In response to the negative comment controversy, Deng Chao: Now I have long forgotten about winning or losing

The movie "Chinese Ping Pong: The Jedi Counterattack" (later referred to as "Chinese Ping Pong") was **ficially released on the third day ** the new year, entering the ****** Festival stall where the battle was raging. However, on the fourth night ** the new year, it was suddenly announced that it would be changed to a small-scale release from the fifth day ** the new year, and then released on a large scale on February 17, and looked forward to the "Jedi Counterattack"… This kind ** operation should be the first time in the history ** the ****** Festival. The filmmaker apologized for this, especially to the directors Deng Chao and Yu Baimei. After all, it would be too abrupt to say goodbye to the audience after the hard-earned work had just met the audience. Fortunately, the reporter ** the ******* News had an in-depth interview with Deng Chao before the release. At this time, he already had the determination ** a film director to face all the

The moment he met Deng Chao, he was busy on the phone. The film "Chinese Ping Pong," which he co-directed with Yu Baimei and began planning five years ago, was about to be released to audiences across the country, and he was contacting those who wanted to see the premiere.

Many people asked Deng Chao, "The movie is about to be released, how are you feeling?" The high-frequency word in his answer was "nervous and apprehensive." He felt that this time, "the shooting was not bad." Because the players in the movie were not favored by the headwind, he hoped that the audience could go to the theater to get this power. His wife, Sun Li, understood him best. At the premiere, Sun Li told the audience, "He is standing here, and he is less confident than ever. He really needs encouragement, and he really loves the movie. Anyone who says he is not good, he will not give up, and there is a feeling of a little strong who cannot be beaten to death."

The Beijing News reporter had interviewed Deng Chao many times, but this time was the most special. In front of him, he was calm and self-contained, soberly examining his state, reviewing the past, and facing all different voices. At the end of the interview, the reporter asked him, "What is the lifestyle you desire the most?" He thought for half a second, "It’s now", "Now is my favorite lifestyle, especially this interview, it turns out that I don’t seem to have talked like this. When I had cognitive dissonance in the past, I would learn to avoid it. For example, when the interview talked about controversial issues, I would wonder if they had any hostility and would activate a self-protection mechanism. Even at home, I often reported good news but not bad news. For example, my wife, she has been very tolerant of me for so many years and will not touch my pain points, but I did not do well. Over the years, I have not let my doubts pass, and I am still very concerned. The process of preparing for this movie has made me completely understand that when others are not optimistic about you, you have to admit your shortcomings and do a good job of them. Just like in the movie, tactics can’t be practiced, balls can’t be practiced, physical fitness can’t be practiced… "

Mr. Deng added, "Now I’m very comfortable, very, very comfortable, and can face myself squarely. In this conversation, movies and reality are magically combined, and I will forget about losing and winning and enjoy."

The pain from negative reviews has always been in my heart

How to describe the meaning of the movie "Chinese Ping Pong" is difficult for Deng Chao to say clearly. The film is full of difficulties and challenges from preparation to completion to release. In the past, there were not many domestic sports-themed movies, and there were very few table tennis-themed movies in the world. The whole team could only cross the river by feeling the stones: collecting millions of words, interviewing several industry insiders, collecting countless materials, watching documentaries to build scripts, pulling a group of "Ping Pong Xiaobai" actors to learn from scratch, working hard, traveling around and studying new shooting methods… In the blink of an eye, it has been five years. Yu Baimei said that this is the most difficult time since he made a movie. For Deng Chao, the same is true. In addition to the practical problems encountered during filming, what resonates with him more is the true echo inside and outside the play.

"When you are young and frivolous, or when you have insufficient cognition, it is difficult for you to truly integrate this job with your own destiny and life feelings. The entire process of’Chinese Ping Pong ‘, from preparation to release, is more in line with the experiences of the characters in the play, and it is also very in line with the mental journey of Yu Baimei and me. We have experienced failures on the director’s road, been questioned, criticized by the audience, and ridiculed by the group. They say,’ What kind of combination are you? ‘They will ask,’ What kind of handle did Yu Baimei take on me? ‘and’Did you save my life?’ The pain of criticism has always been in my heart." Deng Chao in front of him is extremely calm and sincere, and now he is very clear about his situation on the director’s road.

As an actor, Deng Chao is fearless. He has several masterpieces, including the TV series "Young Son of Heaven" that became famous at a young age, and the movie "Li Mi’s Conjecture" that has been discussed by fans. The movie "Burning Sun" that won him the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actor, and the movie "Shadow" starring Zhang Yimou. On this resume, Deng Chao is shining. But on the road to directing, he has been very difficult. In 2014 and 2015, "The Breakup Master" and "The Villain Angel" two comedy movies with "the same system and style" were released seamlessly, harvesting 660 million and 649 million box office returns, but the reputation was not satisfactory. Audiences questioned whether "director Deng Chao can bring a good movie". "I often chat with Bai Mei, and he says, ‘The elephant is in the living room, can you turn a blind eye?’ I can indeed subtly avoid negative reviews that I don’t want to hear, but unavoidably, you will always remember. Because it only takes 0 seconds for your brain to reach that (negative reviews), and it is also 0 seconds to get rid of them. But the pain is still there, and I have not found the’medicine ‘and have not solved this problem."

"Self-confession" takes time

Deng Chao said that the movie "Chinese Table Tennis" is a movie he really wants to make. Most people mention the national ball table tennis, always think that this is a sport that "wins hemp", and there is still a low period for such a team? "Chinese Table Tennis" takes a different approach and is based on the story of the low period of the national table tennis men’s team in the early 1990s. In the face of internal and external doubts, the head coach and the coaching staff adhered to drastic reforms, and the underappreciated "men’s table tennis new five tigers" played their respective advantages, and finally staged a wonderful Jedi counterattack in the 1995 World Table Tennis Championships and regained the championship.

Movies are not about how people succeed, but how people should face failure: "Bai Mei and I once made a very failed movie, which can be said to be our biggest failure. For many days, we were very anxious and couldn’t sleep. We often have a face that is as gray as death, and this is how we feel. The national table tennis players in the movie are also not favored when they are in a low ebb. They decide that if they don’t play well, they will practice their playing skills; if the glue of the racket is not good, they will make glue; if the tactics are not good, they will practice tactics. People must face up to their own problems. What are the shortcomings? Only this kind of face-to-face can let us come out. The plot in the play is too similar to our real experience. When I see it, I really want to shoot it."

It is not easy to face past shortcomings and failures calmly. Looking back on those years, Deng Chao, who became a household name for his "running man", was a little blindly confident. He believed that he had understood the secrets of comedy and would be surprised by the unsatisfactory reputation of movies. At that time, he only had the strength to rush forward and could not accept failure as bravely as he is now. Talking about this, he smiled lightly and said that his "self-confession" was also phased, and it took time to experience: "In the past, I would also choose a good voice, shut off criticism, and help myself find some reasons to resolve unsatisfactory or unwanted things. I also have moments of blind self-confidence, when the height I want to achieve is not reached, I will be used to imagining, rather than objectively analyzing what I have achieved, what I have not achieved, and what I have gained from it. I have a lot of similar disorientation, but I can’t see it. Just like when everyone praises you, you enjoy it, play a little smart and not be noticed by others, and you are proud and secretly having fun. These are my shortcomings and problems. "

The moment you face up to the problem, you will find the "medicine"

This stage was interpreted by Deng Chao as "self-awareness dissonance". During the days of filming "Chinese Ping Pong", thinking of this group of underappreciated people facing all controversies with faith, he found that failure needs to be faced calmly. When you face the problem squarely, you will find "medicine".

"Bai Mei wrote a lot of lines in the movie that are in the same mood as me. For example, the coach played by Wu Jing came to me and said, ‘I heard that you are ready to give up.’ You are not afraid of death, you are afraid of a ball. ‘I said,’ Then I can’t win before I die? ‘He said,’ You can also close your eyes in a down-to-earth manner. ‘I think this is our life’s theme. We can’t hear this in good times. At that time, you didn’t encounter criticism, and you couldn’t see your shortcomings. But when you ask yourself, how good is your director? Do you really believe that you can continue? After you answer these questions, you can make up for whatever you are missing. When you make up for it, you will find that it is’medicine ‘, which starts to take effect piece by piece. There are times when people can’t carry it, but since we choose to believe, let’s do it step by step. "

When Deng Chao first showed Sun Li two clips from "Chinese Ping Pong", Sun Li felt that Deng Chao had changed. She was the person closest to Deng Chao and knew him best. She said that Deng Chao’s appearance of being carefree and fearless was often his packaging and shell. Friends who were familiar with him knew that Deng Chao was more anxious than her and thought a lot because he cared about other people’s emotions and opinions: "In the past two years, they have had a sense of frustration and faced with distrust. These voices have spurred them, which is actually a good thing. In the past, when they were young, they were a little proud and conceited. In recent years, they have really sunk down and thought about what they really want and how to put into action to achieve what they want to do. This is his change. Until now, it is the real base color of Deng Chao and Yu Baimei, and this time it really became. "Sun Li said.

Deng Chao confessed that his family was his greatest "Jedi counterattack" strength, and his family gave him more comfort than anything else, even making him feel that he had not done well enough: "Xiaohua handmade is very good, she often writes things, designs various organs to make small notes, and hides them in various places in the house. There is one by the bedside, one in the shoe cabinet, and each one says’Dedicated to everyone who is not optimistic ‘; our family has a small blackboard, and I will write some messages to them before each business trip. How many days of business trip, I will miss you, and every time I come back, I can see their messages to me on it. In the past few days, waiting has always led me to the blackboard. As a result, he wrote the word "Sa" (the son of the head coach played by Deng Chao in "Chinese Ping Pong" shouted to him); so did my wife. When she heard the news that the movie could be released, she gave me a hug and burst into tears, but I was like an outsider. At that moment, I taught myself a new lesson in the family unit. I felt that I was not doing well enough, because I have been showing them my cowardice and predicament, and they always have to appease me and give me strength. "At this point, Deng Chao’s eyes were full of guilt:" So I told Wait and Xiaohua that day, thank you very much for these days, these days you are more like my father and mother. "

What is Deng Chao’s dream of being a director?

In the eyes of the outside world, Deng Chao should be in a stage of no desire and no desire. Why is he so obsessed with being a director? The Beijing News reporter frankly asked Deng Chao the most essential question, what is Deng Chao’s dream of directing?

The following is Deng Chao’s autobiography

In this world, we have really encountered too many moving stories. Art itself has fascinated me. I am a person with a strong curiosity. Movies, performances, comedies, reality shows, hosting, and singing, as long as they tell stories and express emotions with their voices, they are fully attractive to me. Any artistic creation we make is related to the world.

I confess that every time I create a work of art, I am skating on thin ice. For better or worse, I have been reborn. Like a huge high-speed rail station, there are many trains in the station, many tracks, these tracks and trains are like each of our lives, we are all on our own train. The end of this train is death, which is an irreversible arrangement of life, but along the way you need energy to drive through each stop, you don’t know what the next stop is, you will face life and death, and you can’t see where to go. Most people, including me, can be very confused at times, but at this time you see your partner, your audience who likes you, and countless strangers who have never met.

Last year’s Spring Festival Gala, after I performed "A Sense of the Times", someone grabbed me at the door of CCTV. He said, "Deng Chao, my son especially likes to watch your (director and star) " Galaxy Tutoring School ". We were all very anxious during his senior high school entrance examination. At that time, our father and son had a very bad relationship. Because of this movie, he understood some things and gained energy, so you must have a video call with my son." This had to be done, and then he made a video with his child. At that time, the signal was very bad, and it was stuck and mushy. But later I found out that the other party was not stuck, but stopped there and was stunned. When he recognized me, he called out "Brother Chao". That expression made me realize that movies can really influence people, and I really feel that the power of movies is like this. For example, I often meet some very young audiences, who tell me "Brother Chao, I have been watching your variety shows since I was a child". Later, I calculated that it has been almost ten years since the first season of "Run, Brother". These children have graduated from primary school and are about to go to college now, which made me realize that I still have the opportunity to communicate with everyone like this. How lucky is this! And what I do, what I do, is I take the occasional train ride, or I make a track, I make a train, I make a movie, and that’s like giving people a space to ride, to share. And when I think about those moments, I make up my mind to do whatever it takes to keep going, and when I do, I don’t give up, and it doesn’t matter if I fail.

As a director, I really want to do it well. Of course, at this stage, I am even more skating on thin ice, and I also feel that I have not done enough. I keep telling myself "you have to be calm, don’t be impulsive, face up to your shortcomings, don’t have cognitive dissonance, and work hard in a down-to-earth manner." My dream as a director is the last sentence in "Chinese Ping Pong", "You may not win until the day you die, but you must also close your eyes in a down-to-earth manner." (Writing/Beijing News reporter, Zhou Hui Xiaowan)

Gillian may be abandoned by the Emperor (Photo)

Feature: Picture Channel

  Chen Edison and Zhong Xintong became miserable mandarin ducks because of the "Photo Gate" incident. Chen Edison’s image fell to the bottom, and the advertising endorsements were lost one by one. Yesterday, the morning newspaper reporters witnessed Chen Edison’s huge advertising was taken down in Raffles Square; and Gillian, who chose to face the media bravely, could not be recognized by the public. On the evening of the 17th, her first comeback performance encountered a record-breaking complaint in Hong Kong TV history, and the advertising endorsement was also boycotted by netizens. It is reported that the Emperor will "give up" Gillian at any time.

  Edison Chen

  Lose tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars in endorsements

  Yesterday at 1 pm, the morning newspaper reporter passed by Raffles Square and found that a worker was tearing off a huge advertisement for Edison Chen’s endorsed jeans. The advertisement has been posted in Raffles Square for nearly a year. At this time, tearing off the advertisement makes people think whether the advertiser has removed the spokesperson. The reporter contacted the advertiser, and the spokesperson did not clearly indicate the replacement of the spokesperson, but only said that he had been ordered to tear it up by the company. The reporter also learned from Korean media reports that Edison Chen is the advertising spokesperson for a Korean digital product in Hong Kong. From the indecent photos taken by Edison Chen, it can be seen that Edison Chen is taking a selfie with the brand camera in the mirror, which makes the product merchants happy and worried. However, the brand owner believes that in the long run, this is not conducive to brand perception, and then revealed to the media that he does not plan to contract renewal with Edison Chen in the future. It is understood that Edison Chen has lost nearly 5 because of the "Photo Door" incident, and the advertising loss is about 10 million Hong Kong dollars. Yesterday, the reporter learned from Leung Wing-keung, a senior lawyer in Hong Kong, that in order to protect the interests of both parties, advertisers generally require the spokesperson to maintain the image in the contract. If the spokesperson’s image is damaged in the contract, the advertiser’s image is damaged or the business volume drops sharply, and the advertiser can claim for civil compensation.


  The emperor will give up at any time


  On the evening of February 17, Gillian sang the song "Love for Six Years" with her partner Ah Sa in TVB’s live broadcast program "Warm in the Snow". As of 5:00 pm the day before yesterday, the Hong Kong Broadcasting Authority has received 1,900 complaints, while TVB has received 526 complaints, which is the largest complaint received by TVB since the establishment of this mechanism. In addition, the audience rating of Twins during the appearance period is only 21 points, which is 3 points lower than the average audience rating of 24 points for the entire program of "Warm in the Snow", that is, nearly 190,000 less viewers. Gillian has become an "arrow target" for Hong Kong audiences from an idol.

  In addition, there have been a large number of "summoning posts" boycotting the products endorsed by Gillian on the Internet, involving many well-known brands such as beverages, clothing, cosmetics, printers, etc. The netizens announced that they would "stop buying" these products endorsed by Gillian until Gillian quit the entertainment industry. Some "enthusiastic" netizens also listed the recent advertisements endorsed by Zhong Xintong and others in the form of text pictures, and commented one by one. According to reporters learned from the Emperor, Gillian’s comeback is "testing the waters" public reaction. If the public cannot accept Gillian, the Emperor may give up Gillian at any time. Yesterday, the reporter interviewed the Emperor’s artist director, Huo Wenxi, who denied that the Emperor would give up Gillian: "What do you say now? Yes, this is just a transition period. I hope everyone can accept Gillian again. She will work hard and do her part well. It’s not that she did something wrong, she has already bravely faced the media! "


Editor in charge: Li Erqing

Chery Jietu Shanhai T2 is listed: Travel off-road hybrid SUV, priced from 179,900 yuan

April 22nd news, Chery’s Jietu Shanhai T2 model listed tonight, positioning travel off-road hybrid SUV, the new car launched a total of 3 models, the price range is 17.99-20 9,900 yuan.

IT Home notes that the Shanhai T2 features a tough square box design with rear privacy glass, a panoramic sunroof, and an external spare tire. In terms of size,. It is equipped with 20-inch rims and has a tire size of 255/55 R20.

In terms of the cockpit, the car is equipped with a 10.25-inch full LCD, in-car Bluetooth call noise reduction, and 50W mobile phone wireless fast charging. In addition to the entry model, it provides functions such as ventilation, heating, and power seat memory in the main and passenger seats. In addition, the car also provides 15.6-inch central control screen, intelligent voice control, GPS + Beidou dual-mode positioning and navigation, built-in Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip, and supports OTA upgrades for the whole vehicle.

The top model has additional luxury features such as blind spot monitoring, wading sensing system, sleep headrest, SONY audio, light show and car fragrance.

In terms of power system, the Shanhai T2 is equipped with a 1.5T plug-in hybrid power system and a 3-speed DHT transmission. The models launched this time are all two-wheel drive versions.

In terms of battery configuration, the two entry-level models are equipped with 26.7 kWh batteries, with a CLTC pure electric range of 129 kilometers; the longer-range version is equipped with a 43.24 kWh battery pack provided by CATL, with a CLTC pure electric range of 208 kilometers.

Wahaha: Responsible for every product, and someone is responsible for every product

Feature: "Hundreds of Food Companies Practice Ethical Commitment Activities" Online

    CCTV News (Reporter Chen Xixia, Hangzhou Report): At 2:00 pm on December 29, the seventh online event of "Hundreds of Food Enterprises Practice Moral Commitments" was held in Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co., Ltd. CCTV reporters and relevant leaders visited the core areas of Wahaha Lewei Company, Product Research & Development Center, Precision Instrument R & D Center and other companies. Experienced the profound meaning of "being responsible for every product, and someone is responsible for every product".

    Publicity Department of the Chinese Communist Party General Office Deputy Director, Central Civilization Office Secretary Group Leader Jiang Xiwei and his party visited Wahaha factory

    Publicity Department of the Chinese Communist Party General Office Deputy Director, Central Civilization Office Secretary Group Leader Jiang Xiwei and other visits Wahaha factory

    Wahaha has always paid attention to the construction of quality culture, and gradually formed a quality culture concept of "integrity, safety, innovation and peace of mind", which makes Wahaha’s food safety and quality management program, the principles and norms that Wahaha people abide by in their work, and the guidelines for all quality work and actions of Wahaha.

Protect the "insurance shield" of consumers! 315, they’re on the move

In order to continuously improve the level of insurance services, strengthen consumers’ awareness of self-protection and risk prevention, and help build a harmonious and healthy financial consumption environment, many Huangpu insurance companies, such as China Pacific Insurance and Zhongan Insurance, launched thematic publicity activities on the occasion of "315".

Zhongan Insurance focuses on the education of consumer rights protection.

Recently, Zhongan Insurance officially launched the "3.15" Consumer Rights Protection Education and Publicity Week series. Focusing on the theme of "financial consumer protection is around, protecting rights and preventing risks", the activity carried out novel consumer protection education activities online and offline, such as popularizing consumers’ basic rights and interests, anti-fraud popular science propaganda, and strived to create a harmonious and healthy financial environment, enhance consumers’ awareness of financial safety, and effectively prevent and resolve financial risks.

During the activity, in order to further enhance consumers’ integrity awareness and credit level, Zhongan Insurance organized a number of cultural construction theme activities of "Eight Basic Rights of Consumers" for key groups such as "One Old, One Less and One New". Through party member’s demonstration education and joint anti-fraud experts, it created innovative popular science forms such as "script killing" for consumer protection, and entered Baoxingli and Ruihongfang, the first neighborhood committee of Shencheng, bringing the temperature of insurance to the masses.

At the same time, Zhong ‘an Super Exhibition Hall also created "3.15 Super Service Day", carried out face-to-face consumer risk awareness education, invited experts on the spot, and guided consumers to establish rational consumption views and correct values through the forms of "telling risks by cases", "risk tips" and "knowledge questions and answers".

In terms of consumer online rights protection services, Zhongan Insurance provides pre-positioned self-service and guided services in various channels, and at the same time realizes the full-line management of the consumer protection management system, and the whole link can be traced back. At the same time, considering the needs of users’ new consumption scenarios, live broadcast and short video marketing are included in the daily monitoring scope of consumer protection quality inspection.

In the application of technology empowerment, Zhongan applied the AIGC generative artificial intelligence technology to the protection of consumers’ rights and interests, innovatively developed the X-challenge mine clearance intelligent review system, which was deeply integrated with the business during the use process, and embedded the consumer rights protection rule base in the intelligent system, giving full play to the computational advantages of AI technology in identification and analysis, and effectively protecting consumers’ rights and interests.

In promoting the prosperity and development of the new economy and new formats, Zhongan Insurance adheres to the Pratt & Whitney-oriented principle and provides hospitalization, accidental injury and flexible employment for new citizens. By the end of 2023, the number of insurance products related to new citizen services had reached 4,040, covering nine major industries such as construction, property, construction, logistics, transportation, security, housekeeping, freight and express delivery.

China Taibao builds a new highland for the protection of financial consumers’ rights and interests.

In order to thoroughly implement the requirements of the State Financial Supervision and Administration on the protection of consumers’ rights and interests, recently, China Taibao’s China Taibao Property & Casualty Insurance, China Taibao Life Insurance and Pacific Health Insurance Shanghai Branch officially launched a consumer protection education campaign with the theme of "Financial consumer protection is around to protect rights and prevent risks" in the Experience Hall of Shanghai Youth Health Promotion Center. The purpose of this activity is to strengthen cooperation in various fields of financial consumer protection, improve the quality of financial consumer protection, strengthen the prevention of financial risks, and build a new highland of financial consumer protection.

China Pacific Insurance, together with the Shanghai Consumer Protection Committee, the Trade Association and the Banking Insurance Coordination Center, launched the "Education and Publicity Campaign for the Protection of Financial Consumers’ Rights and Interests on March 15th, 2024", which demonstrated the determination and confidence of many parties to strengthen the protection of financial consumers’ rights and interests, and also provided a solid organizational guarantee.

In order to strengthen teenagers’ awareness of financial consumer protection and enhance their awareness of risk prevention, a financial consumer protection sports meeting was held at the event site, which attracted many teenagers and family members to actively participate. At the activity site, with the theme of "consumer protection+health+risk", financial knowledge was transmitted in an entertaining way through parent-child interaction and scientific and technological interaction, aiming at guiding young people to establish a correct concept of financial consumption and enhancing their awareness of self-protection.

The event also carefully arranged the AI ? ? creation link. With the assistance of AI technology, teenagers turned financial security knowledge into creative practice. Focusing on the eight rights of financial consumers and real cases, we drew the financial security theme paintings by ourselves, and combined theoretical knowledge with creativity, which further deepened the understanding of financial security knowledge among young people and laid a solid foundation for financial literacy education.

Looking into the future, China Pacific Insurance will continue to strengthen the exemplary role led by the Party building, deepen the cross-border cooperation in the consumer protection demonstration zone, and resolutely defend the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. In the rapidly changing financial field, China Pacific Insurance actively explores the application of new technologies and methods, continuously improves the professionalism and effectiveness of consumer rights protection, continuously creates a demonstration sample of "co-construction, co-governance and sharing" of consumer protection, actively creates a harmonious and healthy financial consumption environment, and fully demonstrates the responsibility of "Pacific Insurance Service".

How can "lock" for takeout really achieve double protection?

  reading prompt

  Since the "food safety seal" was implemented in Beijing for two months, the usage rate has gradually increased, but many takeaway brothers have found that the protection effect is not good. To protect the safety of the tip of the tongue, how should this "lock" for takeaway be put on? Experts believe that it is necessary to cultivate usage habits, promote the further popularization of seal labels, and promote the standardization of seal materials and styles to achieve dual protection for consumers and takeaway brothers.

  At noon on June 2, Xu Qiang, the delivery brother, walked out of the store with the food as usual. The buckle of the bag in his hand was firmly entangled with a tape, which read "Please confirm that the seal is intact before signing for it."

  On April 1, Beijing officially launched the "Catering Safety Management Specification for Online Catering Services" (hereinafter referred to as the "Specification"), which clearly stipulates that takeaway packaging "should use sealing methods such as takeaway packaging seals that cannot be restored after opening or one-time sealed outer packaging bags" to reduce the risk of food exposure in the delivery process. In Beijing under the epidemic, due to the cancellation of dine-in food, the demand for takeout has surged, and the protective significance of sealing is even more prominent.

  Since the implementation of the new regulations two months ago, the reporter found through continuous investigation that the use rate of sealing has been increasing, and now it has reached 90%. However, many of the interviewed takeaway brothers reported that some sealing is a mere formality, and it is difficult to truly achieve anti-tear and anti-replacement. Some sealing labels are of poor quality, scribbled, and even easy to breed new misunderstandings and increase the responsibility of riders.

  How can "Food Safety Seal" better protect food safety? Can it achieve dual protection for consumers and takeaway brothers?

  90% of merchants "lock" for takeaway

  At 6 p.m. on April 3, the reporter saw in a food city in Dongcheng District of Beijing that only one rice noodle restaurant wrapped the lunch box with plastic wrap, and two other stores sealed the handbag with staples. The rest of the merchants did not have sealing measures. In front of a stall, the boss greeted customers who dine in, stuffed the lunch box into a plastic bag, tied two knots hastily, and hurriedly handed it to the takeaway brother. When the reporter asked why the seal was not attached, the other party was a little confused: "It will definitely not spill, don’t worry."

  On April 24, the reporter visited the food city again. This time, nearly half of the merchants have started to use seals. A stall owner told the reporter that he received a prompt from the back-end of the platform: "I and the next door together, bought simple rubber strips online, and each one is less than two cents."

  On April 30, Beijing pressed the "pause button" for dine-in food. On May 16, the reporter chose a Liangpi store in the above-mentioned food city to place an order, and found that a new sticker had been added to its takeaway packaging bag, which marked "If the seal is damaged, you can reject the meal".

  "The seal was gradually rolled out. At the beginning of May, the coverage rate was 60%, and now it can reach 90%." Xu Qiang said that he delivers an average of 60 orders a day, but only a few orders have not been sealed recently, which are basically independent and scattered merchants. "Before the promulgation of the new regulations, small stores were almost not sealed, and recently they have been taking measures one after another. Brand stores pay more attention to image, and they began to customize the seal a few years ago."

  In the eyes of Sheng Lin, the delivery brother, the seal is a "double protection" for consumers and delivery brothers. In the past, when the food was different, it was difficult for customers to determine whether the problem was with the merchant or the rider. Once he delivered a roast duck, the customer opened it and found that it was all bones and scraps. After a phone call, he couldn’t argue. "With the seal, you can clarify the responsibility. If the seal is intact, I don’t have to take the blame."

  Xu admits that most riders will not mess with the food, but it is not ruled out that some people will pollute the takeaway to vent their anger, which will also tarnish the reputation of the industry. "If the sealing effect is good, it can not only protect food safety, but also rebuild the trust between us and customers."

  Different forms of sealing labels allow the effect to be discounted

  According to the "Standard Analysis and Implementation Guidelines" issued by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Market Supervision for the "Specification", there is no fixed style of takeaway sealing. As long as the purpose of "unrecoverable after opening" can be achieved, one-time sealing, self-adhesive outer packaging bags, safety cards, staples, sealing tape and other methods can be used.

  However, Xu Qiang believes that these methods do not meet the requirements: "Like staples, you can open and reorder." According to his observation, many seals on the market at this stage are "unqualified". "Most merchants who use plastic bags wrap the mouth of the bag with tape, while those who use non-woven bags and kraft paper bags are mostly sealed with staples or stickers. Some tape and stickers have no anti-tear design. If the rider really intends to open them, they can be uncovered and pasted back without leaving a trace."

  Xu Qiang found during the delivery process that the best protection is a long strip seal with a serrated gap at one end, which is easy to break if pulled by external force and cannot be removed completely. "This seal only accounts for 10%, and you can encounter four or five orders every day."

  However, even if the seal is properly designed, it does not mean that it is foolproof. Wang Huaiji, the delivery brother, told reporters that when he was picking up the meal, he saw that a colleague accidentally broke the seal and asked a familiar merchant for a new one. The other party handed him one without saying a word.

  The reporter noticed that most of the small store seals are purchased from e-commerce platforms, with similar styles and no store icons on them. If they are replaced halfway, consumers cannot distinguish "whether they are original".

  Although he felt it was inappropriate, Wang Huaiji did not warn him, because he himself had broken the seal. "During peak periods, I often have to carry seven or eight takeaways in one hand, and sometimes I accidentally remove the seal, especially those with thin materials and weak stickers." After that, in order to avoid misunderstandings, he had to sacrifice part of the delivery efficiency and carefully take care of the takeaways.

  A few days ago, when Sheng Lin took a tote bag out of the delivery box, he found that the stickers glued to both sides of the opening were wet with water vapor and cracked from the middle. He awkwardly explained to the customer, but the other party didn’t care at all, which made him feel complicated: "The merchant posted it sloppily, and the customer doesn’t care. The seal is there, but the seal consciousness has not kept up. If you really encounter a problem, you still have to talk about it."

  In addition to popularization, it is also necessary to standardize

  Although the seal is small, it connects merchants, riders and consumers, and is related to the "last mile" of takeaway food safety. Many consumers interviewed believe that on the one hand, it is necessary to continue to cultivate the habit of using the seal to promote the further popularization of the seal; on the other hand, to promote the standardization of the seal material and style, not only to protect the food from pollution, but also to prevent riders from falling into new "embarrassment".

  "The cost of sealing is low, and the problem of achieving full coverage is that all parties do not pay enough attention." Pan Helin, co-director and researcher of the Digital Economy and Financial Innovation Research Center of the International Union Business School of Zhejiang University, believes that food delivery platforms should be well guided, such as pushing detailed rules of use to merchants, uniformly producing or purchasing compliance seals, and can also mark the next order page with or without seals. By affecting consumers’ choices, more merchants are forced to seal meals.

  "In the past, when I arrived at the store, I only cared about whether the food was ready. Now, I still unconsciously pay attention to the packing process. When I encounter some unsealed merchants, I will remind them and tell them what I know and the purchase channel." Sheng Lin said.

  Pan Helin believes that while popularizing, we must also standardize, and we should explore in practice to identify more effective sealing methods.

  The reporter combed and found that since the beginning of this year, Zhejiang, Anhui, Inner Mongolia and other places have successively advocated the use of food safety seals, among which Zhejiang’s regulations are more clear. For example, if a single-sided seal is used, the length should be ≥ 12.5cm, the width should be ≥ 2.0cm, and the thickness should be ≥ 0.75mm. If a double-sided seal is used, an intermediate seal should be used, and the sealing length should not be less than 1/3 of the total length and the width should not be less than 2.0cm. In addition, simple seals such as staples and transparent glue cannot be used as takeaway seals.

  Starting from his own delivery experience, Xu Qiang suggested that the seal can be added with a jagged or fish scale anti-tear design, and attached with a store icon. If conditions permit, it is best to add a layer of plastic seal to the lunch box. "The dishes are put into the lunch box as soon as they are ready, and the lid is easily pushed open by hot air. The plastic seal not only has a good sealing effect, but also solves the most common soup spilling problem faced by riders."

  (At the request of the interviewee, some are pseudonyms)

Geely Galaxy L7 Dragon Edition listed 125,700 yuan

A few days ago, the brand officially announced that its Longteng version models are on the market, and the new car provides 5 configurations to choose from. The official price range is 125,700 yuan – 169,700 yuan. Compared with the old model, the starting price has been reduced by 13,000 yuan, and the price of other models has also been reduced to varying degrees.

The new car has not changed in terms of appearance. The front face adopts a closed grille design, which is relatively simple in style. The daytime running lights adopt a through design, which effectively stretches the horizontal visual width of the front face. The far and near lights are located on both sides of the grille, making the style more personalized.

The lower part is surrounded by a three-stage design, with a very small diversion groove on both sides, and an air inlet design at the bottom. The interior is decorated with a straight waterfall structure, giving it a certain sense of momentum.

In terms of side styling, the roof has a small slippery back shape, and a suspended roof is created, which is matched with shark fins and luggage racks to bring a certain sporty atmosphere; the waist line adopts a through design, which embellishes the layering of the side of the body; the wheel eyebrows and side skirts are designed with raised black trims, which brings a certain sense of strength.

In terms of rear shape, the roof is equipped with a relatively large spoiler, and the blackened taillight group adopts a through-type design, which effectively stretches the lateral visual width of the rear; the trapezoidal license plate frame area adopts a concave design, which embellishes the three-dimensional feeling of the rear; the lower surrounding part is equipped with a thick black trim, and creates a diffuser shape.

In terms of size, the Galaxy L7 has a length, width and height of 4700/1905/1685mm, a wheelbase of 2785mm, and is positioned as a compact SUV.

In terms of interior design, the center console has a point-symmetrical design, providing a 10.25-inch full LCD instrument panel, a 13.2-inch vertical layout of the central control screen, a four-frame, 16.2-inch passenger entertainment screen, and an electronic pocket.

In terms of configuration, the configuration of all models has been upgraded to varying degrees. For example, the entry-level model has added front/rear side airbags, lane departure warning, forward collision warning, panoramic imaging, adaptive far and near light, front seat heating, passenger entertainment screen, etc., which has improved the cost performance significantly.

In terms of power, the Galaxy L7 is equipped with a plug-in system composed of 1.5T and electric motors, with a combined maximum power of 287kW and a peak value of 535N · m, matched with a 3-speed DHT Pro gearbox; the entry-level model uses a 9.11kWh battery pack, with a cruising range of 55km under CLTC conditions; the battery pack capacity of the mid-to-high-end model is 18.7kWh, and the cruising range under CLTC conditions is 115km.

Before and after the Spring Festival is the traditional off-season of the automobile market, but this year, the sales volume of stores opened in shopping malls increased as usual.

    Jiefang Daily reporter Wu Danlu

    Before and after the Spring Festival is the traditional off-season of Shanghai’s automobile market consumption. In the past, many 4S stores closed for rest during the Spring Festival holiday, but now, most new energy automobile brands that like to open stores in shopping malls choose to operate normally.

    In Zhiji Changtai Plaza Store, in order to receive customers who are looking at cars and buying cars, the store arranges more than three employees to take turns on duty during the holidays every day, which can receive more than 10 groups of customers every day, and with the opening of the return peak in Shanghai, the passenger flow is gradually increasing. Hu Bin, the manager of Zhiji Changtai Plaza Store, told the reporter that generally speaking, January and February are the low sales period, but compared with the store’s performance last year, the sales volume in the same period has increased by more than ten times.

    Hu Bin’s store’s sales increased, mainly because of the large volume of the latest model, Zhiji LS6. A few days ago, the sales data released by SAIC showed that in January, the sales volume of SAIC’s new energy vehicles was 64,000, and the retail sales exceeded 90,000, which doubled year-on-year. In particular, Zhiji LS6 performed well, selling 4,766 vehicles in a single month, winning the sales champion of "medium and large pure electric SUV" for the third consecutive month, and becoming a dark horse in the auto market around the end of the year. For SAIC’s new energy transformation, Zhiji’s hot sale against the trend is a positive signal.

    Before the holiday, the sales volume of Zhiji "broke through"

    Compared with being on duty during the Spring Festival, Hu Bin was more impressed by the car sales before the holiday. Generally speaking, a few months before the Spring Festival is the peak period of promotion and consumption in Shanghai auto market. During that time, Hu Bin and the shop assistants hardly had any rest. They arrived at their posts at 7: 30 in the morning and got off work at 12: 00 in the evening, receiving customers all day. Taking the sales volume in the two months at the end of 2023 as an example, Zhiji Changtai Plaza Store sold over 400 cars and became the "sales crown" of Zhiji’s national stores.

    The data shows that Zhiji LS6 was listed in October 2023, with a sales volume of 3,627 vehicles in the first month, while sales in November and December climbed to 8,156 vehicles and 9,878 vehicles, ranking first in the sales of "medium and large pure electric SUVs". Relying on the year-end efforts of Zhiji LS6, the overall sales volume of Zhiji brand reached 38,200 vehicles in 2023.

    It is a "threshold" that the monthly sales of new energy vehicles reach 10,000. For the market, LS6 is close to crossing this "threshold". For Zhiji itself, this is also the best achievement achieved by its brand since its establishment more than three years ago.

    Established in 2020, Zhiji brand is a high-end electric vehicle brand jointly established by SAIC, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech and Alibaba. In April 2022 and February 2023, Zhiji successively released two models, L7 and LS7, both of which were priced at more than 300,000 yuan, anchoring the high-end market of Zhijia, but it has not been able to enter the first echelon, and the sales volume of a single model has been hovering around 1,000 vehicles for a long time.

    What did Zhizhi do right when he was able to "break through" the mainstream market this time? Front-line sales staff told reporters that the high cost performance is the key reason why Zhiji LS6 is concerned by consumers.

    In terms of configuration, high-level intelligent driving ability has always been the main selling point of Zhiji LS6. Lu Da, executive director of Zhiji Automobile Communication Division, introduced that in December last year, this model has realized the opening of national high-speed NOA, that is, navigation-assisted driving. On January 23rd, Zhiji LS6 took the lead in pushing the NOA function of the city in Shanghai, and users can basically realize the whole process of intelligent navigation-assisted driving in the main roads of the city. In 2024, Zhiji will accelerate the opening of the city NOA, and strive to achieve the advanced version of commuting mode covering 100 cities across the country during the year.

    An industry insider said that at present, Tucki is the most advanced intelligent driving technology in China. However, a number of car companies have announced the plan to open the city NOA, and 2024 may be the first year for the popularization of intelligent driving technology in China. At the media communication meeting before the release of LS6, Tamia Liu, co-CEO of Zhiji Automobile, also expressed similar views. He said that the intelligent driving level of Zhiji LS6 is about 2-mdash behind the most advanced level in the industry; 6 months, but its core technology is completely self-researched, and it has a strong late-comer advantage. It will quickly promote the landing of intelligent driving technology through subsequent OTA (remote update).

    In the market, Zhiji is stepping up its marketing efforts. For today’s Zhiji, high-end is very important, and it is more important to take out the explosion. It is widely believed that SAIC has reached a critical moment in shaping new advantages and transitioning from fuel vehicles to new energy vehicles. It will be crucial for SAIC’s future transformation and development to exchange scale for experience and accumulate experience in electric vehicle products from brands such as Zhiji.

    SAIC pushes "explosive" cars.

    The strategy of creating explosions is not limited to Zhiji. In the SAIC system, Feifan, Roewe and MG all push explosive products in their respective price ranges. For example, Roewe also released the first product of a brand-new series of "D Family" in November last year, Roewe D7, with a listed equity price of 121,800 yuan. After preferential treatment, the price of the entry-level model D7 DMH can reach 109,800 yuan, focusing on "the space, value and price of B-class cars" and entering the B-class car market.

    Roewe has high hopes for this model. In addition to offering the most competitive price, Roewe is also promoting the transformation of sales system and service system to new energy. Luo Fancheng, deputy director of the marketing department of Roewe Brand Division, said: "Many of our dealers sell fuel vehicles, but the sales methods of new energy vehicles are different from those of fuel vehicles, and the focus of users’ concern is different, so it took us a long time to polish the whole marketing system to new energy." Since the launch, the new style of play has achieved initial results, and the market share of Roewe D7 DMH has also increased against the trend. In January, the sales volume increased by 29% month-on-month, ranking among the top three in the medium-sized hybrid car market.

    SAIC’s new energy strategy is accelerating. From the perspective of the industry, the automobile market as a whole is now in a critical period of transition from fuel vehicles to new energy vehicles. As the largest fuel vehicle sales enterprise in China, SAIC is bound to bear enormous transformation pressure. In fact, SAIC began to explore electrification and intelligent technology nearly ten years ago. Counting joint venture brands, SAIC’s sales of new energy vehicles have been among the best among domestic car companies in recent years. However, in order to complete the relay of new and old kinetic energy, in the current high-end pure tram market with the fiercest market competition and the most recognized reputation, SAIC needs more explosive models to help its own brands accumulate the operating experience of intelligent electric products and boost the overall intelligent electric transformation.

    Of course, the downward price probe will inevitably bring greater cost pressure. Guo Huaiyi, an auto industry analyst, said that the price war is still the mainstream of the market this year, and everyone is fighting for the price. SAIC recognizes the current style of play and must also bear the corresponding profit pressure. But at the same time, he also stressed that this is almost a necessary process for China automobile to build cars with new energy. Both the new forces and BYD started to build cars with money for a long time, so it is difficult to have both high growth and high profits in the current market environment.

    In response to the profit pressure, Tamia Liu once told reporters: "There will definitely be cost pressure, but relatively speaking, the cost supply chain is SAIC’s strength." He said that SAIC is one of the strongest players in China’s automobile industry chain, and with the same level of parts and technology, SAIC must have an advantage in terms of cost. Of course, the cost is also directly related to the scale, so Zhiji hopes to increase the sales volume through the LS6 and the fourth car to be released soon, thus further exerting the cost advantage.

In the name of "Milky Way", Geely set the top to create "Star" power

Text |Zhang Kun

design|Li Zhengwei

On February 16, Geely’s new mid-to-high-end series name "Galaxy" for the era of new energy vehicles was officially announced. From the name point of view, this name still has a strong "Li’s romance".

Those who are familiar with Li Shufu know that he has a strong "cosmic feeling" and his love for "stars" is beyond words:

As early as the beginning of the last century, Li Shufu said internally that the journey of Geely Automobile was the sea of stars; and on the flight back to China after Geely’s successful acquisition of Volvo in 2010, Li Shufu said to the full moon starry sky that perfection is the pursuit of the Chinese people, and then there is the Volvo that returns the tiger to the mountain; in the era of Geely 3.0 boutique car building, the naming of models such as Xingyue and Xingrui is also full of this color; even in the naming of many companies within Geely, the interstellar era, time and space, Taoyu… also reflect this romantic color.

In ancient times, people used to call the Milky Way standing on the dome the Xinghan, which was regarded as the most romantic and beautiful thing in the world. Therefore, Cao Cao sighed: "The Xinghan is brilliant, if it comes out of it".

Winning the firmament, wanting to compete with the heavens, this is the romance hidden in the bones of the Chinese people. In the name of the Milky Way, it shows a deeper expectation of Geely.

The famous philosopher Socrates once said that most of the success in the world is due to the inevitable results of accidental causes. If you pick the fruits from the wisdom of the sages, they can be roughly summarized into six words: time, place, and people.

For the current automotive industry, it is an era of rapid change that has left many people feeling unfamiliar.

In 2022, BYD rose to prominence, historically surpassing North and South Volkswagen to become the highest-selling enterprise in the Chinese auto market. The market share of Japanese and Korean models, which have always been known for their economy and durability, has contracted across the board, and the share of self-owned brand passenger cars will account for half of the country in 2022;

At the beginning of New Year’s Day, Barbarian Tesla’s incredible crazy price cuts set off a wave of new energy vehicle brand price fights, with countless brands involved.

After the Spring Festival, the world’s largest automobile company, Toyota, announced the largest personnel adjustment in recent years. The failure of Bz made it impossible for everyone to see where the world’s largest automaker by sales was headed.

Not long ago, the European Parliament passed a historic resolution by a narrow margin – 2035 ban on the sale of fuel vehicles. You know, Europe is the cradle of the world’s automobiles, and has accumulated a huge industrial chain cluster around the upstream and downstream of fuel vehicles;

The sales of traditional luxury brands BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Audi no longer made great progress, and the Japanese luxury car Lexus, which had always emphasized tonality, saw a decline for the first time. In contrast, the sales of Extreme Krypton, NIO, and Li Auto grew rapidly, and the new pattern of the luxury car market and the all-electric market has changed…

The world has changed, and so have the cars of the world.

There are black swans above and gray rhinos below. For most car companies, the days of smooth sailing and high clouds are gone, not to mention trying to eat all over the world through a novel routine.

Big waves require big changes.

In 2021, Geely officially established the extreme krypton car to face the high-end competition, and announced that it officially sounded the horn of competition for electric vehicles from a higher level. As of now, the cumulative sales of extreme krypton have exceeded 80,000 units.

If you look back, Geely’s journey on the track of new energy vehicles has not been smooth sailing. As early as 2016, Geely proposed the Blue Geely Action and launched a new Geometry brand within the Geely system. But whether it is the Geometry brand or Geely’s own new energy products, they have not achieved the corresponding expected goals in the market.

Looking back today, the core of Geometry’s success or failure may be the right time, the right place and the right person. The new energy vehicle products of the year were far less acceptable than today’s users, and Geometry’s actions at critical moments also deviated from the original planned track…

So in 2023, is Geely ready to embrace the smart electric era?

In terms of sales volume, Geely’s new energy vehicles achieved double growth in sales volume and penetration rate in 2022. The cumulative sales volume of its new energy products reached 328,727 units, and the annual new energy penetration rate was about 23%, which tripled compared with 2021. And the monthly new energy penetration rate exceeded 30% many times.

From a technical point of view, Geely has built an electrification system with multiple technical paths such as pure electricity, hybrid, power exchange and methanol. In particular, Raytheon Power and related electrification technologies have been widely recognized by consumers in the market.

From the perspective of organizational structure, Geely has undergone a series of talent echelon construction, especially under the demonstration of Extreme Krypton First, and has reached a high degree of recognition for the future of new energy vehicles.


Obviously, regardless of the sales volume of Geely’s new energy vehicles or the current Geely system’s understanding of new energy vehicles, the Galaxy starting in 2023 is more confident than the previous brand.

On the one hand, Geely has opened up the full link of new energy vehicles and accumulated a lot of technical experience by virtue of its layout in new energy vehicles over the past period of time. On the other hand, under the premise of scale, the Galaxy brand can participate in the market competition at the lowest cost.

These are the confidence that the Milky Way can break out of the confinement.

The current is the best time for Geely, but it is also the most painful time. But the real warrior is the ability to dare to innovate at the top of the critical moment. In the face of the surging tide of smart cars in the world, Geely must go to great lengths and have no way out.

According to some data, the future Galaxy series will have three power forms: pure electric, plug-in hybrid, and extended-range hybrid, and adopt a new design language and intelligent configuration, emphasizing direct user connection in operation. In addition, Geely’s "heaven and earth integration" intelligent security ecology is clearly visible, which is provided by the "sky eye" satellite, the "super brain" intelligent computing center provides computing power support and the super intelligent end point that is freely linked to intelligent things.

This means that in terms of the full set of playing methods, Galaxy is not limited to the past auspicious. With the positioning of the mid-to-high-end series, compared with new forces and friends, the sense of value should be increased, and the imagination space and expectations should be increased. However, due to the current data, we have not yet been able to fully and specifically analyze Galaxy’s playing methods and paths.

Looking back, during the months when the Galaxy project was revealed, some people believed it, some people questioned it, and some people were half-convinced. Between reason and emotion, most people did not dare to prematurely judge this ambitious plan. But what is certain is that Geely has enough imagination for his career.

There are no successful enterprises, only enterprises of the times.

In order to become a century-old store with a long-lasting foundation, enterprises cannot only think about making money, but must also correctly understand and have the courage to undertake the mission entrusted by the times, fully integrate and continuously strengthen their own capabilities and advantages, do the right things, important things, do what they can, and maintain innovation at all times.

The chain leader is "in command" and goes on an expedition, the "first run" in the beginning of the year! Qingdao Software and Information Service Industry Chain Promotion Conference was held in Shenz

Original title: The chain leader is "in command" and the "first run" in the beginning of the year! Qingdao Software and Information Service Industry Chain Promotion Conference was held in Shenzhen

Source: Qingdao Daily

Original title: The chain leader is "in command" and the "first run" in the beginning of the year! Qingdao Software and Information Service Industry Chain Promotion Conference was held in Shenzhen

Source: Qingdao Daily

Qingdao Daily News/Guanhai News, February 21, as one of the 24 key industrial chains in Qingdao, the software and information service industry chain played the "first drum" of different ground marketing at the beginning of the year. On February 21, the Qingdao Software and Information Service Industry Chain Promotion Conference was held in Shenzhen. This event was supported by the China Electronics Standardization Research Institute. Sun Wenlong, Vice President of the China Electronics Standardization Research Institute, Yu Yu, Member of the Standing Committee of the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Organization Department, and the relevant heads of more than 100 enterprises and institutions in Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, relevant districts and cities, and Qingshen attended the meeting. At the promotion meeting, the three key lists of Qingdao City were released, the Qingshen Software Talent Exchange Base, the Qingshen Science and Technology Financial Cooperation Base, and the Qingshen Software Industry Information Base were officially unveiled.

Expand the market, promote recruitment, and organize a group to go to Shenzhen to show off "hard power"

As the "chain leader" of Qingdao’s software and information service industry chain, Yu Yu said in her speech that although Qingdao and Shenzhen are thousands of miles apart, the interaction between the two places has a long history. She introduced Qingdao with three "business cards" of "Island of Youth", "City of Entrepreneurship" and "Capital of Happiness". At present, Qingdao has become the fifth "famous city with Chinese software characteristics" and the first batch of "double gigabit" cities in the country, and is actively striving to establish an international communication business import and export bureau in Qinghai. In 2022, the industrial scale will reach 360 billion yuan, and the scale and growth rate will rank seventh and fourth in the country’s sub-provincial cities. A number of leading enterprises and key projects in the industrial chain such as BOE, Xinen, Huike, Foxconn, and Donghua Software have settled down. The industrial foundation and development ecological advantages are outstanding. Yu Yu introduced that Qingdao has also set up "Qingdao Brand Day" and "Qingdao Entrepreneur Day", and has established a "chain of ten thousand enterprises" platform to promote the upstream and downstream linkage of the industrial chain through chain demand, chain resources, and chain platform. Finally, she extended a sincere invitation to Shenzhen entrepreneurs, welcoming everyone to approach Qingdao, learn about Qingdao, and make contributions to Qingdao.

The Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology interprets the software and information service industry, talent development opportunities and related policies. Qingdao’s software and information service industry has a solid foundation, favorable opening conditions, and broad development space. In recent years, Qingdao has continued to strengthen policy supply, focusing on industrial policy guidance, and accelerating the construction of a more market-oriented and competitive industrial policy system through policy "formulation-publicizing-implementation-implementation" full-cycle innovation. In terms of talent policy, Qingdao mainly adopts three measures: stimulating leading talents, supporting the integration of production and talents, and strengthening empowerment protection, and strives to build Qingdao into a talent gathering highland in the new era. In order to allow more Shenzhen enterprises and talents to inquire, enjoy relevant policies and develop in Qinghai, the promotion meeting also specially printed the "Guidelines for the Implementation of the Talent Strengthening Youth Plan Policy" to realize the "two-way running" of enterprise talents and urban development.

At present, the layout of Qingdao’s software and information service industry has been continuously optimized, and a new development pattern of "integrated two-pole four-pillar multi-park" has gradually formed, with the West Coast New District and Laoshan District as two growth poles, and the four key areas of Shibei, Shinan, Licang and Chengyang. At the meeting, the representatives of the West Coast New District, Shibei District, Qingdao Shinan Software Park and Qingdao International Innovation Park as key areas and parks will promote and make precise efforts to further supplement, strengthen and extend the chain, and promote the concentration of various elements such as talents, technology and capital to Qingdao.

Release more than 100 key lists, Qingshen base deeply empowered

At the Qingdao Software and Information Service Industry Chain Promotion Conference, Qingdao released a series of key lists based on application needs. Hisense Group Holding joint stock company, Qingdao Aokema Holding Group, CRRC Qingdao Sifang Vehicle Research Institute Co., Ltd., and soft control joint stock company brought 50 ecological partner lists, covering products, technologies, solutions and other needs. At the same time, 150 "future city" scenario lists related to the software and information service industry chain, 81 Qingdao "list of needs and achievement lists were also unveiled.

To promote the leap of industrial energy level, it is inseparable from solid talent support, surging scientific and technological power, precise drip irrigation of financial "living water" and smooth information transmission. At the Qingdao Software and Information Service Industry Chain Promotion Conference, Qingshen Software Talent Exchange Base, Qingshen Technology and Financial Cooperation Base, and Qingshen Software Industry Information Base were officially launched, further promoting the multi-dimensional empowerment and deep integration of the two places in the software and information service industry chain.

The Qingshen Software Talent Exchange Base is jointly built by China Qingdao International Economic and Technological Cooperation (Group) Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen International Talent Exchange Center. It is dedicated to promoting in-depth interaction between talents in Qingshen and Shenzhen, and building a co-construction, sharing and win-win platform for entrepreneurs and innovative and entrepreneurial talents in the two places. The Qingshen Technology Financial Cooperation Base is jointly built by Qingdao Haifa State-owned Capital Investment and Operation Group Co., Ltd., Qianhai Ark Asset Management Co., Ltd. and Qianhai Ark Fund Group. It provides financing services covering all stages of growth for high-tech enterprises and patent demonstration enterprises in the software and information service industry. The Qingshen Software Industry Information Base is jointly built by Qingdao Daily Press Group "Guanhai News" and Shenzhen Press Group "Reader News". It will focus on the information of the software and information industries in Qingshen and Shenzhen, tell new trends, new measures and new stories of the industry, and continue to create a new window and platform for "Qingshen" cooperation and exchange.

Take the initiative to "knock on the door" for precise docking, and sign contracts for 6 major projects

Projects are the source of increment, the foundation of development, and the stamina for the high-quality development of the industry. At the meeting, six key projects, including the Qingdao Yuanhub Zhixing Project, the Shenzhen University Strategic Cooperation Project, the Huawei End Point Whole House Smart Project, the Fuguang Technology Project, and the Digital Connection World "One Old and One Small" Digital People’s Livelihoods Project, were signed.

The strategic cooperation project of Shenzhen University is an industry-university-research project cooperated by Shenzhen University and Qingdao Ruiyuan Engineering Group. It plans to settle in Shandong Robot Industrial Park in Qingdao West Coast New District. The project focuses on smart cities, intelligent manufacturing, electronic information, life and health, and will gather and cultivate high-end talents. It will use major engineering technologies such as magnetic levitation to carry out research in scientific research, projects, applications, etc., and form a number of advanced innovation achievements.

"We will set up the northern headquarters and product operation R & D center in Shinan District. The next step will be to join Qingdao Haiming Urban Development Co., Ltd. to introduce our full range of meta-universe entertainment products in the historical and cultural district of Zhongshan Road, and also cooperate in the government meta-universe." Wu Bien, COO and co-founder of Guangdong Virtual Reality Technology Co., Ltd. is a MR manufacturer with mature MR hardware, system design and large-scale production capabilities in China. With the completion of the company’s northern headquarters, new hardware R & D and production and more upstream and downstream partners for MR content development will be introduced in Qingdao.

During the exchange and docking session, various districts and key software parks in Qingdao held in-depth negotiations with leading enterprises in the software and information service industry in Shenzhen. Shenzhen enterprises agreed that through this promotion meeting, they had a more comprehensive understanding of the development advantages of Qingdao’s software and information service industry, and expressed strong investment interest and strong willingness to cooperate.

"Going out" targeted promotion is precise and effective, and "bringing in" industrial clusters improve quality and efficiency. In the future, Qingdao will continue to "enlarge the coordinates, raise the benchmark", seek a higher level of cooperation, and jointly explore the "digital blue ocean". (Qingdao Daily News/Guanhai News reporter, Wen/Liu Qin, picture/Li Zhuyin)