In response to the negative comment controversy, Deng Chao: Now I have long forgotten about winning or losing

The movie "Chinese Ping Pong: The Jedi Counterattack" (later referred to as "Chinese Ping Pong") was **ficially released on the third day ** the new year, entering the ****** Festival stall where the battle was raging. However, on the fourth night ** the new year, it was suddenly announced that it would be changed to a small-scale release from the fifth day ** the new year, and then released on a large scale on February 17, and looked forward to the "Jedi Counterattack"… This kind ** operation should be the first time in the history ** the ****** Festival. The filmmaker apologized for this, especially to the directors Deng Chao and Yu Baimei. After all, it would be too abrupt to say goodbye to the audience after the hard-earned work had just met the audience. Fortunately, the reporter ** the ******* News had an in-depth interview with Deng Chao before the release. At this time, he already had the determination ** a film director to face all the

The moment he met Deng Chao, he was busy on the phone. The film "Chinese Ping Pong," which he co-directed with Yu Baimei and began planning five years ago, was about to be released to audiences across the country, and he was contacting those who wanted to see the premiere.

Many people asked Deng Chao, "The movie is about to be released, how are you feeling?" The high-frequency word in his answer was "nervous and apprehensive." He felt that this time, "the shooting was not bad." Because the players in the movie were not favored by the headwind, he hoped that the audience could go to the theater to get this power. His wife, Sun Li, understood him best. At the premiere, Sun Li told the audience, "He is standing here, and he is less confident than ever. He really needs encouragement, and he really loves the movie. Anyone who says he is not good, he will not give up, and there is a feeling of a little strong who cannot be beaten to death."

The Beijing News reporter had interviewed Deng Chao many times, but this time was the most special. In front of him, he was calm and self-contained, soberly examining his state, reviewing the past, and facing all different voices. At the end of the interview, the reporter asked him, "What is the lifestyle you desire the most?" He thought for half a second, "It’s now", "Now is my favorite lifestyle, especially this interview, it turns out that I don’t seem to have talked like this. When I had cognitive dissonance in the past, I would learn to avoid it. For example, when the interview talked about controversial issues, I would wonder if they had any hostility and would activate a self-protection mechanism. Even at home, I often reported good news but not bad news. For example, my wife, she has been very tolerant of me for so many years and will not touch my pain points, but I did not do well. Over the years, I have not let my doubts pass, and I am still very concerned. The process of preparing for this movie has made me completely understand that when others are not optimistic about you, you have to admit your shortcomings and do a good job of them. Just like in the movie, tactics can’t be practiced, balls can’t be practiced, physical fitness can’t be practiced… "

Mr. Deng added, "Now I’m very comfortable, very, very comfortable, and can face myself squarely. In this conversation, movies and reality are magically combined, and I will forget about losing and winning and enjoy."

The pain from negative reviews has always been in my heart

How to describe the meaning of the movie "Chinese Ping Pong" is difficult for Deng Chao to say clearly. The film is full of difficulties and challenges from preparation to completion to release. In the past, there were not many domestic sports-themed movies, and there were very few table tennis-themed movies in the world. The whole team could only cross the river by feeling the stones: collecting millions of words, interviewing several industry insiders, collecting countless materials, watching documentaries to build scripts, pulling a group of "Ping Pong Xiaobai" actors to learn from scratch, working hard, traveling around and studying new shooting methods… In the blink of an eye, it has been five years. Yu Baimei said that this is the most difficult time since he made a movie. For Deng Chao, the same is true. In addition to the practical problems encountered during filming, what resonates with him more is the true echo inside and outside the play.

"When you are young and frivolous, or when you have insufficient cognition, it is difficult for you to truly integrate this job with your own destiny and life feelings. The entire process of’Chinese Ping Pong ‘, from preparation to release, is more in line with the experiences of the characters in the play, and it is also very in line with the mental journey of Yu Baimei and me. We have experienced failures on the director’s road, been questioned, criticized by the audience, and ridiculed by the group. They say,’ What kind of combination are you? ‘They will ask,’ What kind of handle did Yu Baimei take on me? ‘and’Did you save my life?’ The pain of criticism has always been in my heart." Deng Chao in front of him is extremely calm and sincere, and now he is very clear about his situation on the director’s road.

As an actor, Deng Chao is fearless. He has several masterpieces, including the TV series "Young Son of Heaven" that became famous at a young age, and the movie "Li Mi’s Conjecture" that has been discussed by fans. The movie "Burning Sun" that won him the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actor, and the movie "Shadow" starring Zhang Yimou. On this resume, Deng Chao is shining. But on the road to directing, he has been very difficult. In 2014 and 2015, "The Breakup Master" and "The Villain Angel" two comedy movies with "the same system and style" were released seamlessly, harvesting 660 million and 649 million box office returns, but the reputation was not satisfactory. Audiences questioned whether "director Deng Chao can bring a good movie". "I often chat with Bai Mei, and he says, ‘The elephant is in the living room, can you turn a blind eye?’ I can indeed subtly avoid negative reviews that I don’t want to hear, but unavoidably, you will always remember. Because it only takes 0 seconds for your brain to reach that (negative reviews), and it is also 0 seconds to get rid of them. But the pain is still there, and I have not found the’medicine ‘and have not solved this problem."

"Self-confession" takes time

Deng Chao said that the movie "Chinese Table Tennis" is a movie he really wants to make. Most people mention the national ball table tennis, always think that this is a sport that "wins hemp", and there is still a low period for such a team? "Chinese Table Tennis" takes a different approach and is based on the story of the low period of the national table tennis men’s team in the early 1990s. In the face of internal and external doubts, the head coach and the coaching staff adhered to drastic reforms, and the underappreciated "men’s table tennis new five tigers" played their respective advantages, and finally staged a wonderful Jedi counterattack in the 1995 World Table Tennis Championships and regained the championship.

Movies are not about how people succeed, but how people should face failure: "Bai Mei and I once made a very failed movie, which can be said to be our biggest failure. For many days, we were very anxious and couldn’t sleep. We often have a face that is as gray as death, and this is how we feel. The national table tennis players in the movie are also not favored when they are in a low ebb. They decide that if they don’t play well, they will practice their playing skills; if the glue of the racket is not good, they will make glue; if the tactics are not good, they will practice tactics. People must face up to their own problems. What are the shortcomings? Only this kind of face-to-face can let us come out. The plot in the play is too similar to our real experience. When I see it, I really want to shoot it."

It is not easy to face past shortcomings and failures calmly. Looking back on those years, Deng Chao, who became a household name for his "running man", was a little blindly confident. He believed that he had understood the secrets of comedy and would be surprised by the unsatisfactory reputation of movies. At that time, he only had the strength to rush forward and could not accept failure as bravely as he is now. Talking about this, he smiled lightly and said that his "self-confession" was also phased, and it took time to experience: "In the past, I would also choose a good voice, shut off criticism, and help myself find some reasons to resolve unsatisfactory or unwanted things. I also have moments of blind self-confidence, when the height I want to achieve is not reached, I will be used to imagining, rather than objectively analyzing what I have achieved, what I have not achieved, and what I have gained from it. I have a lot of similar disorientation, but I can’t see it. Just like when everyone praises you, you enjoy it, play a little smart and not be noticed by others, and you are proud and secretly having fun. These are my shortcomings and problems. "

The moment you face up to the problem, you will find the "medicine"

This stage was interpreted by Deng Chao as "self-awareness dissonance". During the days of filming "Chinese Ping Pong", thinking of this group of underappreciated people facing all controversies with faith, he found that failure needs to be faced calmly. When you face the problem squarely, you will find "medicine".

"Bai Mei wrote a lot of lines in the movie that are in the same mood as me. For example, the coach played by Wu Jing came to me and said, ‘I heard that you are ready to give up.’ You are not afraid of death, you are afraid of a ball. ‘I said,’ Then I can’t win before I die? ‘He said,’ You can also close your eyes in a down-to-earth manner. ‘I think this is our life’s theme. We can’t hear this in good times. At that time, you didn’t encounter criticism, and you couldn’t see your shortcomings. But when you ask yourself, how good is your director? Do you really believe that you can continue? After you answer these questions, you can make up for whatever you are missing. When you make up for it, you will find that it is’medicine ‘, which starts to take effect piece by piece. There are times when people can’t carry it, but since we choose to believe, let’s do it step by step. "

When Deng Chao first showed Sun Li two clips from "Chinese Ping Pong", Sun Li felt that Deng Chao had changed. She was the person closest to Deng Chao and knew him best. She said that Deng Chao’s appearance of being carefree and fearless was often his packaging and shell. Friends who were familiar with him knew that Deng Chao was more anxious than her and thought a lot because he cared about other people’s emotions and opinions: "In the past two years, they have had a sense of frustration and faced with distrust. These voices have spurred them, which is actually a good thing. In the past, when they were young, they were a little proud and conceited. In recent years, they have really sunk down and thought about what they really want and how to put into action to achieve what they want to do. This is his change. Until now, it is the real base color of Deng Chao and Yu Baimei, and this time it really became. "Sun Li said.

Deng Chao confessed that his family was his greatest "Jedi counterattack" strength, and his family gave him more comfort than anything else, even making him feel that he had not done well enough: "Xiaohua handmade is very good, she often writes things, designs various organs to make small notes, and hides them in various places in the house. There is one by the bedside, one in the shoe cabinet, and each one says’Dedicated to everyone who is not optimistic ‘; our family has a small blackboard, and I will write some messages to them before each business trip. How many days of business trip, I will miss you, and every time I come back, I can see their messages to me on it. In the past few days, waiting has always led me to the blackboard. As a result, he wrote the word "Sa" (the son of the head coach played by Deng Chao in "Chinese Ping Pong" shouted to him); so did my wife. When she heard the news that the movie could be released, she gave me a hug and burst into tears, but I was like an outsider. At that moment, I taught myself a new lesson in the family unit. I felt that I was not doing well enough, because I have been showing them my cowardice and predicament, and they always have to appease me and give me strength. "At this point, Deng Chao’s eyes were full of guilt:" So I told Wait and Xiaohua that day, thank you very much for these days, these days you are more like my father and mother. "

What is Deng Chao’s dream of being a director?

In the eyes of the outside world, Deng Chao should be in a stage of no desire and no desire. Why is he so obsessed with being a director? The Beijing News reporter frankly asked Deng Chao the most essential question, what is Deng Chao’s dream of directing?

The following is Deng Chao’s autobiography

In this world, we have really encountered too many moving stories. Art itself has fascinated me. I am a person with a strong curiosity. Movies, performances, comedies, reality shows, hosting, and singing, as long as they tell stories and express emotions with their voices, they are fully attractive to me. Any artistic creation we make is related to the world.

I confess that every time I create a work of art, I am skating on thin ice. For better or worse, I have been reborn. Like a huge high-speed rail station, there are many trains in the station, many tracks, these tracks and trains are like each of our lives, we are all on our own train. The end of this train is death, which is an irreversible arrangement of life, but along the way you need energy to drive through each stop, you don’t know what the next stop is, you will face life and death, and you can’t see where to go. Most people, including me, can be very confused at times, but at this time you see your partner, your audience who likes you, and countless strangers who have never met.

Last year’s Spring Festival Gala, after I performed "A Sense of the Times", someone grabbed me at the door of CCTV. He said, "Deng Chao, my son especially likes to watch your (director and star) " Galaxy Tutoring School ". We were all very anxious during his senior high school entrance examination. At that time, our father and son had a very bad relationship. Because of this movie, he understood some things and gained energy, so you must have a video call with my son." This had to be done, and then he made a video with his child. At that time, the signal was very bad, and it was stuck and mushy. But later I found out that the other party was not stuck, but stopped there and was stunned. When he recognized me, he called out "Brother Chao". That expression made me realize that movies can really influence people, and I really feel that the power of movies is like this. For example, I often meet some very young audiences, who tell me "Brother Chao, I have been watching your variety shows since I was a child". Later, I calculated that it has been almost ten years since the first season of "Run, Brother". These children have graduated from primary school and are about to go to college now, which made me realize that I still have the opportunity to communicate with everyone like this. How lucky is this! And what I do, what I do, is I take the occasional train ride, or I make a track, I make a train, I make a movie, and that’s like giving people a space to ride, to share. And when I think about those moments, I make up my mind to do whatever it takes to keep going, and when I do, I don’t give up, and it doesn’t matter if I fail.

As a director, I really want to do it well. Of course, at this stage, I am even more skating on thin ice, and I also feel that I have not done enough. I keep telling myself "you have to be calm, don’t be impulsive, face up to your shortcomings, don’t have cognitive dissonance, and work hard in a down-to-earth manner." My dream as a director is the last sentence in "Chinese Ping Pong", "You may not win until the day you die, but you must also close your eyes in a down-to-earth manner." (Writing/Beijing News reporter, Zhou Hui Xiaowan)

Fan Bingbing became the queen of the dinner party in a floral dress, saying he was satisfied with being photographed by the media

Wang Xueqi, Wang Xiaoshuai, Fan Bingbing, and Yu Dong, President of Poly Bona (from left to right)

Wu Yanzu and Gu Tianle

Jia Zhangke, Zhao Tao

        Movie Network News(Photo/Shanghai Film Festival Report Team) The "Bona Night" dinner hosted by Poly Bona was held in Shanghai on June 13. That night, Fan Bingbing, Wu Yanzu, Gu Tianle, Er Dongsheng, Wang Xueqi, Wang Xiaoshuai, Huang Yi, Jia Zhangke, Zhao Tao, Peng Haoxiang, Weng Hong, Yuan Li, Chen Zhipeng, Zhang Jie and other stars made their debut.

Fan Bingbing

Fan Bingbing and Poly Bona President Yu Dong

Fan Bingbing floral dress show beach style, high popularity can be called the queen of the dinner party

        Fan Bingbing is definitely the popular queen and topic queen in the entertainment industry today, and everywhere he goes is the focus. That night, Fan Bingbing was wearing a floral dress, with big wavy hair hanging down to his chest, and with red leather shoes, it was quite a beach vacation style.

        Although Fan Bingbing arrived late, as soon as she appeared, the directors and bosses at the reception immediately came forward to greet her and rushed to take photos with Fan Bingbing. Unlike other actors, Fan Bingbing was basically unable to move at the reception, surrounded by a large number of passers-by, competing to see her style. Fan Bingbing’s popularity was evident, and she was definitely the queen of the dinner party that night.

Fan Bingbing was the highlight of the night

Fan Bingbing denied the identity of the agent’s boyfriend, saying he was satisfied that he was secretly photographed

        Recently, Fan Bingbing was exposed by a Hong Kong weekly magazine, saying that she was in love with her agent, Mu Xiaoguang, and also published a picture of Fan Bingbing burying his head in a man’s chest in Cannes. Fan Bingbing also responded publicly to the matter for the first time that night. She laughed and said that not only was she not angry, but she thanked the weekly magazine for taking a beautiful picture of her, and she was very satisfied.

        "I saw the photo, and the man on it has no head, but I’m still grateful for this fake news, because everyone knows that this weekly magazine has always been famous for taking ugly pictures of female stars, and every time it takes a very ugly picture of the artist, but this time it took a very beautiful picture of me, and the photo also makes me look very cute." Fan Bingbing announced louder, "If I fall in love, I will definitely tell you loudly, because this kind of happy thing must be shared with everyone!"

Chery Jietu Shanhai T2 is listed: Travel off-road hybrid SUV, priced from 179,900 yuan

April 22nd news, Chery’s Jietu Shanhai T2 model listed tonight, positioning travel off-road hybrid SUV, the new car launched a total of 3 models, the price range is 17.99-20 9,900 yuan.

IT Home notes that the Shanhai T2 features a tough square box design with rear privacy glass, a panoramic sunroof, and an external spare tire. In terms of size,. It is equipped with 20-inch rims and has a tire size of 255/55 R20.

In terms of the cockpit, the car is equipped with a 10.25-inch full LCD, in-car Bluetooth call noise reduction, and 50W mobile phone wireless fast charging. In addition to the entry model, it provides functions such as ventilation, heating, and power seat memory in the main and passenger seats. In addition, the car also provides 15.6-inch central control screen, intelligent voice control, GPS + Beidou dual-mode positioning and navigation, built-in Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip, and supports OTA upgrades for the whole vehicle.

The top model has additional luxury features such as blind spot monitoring, wading sensing system, sleep headrest, SONY audio, light show and car fragrance.

In terms of power system, the Shanhai T2 is equipped with a 1.5T plug-in hybrid power system and a 3-speed DHT transmission. The models launched this time are all two-wheel drive versions.

In terms of battery configuration, the two entry-level models are equipped with 26.7 kWh batteries, with a CLTC pure electric range of 129 kilometers; the longer-range version is equipped with a 43.24 kWh battery pack provided by CATL, with a CLTC pure electric range of 208 kilometers.

Wahaha: Responsible for every product, and someone is responsible for every product

Feature: "Hundreds of Food Companies Practice Ethical Commitment Activities" Online

    CCTV News (Reporter Chen Xixia, Hangzhou Report): At 2:00 pm on December 29, the seventh online event of "Hundreds of Food Enterprises Practice Moral Commitments" was held in Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co., Ltd. CCTV reporters and relevant leaders visited the core areas of Wahaha Lewei Company, Product Research & Development Center, Precision Instrument R & D Center and other companies. Experienced the profound meaning of "being responsible for every product, and someone is responsible for every product".

    Publicity Department of the Chinese Communist Party General Office Deputy Director, Central Civilization Office Secretary Group Leader Jiang Xiwei and his party visited Wahaha factory

    Publicity Department of the Chinese Communist Party General Office Deputy Director, Central Civilization Office Secretary Group Leader Jiang Xiwei and other visits Wahaha factory

    Wahaha has always paid attention to the construction of quality culture, and gradually formed a quality culture concept of "integrity, safety, innovation and peace of mind", which makes Wahaha’s food safety and quality management program, the principles and norms that Wahaha people abide by in their work, and the guidelines for all quality work and actions of Wahaha.

This past E3 game show, these 10 games were the most fascinating

The original title: Just past the E3 game show, these 10 games were the most fascinating

  In this year’s E3 game show 2017, large manufacturers such as Ubisoft, EA, Microsoft, B, Sony, and Nintendo have announced a large number of games at the pre-show conference. New game and masterpiece announcements continue to emerge. Foreign media BGR reporters summarized the most exciting and anticipated top ten game announcements.

10, "Wonder and Colossus" high definition reset version

  10, "Wonder and Colossus" high definition reset version

9. EA's new jailbreak theme "A Way Out"

  9. EA’s new jailbreak theme "A Way Out"

8. Ubisoft's naval battle theme "Skull & Bones"

  8. Ubisoft’s naval battle theme "Skull & Bones"

  7. Metroid 4

  6. "Sea of Thieves"

5. Wolfenstein 2: The New Giant

  5. Wolfenstein 2: The New Giant

4. BioWare's new work "Anthem"

  4. BioWare’s new work "Anthem"

  3. Beyond Good and Evil 2

2. Sony's new PS4 version of Spider-Man

  2. Sony’s new PS4 version of Spider-Man

1. Super Mario: Odyssey

  1. Super Mario: Odyssey


The idol economy generates a fundraising frenzy, and the fan circle carnival behind the star concert

  Xiaomin, who is in her third year, has been very busy recently, grabbing tickets, delineating the support area, buying light boxes, and calling on people to go to the scene… Because of a 5th anniversary concert of her "Idol" (the homonym of the word "idol" in English – reporter’s note), Xiaomin has experienced up to 2 months of abuse and battle (Internet catchphrase, the same as PK here – reporter’s note).

  Today’s fan group is called "rice", and the circle they form is called "rice circle" and "rice ball". As the saying goes, "Once you enter the rice circle, it is as deep as the sea, and from now on, Idol is your wife", this sentence is a true portrayal of the current rice circle.

  In the past, chasing a certain star or band was at most buying albums and watching concerts. Basically, they were all loose fans, and there was no concept of a fan circle. In recent years, with the expansion of the fan base, the idol economy has continued to develop, giving birth to a variety of ways to buy peripherals (derivative products) for idols, rent advertising space for promotion, vote, and do charity and public welfare activities. In order to win the favor of Idol, fans are busy brushing sales every day, brushing topics and discussions on social networking sites, participating in pre-voting, on-site voting, etc., and also conducting an extremely fast Amway (Internet term, referring to strong recommendation) for Idol’s new works.

  Xiaomin’s love bean is one of the members of a well-known idol boy group in China, and fans like her are called "Weijian" in the fan circle. "I will spend money for the stars. On the one hand, I will buy albums and official peripherals, on the other hand, I will buy air tickets and tickets to watch the performance, and on the other hand, I will buy the support fee." Xiaomin said that the anniversary concert or celebration of the group every year is a "Weijian" support battle. Each star or group has an official support color, the group has a support color, and each member will have a separate support color.

  "In order to make the concert scene a little more friendly, the main task of the people in the circle this year is to battle the light signs." Since very early on, Xiaomin’s fan circle has begun to call on everyone to buy light signs. Purchases are usually called by the support club and big fans, and develop from various organizations to the whole circle. "The more light signs you buy, the better!" Xiaomin bought 8 light signs with an area of 1 square meter in one go, and each light sign sold for 188 yuan.

  The members of the support committee "basically bought it, and those who don’t go will contribute." Xiaoyu couldn’t go to the concert because of something, so she participated in online fundraising to raise funds to buy light signs. "The fundraising groups are all temporarily formed," Xiaoyu said. This time, the support committee started to call for the purchase of light signs in the micro bar. There are many ways to raise funds, and they are constantly innovating. "Some time ago, Alipay had a scan code to receive red envelopes. We asked a big fan to issue a QR code for payment, and others scanned the code for consumption. The red envelope income can be a large amount of money, and it can be used to buy light signs. Of course, there are also direct transfers through WeChat, Alipay or self-purchase."

  Xiaoyu participated in the fundraising activities of the support, Alipay red envelopes earned tens of thousands of yuan, and fans directly transferred tens of thousands of yuan. The total amount is specific, Xiaoyu said "not completely open so I don’t know". There are many members of the fan circle like Xiaoyu. They know that the fundraising process can only be semi-public, and they also know that there are dark debts, but they will still support each fundraising without hesitation.

  "Dark accounts are inevitable, and the money that should be raised will not be fully disclosed," Xiaomin said, because some of the money will be used for public relations, such as for the promotion of newspapers and magazines and self-media endorsement products. This is the part that cannot be made public, and public disclosure will allow the opponent to fully understand their situation. "Even if there is a dark account, as long as the vast majority of the money is spent where it should be spent, and the amount is not high, no one will investigate it."

  Nowadays, it has become the norm for the support committee to raise money, and the problems in the supervision of funds have been frequently reported in the newspapers. Just in July this year, "101 fund-raising was investigated" once made the hot search list. There are media reports that in the process of creating 101 fans to raise funds, there are "fans" in the name of boosting popularity for the Idol finals. After collecting funds, they ran away and even bought a sea view house.

  Xiaomin thinks she is lucky, because she has been in the rice circle for 4 years and has never encountered a run away. She is also relatively tolerant of the tricks in "fund-raising", "We need people who do these things, and forcing them (fund-raising promoters) away is not conducive to the stability of the rice circle, because the big fan has the voice over and the appeal."

  If fans don’t pursue it, is there no supervision in the gray area of fundraising in the fan circle? Lawyer Yuan Shaoguang of Beijing Tongchuang Law Firm believes that the promoter of "fundraising" should be responsible for the authenticity, legality and use of crowdfunding funds. The promoter cannot misappropriate or embezzle crowdfunding funds. If the promoter uses fictional facts or concealing the truth to defraud crowdfunding funds for the purpose of illegal possession (such as running away with money, etc.), he may be suspected of criminal crimes such as fraud.

  In the end, Xiaomin’s support association bought a total of more than 5,000 light signs, "It’s not enough to buy light signs, after all, it takes heads to hold light signs". Each support association must determine the support area in advance, determine the number of people present and grab tickets. China Youth Daily · China Youth Online reporter saw from a "concert support area map" provided by Xiaomin that 32,000 seats at the concert site were divided in different colors, and they were all booked by fans of 5 support associations. The support association where Xiaomin is located has 4,000 to 5,000 people present to help out.

  "Everyone who can be called has gone, and it is difficult to grab tickets!" Xiaomin grabbed the front row of the infield at the price of 1880 yuan through the ticket-grabbing platform, and bought 3 peak tickets (stand tickets) out of her own pocket for friends who are not fans to go in and help hold the light signs. The 3 tickets given to friends cost more than 3,000 yuan, but Xiaomin felt it was worth it for her love bean.

  From a psychological point of view, their needs have reached the level of one-way payment to obtain great satisfaction and pleasure, and deep mining is their own values. "Wang Chao, a researcher at a digital economy think tank, believes that deep fans will bind their value orientation to idols. In the process of pursuit, they join the support group because of the herd effect. When everyone has the same goal to do one thing, this is his knowledge system, and he will be subtly influenced by this group.

  Faced with the strong support of fans, the reaction of stars is not the same. Also this year, Zhu Yilong Studio sent a letter of thanks and apology on Weibo, deciding to refund all the hundreds of thousands of yuan of support fees raised by the support club, which attracted attention. "From a legal perspective, fans voluntarily raise funds. Even if the promoter runs away after fundraising, the star does not need to bear civil liability if he does not know and has no fault," said lawyer Yuan Shaoguang.

  In the opinion of Li Xuejing, a "technical fan" who works as a video director, the star’s move is due to "fan behavior idols pay the bill". She believes that the support fee is burning fans’ money, and it is understandable that the star asks to return it after knowing it. "Because many fans support is a spontaneous behavior, the star does not know it, and there is no transparent fan management and financial mechanism, which causes a lot of things similar to fans running away with money and earning rebates in the middle. Once there is a problem with fans burning money for support, it is easy to cause scolding wars among fans, and it will also affect the star artists themselves. These are all factors that stars should consider."

  Compared with some celebrities who need fans’ support in order to be exposed, famous, and hyped, Li Xuejing pays more attention to those stars who speak with their acting and singing skills, because they are willing to settle down. "Fans need rationality, and only works are the foundation of a star’s foothold."

  Yuan Rui, China Youth Daily China Youth Online Reporter

Sold for 132,020 yuan, Geely icon Galaxy limited edition listing

  A few days ago, we learned from the official that the (|) Galaxy limited edition model was officially launched.The new car launched a total of 1 model, the guide price is 132,020 yuan, limited to 2020 units, and will be delivered on January 1, 2020.In addition, other models of Geely icon are currently available for pre-order and will be announced in January. See the table below for details:

Geely icon Galaxy Limited Edition, guide price Model Selling price (10,000 yuan) 1.5T + 48V 7DCT Galaxy Limited Edition 13. 2020


  The Geely icon has a different design style from previous Geely models. The square lines are outlined, and the split headlight set looks very avant-garde. Of course, the iconic paper grille of the Geely family is retained, but it looks more three-dimensional. The "Galaxy Limited Edition" car will have a Starship gray body, a white-brown two-tone Starship interior, 19-inch all-aluminum two-tone wheels and Continental UC6 SUV tires, and the exclusive aluminum identity of "Time Symbol".



  On the side of the body, the new car uses straight lines to match the three-dimensional front and rear wheel eyebrows, which does not look monotonous. At the same time, the car also adopts a hidden door handle design. The new car also adopts a suspended roof shape. The simple lines at the tail make the new car’s visual effect very wide. With the horizontal headlights, it looks full of personality. In the body color part, the ordinary version of the model will provide ICON 50 °, ICON 80 ° gray, ICON green, ICON red, ICON white, ICON blue, and ICON gold. In terms of body size, the length, width and height of the new car are 4350/1810/1615mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2640mm.



  In the interior part, the new car adopts a new style of design techniques, the color matching of white and khaki leather, exudes simplicity and fashion, and is equipped with a double 10.25-inch instrument panel and a central control display screen, of which the central control screen is suspended on the center console, giving people a stronger sense of technology. At the same time, the trend shape below is designed with "∞" (infinite) symbol elements, bringing a good sense of design.

  In terms of configuration, the new car will offer air quality management, air filtration, negative ion air purification, lane keeping, urban pre-collision, adaptive battery life, intelligent high beam control, blind spot monitoring, wireless charging, and more.

  In terms of power, the Galaxy Limited Edition model is equipped with a 1.5T engine + 48V micro-hybrid system. The 48V micro-hybrid system can bring an additional 10kW of power and 45 Nm of torque. The system has a combined power of 190 horsepower and a peak torque of 300 Nm. The transmission system is matched with a 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox. (Text/Autohome Zhang Xuelian)

Sailis Automobile debuted at the 2023 Smart Expo, leading the intelligent and innovative development of new energy vehicles

From September 4th to 6th, the 2023 China International Intelligent Industry Expo (hereinafter referred to as the "Smart Expo") was held at the Chongqing International Expo Center. The theme of this year’s Smart Expo was "Wisdom, Learning from the Best", focusing on the annual theme of "Intelligent Networked New Energy Vehicles". It attracted 310 upstream and downstream core enterprises in the new energy vehicle industry chain, including Cyrus Automobile, to participate in the exhibition, fully displaying the innovative achievements, top technology products and latest solutions in the field of intelligent networked new energy vehicles.

During this smart expo, Sailis Automobile will set up double booths in the Chongqing Pavilion and the Professional Pavilion in the Central Hall, and bring AITO M5 smart driving version, AITO M5 pure electric smart driving version, and AITO M7 new five-seat version to the exhibition.

As the first mass-produced model equipped with both HUAWEI ADS 2.0 high-end intelligent driving system and Hongmeng intelligent cockpit 3.0 and the fastest delivery, the AITO M5 smart driving version has won industry awards and consumer recognition for its excellent performance after its launch. As the "smart driving ceiling", the AITO M5 smart driving version also brings users a new and comfortable intelligent and safe travel experience, whether it is in the congested ring highway, the mountain road at night, or the complex 8D interchange, the performance is excellent.

Recently unveiled at the Chengdu Auto Show, AITO asked the new M7 five-seat version has also become a popular pre-order model. It is reported that AITO asked the new M7 five-seat version of the overall upgrade investment of more than 500 million yuan, in addition to equipped with industry-leading Hongmeng intelligent cockpit 3.0 and HUAWEI ADS 2.0 high-end intelligent driving system, AITO asked the new M7 five-seat version also has a large space and flexible layout of leading models of the same level. In addition, in terms of passive safety, the full-dimensional super body uses submarine-grade materials, more than 80% of which are high-strength steel and aluminum alloys, which are truly excellent in "invisible places".

As one of the benchmark enterprises of new energy vehicles in Chongqing, Cyrus Automobile insists on technology self-research, and has built the industry-leading super electric drive intelligent technology platform DE-i with independent intellectual property rights. It is one of the few enterprises in China that has independently mastered the core three electric technologies. In terms of building an intelligent manufacturing system, Cyrus Automobile has always taken user request as the core, and based on the data network intelligent platform, it has realized the full value chain coverage of research, production, supply, sales and service and the whole-process intelligent operation of the factory. In 2021, Cyrus Automobile and Huawei opened a precedent for cross-border cooperation. The orderly launch of AITO’s products helped the company lay the core competitiveness of new energy vehicle intelligence.

With the introduction of a series of industrial policies and the continuous optimization of the business environment, the ecological development of Chongqing’s new energy vehicle industry has been gradually improved, and leading enterprises represented by Sailis Automobile are accelerating their volume, contributing to Chongqing’s efforts to build a world-class intelligent networked new energy vehicle industry cluster.

Nine cars made their debut at the auto show, and Hengda Yinlang unexpectedly beat the opposite BMW. Will sales be stable next year?

For Hengda’s amazing goal of "selling 1 million cars in 2025 and 5 million cars in 2035", many people may still not believe it, but Hengda has done the car puzzle step by step in the past two years, which is an indisputable fact.

Author: Hanwei

Image: From the Internet

At this year’s Shanghai Auto Show, the sound waves of new car-making forces are getting louder and louder. For example, Evergrande Motor is participating in the exhibition for the first time, next to this first-line luxury brand, but from the popularity of the scene, Evergrande has become the king of fans. The Hengchi brand has launched nine new cars in one go, from Hengchi 1 to Hengchi 9. And Liu Yongzhuo, president of Evergrande Motor, announced that in the fourth quarter of this year, Hengchi Automobile has entered the trial production stage and will be delivered on a large scale next year.

Perhaps many people still do not believe Hengda’s amazing goal of "selling 1 million cars in 2025 and 5 million cars in 2035", but it is an indisputable fact that Hengda has completed the car puzzle step by step in the past two years. At the scene, Hengda organized "Thousands of Media Watch Hengchi", visited the factory in Songjiang, Shanghai, and test-drove Hengchi 5, which became a breaking point of this Shanghai Auto Show.

Nine cars are shipped together, there is always a luxury model that suits you

As a newcomer in the automotive industry, Evergrande has always been "less said and more done". The debut of the Shanghai Auto Show this time showed the side of "ruthless people don’t talk much". The nine new cars cover all grades from A to D, covering sedans, coupes, SUVs, MPVs, crossovers and other full range models. With this strong lineup, there are countless fans.

The story of the birth of the new car of the Hengchi brand is already familiar to everyone. Evergrande has selected 15 of the world’s top automotive design masters to cooperate, including the original chief designer Anders Warming, the original design director Walter De Silva, and the German design master Alexander Sasha Selipanov, who has served as the chief designer and chief designer of the car. A total of 14 models have been developed, and now 9 models have been launched.

These nine cars are all pure electric vehicles, which can cover 95% of the world’s luxury car market segments. They have different styles, including noble luxury, avant-garde, or simple. They are like "walking works of art" at the auto show, representing the highest level of automotive design in the world today, and have become the traffic star models of this Shanghai Auto Show.

From the perspective of car selection, although "appearance is justice" is the consensus, it is not the whole thing. Now that consumers are becoming more and more mature, they want face and lining, so for car companies, the accumulation of core technical strength is also crucial.

And Hengda has been through a series of mergers and acquisitions in the past three years, combining vertical and horizontal, coupled with its own independent research and development investment at all costs, and will not pull the hip in key technologies.

For example, in terms of the cruising range that everyone cares about the most, the nine cars exhibited by Hengchi have a maximum comprehensive cruising range of 700km, and some models exceed 800km. Among them, Hengchi 1 is 760km and Hengchi 9 is 810km, which are all first-class in the industry.

Be the first to test drive Hengchi 5, the sense of luxury is not only in the appearance

As a new brand, Hengda’s progress is not slow, from project approval to selling cars in about three years, but after all, everyone lacks trust in a cross-border new brand, so Hengda is inevitably accused of tricks, and this test drive of Hengchi 5 is just in time, proving that Hengda’s production car has been fully formed.

The Hengchi 5 was designed by a Japanese designer. After driving, it has a more visual impact than when parked. The front face features an H-shaped sharp headlights, a tough body, a 2780mm wheelbase, and the rare 21-inch oversized wheels of this class of SUV, which makes the whole vehicle feel powerful.

In the winter test more than two months ago, the Hengchi 5 was still a construction vehicle, and this time the test drive has achieved a high degree of completion, showing the speed of Hengda’s car construction. After driving, you will obviously feel that the acceleration response of the Hengchi 5 is very fast and linear, and the push back is extremely strong.

Sitting in the car, the panoramic sunroof is open and atmospheric, and it feels very transparent. The world’s specially created super-large 3D curved surround triple screen has a strong visual impact. This car is equipped with the H-SMART OS Hengchi intelligent network system developed by Evergrande in collaboration with Tencent and Baidu, as well as AR Driving augmented reality driving assistance. I believe these functions will be important selling points after the real car is launched.

You know, in Evergrande’s independent research and development system, autonomous driving and intelligent networking are the same as power batteries, which are the top priorities. These are also the key research projects in the automotive industry at present. Whether it is technology companies such as Huawei and Baidu, or new car-making forces such as NIO and Xiaopeng, or traditional car companies such as…

At this year’s Shanghai Auto Show, Evergrande also fully showcased technologies such as intelligent connectivity, intelligent driving cabin, 3.0 chassis architecture, charging pile, AI assistant Xiaochi, etc. The future performance in the actual car is very worth looking forward to.

Highly intelligent factory, fully automatic black light operation

For Hengda, after solving the problems of product design and core technology, but also to face the last bottleneck, that is, product quality, consumers are most worried about the new car forces in this link, after all, the car is a large, trial and error costs are too high.

After visiting the Shanghai factory, I will have more confidence in Hengda’s car manufacturing level. The style of this factory is in the same vein as the Nansha factory in Guangzhou. The overall feeling is very high-end and atmospheric, in line with the positioning of the Hengchi luxury brand. The most outstanding highlight is the level of intelligence. The factory is built according to the Industry 4.0 standard. According to the requirements of digitalization, intelligence, ecology and efficiency, it adopts the world’s most advanced equipment and the world’s most advanced technology to achieve the world’s most advanced intelligent manufacturing.

The stamping workshop adopts the German Stedman automatic high-speed stamping line, and is composed of an automatic packing system composed of Japanese Fanuc robots to realize the full automation of production, packing and transportation; the body workshop adopts German KUKA equipment and technology, and the automation rate reaches 100% to create the world’s most advanced high-end intelligent "black light factory"; the painting workshop adopts the German Dürr production line, the pretreatment electrophoretic flipping conveying, dry paint mist separation, gluing and spraying are 100% automated, and the whole process is intelligent and environmentally friendly.

When visiting the production line, you can see nearly a thousand intelligent machines orderly collaboration, seamless docking, from rapid mold change, stamping, to accurate welding, riveting, gluing, and no dead angle automatic spraying, etc. Most of the processes are completed by robots independently.

Through high automation, product quality and production efficiency can be improved. After all, machines are more accurate than humans, and machines can work 24 hours a day. With the increase in output, costs can also be reduced, further improving the competitiveness of the Hengchi brand. It is believed that with the large-scale delivery of the new car matrix under the Hengchi brand next year, it will inevitably have a huge impact on the existing new energy vehicle market structure.

Koo Tianle mourns Wu Mengda, and then reveals the details of Wu Mengda’s illness on the set. Goodbye Dago, the spirit will live on forever

Gu Tianle mourns Wu Mengda: Farewell to the person who accompanied us in our youth, his spirit is immortal – Introduction

The famous Hong Kong movie star Wu Mengda died of liver cancer on February 27. For fans, we have lost a great movie actor, but for those entertainer friends who have worked with him, they may have lost a close friend. Friend or role model.

The word "brother" replaced "uncle", making the relationship between the two even more extraordinary.

The most anticipated word in the world was probably "goodbye". Saying goodbye meant that there was still a chance to meet again, but this goodbye was forever. The so-called "goodbye" was nothing more than good hope and sustenance.

From the description, we can see that Wu Mengda fell ill during the promotion, and then he continued to attend various press conferences, which made the veteran actor, who had an important position in the Hong Kong film industry, seriously ill.

"This collaboration really stuck with me," said Mr. Koo, who followed Aberdeen and worked with Mr. Ng on the film Eavesdropping 3.

Mr. Koo describes Mr. Ng’s role as a cunning businessperson in the movie "Eavesdropping 3," using the words "full of drama."

Perhaps because Wu Mengda’s acting skills are too superb, or because he was inspired and encouraged in the process of cooperating with Wu Mengda, Koo Tianle is obsessed with this collaboration.

People will eventually grow old, but film and television works will not. A good work, over time, may also become a classic.

Although Wu Mengda has passed away now, the characters he created over the years may be funny, cold, or ordinary. The touching characters brought to us by these characters will forever remain in our hearts.

He seemed to be comforting us, as well as himself.

We must also learn to say goodbye. Those who grew up with us as children must also learn to accept the fact that they are gone.

In the golden age of Hong Kong cinema, Wu Mengda left a deep impression on the history of Chinese cinema with his profound acting skills, and won the love of countless movie fans. That’s enough!

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