and efficiency of primary medical services.
  3. Reduce medical costs: By popularizing and applying appropriate medical technology, help primary medical institutions reduce medical costs and reduce the medical burden of the masses.
  4. Promote the development of medical and health undertakings: medical assistance will help improve the overall level of medical and health undertakings in China and promote the balanced development of medical and health undertakings.

Third, the practical effect of medical assistance

Since the development of medical assistance, remarkable results have been achieved. Specific performance in the following aspects:

  1. Improve the quality of primary medical services: By introducing advanced medical technology and management experience, the service quality of primary medical institutions has been significantly improved, and the people’s satisfaction with medical services has also been greatly improved.
  2. Relieved the problem of people’s difficulty in seeing a doctor: With the support of medical assistance, primary medical institutions can provide more and better medical services, effectively alleviating the problem of people’s difficulty in seeing a doctor.
  3. It has promoted the development of medical and health undertakings: medical assistance has not only improved the level of primary medical services, but also vigorously promoted the balanced development of medical and health undertakings in China.
  4. Enhance the self-development ability of primary medical institutions: Through medical assistance, primary medical institutions have learned advanced management methods and technical means, and their self-development ability has been enhanced. This will help them better serve the local people and promote the development of local medical and health undertakings.

IV. Existing Problems and Challenges

Although medical assistance has achieved remarkable results, there are still some problems and challenges in practice:

  1. Shortage of funds and resources: Due to the limitation of funds and resources, medical institutions in some underdeveloped areas cannot fully enjoy the benefits brought by medical assistance. This requires the government and all sectors of society to further increase investment and provide more support and guarantee for medical assistance.
  2. Insufficient technical training and promotion: In the process of medical assistance, although some technical training and promotion activities have been carried out, the demand for such activities in some primary medical institutions has not been met. In the future, it is necessary to further strengthen technical training and promotion to improve the technical level and service ability of primary medical institutions.
  3. Limited improvement of management level: Although advanced management experience has been introduced to primary medical institutions, there is still a certain gap in the improvement of management level in some institutions. This requires further strengthening management and training guidance to promote the continuous improvement of the management level of primary medical institutions.
  4. Unbalanced regional development: the problem of unbalanced regional development still exists in China, which leads to different effects of medical assistance in different regions. Further measures should be taken to strengthen cross-regional cooperation and exchanges and promote the balanced distribution of medical resources.

Five, in order to further promote the work of medical assistance, put forward the following suggestions:

  1. Increase assistance: The government should increase investment in primary medical institutions, provide more funds and resources to help primary medical institutions improve the level of diagnosis and treatment and service quality.
  2. Strengthening management and service capacity building: Primary medical institutions should strengthen management and service capacity building, improve service quality and management level, and ensure the stability of assistance effect. At the same time, we should pay attention to training local medical staff and improve their professional quality and service ability.
  3. Optimize the allocation of medical resources: the government should further optimize the allocation of medical resources, introduce more high-quality medical resources to the grassroots to meet the basic medical needs of the masses. At the same time, we should pay attention to improving the operational efficiency and service quality of primary medical institutions.
  4. Strengthen supervision and evaluation: the government should strengthen supervision and evaluation of medical assistance to ensure the quality and effect of assistance projects. At the same time, we should pay attention to collecting the feedback and suggestions from the masses, adjust the assistance strategies in time and constantly improve the medical assistance system.

Through the implementation of medical assistance, the ability of primary medical services has been significantly improved, and the people can enjoy high-quality medical services at their doorstep. At the same time, it also effectively relieves the pressure of large hospitals and improves the relationship between supply and demand of medical services.

Although medical assistance has achieved certain results, there is still much room for improvement. It is necessary to further increase investment, improve policies, deepen medical reform, and promote the development of medical assistance to a higher level so that every citizen can enjoy fair, just, convenient and efficient medical services.

Medical assistance is an important livelihood project, which is of great significance for improving people’s lives and enhancing people’s well-being. We should make greater determination and efforts to promote the in-depth development of medical assistance, so that more people can enjoy high-quality medical services and share the fruits of social development.