China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission: Strengthen financial rescue assistance for traditional service industries affected by the epidemic, such as catering and cultural tourism.

Cctv news: "China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, China" WeChat WeChat official account news, China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission recently held a party committee (enlarged) meeting.

The meeting demanded that next year will be the first year to implement the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, and it is of great significance to do a good job in economic and financial work.

First, adhere to the overall leadership of the party, especially the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee. Adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee throughout the whole process and all aspects of financial supervision, continuously enhance the political and people-oriented nature of financial supervision, and unswervingly follow the road of financial development with China characteristics. We will improve the implementation mechanism of major decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and conscientiously implement the reporting system for major issues. Solidly promote the normalization and long-term effectiveness of the central inspection and rectification. Continue to promote bank insurance institutions to strengthen party building and integrate party leadership into all aspects of corporate governance. Support and cooperate with local party committees to strengthen leadership over party organizations of local financial institutions. Select and strengthen the leading bodies of small and medium-sized financial institutions, adhere to the cadre standard of "strong politics and good business", implement "financiers run finance", and do everything possible to fill the shortcomings in system and talents.

The second is to increase financial support and expand domestic demand. Financial policies should be more actively coordinated with fiscal policies and social policies, giving priority to supporting the recovery and expansion of consumption. Strengthen financial assistance to traditional service industries, such as catering, cultural tourism and so on, especially small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households. Optimize consumer financial products and services, encourage the consumption of bulk commodities such as new energy vehicles and green household appliances, promote the improvement of residential consumption, and provide credit support and insurance protection for new consumption and service consumption. We will continue to improve the financial services for new citizens to better meet the needs of rural migrants, newly graduated college students and other groups to live and work in peace and contentment. Enrich the supply of financial products, increase residents’ safe and stable property income through multiple channels, improve household balance sheets and enhance consumption power. Strengthen the financing guarantee for investment. We will promote the improvement of the investment and financing system in the social field, and explore qualified institutions such as hospitals, schools, culture, sports, old-age care and nursery schools to accelerate their development with various financing tools. Deepen structural reforms on the supply side, support the implementation of urban renewal actions and rural construction actions, and promote the shortcomings in social undertakings. Give play to the countercyclical adjustment role of policy banks and guide commercial banks and insurance institutions to provide supporting financing. Adhere to the "two unwavering" and increase financial support for private investment and private enterprises. Promote the smooth domestic and international double circulation, improve foreign trade credit and export credit insurance services, and consolidate and expand new advantages in foreign trade competition.

Third, actively support the construction of a modern industrial system. We will guide more financial resources to gather in mid-to-high-end manufacturing industries, and continue to increase medium and long-term loans and investment in insurance funds around key areas such as advanced manufacturing industries, strategic emerging industries, and transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. Strengthen financial support for the construction of modern infrastructure and circulation system, and accelerate the development of digital economy and modern service industry. Adhere to both standardization and development, and support platform enterprises to show their talents in leading development, creating jobs and international competition. Promote "technology — Industry — Finance "virtuous circle, optimize technology and finance services, improve the financing support of the whole industry chain, and continue to promote the first (set) of equipment, the first batch of sub-materials and other scientific and technological insurance pilots. Support green transformation and development, promote the sustained growth of green credit scale, and develop green insurance. Actively help promote rural revitalization in an all-round way, improve the rural financial service system, promote the sustained growth of agricultural loans, and expand the scope of agricultural insurance.

Fourth, resolutely prevent and resolve major risks in the financial sector. Adhere to "one line, one policy" and "one company, one policy" and accelerate the reform of insurance institutions in small and medium-sized banks. Anticipate the risk of deterioration of credit assets, encourage banking institutions to increase the disposal of non-performing assets, and promote small and medium-sized banks to accelerate the pilot project of disposing of non-performing loans. Promote the normal cycle of finance and real estate, do a good job of "ensuring property delivery, people’s livelihood and stability", meet the reasonable financing needs of the real estate market, and improve the balance sheet of high-quality housing enterprises. Adhere to the positioning of "staying in a house without speculation", implement differentiated housing credit policies based on the city’s policy, meet the demand for rigid and improved housing, support the construction of long-term rental housing market, and promote the smooth transition of the real estate industry to a new development model. Cooperate to resolve the hidden debt risk of local governments. Adhere to the differences between private placement and public offering, investment and credit, equity and creditor’s rights, prevent the resurgence of various high-risk shadow banks, promptly investigate and deal with fraudulent acts that promote "capital preservation and high returns", and severely crack down on illegal financial activities. Strengthen the financial stability guarantee system and firmly hold the bottom line that regional and systemic financial risks will not occur.

Fifth, continue to deepen reform and open wider to the outside world. Promote the construction of a multi-level, wide-coverage and differentiated financial institution system. Accelerate the establishment of a modern financial enterprise system with China characteristics, improve the internal governance of financial institutions, and prevent manipulation by major shareholders and insider control. Accelerate the reform of rural credit cooperatives with the focus on transforming the functions of provincial credit cooperatives, and steadily promote the reform and restructuring of rural banks. Promote the insurance industry to return to its origin, focus on its main business, and strengthen its risk protection function. Standardize the development of the third pillar endowment insurance. Guide the trust industry to develop original businesses such as service trust, asset management trust and charitable trust. Supervise financial asset management companies to focus on the disposal of non-performing assets. Unswervingly promote high-level opening to the outside world, adhere to both "bringing in" and "going out", steadily expand institutional opening such as rules, regulations, management and standards, improve the level of "One Belt, One Road" in financial services, and actively introduce foreign-funded financial institutions with stable operations, excellent qualifications and professional characteristics.

Sixth, strengthen and improve modern financial supervision. Improve the financial rule of law and prudential supervision rules. Follow the constitutional purpose and legislative spirit, and substantially increase the cost of violating laws and regulations. Improve the risk prevention, early warning and disposal mechanism. Strictly regulate the cross-regional operation of local financial institutions and promote the classified management of business licenses of financial institutions. Accelerate the digital and intelligent transformation of supervision and enhance the penetration ability of data analysis. Strengthen the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of financial consumers, and urge banks and insurance institutions to strengthen the appropriate management of investors.

The meeting demanded that the whole system should strengthen the sense of responsibility, combine the spirit of implementing the Central Economic Work Conference and the Central Rural Work Conference with the spirit of studying and implementing the Party’s 20th Congress, and do a good job in implementing the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee in the banking and insurance industries. Improve professional quality, pay attention to strengthening the understanding and grasp of financial laws, and creatively carry out various work. Carry forward the work style, strengthen investigation and research, make decisions and arrangements for the Central Committee of the Party, push the supervision of the banking and insurance industry to a new level, and contribute more financial strength to make a good start in building a socialist modern country in an all-round way.

Nightlife in Changsha: Presenting the flowing state of ordinary people’s ordinary life.

Original title: "Changsha Nightlife": Leave at dawn

Changsha, a city in online celebrity famous for its nightlife, attracts more and more young people to punch in with its inclusive and open mind. The film released in the May 1st file focuses on the joys and sorrows of small people in the city, connecting the contemporary urban nightlife scene with the story of meeting and reconciliation in one night, depicting the rich fireworks of Changsha, a tourist city, and showing the flowing state of ordinary people’s ordinary lives.

Multi-line parallel and multi-line normalization

As night falls, the story of Changsha begins. 24-hour bookstore, looking for the meaning of life in the philosophy area every day, met He Xixi (ornaments) who was leaving his hometown tomorrow morning. Jing Wei needed an opportunity to let go of the past and start over, and He Xixi needed a reason to stay again. Two people who had been injured in their lives decided to take a night outing. Between the push and pull of words, they approached each other and confided in each other’s secrets. The philosophical encounter also brought philosophical redemption. In order to get rid of the trauma in the bottom of my heart, He Xixi jumped down at all costs, and the two embraced each other tightly in the Xiangjiang River, and different feelings quietly bred.

Through the dense crowd of friends and writers, He An (ornaments) went to the stage of the small talk show theater and performed his carefully polished jokes in authentic Changsha dialect. Unfortunately, the performance effect is not satisfactory, and the enthusiasm brings frequent silence. After an argument with his father, He Dunhua (ornaments), who came to the scene in person, he tore his scar in public with blood stains, which deeply hurt his father.Dear heart, but it has achieved unprecedented performance effect. As a result, the father and son began to face and think about their relationship again. The father sat in the back seat of his son’s motorcycle and recalled his childhood on his shoulder. Years of resentment and dissatisfaction seemed to begin to dissipate.

Guests come and go in food stalls in online celebrity, accompanied by a steady stream of water, and taking care of things silently, which is the mode of getting along with Li Jie (ornaments), the proprietress, and Brother Xu (ornaments), the apprentice. That night, Sister Li cooked for the last time. She decided to let her apprentice Brother Xu take over and continue to run the food stall, so that her son He An could pursue his talk show dream with peace of mind. Under the Ferris wheel, Xiaoliang (ornaments) from the northeast tells Xiao Chen (ornaments) from the northwest the anguish of breaking up, which reminds them of their hometown and relatives. Doing ordinary and repetitive work in the amusement park every day, witnessing the beautiful love of others under the Ferris wheel, but my life is a mess. Finally, under the emotional embrace, they enjoyed the scenery they had never enjoyed before at the top of the Ferris wheel and set off a grand fireworks for themselves and the city.

Fireworks from the Ferris wheel dispelled the gloom of the night, and many lines of people gathered in Sister Li’s food stall. Whether it was the scene that he couldn’t get out of the shadow of his girlfriend’s death and couldn’t sleep all night, or He Xixi, who was troubled by family of origin and chose to escape, or a typical Chinese father and son who neglected communication and drifted away, or a wandering wanderer who was homesick at night, he was cured by a bowl of steaming rice noodles in Sister Li’s food stall. What happened that night is no longer important at the moment. As the footsteps of the morning get closer and closer, they all find their own answers.

The human warmth in the fireworks in the city.

From the fashionable and leisure 12: 00 physical bookstore to the iconic "Eye of Changsha" Ferris wheel; From online celebrity milk tea "Modern China Tea Shop" to the trendy snack "Wenheyou", the scenes presented in the film have distinct regional characteristics. Graduates who are about to leave clink glasses and sing "Farewell", middle-aged and elderly people talk about news and express their opinions, business partners go their separate ways because of disagreement, and couples in a foreign land still love each other but choose to leave … … These ordinary scenes flash by, and food stalls bring romance and ritual to ordinary customers every night.

Based on the taste of the city at night and the warmth and healing as the keynote, the film interprets the life of Changsha in one night. This story belongs to Changsha, but in a sense, it is also a night in the ordinary life of every ordinary person. Although the title of the film is "Changsha Nightlife", the film shows the life of ordinary people living in a corner of the city full of fireworks, which can be staged at night in any city and interweave with the local background color.

Focus plane focuses on ordinary and warm ordinary people, who nourish the city and the city comforts people. The food stalls, which have witnessed too many loneliness, frustration, joy and warmth, have obvious utopian meaning. They undertake the ups and downs of life, gathering and parting, and become a symbol place for people to relax and enjoy themselves, pour out their hearts and get warm. As the director said, "This film is a hymn for ordinary people". No matter whether you are happy or frustrated, you can find your own place in your own city, resolve the depression of life in the street life, and strive to live your life as you want. What the film tells is actually the "nightlife" that belongs to China people.

"Changsha people’s day begins with a bowl of powder, and then ends with a bowl of powder, and it is a new day after the powder is finished." Encounter, love, stay, leave, reconciliation, reunion, melt into the night in Changsha, the fireworks in the city soothe people’s hearts, and the warmth in the world resonates. The film leads the audience on a journey of healing through the perspective of small people and multi-dimensional emotional pattern, and conveys the happy spirit and open-minded attitude of facing life directly. Just as the original title of the film is "The Night with Stars Shining", this sleepless night in Changsha is destined to be a starry night, because everyone goes to the stars in the night, gently walks into every good night, soothes loneliness in every lonely night, and returns to the sky at dawn. Because at the end of the night, life can always usher in light. (Author: Wang Jiayi)

In December, let’s meet in Wanning in the name of movies!

Hainan in December, the temperature is pleasant.

Sun Moon Bay in December

One wave after another.

"Hot" degree is sultry.

Following the 13th Wanning International Surfing Competition on December 16th,

After the hot start of the National Surfing Training Base

December seventeenth

YOUNG Langchao makes waves and seeks shadows.

-The 5th Hainan Island International Film Festival

The "Golden Coconut Carnival" Wanning screening activity also kicked off.

Star guests gathered

Brilliant brightness

Citizens and tourists meet to see the sea and watch movies in three or five days.

Taste delicious food and feel the lively and happy atmosphere

"My husband and wife came from Xinglong and wanted to come and watch the movie and feel the excitement." Ms. Chen said that she was prepared with her lover. "The wind is strong at the seaside. Look at the backpacks we brought, and we have brought enough clothes."

The first night of the event

The film shown is

Indian comedy Happy Sunday 2016

It will be shown in the next two days.

Explore through travel

Discover the motorcycle diary in the depths of the soul

Warm family road movie "Starlight Walk with Me" and so on.

Citizens can go to the scene to watch movies for free.

Feel the charm of the movie

A pair of young friends are talking while watching the exhibition.

"Did" She Disappeared "released this year shoot in Wanning?"

"Why did the Shenzhou Peninsula become the punching point in online celebrity? It is because" She Disappeared ",the famous desert lighthouse, has become the key place for many social media travel punching."

It is understood that

Held on December 17 th

In the unit of "YOUNG Wave Starry Music Party"

Wanning film was set up on the spot.

Development course exhibition area

Show the films filmed in Wanning in recent years.

"Although I am a native of Wanning, I saw the exhibition of Wanning’s film development process, and I realized that there are so many films shot in Wanning. This exhibition attracted me to see and understand these films."

A young man said that it was more attractive because he took pictures in his familiar hometown, which became the driving force for him to go into the cinema to watch movies.

Wanning is a mountain and sea city.

Has a profound cultural heritage and unique customs.

There are more than 10 bays, such as Shanqin Bay, Shimei Bay and Riyuewan, along the 109-kilometer coastline. There are seven islands and peninsulas, such as Dazhou Island, Jiajing Island and Shenzhou Peninsula, on the sea, and there are also cultural customs of the hometown of overseas Chinese, the secret of tropical rain forest, etc. Therefore, Wanning has always been a favorite location for film and television crews.

In addition, in recent years, Wanning City has continuously promoted the integration and development of culture, tourism and sports, created more advantageous tourism resources, and continuously improved the supporting facilities of tourism services, attracting many film and television variety shows to take pictures. Since 2020, more than 40 film and television dramas, documentaries and variety shows have been filmed in Wanning.

The night is getting late.

The sea breeze brings a little coolness to people.

But at the moment

Everyone’s heart at the scene is blazing.

Everyone feels the charm of the film festival

While feeling the fireworks of life

"Are you producing agarwood? Where is the production base? "

"This is Qinan Aquilaria sinensis, and our base is in Wanning …" Facing the guests who came to inquire, He Youbian, the propaganda director of Hainan Shenghengxiang Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd., patiently answered, "We are an enterprise integrating planting, processing and product sales. When grafting planting is introduced from Maoming, the income is faster than that of Aquilaria sinensis, and it can usually be harvested in four or five years. Now it also drives villagers to plant and becomes a way for them to increase their income. "

At the agarwood booth

Qinan agarwood tea and agarwood beads are on display.

Aquilaria sinensis essential oil, incense and other products.

He Youbian told reporters

Their products are now in short supply.

Hundreds of thousands of plants were planted in Hainan last year.

After four or five years, there will be gains slowly.

"Like this bracelet, it has a calming effect. This agarwood tea, nourishing the liver and protecting the kidney, is also very helpful for people with poor spleen and stomach. " Speaking of the goodness of agarwood, there are many treasures. She hopes to use the platform of film festival to promote agarwood products, attract more businesses, and drive more local people to join the planting ranks, bringing economic benefits.

In order to let more people know about Wanning’s geographical products and food characteristics, this film festival screening activity integrates elements such as minority culture, music, cultural creation and food, launches food market and cultural creation market, and displays Wanning’s local specialty products such as coffee, tea, duck eggs and agarwood.

Look, thriving coffee, Peking University’s Shansu cuisine, South Bridge’s colorful cakes, etc. These shops and foods gather in Sun Moon Bay in the name of "movies", emitting fireworks, and movie screening has become a communication medium, and "movie+"seems to be the essential purpose.

The young man brought his mother to the movies.

People of the same age meet romantic seaside and enjoy music.

A large family put a baby over one year old

Hold high on your shoulders and watch the performance.

And hold up an umbrella for him.


One picture at a time

Happy and warm

Maybe, this time

Will plant children’s love for movies.

Will remain in the hearts of young people.

Expectation and blessing for Wanning

The movie "Happy Sunday 2016" began to air.

The story about "happiness" begins.

The movie story about Wanning is also being told.


Original title: "December, let’s get together in Wanning in the name of movies!" 》

Read the original text

"Li Xiang China Youth Learning Class" shows the initial intention and mission in theoretical study.

Young people are the king of life, the spring of life, and the splendor of life. Young cadres are the backbone of the cause of the party and the country, and they are a powerful engine to help the great rejuvenation ship of the Chinese nation sail. The vigorous growth of young people is related to the future and destiny of the country’s development. It is even more necessary to learn a variety of "nutrients" from practical exercise, always do a "physical examination", always keep a clear head and be strong and healthy, so that writing can "secure the world", words can "talk about the past and discuss the future" and deeds can "solve all kinds of worries and overcome thousands of difficulties to achieve everything".
Be balanced in nutrition and beware of "rickets".理论是实践的先导,思想是行动的指南。提高理论素养,补齐理论短板是青年干部克服“本领恐慌”的“良药秘方”。一方面,青年干部要常吸“理论之氧”,勤补“精神之钙”,而且要吸收最新鲜的“氧气”,用习近平总书记的重要指示批示精神和党中央决策部署为依据指导基层工作实践、明确发展方向。另一方面,青年干部要在工作中学习农业、工业、经济、数字化等各类业务知识,做博学多才、见多识广的“六边形战士”,在基层历练中一路“闯关升级、战无不克”。
Exercise your muscles and beware of "muscle weakness".Young cadres should always establish a clear practical orientation, insist on answering with results, hand in papers with actual achievements, and take practical achievements as an important criterion to test the growth of cadres. Work business should be "affordable", and we should learn all kinds of business knowledge and participate in the work in multiple positions, accumulate enough work experience, and be a "hundred students" in grassroots business. We should "bear the burden of difficulties", actively participate in hard work, hard work and tiring work, especially the important and difficult work involving people’s livelihood at the grassroots level, "pressurize" and "bear the burden" for ourselves, and grow into a "mainstay" in practice as soon as possible. The communication among the masses should be "easy to talk about", and the thinking of the masses should be firmly established, and the ability of communication with the grassroots, especially rural villagers, should be strengthened, so as to "blend in" with the masses and become "grounded" cadres who "go to the village and enter the house". (Author: Tang Yuchun)

A hundred years’ experience of football in China 143

Chapter 143: Robert Evergrande’s successful employment in his hometown and Su Meng, the boss, hit it off at once.

Su Meng was a little frustrated after Su Cheng Evergrande failed to invite Heinz Barton. One day, she drove into her hometown Robert while drinking on the road.

"You are blind and drink while walking." Su Meng is so angry.

After a while, I watched my hometown Robert fall down, but I was still concerned and asked him if he was okay.

"I’m fine." Robert in his hometown replied in English.

"Why are you drinking while walking? I think you must have something on your mind." Su Meng didn’t know what Rob was good at in his hometown. When he saw that he was a foreigner, he also asked in English.

"There are some troubles. I wanted to travel to China to relax myself, but I found that a person is still boring."

"That’s true. Traveling alone is really boring."

"I’m sorry, lady, I bumped into you while I was drinking. Fortunately, you drove slowly, otherwise I would die in a foreign country, haha."

"You’re so humorous. I’m glad you’re all right. Get in the car. I really want to talk to you."

"Well, I see that you are also a real person. Find a place and I will invite you to dinner."

"Let me treat you, you know? Sioux City is my hometown. How can you invite me in my hometown? I should invite you. "

"Then I’m welcome. My name is Robert from my hometown. Nice to meet you."

"My name is Su Meng."

As soon as they sat down in a restaurant, the observant China fans recognized Su Meng and his native Robert and asked them to sign their names and take a photo.

"So you are the famous Brazilian native Robert."

"So you are the owner of a famous football club."

The two praised each other and both admired each other.

"I know, you’re a world-class handsome man, so how can you fall …" Su Meng was unbelievable and hard to ask, but he wanted to know why.

Robert knew what Su Meng meant, and told Su Meng the whole story of his falling out with the Brazilian Football Association.

"So that’s it." After listening to Robert’s story in his hometown, Su Meng was so surprised that he burst out laughing.

"Ms. Su, what happened to me was so terrible. You laughed at me when you said you hit it off with me?"

"Mr. Robert, you misunderstood. I just want to say that this is really a blessing, haha." Su Meng said and smiled again, and then her topic.

"I mean, you are my Bole, my noble, you know? Our club is looking for a new coach, and recently negotiations with German famous coaches Heinz Barton and Van Ba Siteng failed. "

"I see, you mean you want me to be the head coach of your club?"

"Mr. Robert is really a smart man, that’s what he means. If you make a name for yourself in our club, you won’t worry about finding a next home."

"I can think about it. To be honest, the two guys you mentioned just now made me miserable, haha!" Hometown Robert said jokingly.

"I have to thank these two guys, otherwise how could I meet such an excellent coach in my hometown?"

After that, both of them burst out laughing. After that, Su Meng arranged a place for Robert in his hometown, and took him to visit Suzhou City and Suzhou Evergrande Club, and signed a contract with him. From February 2015 to November 2017, the goal was to achieve the Grand Slam in China and win the AFC Champions League in three seasons.

Robert from his hometown told Su Meng that he and she hit it off at once. Now she has helped himself and offered a very high salary. At the press conference when the new coach took office, he said in front of everyone on the scene that he would definitely lead the team to complete the task. If he failed to complete the task, he could do it for free.

After signing the contract with Suzhou Evergrande, Robert in his hometown was in a good mood and thought to himself: It seems that he has come to China this time.

What are the sports?

There are many people who don’t know what sports are. There are many kinds of sports. Many people know many kinds of sports, but it doesn’t mean that they all know that sports can improve our physical fitness, and sports can also improve our physical weakness. The benefits that sports bring us can’t be clearly stated in a few words. There are various sports, suitable for the elderly, suitable for children, suitable for pregnant women, suitable for maternity, etc.

First, roller skating

Speaking of age, roller skating can be regarded as the "grandfather" in extreme sports. Roller skating is a transition from skating. According to relevant data, in the 18th century, a Dutch skater tried to put a wooden spool under his shoes and slide on a flat ground in order to continue his training in the ice-free season. His experiment finally succeeded after continuous failure and improvement, creating the history of "skating" with wheeled shoes. Since then, roller skating has been born, developed and developed rapidly in Europe.

In 1860, Joseph Merlin, a Belgian musical instrument manufacturer, made a pair of roller skates by hand, but when he brought his masterpiece to the World Expo in London, England, and showed it to the enthusiastic London audience, there was an accident: he broke a big mirror because he couldn’t brake, and people were injured. After this incident was hyped by the media, it caused a great shock to people. Therefore, roller skating is also regarded as a "dangerous sport" and has been neglected for a long time.

The first pair of roller skates was invented in 1863 by James Pliem Puton of the United States. His invention promoted the development of roller skating in various countries, and he made a fortune from it.

In 1866, James invested and opened the first indoor roller skating rink in new york, and organized the new york Roller Skating Association, which officially included roller skating in the official sports events for the first time. At the same time, roller skating quickly spread to European countries. Because of its high skill and appreciation, after a long period of development, roller skating has become one of the important events of extreme sports street competition. Countless extreme enthusiasts are crazy about it.

Second, skateboarding

Surfing on the water is fast, exciting and nervous. Have you ever experienced it? You know, skateboarding is an extension of surfing on land. In the middle and late 1950s, residents of the beach community in Southern California invented the world’s first skateboard, and a 50*10*50CM board was fixed on the iron wheel of roller skating. Although this is only a simple sports equipment, it has gradually attracted people’s attention because it can bring people the same feeling as surfing.

Because skateboarding is derived from surfing, the skateboarding culture in the 1970s bears the imprint of surfing, and skateboarding parks built by skateboarders are all simulating surfing terrain. It was not until the "West Wind" skateboarding team in Santa monique, California, USA abandoned surfing knives, used keyhole as a venue for practicing vertical surface skateboarding for the first time, and set off a "swimming pool skateboarding craze" in the United States. At this point, skateboarding began to separate from surfing and was taken to the streets by fans, and formed its own language, skills, clothing style and music hobby, which is what we see now.

After reading it, do you think that our sports in China are extensive and profound? There are still some sports that we don’t know about. These sports can help us improve our physical fitness. If we often do these sports for ourselves, we will also improve some bad habits of dyskinesia. Because many people don’t exercise, it will be inconvenient for them to do physical activities when they are old. In fact, they have to exercise more, so that their bodies will be more hale and hearty.

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"Music" Li Mei/Deng Zi "Horse"

"Horse" Singing: Li Mei/Deng Zi.

Obviously, people are still smelling incense in the morning, and they are still drinking pot in Kowloon Rongguan. Why don’t you just lie in? I am on the bank of Hongchuan River, standing in the ancient and mysterious city culture. The moonlight shakes and shakes, and I do math in English. All of a sudden, I’m still wondering where I am. My ear looks like a Chinese aunt. At first, I wanted to burn it carefully, and finally it was my turn to go back to the building. The fancy gun did a back flip, and the waist was tied with a horse stance just look. Play games more than anyone else, and then sing a concubine and overlord. The erhu on the stage of playing games is playing loudly, and the audience is pushing hard, and the playing games are more floating than anyone else. Peking opera blues’s figure performance swept the audience.

After the impact of the anti-corruption storm, medical care continued to "return blood"! What do you think of the market outlook opportunities?

Under the background of medical anti-corruption and high pressure, the A-share medical sector has continuously "returned blood" in recent days after the sharp fall. As of August 10th, the medical ETF(512170) at the head of the medical sector went out of Sanlianyang on the daily line.

In the same period, funds showed signs of returning. August 8-10,The main funds have been added to medical care for three consecutive days, and the total net purchase amount exceeds 8.8 billion yuan..Northbound funds also moved, with a net purchase of 1.485 billion yuan in the pharmaceutical and biological industries on August 9.The amount of holdings ranks first among 31 Shenwan first-class industries.

Emotions are picking up, and superimposed funds are continuously flowing in. After the impact of the anti-corruption storm, can the medical sector start a rebound? Based on the present situation, how to treat and grasp the opportunity of medical investment?

[Short-term mood swings may be repeated, and opportunities may outweigh risks in the second half of the year]

The Bank of Communications International Research Report pointed out that the anti-corruption actions in the medical industry are still continuing to ferment. Considering the high demand and sensitivity of foreign capital to ESG, as well as the uncertainty of interest rates and geopolitical patterns,The market’s mood swings may still last for some time..

Huachuang Securities pointed out that this round of anti-corruption comparison in 2018 pointed out that,From the perspective of industry background,When centralized mining is promoted in 2018,,Medicine is at a high level.,When this round of anti-corruption promotion,,Medicine has been adjusted for three years.,It is expected that this anti-corruption will have a smaller impact on the pharmaceutical stock price.The cycle is shorter.

Guosen Securities believes that the current industry is fundamentally upward (stable and sustainable demand, emerging high-quality supply, and continuous withdrawal of backward supply), and the long-term development path is clear (innovation, compliance, and internationalization), but there is a short-term disturbance. In 2023,In the second half of the year, the investment opportunities for medical care may outweigh the risks..

[Anti-corruption does not affect the investment value of the industry, and the fundamentals of the sector are still improving]

Regarding the impact of medical anti-corruption on the industry, Huachuang Pharmaceutical team clearly stated that,Medical anti-corruption does not affect the investment value of the industry..At the same time, it is good for the sales of listed pharmaceutical companies..More irregular behaviors will help to concentrate market share on more standardized listed companies.. After the centralized procurement in 2018, the collapse of pharmaceutical companies did not happen. On the contrary, the share prices and profits of many companies hit new highs, which forced enterprises to innovate and optimized the medical insurance payment structure.After the anti-corruption in 2023,,We are expected to see a more optimized industrial structure and the further sublimation of excellent enterprises..

Guoxin Securities Research Report pointed out that as listed companies gradually released their second-quarter results, we found thatThe medical and medical industry has shown the characteristics of record high growth, gradual recovery of basic disk, and resilience overseas.. In addition, relevant policies are constantly being optimized, and Shanghai, Guangdong and other regions have clearly expressed their support for the clinical use and payment of innovative medical equipment. Short-term disturbances in the medical sector will not change the long-term positive trend.

According to public statistics, most of the leading medical stocks that have disclosed the performance of the interim report have performed well. The net profit of CXO giant Wuxi PharmaTech and equipment giant Mindray Medical both achieved double-digit growth in the first half of the year, with the highest pre-increase of 70% for Aimeike, the leading medical beauty company, and the highest pre-increase of 36% for Kanglong Chemical. In the United States, the company turned losses into profits in a healthy way, and its net profit is expected to double.

[The historical valuation is low, and the long-term allocation of medical care is cost-effective]

It has been three years since the A-share medical sector was adjusted in 2021, and the current valuation level has reached a historical low. The data shows that as of August 9, the CSI medical index PE-TTM tracked by the medical ETF(512170) is 29.59 times.At 10.65% of the quantile since 2015.In the current position, the long-term configuration cost performance is particularly prominent.

Ms. Hu Jie, fund manager of medical ETF(512170), said that in the long run, the rigid demand for medical care brought by the aging population and the increase in per capita health expenditure, the consumption upgrade brought by the increase in per capita GDP and the innovation drive of the supply side are the solid underlying logic that drives the long-term high prosperity of the medical industry.The current medical sector is in the bottom area of historical valuation., and related policies may show a good trend, therefore,Or consider an active layout on the left.,And be patient.,Long-term allocation enjoys the dividend of long-term development of the medical industry.

According to public information, the constituent stocks of the CSI medical index tracked by the medical ETF(512170) comprehensively cover the leading segments in the field of medical devices and medical services, among whichThe weight of medical devices is about 40%Directly benefit from the new medical infrastructure in the post-epidemic era;Medical services+medical beauty weigh about 50%.Directly benefit from the aging of the population, the upgrading of medical consumption and the great trend of medical beauty. Medical ETF(512170) is an efficient investment tool for investors to "lay out the national health sector with one click".

Risk warning: The medical ETF(512170) passively tracks the CSI medical index. The base date of the index is December 31, 2004, and it was released on October 31, 2014. The composition of the index shares is adjusted according to the index compilation rules. The index stocks in this paper are only for display, and the description of individual stocks is not used as any form of investment advice, nor does it represent the position information and trading trends of any fund under the manager. The risk levels of the Fund and its linked funds assessed by the fund manager are R3- medium risk and R4- medium high risk respectively, which are suitable for investors with suitability ratings above C3 and C4 respectively. Any information appearing in this article (including but not limited to stocks, comments, forecasts, charts, indicators, theories, any form of expression, etc.) is for reference only, and investors shall be responsible for any investment behavior decided by themselves. In addition, any opinions, analysis and predictions in this article do not constitute any form of investment advice to readers, nor do they assume any responsibility for direct or indirect losses caused by using the contents of this article. Fund investment is risky, and the past performance of the fund does not represent its future performance. The performance of other funds managed by the fund manager does not constitute the guarantee of fund performance, so fund investment needs to be cautious.

This article comes from financial information.

The market and funds of the medical sector are playing "fire and ice". Will the medical treatment be good in the second half of the year? There is something to say about the medium-term strategy of se

A-share medical sector once again staged a literal "fire and ice".

On June 28th, the CSI medical index fell by 0.76% to 8582.54 points, hitting a new low of more than three years after 26th.When the index touches the freezing point again, follow the index of head medical treatment.ETF(512170) funds are scarce.Extremely hot, more thanonehundred million yuanFunds increase their positions when they fall.. The data shows that as of the 28th, the medical ETF(512170) has been net subscribed for funds for 16 consecutive days, with a total amount exceeding 1.8 billion yuan.

[CSI Medical has successively "new lows"VSFund share overlappingnew high"

Since June, the medical sector has continued to adjust, and the CSI medical index has dropped to the level of 2019, and it has recently hit a new low of more than three years. On June 28th, the CSI Medical Index closed at 8582.54 points, which was2019yearninemoonsixThe lowest point since the day.

When the index hit a new low, a huge amount of funds accelerated the absorption of chips through related ETFs.28Day, medical treatmentETF(512170)One-day gainexceedoneThe net subscription of 100 million yuan has been continuous so far.16Net capital flow in last trading dayIn, the total amount exceeds18100 million yuan.

In terms of share changes, since June, the share of medical ETF(512170) has increased by 4.15 billion.Its latest fund share is up to537.16Billion copies, hitting a record high for 16 consecutive days..

In the same period, leveraged funds also continued to increase. According to the data of Shanghai Stock Exchange, as of June 28th, the medical ETF(512170).Financing balance reached7.41hundred million yuan,Record the second highest in history, during the yearIncrease by more thaneight0%.

2022The list of the top 100 pharmaceutical industries in China was released, and many constituent stock companies dominated the list.

In the news, on the evening of June 27th, the list of the top five pharmaceutical industries in China in 2022 sponsored by Minenet, a domestic medical health information platform, was announced, with a total of 260 pharmaceutical companies on the list. It is worth noting that in the ranking list of CXO and medical device companies, most of the top companies are important components of medical ETF(512170).

Specifically,WuXi AppTec, Yaoming biological,Tiger medicine, Kanglong Chenghua,kelleyheroRanked in the top five of the TOP20 list of CXO enterprises in China in 2022;Mairui medical treatment, UIH Medical,Weigao shares, Lepu Medical, minimally invasive medical care in 2022, China medical equipment (including IVD) TOP20 list. The above 10 companies, except Yaoming Bio and UIH Medical, the other 8 are all medical ETF(512170) stocks.

According to public information, the constituent stocks of the CSI medical index tracked by the medical ETF(512170) comprehensively cover the leading segments in the field of medical devices and medical services, among whichThe weight of medical devices is aboutfoursucceedDirectly benefit from the new medical infrastructure in the post-epidemic era;medical service+doctorBeauty weightappointmentfivesucceedIt directly benefits from the aging population, the upgrading of medical consumption and medical beauty.

[Brokerage medium-term strategy:Optimistic about the recovery of the medical market,pay close attentionknotStructural opportunities and valuation improvement opportunities]

The first half of the year is about to close, and a number of brokers have recently released medium-term strategies for the medical sector. Looking forward to the second half of the year, institutions are generally optimistic about the recovery of the medical market, prompting attention to the structural opportunities after the index bottomed out and the opportunities for valuation improvement.

Guotai Junan’s medium-term strategy states that,It is expected that the second half of the countryThe internal medical market recovered strongly.Considering cardinal utility, the year-on-year growth rate of non-COVID-19 Q2 and Q4 is relatively high; Looking at the longer time dimension, from 2019 to 2022, the dual effects of policies such as centralized mining and COVID-19 epidemic were superimposed.2023The annual growth rate is recovery.. At present, the valuation of most molecular industries has changed from PEG > before 2021; 2 Return to PEG≈1, due to the decline of market risk appetite and the downward revision of optimistic expectations.The valuation bubble has basically cleared.+The expected return will create a good foundation for the scattered market of subsequent stocks..

According to the medium-term strategy of Minsheng Securities, overall,medicinemedical treatmentThe sector is at a historical low in terms of valuation and positions.With the continuous recovery of in-hospital diagnosis and treatment,The overall operation of the plate continued to rise.I am optimistic about the direction of hospital recovery and medical innovation in the second half of the year. The CXO sector is optimistic that global investment and financing will continue to improve and innovation demand will continue to recover in the second half of this year. It is expected that local international CXO head enterprises will benefit from overseas recovery and start a new round of growth in the second half of this year; In terms of medical services, with the arrival of the traditional refractive peak season from June to August, the valuation of the ophthalmic medical service industry is optimistic.

Central china securities pointed out in the semi-annual strategy of the industry "Looking for Deterministic Growth Opportunities" that as of June 26th, the dynamic PE of CITIC Pharmaceutical Index was about 39.21 times, which was slightly lower than the median in the last decade.Considering the marginal improvement of the economic operation indicators of the medical industry, the overall industry valuation may have opportunities for improvement..

According to the medium-term strategy of Guosheng Securities,After two waves of digestion and adjustment, medical care is expected to usher in a new cycle in the true sense, and structural opportunities will be highlighted after the index bottoms out., this timeSub-areas where the decline is relatively large and the change is expected should be focused on..

Risk warning: The medical ETF(512170) passively tracks the CSI medical index. The base date of the index is December 31, 2004, and it was released on October 31, 2014. The composition of the index shares is adjusted according to the index compilation rules. The index stocks in this paper are only for display, and the description of individual stocks is not used as any form of investment advice, nor does it represent the position information and trading trends of any fund under the manager. The risk level of the Fund assessed by the fund manager is R3- medium risk, which is suitable for investors with an appropriate rating of C3 or above. Any information appearing in this article (including but not limited to stocks, comments, forecasts, charts, indicators, theories, any form of expression, etc.) is for reference only, and investors shall be responsible for any investment behavior decided by themselves. In addition, any opinions, analysis and predictions in this article do not constitute any form of investment advice to readers, nor do they assume any responsibility for direct or indirect losses caused by using the contents of this article. Fund investment is risky, and the past performance of the fund does not represent its future performance. The performance of other funds managed by the fund manager does not constitute the guarantee of fund performance, so fund investment needs to be cautious.

This article comes from financial information.

The benefits of swimming to the human body are mainly 7 points! No, hurry up and learn.

Summer is coming, and swimming well in your spare time can not only achieve the effect of exercise and fitness, but also cool your body, and there are many benefits of swimming. However, after exercise, there are some precautions to be understood for your health.

Count the benefits of swimming

First, shape muscle lines

Swimming is a very good slimming exercise. Swimming needs the cooperation of all the muscles, so all the muscles can be exercised.

Second, improve bone quality

Swimming can improve bones, which has been demonstrated by professional project research. Therefore, if you want to have healthier bones, you may wish to choose swimming as a sport.

Third, improve body flexibility

During swimming, athletes need to stretch, curl up, turn around and so on. It can be seen that the swimming effect can only be achieved by the constant cooperation of all parts of the body. First, the pedal can be pushed forward, and in order to maintain the balance of the body, the cooperation of the arms is needed. Therefore, office workers who often work in the office may wish to try more, which can increase the flexibility of the body.

Fourth, reduce the risk of inflammation

Swimming can help strengthen myocardial function and improve cardiovascular health, and some related studies have concluded that aerobic exercise can help reduce the risk of inflammation, so it can help prevent the occurrence of cardiac atherosclerosis, and once the risk of inflammation in the body is reduced, it can also help improve other diseases, with many benefits.

Five, burning fat to lose weight

Swimming is the best exercise to lose weight. Generally speaking, swimming for ten minutes, breaststroke can burn about 60 calories, backstroke can burn 80 calories, freestyle can burn about 100 calories, and butterfly can burn more fat, which are incomparable to other sports.

Sixth, relieve exercise asthma

When swimming, people can breathe more humid air, so the respiratory function can be improved, so swimming can relieve asthma symptoms and fundamentally improve the health of the lungs.

Seven, relieve stress and depression

Endorphins are a kind of hormone that makes people feel very good, which can relieve people’s mood. Swimming can effectively stimulate the secretion of endorphins, relax people’s body and mind while exercising, and combine regular breathing to calm people down and become more focused.

Matters needing attention in ensuring swimming safety cannot be less

-physical examination

When swimming, the human body consumes more physical strength than usual, so people suffering from heart disease, liver disease and kidney disease are not suitable for swimming. People suffering from pinkeye and infectious skin diseases should also pay attention to avoid mutual infection.

-Warm-up exercise

Be sure to make preparations and warm-up exercises before going into the water, otherwise sudden strenuous exercise will easily cause muscle injury and some other reactions, so you can do leg lifts and squat and stand up.

-Do not eat immediately after swimming.

Be sure to rest for a while before eating after swimming, otherwise it will easily increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, and it will also lead to gastrointestinal diseases in the long run.