China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission: Strengthen financial rescue assistance for traditional service industries affected by the epidemic, such as catering and cultural tourism.

Cctv news: "China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, China" WeChat WeChat official account news, China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission recently held a party committee (enlarged) meeting.

The meeting demanded that next year will be the first year to implement the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, and it is of great significance to do a good job in economic and financial work.

First, adhere to the overall leadership of the party, especially the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee. Adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee throughout the whole process and all aspects of financial supervision, continuously enhance the political and people-oriented nature of financial supervision, and unswervingly follow the road of financial development with China characteristics. We will improve the implementation mechanism of major decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and conscientiously implement the reporting system for major issues. Solidly promote the normalization and long-term effectiveness of the central inspection and rectification. Continue to promote bank insurance institutions to strengthen party building and integrate party leadership into all aspects of corporate governance. Support and cooperate with local party committees to strengthen leadership over party organizations of local financial institutions. Select and strengthen the leading bodies of small and medium-sized financial institutions, adhere to the cadre standard of "strong politics and good business", implement "financiers run finance", and do everything possible to fill the shortcomings in system and talents.

The second is to increase financial support and expand domestic demand. Financial policies should be more actively coordinated with fiscal policies and social policies, giving priority to supporting the recovery and expansion of consumption. Strengthen financial assistance to traditional service industries, such as catering, cultural tourism and so on, especially small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households. Optimize consumer financial products and services, encourage the consumption of bulk commodities such as new energy vehicles and green household appliances, promote the improvement of residential consumption, and provide credit support and insurance protection for new consumption and service consumption. We will continue to improve the financial services for new citizens to better meet the needs of rural migrants, newly graduated college students and other groups to live and work in peace and contentment. Enrich the supply of financial products, increase residents’ safe and stable property income through multiple channels, improve household balance sheets and enhance consumption power. Strengthen the financing guarantee for investment. We will promote the improvement of the investment and financing system in the social field, and explore qualified institutions such as hospitals, schools, culture, sports, old-age care and nursery schools to accelerate their development with various financing tools. Deepen structural reforms on the supply side, support the implementation of urban renewal actions and rural construction actions, and promote the shortcomings in social undertakings. Give play to the countercyclical adjustment role of policy banks and guide commercial banks and insurance institutions to provide supporting financing. Adhere to the "two unwavering" and increase financial support for private investment and private enterprises. Promote the smooth domestic and international double circulation, improve foreign trade credit and export credit insurance services, and consolidate and expand new advantages in foreign trade competition.

Third, actively support the construction of a modern industrial system. We will guide more financial resources to gather in mid-to-high-end manufacturing industries, and continue to increase medium and long-term loans and investment in insurance funds around key areas such as advanced manufacturing industries, strategic emerging industries, and transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. Strengthen financial support for the construction of modern infrastructure and circulation system, and accelerate the development of digital economy and modern service industry. Adhere to both standardization and development, and support platform enterprises to show their talents in leading development, creating jobs and international competition. Promote "technology — Industry — Finance "virtuous circle, optimize technology and finance services, improve the financing support of the whole industry chain, and continue to promote the first (set) of equipment, the first batch of sub-materials and other scientific and technological insurance pilots. Support green transformation and development, promote the sustained growth of green credit scale, and develop green insurance. Actively help promote rural revitalization in an all-round way, improve the rural financial service system, promote the sustained growth of agricultural loans, and expand the scope of agricultural insurance.

Fourth, resolutely prevent and resolve major risks in the financial sector. Adhere to "one line, one policy" and "one company, one policy" and accelerate the reform of insurance institutions in small and medium-sized banks. Anticipate the risk of deterioration of credit assets, encourage banking institutions to increase the disposal of non-performing assets, and promote small and medium-sized banks to accelerate the pilot project of disposing of non-performing loans. Promote the normal cycle of finance and real estate, do a good job of "ensuring property delivery, people’s livelihood and stability", meet the reasonable financing needs of the real estate market, and improve the balance sheet of high-quality housing enterprises. Adhere to the positioning of "staying in a house without speculation", implement differentiated housing credit policies based on the city’s policy, meet the demand for rigid and improved housing, support the construction of long-term rental housing market, and promote the smooth transition of the real estate industry to a new development model. Cooperate to resolve the hidden debt risk of local governments. Adhere to the differences between private placement and public offering, investment and credit, equity and creditor’s rights, prevent the resurgence of various high-risk shadow banks, promptly investigate and deal with fraudulent acts that promote "capital preservation and high returns", and severely crack down on illegal financial activities. Strengthen the financial stability guarantee system and firmly hold the bottom line that regional and systemic financial risks will not occur.

Fifth, continue to deepen reform and open wider to the outside world. Promote the construction of a multi-level, wide-coverage and differentiated financial institution system. Accelerate the establishment of a modern financial enterprise system with China characteristics, improve the internal governance of financial institutions, and prevent manipulation by major shareholders and insider control. Accelerate the reform of rural credit cooperatives with the focus on transforming the functions of provincial credit cooperatives, and steadily promote the reform and restructuring of rural banks. Promote the insurance industry to return to its origin, focus on its main business, and strengthen its risk protection function. Standardize the development of the third pillar endowment insurance. Guide the trust industry to develop original businesses such as service trust, asset management trust and charitable trust. Supervise financial asset management companies to focus on the disposal of non-performing assets. Unswervingly promote high-level opening to the outside world, adhere to both "bringing in" and "going out", steadily expand institutional opening such as rules, regulations, management and standards, improve the level of "One Belt, One Road" in financial services, and actively introduce foreign-funded financial institutions with stable operations, excellent qualifications and professional characteristics.

Sixth, strengthen and improve modern financial supervision. Improve the financial rule of law and prudential supervision rules. Follow the constitutional purpose and legislative spirit, and substantially increase the cost of violating laws and regulations. Improve the risk prevention, early warning and disposal mechanism. Strictly regulate the cross-regional operation of local financial institutions and promote the classified management of business licenses of financial institutions. Accelerate the digital and intelligent transformation of supervision and enhance the penetration ability of data analysis. Strengthen the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of financial consumers, and urge banks and insurance institutions to strengthen the appropriate management of investors.

The meeting demanded that the whole system should strengthen the sense of responsibility, combine the spirit of implementing the Central Economic Work Conference and the Central Rural Work Conference with the spirit of studying and implementing the Party’s 20th Congress, and do a good job in implementing the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee in the banking and insurance industries. Improve professional quality, pay attention to strengthening the understanding and grasp of financial laws, and creatively carry out various work. Carry forward the work style, strengthen investigation and research, make decisions and arrangements for the Central Committee of the Party, push the supervision of the banking and insurance industry to a new level, and contribute more financial strength to make a good start in building a socialist modern country in an all-round way.

In December, let’s meet in Wanning in the name of movies!

Hainan in December, the temperature is pleasant.

Sun Moon Bay in December

One wave after another.

"Hot" degree is sultry.

Following the 13th Wanning International Surfing Competition on December 16th,

After the hot start of the National Surfing Training Base

December seventeenth

YOUNG Langchao makes waves and seeks shadows.

-The 5th Hainan Island International Film Festival

The "Golden Coconut Carnival" Wanning screening activity also kicked off.

Star guests gathered

Brilliant brightness

Citizens and tourists meet to see the sea and watch movies in three or five days.

Taste delicious food and feel the lively and happy atmosphere

"My husband and wife came from Xinglong and wanted to come and watch the movie and feel the excitement." Ms. Chen said that she was prepared with her lover. "The wind is strong at the seaside. Look at the backpacks we brought, and we have brought enough clothes."

The first night of the event

The film shown is

Indian comedy Happy Sunday 2016

It will be shown in the next two days.

Explore through travel

Discover the motorcycle diary in the depths of the soul

Warm family road movie "Starlight Walk with Me" and so on.

Citizens can go to the scene to watch movies for free.

Feel the charm of the movie

A pair of young friends are talking while watching the exhibition.

"Did" She Disappeared "released this year shoot in Wanning?"

"Why did the Shenzhou Peninsula become the punching point in online celebrity? It is because" She Disappeared ",the famous desert lighthouse, has become the key place for many social media travel punching."

It is understood that

Held on December 17 th

In the unit of "YOUNG Wave Starry Music Party"

Wanning film was set up on the spot.

Development course exhibition area

Show the films filmed in Wanning in recent years.

"Although I am a native of Wanning, I saw the exhibition of Wanning’s film development process, and I realized that there are so many films shot in Wanning. This exhibition attracted me to see and understand these films."

A young man said that it was more attractive because he took pictures in his familiar hometown, which became the driving force for him to go into the cinema to watch movies.

Wanning is a mountain and sea city.

Has a profound cultural heritage and unique customs.

There are more than 10 bays, such as Shanqin Bay, Shimei Bay and Riyuewan, along the 109-kilometer coastline. There are seven islands and peninsulas, such as Dazhou Island, Jiajing Island and Shenzhou Peninsula, on the sea, and there are also cultural customs of the hometown of overseas Chinese, the secret of tropical rain forest, etc. Therefore, Wanning has always been a favorite location for film and television crews.

In addition, in recent years, Wanning City has continuously promoted the integration and development of culture, tourism and sports, created more advantageous tourism resources, and continuously improved the supporting facilities of tourism services, attracting many film and television variety shows to take pictures. Since 2020, more than 40 film and television dramas, documentaries and variety shows have been filmed in Wanning.

The night is getting late.

The sea breeze brings a little coolness to people.

But at the moment

Everyone’s heart at the scene is blazing.

Everyone feels the charm of the film festival

While feeling the fireworks of life

"Are you producing agarwood? Where is the production base? "

"This is Qinan Aquilaria sinensis, and our base is in Wanning …" Facing the guests who came to inquire, He Youbian, the propaganda director of Hainan Shenghengxiang Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd., patiently answered, "We are an enterprise integrating planting, processing and product sales. When grafting planting is introduced from Maoming, the income is faster than that of Aquilaria sinensis, and it can usually be harvested in four or five years. Now it also drives villagers to plant and becomes a way for them to increase their income. "

At the agarwood booth

Qinan agarwood tea and agarwood beads are on display.

Aquilaria sinensis essential oil, incense and other products.

He Youbian told reporters

Their products are now in short supply.

Hundreds of thousands of plants were planted in Hainan last year.

After four or five years, there will be gains slowly.

"Like this bracelet, it has a calming effect. This agarwood tea, nourishing the liver and protecting the kidney, is also very helpful for people with poor spleen and stomach. " Speaking of the goodness of agarwood, there are many treasures. She hopes to use the platform of film festival to promote agarwood products, attract more businesses, and drive more local people to join the planting ranks, bringing economic benefits.

In order to let more people know about Wanning’s geographical products and food characteristics, this film festival screening activity integrates elements such as minority culture, music, cultural creation and food, launches food market and cultural creation market, and displays Wanning’s local specialty products such as coffee, tea, duck eggs and agarwood.

Look, thriving coffee, Peking University’s Shansu cuisine, South Bridge’s colorful cakes, etc. These shops and foods gather in Sun Moon Bay in the name of "movies", emitting fireworks, and movie screening has become a communication medium, and "movie+"seems to be the essential purpose.

The young man brought his mother to the movies.

People of the same age meet romantic seaside and enjoy music.

A large family put a baby over one year old

Hold high on your shoulders and watch the performance.

And hold up an umbrella for him.


One picture at a time

Happy and warm

Maybe, this time

Will plant children’s love for movies.

Will remain in the hearts of young people.

Expectation and blessing for Wanning

The movie "Happy Sunday 2016" began to air.

The story about "happiness" begins.

The movie story about Wanning is also being told.


Original title: "December, let’s get together in Wanning in the name of movies!" 》

Read the original text

Systematically understand the whole picture of the world’s scientific and technological frontier, and quickly collect this menu and outline.

Facing the world’s scientific and technological frontier is one of the important missions of popular science in the new era. The world’s scientific and technological frontier represents the most advanced part of scientific and technological development and is an important force to promote social progress and sustainable development. Popularization of science plays an important role not only in enhancing the public’s understanding of the world’s science and technology frontier and promoting the scientific and cultural quality of the whole people, but also in promoting the frontier research of science and technology, improving the ability of scientific and technological innovation and constantly improving the self-reliance of high-level science and technology.

In September 2022, the State Council of China issued the Opinions on Further Strengthening the Popularization of Science and Technology in the New Era, clearly requiring that we should focus on the "four orientations" (facing the world’s scientific frontier, facing the main battlefield of the economy, facing the country’s major needs, and facing people’s life and health) and high-level science and technology to stand on our own feet, comprehensively improve the scientific quality of the whole people, plant fertile soil for innovation, and better serve the work of the party and the national center with the high-quality development of popular science. The world’s scientific and technological frontier refers to the forward-looking, innovative and leading research direction or field in the current scientific and technological field, representing the most advanced part of scientific and technological development, with the characteristics of high innovation, interdisciplinary, high risk, long-term influence and international competition, and is an important force to promote social progress and sustainable development. These frontiers mainly involve: agricultural science, botany and zoology, ecology and environmental science, earth science, clinical medicine, biological science, chemistry and materials science, physics, astronomy and astrophysics, mathematics, information science and other disciplines, and their cross-integration.

In order to effectively carry out meaningful popular science and facilitate the public to systematically understand (avoid fragmentation) the whole picture of the world’s scientific and technological frontiers, the menu and outline of popular science for the world’s scientific and technological frontiers are listed here (not limited).

I. Agricultural Science

Agricultural science in the current frontier research field will help to improve agricultural production efficiency, reduce resource consumption and environmental pollution, and provide healthier, safer and more sustainable agricultural products. Its popular science points are as follows:

1. Gene editing and transgenic technology:

-Explore the application of gene editing technologies such as CRISPR-Cas9 in agriculture, which can accurately modify crop genes and improve yield, disease resistance and adaptability to adversity.

-Studying the potential of transgenic technology, introducing foreign genes to improve the traits and quality of crops.

2. Digital agriculture and precision agriculture:

-Digitization and automation of agricultural production will be realized with the help of technologies such as Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and big data analysis, and the accuracy and efficiency of crop management will be improved.

-Using remote sensing technology and unmanned aerial vehicles to monitor farmland and provide real-time crop growth information to help farmers make decisions.

3. Intelligent agricultural machinery and robot technology:

-Research and development of intelligent agricultural machinery, such as self-driving tractors and intelligent harvesters, to improve work efficiency and reduce labor costs.

-Develop agricultural robots that can automatically perform repetitive tasks, such as weeding, spraying and picking.

4. Greenhouse agriculture and vertical farms:

-Explore greenhouse agricultural technology, which can cultivate crops under bad weather conditions, prolong the planting season and provide stable yield and quality.

-Study the vertical farm technology, realize high-density planting of crops and save land and water resources through multi-layer overlapping planting system.

5. Circular agriculture and ecological agriculture:

-Promote the circular agriculture model, realize the maximum utilization of resources and reduce environmental pollution through the circular utilization of agricultural wastes and the circular coordination between aquaculture and planting.

-Advocate eco-agricultural practices, such as organic agriculture and eco-protection agricultural laws, reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and provide healthy and environment-friendly agricultural products.

Second, botany

The main points of frontier science in botany are as follows:

1. Plant genomics: study the structure and function of plant genome, explore the regulation mechanism and characteristics of plant genes, and the technical methods of genome editing and transformation.

2. Growth and development: study the growth and development process of plants, including cell division, formation and differentiation of plant organs, and the response and adaptation of plants to environmental stimuli.

3. Plant signal transduction: Study the signal transduction mechanism in plants, including the synthesis, transmission and function of plant hormones, as well as the signal pathways related to plant growth, flowering, disease resistance and adversity resistance.

4. Plant stress biology: Study the mechanism of plant stress adaptation, including plant physiological and molecular responses under stress conditions such as drought, high temperature, salinity, pests and diseases.

5. Natural products of plants: study the natural products synthesized and accumulated by plants, including compounds in medicinal plants, volatile substances in aromatic plants, and genes and metabolic pathways related to plant secondary metabolism.

Third, zoology

The main points of the frontier science of zoology are as follows:

1. Animal Behavior: To study the behavior patterns and social structures of animals, and to explore the behavioral characteristics such as the interaction between individuals and groups, courtship and reproductive behavior, and food acquisition.

2. Evolutionary biology: studying the evolutionary principles and mechanisms of animals, including natural selection, genetic variation, speciation, etc., as well as the relationship with environmental factors and lifestyles.

3. Neuroscience: studies the structure and function of animal nervous system, including electrophysiological properties of nerve cells, nerve signal transmission, perception and cognition.

4. Animal ecology: study the relationship between animals and their ecological environment, including animal habitat utilization, food chain and food web, migration and migration, ecosystem function and stability, etc.

5. Animal protection biology: study the theory and practice of animal protection, including the protection of biodiversity, species protection, habitat restoration, and the coexistence of human beings and wild animals.

IV. Ecology and Environmental Science

The main points of frontier science popularization of ecology and environmental science are as follows:

1. Climate change and adaptation: study the impact of climate change on ecosystems and the adaptation strategies of organisms to climate change. This includes studying issues related to climate change such as greenhouse gas emissions, global warming, sea level rise and extreme weather events.

2. Biodiversity protection and restoration: Study how to protect and restore biodiversity, including protecting key species, maintaining ecosystem functions, establishing protected areas and adopting sustainable resource management methods.

3. Ecosystem services and sustainable development: study the value and contribution of ecosystems to human beings, including providing ecosystem services such as food, water, air purification and soil conservation, as well as policies and practices to promote sustainable development.

4. Eco-informatics and big data application: Study how to use information technology and big data analysis to solve ecological and environmental problems, including the application of new technologies such as biological remote sensing, ecological simulation, data mining and visualization in ecological research.

5. Pollution control and ecological restoration: study the control measures of pollutant discharge, environmental pollution and ecosystem damage, including the development and application of environmental monitoring technology, waste treatment and ecological restoration technology.

6. Ecological cooperation and sustainable development: study the cross-disciplinary and cross-border ecological cooperation mechanism to promote the realization of global environmental protection and sustainable development goals.

V. Earth Science

The main points of frontier science popularization in earth science are as follows:

1. Geodynamics: Study the structure and movement inside the earth, including plate tectonics, seismic activity and volcanic eruption, so as to reveal the evolution of the earth and the mechanism of crustal change.

2. Geochemistry and geophysics: study the composition, properties and changes of the earth’s materials, as well as the physical processes inside the earth, including the earth’s magnetic field, geothermal activities and the formation and metamorphism of rocks.

3. Earth surface process: Study the morphological changes and geomorphological development of the earth surface, including river erosion, wind erosion, ice erosion and coastal erosion, as well as related soil formation and ecosystem changes.

4. Hydrology and water resources management: study the water cycle and the distribution and utilization of water resources on the earth, including the formation and change of groundwater, rivers, lakes and glaciers, as well as the methods of water resources management and sustainable utilization.

5. Climate and Meteorology: Study the development and change of global and regional climate patterns, climate change and weather phenomena, so as to reveal the mechanism of climate system, its future change trend and its impact on the environment and human society.

6. Interaction between Earth and Ecosystem: Study the interaction between Earth system and ecosystem, including the influence of ecological process on surface features and chemical cycle, and the influence of human activities on ecosystem and Earth.

7. Exploration and development of earth resources: study the exploration, development and utilization of mineral resources, energy resources and water resources on the earth, including the exploration technology of mineral resources, the development of oil and gas resources and the utilization of renewable energy.

8. Earth monitoring and remote sensing technology: study the use of remote sensing technology and earth observation data to monitor earth changes and environmental conditions, including the application of satellite remote sensing, laser measurement and earth observation network in earth science.

Six, clinical medicine

The main points of frontier science popularization in clinical medicine are as follows:

1. Gene editing and gene therapy: The emergence of gene editing technology, such as CRISPR-Cas9, enables us to accurately modify human genes, thus treating some existing hereditary diseases that are difficult to cure.

2. Precision medicine: through the comprehensive analysis of individual genome, phenotype and environmental factors of patients, individualized diagnosis, treatment and prevention can be realized, so as to improve the curative effect of patients and reduce unnecessary drug use.

3. Immunotherapy: Use the body’s own immune system to fight cancer and other diseases. Including the use of CAR-T cell therapy, immune checkpoint inhibitors and so on.

4. Wearable medical devices: such as smart bracelets and smart watches, can monitor patients’ physiological parameters, exercise, sleep and other information, and provide doctors with more accurate diagnosis and treatment basis.

5. Application of artificial intelligence in clinical medicine: Through machine learning and deep learning algorithms, doctors can quickly analyze a large number of clinical data, assist in diagnosis and formulate treatment plans.

6. Organ transplantation and 3D printing technology: Biomaterials are printed by 3D printing technology, and important progress has been made in the field of regenerative medicine. Organ transplantation is also developing constantly, such as liver transplantation and kidney transplantation.

7. Advanced imaging technologies, such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), can provide high-resolution and high-quality human images for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

8. Mental health and brain research: By studying the brain, we can better understand the mechanism of mental illness and develop more effective treatment methods.

Seven, biological science

The main points of frontier science popularization in biological sciences are as follows:

1. Gene editing and gene therapy: Gene editing technology such as CRISPR-Cas9 has triggered revolutionary research progress, which can accurately edit the genome of organisms and is expected to be used to treat hereditary diseases. Gene therapy is the use of genetic engineering technology to repair or replace patients’ abnormal genes to treat diseases, including cancer and hereditary diseases.

2. Stem cell research: Stem cells are a kind of cells with the ability of self-replication and differentiation, which can differentiate into many cell types. Stem cell research has a wide application prospect in regenerative medicine, tissue engineering and disease treatment, including organ transplantation, tissue repair and drug screening.

3. Artificial intelligence and bioinformatics: The development of artificial intelligence technology provides great support for bioinformatics, including big data analysis and mining in genomics, protein genomics and transcriptomics. Artificial intelligence can help accelerate the development of new drugs, early diagnosis of diseases and the realization of personalized medical care.

4. Synthetic biology: Synthetic biology is a discipline that transforms and creates life by synthesizing and redesigning biological systems. It involves genome design, the synthesis of biological components and the construction of biological circuits, and can be used in the fields of bioenergy production, environmental restoration and new drug development.

5. Genomics and single cell sequencing: Genomics studies the genome composition and function of organisms through whole genome sequencing. Single cell sequencing technology can deeply study the gene expression and gene mutation of a single cell, and reveal the mechanism of cell development, tissue regeneration and disease occurrence.

6. Precision medicine: Precision medicine aims to make personalized diagnosis and treatment plans according to the genome information and personal characteristics of each patient. This personalized medical model can improve the therapeutic effect and reduce the side effects, and has important application value for cancer, cardiovascular diseases and hereditary diseases.

Eight, chemistry and materials science

The main points of frontier science popularization of chemistry and materials science are as follows:

1. Nano-materials: Introduce the concept and characteristics of nano-materials, including size effect and quantum effect. The application of nano-materials in biomedicine, energy storage and conversion, sensors and electronic devices is discussed.

2. Two-dimensional materials: Introduce the structure and properties of two-dimensional materials, such as graphene and boron nitride. The application potential of two-dimensional materials in electronics, optoelectronics, catalysts and sensors is discussed.

3. Conjugated polymers: Introduce the structure and properties of conjugated polymers, including electrical conductivity and photoelectric properties. The applications of conjugated polymers in organic electronics, flexible electronics and wearable devices are discussed.

4. Electrocatalysis: Introduce the principle and mechanism of electrocatalysis, as well as the design and synthesis of catalyst. The application of electrocatalysis in energy conversion fields such as batteries, fuel cells and electrolytic water is discussed.

5. Sustainable chemistry: Introduce the concept and principles of sustainable chemistry, including green synthesis and circular economy. This paper discusses the application of sustainable chemistry in reducing environmental pollution, improving resource utilization efficiency and building a sustainable society.

6. biomaterials: introduce the classification and application of biomaterials, including biomedical and tissue engineering fields. To explore the application of biomaterials in drug delivery, tissue repair and artificial organs.

Nine, physics

The main points of frontier science in physics are as follows:

1. Quantum computing: Introduce the basic principles and concepts of quantum computing. This paper discusses the application of quantum computing in solving complex problems and cracking passwords.

2. Particle physics: introduce the study of elementary particles (such as quarks and leptons) and the basic structure of the universe. To explore the importance of particle physics in understanding the origin of the universe and exploring new particles.

3. String theory: introduce string theory as a new field of theoretical physics. This paper discusses the importance of string theory in solving quantum gravity problems and unifying particle physics.

4. condensed matter physics: introduce the importance of condensed matter physics for studying the properties of solids and liquids. The application of condensed matter physics in materials science and nanotechnology is discussed.

5. Cosmology: Introduction to cosmology, the science of studying the origin and evolution of the universe. Explore the importance of cosmology in understanding dark energy, dark matter and the accelerated expansion of the universe.

6. Photonics: Introduce the application of photonics in optical communication, optical storage and optoelectronics. This paper discusses the potential of photonics in solving the problems of information processing and energy conversion.

X astronomy and astrophysics

The main points of frontier science popularization in astronomy and astrophysics are as follows:

1. Black holes and gravitational waves: Black holes are extremely curved areas in space, which have strong gravity and even light cannot escape. Recently, through gravitational wave observation, scientists directly detected the existence of black holes for the first time, and conducted a more in-depth study on their properties and formation. Gravitational waves are long-predicted spatio-temporal shocks first observed in 2015, which are derived from extremely powerful astronomical events, such as the merger of two black holes or the explosion of stars. Gravitational wave observation provides us with a new means to explore extreme celestial bodies and the origin of the universe.

2. Interstellar planets and extraterrestrial life: Interstellar planets are planets that exist around other stars. Scientists have begun to discover a series of exoplanets, some of which may have conditions suitable for life. Researchers are trying to answer the question of whether there is other life in the universe by detecting and analyzing the atmosphere and composition of these interstellar planets. Through the study of life forms in special environments on earth, such as microorganisms and ancient fossils in extreme environments, scientists also try to explore the mystery of the origin and evolution of life.

3. Dark matter and dark energy: Dark matter is a substance that does not emit light and does not interact with electromagnetic waves in the universe, while dark energy is a hypothetical energy form that causes the accelerated expansion of the universe. Their existence is still a mystery, but they occupy most of the energy and mass of the universe. Scientists are trying to reveal the nature of dark matter and dark energy by observing and simulating the structure of the universe, galaxy clusters and cosmic microwave background radiation, and further understand the evolution of the universe.

4. Burst cosmology: Burst cosmology is to explore the evolution of the universe and the high-energy process of matter by observing and studying the explosive events of cosmic phenomena, such as supernova explosions or gamma-ray bursts. These cosmic explosions release enormous energy and have an important impact on the structure of the universe and the formation of galaxies. By using multi-band observation, particle physics and numerical simulation, scientists are revealing the physical mechanism in explosive cosmology, the origin of cosmic rays and the generation and evolution of super-strong magnetic field in the universe.

5. Evolution of Galaxies: Galaxies are huge celestial structures composed of stars, gases, dust and other substances. By observing and simulating the formation and evolution of galaxies, researchers are revealing the formation law of the large-scale structure of the universe, and on this basis, understanding the formation and development process of stars, galaxy mergers, supermassive stars and cosmic black holes.

XI. Mathematics

The main points of mathematics frontier science popularization are as follows:

1. Group Theory and Algebraic Geometry: Group Theory is the basis of studying abstract algebraic structure, focusing on groups and exploring the laws of symmetry and transformation. It has important applications in physics, cryptography and computer science. Algebraic geometry studies the relationship between algebra and geometry, and studies geometric shapes and structures by introducing geometric methods into algebraic equations. It is widely used in machine learning and image processing.

2. Topology and geometry: Topology studies the nature of space, focusing on shape and deformation rather than measurement and size. It has important applications in the fields of network analysis, data mining and material science. Geometry studies the shape of space, focusing on measurement and size. It is widely used in computer graphics, computer aided design and robotics.

3. Number theory and cryptography: Number theory studies the properties and relationships of integers, including the distribution of prime numbers, integer factors and congruences. It has important applications in cryptography, coding theory and computer security. Cryptography studies the methods and technologies to protect information security, including cryptographic algorithms, identity authentication and digital signature. It plays a key role in network security and data protection.

4. Algorithms and Complexity Theory: Algorithms study the methods and steps of problem solving, including designing efficient algorithms and solving the difficulties of computing problems. It is widely used in computer science and operational research. Complexity theory studies the complexity of problems and the demand for computing resources, including the solvability and difficulty of computing problems. It has important applications in artificial intelligence and optimization problems.

5. Probability and statistics: Probability theory studies the regularity and probability distribution of random phenomena, including random processes and random variables. It is widely used in the fields of risk assessment and decision analysis. Statistics studies the methods and techniques of data analysis and inference, including data collection, description, analysis and model building. It has important applications in the fields of empirical scientific research and market research.

XII. Information Science

The frontier of information science involves many fields from traditional computer science to artificial intelligence, quantum computing, network security and so on. The main points of its popular science are as follows:

1. Artificial intelligence: the goal, definition and development of artificial intelligence; Basic principles and applications of machine learning, deep learning and reinforcement learning; Research and application in artificial intelligence fields such as natural language processing, computer vision and intelligent robots.

2. Quantum computing: the basic concepts and principles of quantum computing; Differences and advantages from traditional computers; Key technologies of quantum computing, such as qubit, quantum gate and quantum entanglement; Current research progress and application prospect of quantum computing.

3. Network security: threats and challenges of network security; Basic concepts and technologies such as cryptography, security protocols and identity authentication; Common methods and strategies of network attack and defense; Research and application in emerging fields such as blockchain technology and decentralized security network.

4. Data science and big data analysis: the basic concepts, processing flow and application fields of data science; Collection, storage and processing technology of big data; Core algorithms of data science such as data mining, machine learning and predictive analysis; Applications such as business intelligence and decision support system based on data analysis.

5. Bioinformatics: the research object and goal of bioinformatics; Analysis methods of bioinformatics such as genomics, transcriptomics and protein genomics; Key technologies such as biological sequence alignment, protein structure prediction and gene expression regulation network; Application of bioinformatics in medical and biological science research.

/The welfare will be released, and the answer will receive a red envelope/

Notice, notice! A new round of red envelope activities has begun!

Every day from 12: 00 to 24: 00!

Original title: "Systematically understand the whole picture of the world’s scientific and technological frontiers, and quickly collect this menu and outline"

More than 70 movies rushed to the beach to celebrate the New Year.

On December 18th, according to "CCTV Finance" news, from November 24th, major cinemas across the country entered the New Year’s Eve screening period. This year, there were over 70 new films in the New Year’s Eve screening, and the number of new films released reached a five-year high, accounting for 80%. According to the data of "Cat’s Eye" platform, as of 12 noon on December 17th, the box office of this year’s Lunar New Year has reached 2.337 billion yuan (including the pre-sale box office), the number of people watching movies has exceeded 57 million, and the total box office for the whole year has reached 52.757 billion yuan. How many movies are you going to watch this year’s Lunar New Year?

Interview with Chen Huizhong, an earthquake expert: Gansu is located in an earthquake-active area, so it is necessary to ensure the people’s livelihood in the earthquake-stricken area.

At 23: 59 on December 18th, an earthquake of magnitude 6.2 occurred in Jishishan County, Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. On December 19th, Chen Huizhong, a former researcher at the Institute of Earthquake Prediction, Seismological Bureau of China, said in an interview with national business daily that Jishishan in Gansu is located in the north-south seismic belt of China. Relevant research data also show that Gansu Province has always been in an earthquake-active area. From 1996 to 2019, there were 122 earthquakes of magnitude 5 or above in Gansu Province.

For the current rescue in the earthquake area, Chen Huizhong believes that the main task at present is to ensure the living and cold-resistant and warm conditions of the residents in the earthquake area.

Chen Huizhong further pointed out that "the best way to deal with earthquakes is to build strong houses", especially in rural areas.

In addition, the State Key Laboratory of Geological Disaster Prevention and Geological Environmental Protection (Chengdu University of Technology) (hereinafter referred to as the State Key Laboratory of Geological Disaster Prevention and Control) also reminded that the probability of geological disasters induced by earthquakes in the central, western and northwestern regions of the earthquake is relatively high, and it is suggested that local government departments strengthen on-site investigation of geological disasters in major towns and villages in high-intensity areas.

Chen Huizhong told reporters that Jishi Mountain in Gansu is an area with relatively active earthquakes. It is located in the north-south seismic belt of China, from Ningxia and Gansu to Sichuan and Yunnan, and the longitude line is 75 degrees west of this area. Compared with Sichuan and Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu and eastern Qinghai are not so strong in seismic activity, but they are also in a seismic activity area, and there have been earthquakes of magnitude 6 or above in history.

The reporter noted that the paper "Study on the Present Crustal Seismic Activity in Gansu Province" published this year by Liu Shu, the Second Monitoring Center of China Earthquake Administration, showed that geographically, Gansu Province is at the junction of the Loess Plateau, the Inner Mongolia Plateau and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and the role of geology and topographic structure is obvious, which is influenced by Ordos Platform, Alashan-Beishan Platform, West Qinling Fold and Qilian Mountain Fold.

Historically, Gansu province is in an earthquake-active area. "According to statistics, from 1996 to 2019, there were 122 earthquakes of magnitude 5 or above in Gansu Province. Among them, there were 107 earthquakes of magnitude 5.0 ~ 5.9, 19 earthquakes of magnitude 6.0 ~ 6.9 and 2 earthquakes of magnitude 7.0 ~ 7.9. It can be seen that the magnitude of the main earthquakes in these 23 years is in the range of 5.0 ~ 5.9, and the number of major earthquakes is not many. The earthquakes in Gansu Province are mainly distributed in the Qilian Mountain seismic belt, the North-South seismic belt and the Hexi Corridor seismic belt. " The above papers show that.

It is worth mentioning that the geomagnetic storm activity some time ago has attracted a lot of attention from the outside world. Chen Huizhong believes that geomagnetic storm activity caused by solar activity has a great influence on the electromagnetic field of the earth’s space and atmosphere, and even affects communication and power supply when it is severe, but there is no definite basis for causing earthquakes. Moreover, it has been some time since the earthquake and the last magnetic storm activity, so it should have little to do with it.

The development of rescue is undoubtedly the most influential thing at present. According to CCTV news at noon on the 19th, the Jishishan earthquake in Gansu has killed 118 people.

Chen Huizhong told reporters that according to his understanding, the strong earthquake caused collapse or damage to houses with poor earthquake resistance, but some houses that were severely damaged in the epicenter did not completely collapse, resulting in casualties mainly because of insufficient earthquake resistance of houses and the collapse or fall of things inside houses.

According to Xinhua News Agency, on the morning of December 19th, Gansu Earthquake Relief Headquarters held a press conference. Gao Xiaoming, deputy director of the Seismological Bureau of Gansu Province, said that after the earthquake, the Seismological Bureau of Gansu Province immediately joined forces with China Seismological Network Center, Institute of Earthquake Prediction of China Seismological Bureau, Qinghai Seismological Bureau and other relevant units to quickly carry out the post-earthquake trend judgment. According to comprehensive analysis, there is still the possibility of a strong aftershock of magnitude 5 in the original earthquake area of Jishishan on December 18.According to the report of the Central Broadcasting Network, according to the results of comprehensive consultation on historical earthquakes, attenuation characteristics of earthquake sequences and earthquake precursor data, it is preliminarily judged that the earthquake is a main earthquake-aftershock earthquake, and the aftershock attenuation is basically normal.Chen Huizhong said that from the current situation, there is a high probability that an earthquake bigger than the main earthquake will not occur.

"In the earthquake rescue, it is necessary to ensure the residents’ living and cold-resistant conditions, be able to eat, be cold-resistant and not be frozen. This may be the main thing." Chen Huizhong believes.

So, how to ensure the people’s living in the earthquake zone? Chen Huizhong believes that some houses in the earthquake zone are still relatively intact. After the safety appraisal by earthquake experts, the affected people can also live in them. It is even more no problem for houses in areas a little far from the epicenter. After all, cold is also an important factor that may cause secondary disasters.

In addition to rescue, attention to secondary disasters is also crucial.

The Spatial Probability Prediction of Geological Hazards Induced by the Jishishan M6.2 Earthquake in Gansu released by the State Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Control in its official operation in WeChat official account pointed out that due to the influence of this earthquake, the probability of geological disasters induced by earthquakes in the central, western and northwestern regions of the earthquake is relatively high, and the middle-and-high-prone areas are distributed in bands along the southern margin of Laji Mountain, mainly involving steep slopes of Laji Mountain and Jishishan. According to the prediction, geological disasters are mainly small-scale collapses and landslides, and a few large-scale deep landslides may occur locally.

"It is suggested that local government departments should strengthen the on-site investigation of geological disasters in major towns and villages in high-intensity areas, paying special attention to key areas such as 2km near faults, along major roads, and cutting (sloping) slopes behind houses. The risk of post-earthquake secondary geological disasters around the site should be fully considered when selecting temporary resettlement sites. " The State Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Control suggested in the above article.

Chen Huizhong believes that the most important thing is to build houses in strict accordance with the seismic standards, especially in rural areas, where most houses are built by craftsmen, so the implementation of seismic standards may not be so strict in some places.

"The best way to deal with the earthquake is to build a strong house. Because the earthquake warning at most will send an alarm immediately after the earthquake, so that people who are far away from the earthquake have time to escape and run out quickly. If the house is strong, it is truly effective protection and can reduce casualties. " Chen Huizhong added.

national business daily


There will be no contest in the next two years! These three questions require China women’s football team to think hard.

Reporter Jin Cuo reports On November 1 ST, Xiamen Egret Stadium, when the Australian referee blew the final whistle, Shui Qingxia first stamped, then stood still, and her face was full of unwillingness-the last Olympic preliminaries, China and South Korea 1-1, both out early. After the World Cup and the Asian Games, the women’s football team in China also suffered a failure in the Olympic preliminaries, because "all three failed".

China women’s football team will have no competition task for more than two years before the start of the 2026 Women’s Asian Cup. How to sink down and find the direction? What kind of road should we take? Who should lead the team on this new journey? This is everyone’s question, including Song Kai, the president of the Football Association, who watched the live broadcast.

In three matches, China women’s football team won 1, drew 1 and lost 1, which is in line with the current strength. There is no surprise, only confusion.

633 days ago, when the China women’s football team regained the Asian Cup championship in India after 16 years, the outside world thought that the sonorous rose had found the right girl, and it was just around the corner to rise again, but it was even hit, hurting many people and waking many people. It turned out that the Asian Cup champion was only a flash in the pan-it was also a fate, and a variety of coincidences made it that champion.

Shui Qingxia later said that she hoped the players would continue to work hard and "don’t lie on the credit book"-in the past, China women’s football team was "disdainful" to the Asian Cup champion to some extent, because we were fighting for the World Cup champion and the Olympic gold medal, but now we can’t even get into the Olympic Games.

A cruel fact is that the Asian Cup champion may be the "honor" ceiling of China women’s football team for quite some time.

Over the years, China women’s football team has given the outside world an illusion that our personal skills or basic skills are still good. But judging from the three competitions this year, the skills of China women’s football team are very poor! Sometimes, even if there is no confrontation, the basic movements are not in place. There are almost all the "faults" of men’s football and women’s football. Therefore, in China football, the so-called "masculinization" of women’s football is actually an irony.

Some people will say that, at least, the women’s football team in China fought hard, and there is no doubt about this. However, if there is only a "fighting spirit", it is sad, because you find that sometimes you can’t fight hard, and that’s the case with the World Cup against England, even though some players "deny it".

Of the 22 players selected for the Olympic preliminaries, there are really not many players who give people hope. Returning to the Women’s World Cup, we are thinking about a question. In the case that Europe and the United States are better than us, what direction should China women’s football team or Asia take? The Philippines and South Korea chose naturalization, while the direction of Japanese women’s football team is to continue to adhere to technicalization-and what about China women’s football team? This point, from one of the few players who has been unanimously affirmed by the outside world in the three competitions this year, may not be difficult to get the answer. You can vaguely see the shadow of the old women’s football team in her body.

In the next few years, we don’t have a big game to play. In fact, we can settle down and train well. Youth training is the foundation. At the level of the national team, whether many veterans will continue to be retained, or whether they will be given a heavy responsibility after being retained, their use, or role conversion, needs the coaching staff to think carefully and carefully-or, let’s just say it, let young people show more, and use it as the spirit of youth training to reshape the sonorous rose.

Some people may say that the Korean women’s football team is different from ours, but in fact, this "difference" is even more embarrassing-after four years of "closed door", North Korea returned to the rivers and lakes in the Asian Games and won the silver medal, and its strength is still the same. Moreover, it has completed the replacement. In this Olympic preliminaries, they reached the final four.

The living environment of Korean women’s football team is not clear to the outside world, but we know that there are no players studying abroad, and they all play in local leagues. One question is, is the level of Korean leagues higher than that of women? If so, doesn’t that mean that the league we have worked so hard to build is just a show?

But that’s the answer. Although the women’s super clubs didn’t get the bonus of "Jinyuan Football" in those years, most of them can survive now with government background. Moreover, because they undertake the task of the National Games, they are still valued to some extent, at least they won’t be easily abandoned. But the cruel fact is that the training level of the clubs, including women’s super clubs, is really not good, or even worse than that of the sports teams in those years.

The root cause is closely related to the level of coaches. An insider said: China’s local coaches prefer the men’s Super League, China A, China B and the echelon, and only when there is no place to go will they choose the women’s football team. Their level is not high, and even the coaches in the women’s football team are even lower. Even so, these coaches are highly mobile and can’t stay. So, will the players taught by this kind of coach have a future? Or "usable"?

Shui Qingxia, who has many years of coaching experience in the club, admits that the training level of women’s super teams is very average except for a few strong teams. Therefore, before the competition, she is more willing to let the players train for a long time, so that she can "make up lessons".

Of course, such a choice is only a kind of thinking, not a wooden bridge. For the women’s football team in China, it is actually possible to walk on two legs, one is focused training, and the other is continuous study abroad. Long-term training, there are many opponents of public opinion, but there are not a few supporters in the circle, especially in the local coach circle. It is even said that the way the national team plays women’s super is also an exploration. "Even if these people can’t play the main force in the future, they will at least increase the thickness of the bench."

As for studying abroad, most people agree with it, and it is already in action. In this Olympic preliminaries, China women’s football team has eight players studying abroad, plus injured Shoupeng Wang. The number is not small, but from the performance point of view, it does not show any advantages. It is a fact that few of our players studying abroad play a leading role in the club, and some even just play the role of soy sauce. It is useless for players to study abroad for the sake of studying abroad and for the sake of "making friends".

Therefore, in the future, studying abroad is not just a whim of a season, but requires continuous output, and at the same time, it is necessary to choose a more suitable club and league for players. It is necessary to help the players improve, but also to consider their own strength positioning, not to mention that studying abroad will definitely be able to play the main force-at least to compete for posts, rather than just blindly pursuing giants, so that the best results can be achieved.

After the Olympic preliminaries, Shui Qingxia and her coaching staff ended their mission. As for the future, she doesn’t know.

For Shui Qingxia, there is a lot of criticism from the outside world. She thinks that her level is limited and she can’t continue to improve women’s football. After the World Cup, there have been voices calling for her to leave class.

Shui Qingxia went through several twists and turns when she took office. After leading the United team to win the gold medal in the National Games, she did not sign up for the women’s football coach, but in the end, the senior management chose to push her to that position.

The level of Shui Qingxia’s coaching is different, but it is wrong to kill her with a stick. After all, the current women’s football team may not be better than her.

China women’s football team has a "gap period" of more than two years, so it doesn’t need to be so utilitarian. Next, it can be "managed" well, and the China Football Association should also consider whether to change coaches, and if so, what kind of coaches to change.

At present, there are several options for the future women’s football coach. One is to keep water to celebrate the summer; The second is to hire foreign coaches; The third is to choose local male coaches.

The three choices have their own reasons and disadvantages, but what the China Football Association should remember is that the women’s football team has been tossing and turning, and foreign coaches have invited it. The men have Bruno and Eyjolfsson, and the women have domanski and Elizabeth. The only successful one is Bruno. Unfortunately, because of the poor record in the warm-up match, the China Football Association and others dismissed it, resulting in FIFA; Local men’s coaches have also been used, such as Zhang Haitao and Pei Encai in the early days, Li Xiaopeng and Hao Wei later, and Jia Xiuquan recently. It is true that Ma Yuanan and Ma Liangxing have found the right pulse and are close to success, but what they do now may not be suitable.

Therefore, the future China women’s football team, the coach must "fit" or "adapt", but what kind of fit? This requires Song Kai and representatives from all aspects of the women’s football community to conduct in-depth research and communication, and listen to opinions widely. If Shuiqingxia does not stay, Japanese coach is actually a good choice.

I can play these games for a year! 10 mobile phones can also play survival games, and it is recommended to collect them directly.

If you want to experience the game with the most sense of substitution and never get tired of playing, then survival games should be the first choice. In this issue, we will sort out ten high-quality survival games that can be played by mobile phones to ensure that each one is fun and enjoyable, and the types and gameplay are different, and there is always one for you! Conscience recommendation, remember to like the collection ~

Don’t Starve

This is a survival game with a strange style and a strange breath. The story background of the game is also very interesting. The mysterious machine made by scientist Wilson failed, but he didn’t want to be deceived by the devil. The mysterious machine rebuilt actually sent him to the wilderness of another world. Players need to face the test of extreme weather such as hunger and cold, the attack of monsters and many other extreme situations. The most important thing is that not only these most intuitive physical effects, but also players need to always pay attention to the mental state of the character. Such a thing as no light source will also become one of the possibilities of indirectly hitting the player, which can be said to be very real.

When you cut through the thorns, know how to collect all kinds of resources and use them for yourself, and skillfully use wood, seeds, berries and other resources to maintain your basic survival, how to live here for a long time will become the most important thing to consider. There are four seasons in the game. In order to keep their health values, players have to rush for life every day. You will feel like you are really living in a desperate situation, and consider the plan after 5 days, 10 days or even more. Therefore, from the depth of play, this work is also quite in place. If you feel that playing alone is too lonely and depressing, you can also choose the online version to bring your gay friends experience better!

Live (Survive)

This is a doomsday zombie theme word game. The game has plot mode, endless mode and war chess mode. In the plot mode, players can choose different characters and start with completely different stories to experience the cruel journey of survival at the end of the day, which is not only the threat of zombies, but also the law of the jungle among human beings. The endless mode provides the infinite survival mode and the purgatory survival mode, whether it is challenging the survival limit or pulling up the difficulty as soon as you start; As an annual update of the war chess mode, it adds a completely new gameplay to the game. As a word survival game, the outstanding feature of this game is that there are many details and a large choice space for players.

Reflected in the actual game, every decision and every action may cause a butterfly effect due to random situations. For example, if the noise is a little louder when picking up garbage, it will alarm the distant enemy; To destroy the furniture in a scene, you can choose different striking actions, striking strength and different striking weapons, and these choices will inevitably bring different consequences including but not limited to whether the furniture is destroyed and whether the durability of the weapons is damaged. It can also be said that this work has brought rich and considerable strategic space for the game by digging deep into the details from the perspective of putting yourself in the shoes, which not only enhances the sense of substitution, but also gives full play to the advantages and strength of word games. Players who like word survival games should not miss it.

Shelter: survival (60 Seconds! )

This is a doomsday survival game under the background of nuclear radiation. In this project, the nuclear alarm goes off, and you only have 60 seconds to collect materials. Send them to an underground shelter and wait for help. However, in the game settings, your family is also one of the "materials". In other words, in this sixty seconds, you can play the role of the husband and give up one or several of his wife and children, and you may be able to take an extra bottle of water or eat more with the time saved. But there will also be one less helper.

After successfully hiding in the underground shelter, players will face the distribution of existing materials and whether outsiders need help when they visit. Maybe they are poor people, or they will show their sharp fangs and become robbers when you politely refuse. You still need to decide who to send out to search for supplies. Who should be saved when many people are exposed to radiation but there is only one medicine box, and so on. Whether a good ending can be achieved depends entirely on the player’s choice. And whether it is lucky enough under the random mechanism of the game. Generally speaking, this book is very good at depicting the choice under desperate circumstances.

Radiation City

This game is a survival game from the first-person perspective. In the game, the protagonist we controlled survived the plane crash. When he woke up from a coma, he looked at the wreckage of a helicopter not far away and could only instinctively pick up the scattered materials. After finally getting the crowbar, the most famous physics Rapier in the history of the game, our adventure in this radiation city officially began. In the next journey, all kinds of powerful weapons, materials and vehicles can be collected and used, and they are scattered all over this extremely dilapidated city. To get these things, you must take great risks, because there are all kinds of zombies who are in hot pursuit, and there are also many ways to die, such as lack of water, lack of food, lack of physical fitness, and being attacked by mutant creatures. In the case of insufficient materials, this quiet and dangerous dilapidated atmosphere will bring you a high degree of immersion and terror. However, compared with the passive survival of ordinary people in "Shelter: Survival", it is still much more enjoyable for players to fully act.

Death trigger (Dead Trigger)

This is a very classic zombie-themed FPS game. In the game, as survivors of the zombie crisis, we will pick up our weapons and fight our way out in the danger surrounded by zombies. In the process, I will complete various tasks, earn money, gain experience, and make myself stronger, so that I can calmly survive in the more dangerous and changeable levels behind. The picture of the game is excellent, and it has amazing special effects performance in that year under full special effects. How to use the rich and changeable terrain to beat off a wave of zombie attacks with minimal casualties is the biggest cool point of this book. Moreover, the weapon system of this work is very rich, not only guns of various colors and lengths, but also more bloody weapons such as chainsaws. Players who like the combination of FPS+ and survival should not miss it.

Survival on a Desert Island: survival island

This game is an open-world survival game from the 3D first-person perspective. In the game, we need to collect mushrooms, cut down trees, get tools, make primitive houses and so on, starting from a savage in a quiet and empty island. The style and tone of the game are slightly like the feeling of the first generation of Cry Island. The blue sky and green trees make the picture look quite comfortable. As a medium-sized work, this work is quite retro, and it is quite good to try it.

One-on-one combat wilderness (Marooned)

I don’t know if you’ve seen the documentary about the wilderness, even if you haven’t seen it completely. I believe that I have also brushed a bald and naked content in extreme environment on the small video. Yes, the macho man named "Deye" with the same name as Baye in the film was actually adapted into a game. It’s just that it’s not a masterpiece of 3A survival, but a painting style of 2d overlooking angle. Although this head-to-body ratio is very realistic, it looks a bit funny and cute.

Just like in the documentary, we need to find water, food and a base where we can build a basic guarantee for survival. Take this as an expansion, and then gradually expand to explore the surrounding situation, obtain resources, hunt and so on. The game provides multiple survival maps to choose from. Although the style of painting is not hard-core, the overall difficulty is high. Players who like Deye or think they are good at survival games can try it.

Radiation Island (Radiation Island)

Radiation island is a first-person desert island survival game, and it is also the predecessor of Radiation City mentioned above. At the beginning of the game, players will experience some psychedelic opening. A strange green smoke suddenly appeared on the calm sea, followed by a search of warships in the green smoke, and when we came to our first-person perspective, we would be on the island for a while, while on the warships, the sky in the field of vision was also twitching and flashing. This psychedelic, puzzling and disturbing opening let us begin radiation island’s journey of survival with a series of mysteries about self-identity, exploration direction and unknown crisis. But obviously there must be countless secrets about this island.

The island scenery in the game is refreshing, but under this charming appearance, there are still zombies and wild animals threatening your life. Hunting, collecting materials and making weapons and tools are the skills you must have. Make sure you can survive first, and then explore the story content step by step. Combined with the book written on the history of World War II, the layout of the mystery and the brain hole are all well designed. So this is a story-telling and very fun survival game.

Ark: ARK: Survival Evolved)

Mobile phone version of Ark: Survival evolution basically retains the computer version of the game experience. As a sandbox game, players can live freely in this island full of various dinosaurs and other creatures. To experience the epic leap from the primitive life of building houses to the ability to build castles and machine guns and grenades. But the greatest pleasure of this work is biological domestication and multi-person online.

The game’s biological domestication and cultivation system has a high degree of freedom, and it can fly not only to take you to your destination quickly, but also to bring your friends with you. Those who can’t fly have their own abilities, except getting into the water, jumping higher and running faster. Some even can help you collect resources. With them, you can really enjoy going to sea and heaven.

In the multiplayer online part, players can not only cooperate with their friends, but also sneak up on other players’ homes. A three-light policy is also acceptable, so the playability is still very strong. This game is also a rare sandbox game with excellent picture quality and extremely interesting gameplay on the mobile terminal.

Survivor: Wei Cheng

This game is a horizontal version of the 2D survival adventure meat pigeon game. The game takes place in a city full of zombies. The only thing a player can do is to show a strong will and focus on the present life, and finally achieve the goal of fleeing the city. Because it is a meat pigeon, every time the game is reopened, it will be affected by randomness, and once again it will face the uncertain situation of life and death. The operation logic of the game is similar to "This is My War". By clicking, you can move and complete actions including but not limited to opening doors and rummaging through cabinets. In the face of the enemy, you still need to predict the forward swing of the opponent’s attack, and walk among them without injury through accurate positioning, but the painting style has changed from realistic black and white tones to European and American cartoon wasteland style. The sense of depression has weakened a lot, but the difficulty is still hard, and you may die in the next second at any time. It’s good for players who like "This is My War" to choose as a meal replacement.

So that’s all the content of this recommendation. The survival game seems to be a fancy start, but in fact, each game almost starts with picking up garbage, solving basic food and clothing, and then embarking on a journey of getting fatter or getting poorer. It seems that the difference is not bad, and each game can bring a completely different feeling. So what other interesting survival games have you played? Welcome to share your recommendation in the comments section ~


Pay attention to the "Twitter Workshop", share good games every day, and bid farewell to the game shortage!

The market and funds of the medical sector are playing "fire and ice". Will the medical treatment be good in the second half of the year? There is something to say about the medium-term strategy of se

A-share medical sector once again staged a literal "fire and ice".

On June 28th, the CSI medical index fell by 0.76% to 8582.54 points, hitting a new low of more than three years after 26th.When the index touches the freezing point again, follow the index of head medical treatment.ETF(512170) funds are scarce.Extremely hot, more thanonehundred million yuanFunds increase their positions when they fall.. The data shows that as of the 28th, the medical ETF(512170) has been net subscribed for funds for 16 consecutive days, with a total amount exceeding 1.8 billion yuan.

[CSI Medical has successively "new lows"VSFund share overlappingnew high"

Since June, the medical sector has continued to adjust, and the CSI medical index has dropped to the level of 2019, and it has recently hit a new low of more than three years. On June 28th, the CSI Medical Index closed at 8582.54 points, which was2019yearninemoonsixThe lowest point since the day.

When the index hit a new low, a huge amount of funds accelerated the absorption of chips through related ETFs.28Day, medical treatmentETF(512170)One-day gainexceedoneThe net subscription of 100 million yuan has been continuous so far.16Net capital flow in last trading dayIn, the total amount exceeds18100 million yuan.

In terms of share changes, since June, the share of medical ETF(512170) has increased by 4.15 billion.Its latest fund share is up to537.16Billion copies, hitting a record high for 16 consecutive days..

In the same period, leveraged funds also continued to increase. According to the data of Shanghai Stock Exchange, as of June 28th, the medical ETF(512170).Financing balance reached7.41hundred million yuan,Record the second highest in history, during the yearIncrease by more thaneight0%.

2022The list of the top 100 pharmaceutical industries in China was released, and many constituent stock companies dominated the list.

In the news, on the evening of June 27th, the list of the top five pharmaceutical industries in China in 2022 sponsored by Minenet, a domestic medical health information platform, was announced, with a total of 260 pharmaceutical companies on the list. It is worth noting that in the ranking list of CXO and medical device companies, most of the top companies are important components of medical ETF(512170).

Specifically,WuXi AppTec, Yaoming biological,Tiger medicine, Kanglong Chenghua,kelleyheroRanked in the top five of the TOP20 list of CXO enterprises in China in 2022;Mairui medical treatment, UIH Medical,Weigao shares, Lepu Medical, minimally invasive medical care in 2022, China medical equipment (including IVD) TOP20 list. The above 10 companies, except Yaoming Bio and UIH Medical, the other 8 are all medical ETF(512170) stocks.

According to public information, the constituent stocks of the CSI medical index tracked by the medical ETF(512170) comprehensively cover the leading segments in the field of medical devices and medical services, among whichThe weight of medical devices is aboutfoursucceedDirectly benefit from the new medical infrastructure in the post-epidemic era;medical service+doctorBeauty weightappointmentfivesucceedIt directly benefits from the aging population, the upgrading of medical consumption and medical beauty.

[Brokerage medium-term strategy:Optimistic about the recovery of the medical market,pay close attentionknotStructural opportunities and valuation improvement opportunities]

The first half of the year is about to close, and a number of brokers have recently released medium-term strategies for the medical sector. Looking forward to the second half of the year, institutions are generally optimistic about the recovery of the medical market, prompting attention to the structural opportunities after the index bottomed out and the opportunities for valuation improvement.

Guotai Junan’s medium-term strategy states that,It is expected that the second half of the countryThe internal medical market recovered strongly.Considering cardinal utility, the year-on-year growth rate of non-COVID-19 Q2 and Q4 is relatively high; Looking at the longer time dimension, from 2019 to 2022, the dual effects of policies such as centralized mining and COVID-19 epidemic were superimposed.2023The annual growth rate is recovery.. At present, the valuation of most molecular industries has changed from PEG > before 2021; 2 Return to PEG≈1, due to the decline of market risk appetite and the downward revision of optimistic expectations.The valuation bubble has basically cleared.+The expected return will create a good foundation for the scattered market of subsequent stocks..

According to the medium-term strategy of Minsheng Securities, overall,medicinemedical treatmentThe sector is at a historical low in terms of valuation and positions.With the continuous recovery of in-hospital diagnosis and treatment,The overall operation of the plate continued to rise.I am optimistic about the direction of hospital recovery and medical innovation in the second half of the year. The CXO sector is optimistic that global investment and financing will continue to improve and innovation demand will continue to recover in the second half of this year. It is expected that local international CXO head enterprises will benefit from overseas recovery and start a new round of growth in the second half of this year; In terms of medical services, with the arrival of the traditional refractive peak season from June to August, the valuation of the ophthalmic medical service industry is optimistic.

Central china securities pointed out in the semi-annual strategy of the industry "Looking for Deterministic Growth Opportunities" that as of June 26th, the dynamic PE of CITIC Pharmaceutical Index was about 39.21 times, which was slightly lower than the median in the last decade.Considering the marginal improvement of the economic operation indicators of the medical industry, the overall industry valuation may have opportunities for improvement..

According to the medium-term strategy of Guosheng Securities,After two waves of digestion and adjustment, medical care is expected to usher in a new cycle in the true sense, and structural opportunities will be highlighted after the index bottoms out., this timeSub-areas where the decline is relatively large and the change is expected should be focused on..

Risk warning: The medical ETF(512170) passively tracks the CSI medical index. The base date of the index is December 31, 2004, and it was released on October 31, 2014. The composition of the index shares is adjusted according to the index compilation rules. The index stocks in this paper are only for display, and the description of individual stocks is not used as any form of investment advice, nor does it represent the position information and trading trends of any fund under the manager. The risk level of the Fund assessed by the fund manager is R3- medium risk, which is suitable for investors with an appropriate rating of C3 or above. Any information appearing in this article (including but not limited to stocks, comments, forecasts, charts, indicators, theories, any form of expression, etc.) is for reference only, and investors shall be responsible for any investment behavior decided by themselves. In addition, any opinions, analysis and predictions in this article do not constitute any form of investment advice to readers, nor do they assume any responsibility for direct or indirect losses caused by using the contents of this article. Fund investment is risky, and the past performance of the fund does not represent its future performance. The performance of other funds managed by the fund manager does not constitute the guarantee of fund performance, so fund investment needs to be cautious.

This article comes from financial information.

The benefits of swimming to the human body are mainly 7 points! No, hurry up and learn.

Summer is coming, and swimming well in your spare time can not only achieve the effect of exercise and fitness, but also cool your body, and there are many benefits of swimming. However, after exercise, there are some precautions to be understood for your health.

Count the benefits of swimming

First, shape muscle lines

Swimming is a very good slimming exercise. Swimming needs the cooperation of all the muscles, so all the muscles can be exercised.

Second, improve bone quality

Swimming can improve bones, which has been demonstrated by professional project research. Therefore, if you want to have healthier bones, you may wish to choose swimming as a sport.

Third, improve body flexibility

During swimming, athletes need to stretch, curl up, turn around and so on. It can be seen that the swimming effect can only be achieved by the constant cooperation of all parts of the body. First, the pedal can be pushed forward, and in order to maintain the balance of the body, the cooperation of the arms is needed. Therefore, office workers who often work in the office may wish to try more, which can increase the flexibility of the body.

Fourth, reduce the risk of inflammation

Swimming can help strengthen myocardial function and improve cardiovascular health, and some related studies have concluded that aerobic exercise can help reduce the risk of inflammation, so it can help prevent the occurrence of cardiac atherosclerosis, and once the risk of inflammation in the body is reduced, it can also help improve other diseases, with many benefits.

Five, burning fat to lose weight

Swimming is the best exercise to lose weight. Generally speaking, swimming for ten minutes, breaststroke can burn about 60 calories, backstroke can burn 80 calories, freestyle can burn about 100 calories, and butterfly can burn more fat, which are incomparable to other sports.

Sixth, relieve exercise asthma

When swimming, people can breathe more humid air, so the respiratory function can be improved, so swimming can relieve asthma symptoms and fundamentally improve the health of the lungs.

Seven, relieve stress and depression

Endorphins are a kind of hormone that makes people feel very good, which can relieve people’s mood. Swimming can effectively stimulate the secretion of endorphins, relax people’s body and mind while exercising, and combine regular breathing to calm people down and become more focused.

Matters needing attention in ensuring swimming safety cannot be less

-physical examination

When swimming, the human body consumes more physical strength than usual, so people suffering from heart disease, liver disease and kidney disease are not suitable for swimming. People suffering from pinkeye and infectious skin diseases should also pay attention to avoid mutual infection.

-Warm-up exercise

Be sure to make preparations and warm-up exercises before going into the water, otherwise sudden strenuous exercise will easily cause muscle injury and some other reactions, so you can do leg lifts and squat and stand up.

-Do not eat immediately after swimming.

Be sure to rest for a while before eating after swimming, otherwise it will easily increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, and it will also lead to gastrointestinal diseases in the long run.

2024 Top Ten Most Popular 3d Games Recommended in Fun 3d Games Mobile Games Rankings

With the continuous progress of science and technology and the continuous development of the game field, the 3D mobile game market in 2024 showed a gratifying momentum. Compared with 2D games, these 3D mobile games have fine modeling, realistic maps and a strong sense of substitution, so that players can immerse themselves in the fascinating game world. Next, we will show you the ten most popular 3D mobile games in 2024, so that you can enjoy the diverse gameplay and rich experience of the game.


2024 Top Ten Most Popular 3d Games Recommended in Fun 3d Games Mobile Games Rankings

★ [1]-"Laughing at Dreams"-

Features: martial arts RPG

Heat of the whole network: 800w+

The game is introduced: "Laughing at the Dream" is a martial arts RPG game, which attracts players who study battles and numerical values with rich corner color customization and personalized operation settings. The game includes unique gameplay such as family warfare and 15-person team, and combines beautiful architectural scenery with the various scenery of Xianxia world to create an immersive game experience for players.

For the current mobile game market, privileges and internal numbers have become familiar synonyms. This issue of Xiaobian also talks to you:

There are a lot of fun games, but now many internal account events in the market have been circulated wildly, which makes people panic. In this regard, I have also consulted a senior friend in the game industry. He said: This kind of account is actually not common. Think about it, this kind of account has hundreds or even thousands of rush value support every day, as well as special gift packages, attribute bonus, vip members, and ten times of top-up game currency return. How can it be released casually? At present, the whole game industry is dominated by


★ [2]-"Battle of the Double Palmish"-

Features: doomsday sci-fi action

Heat of the whole network: 750w+

The game is introduced: "Battle of the Double Pamish" is a doomsday-themed mobile game, which leads players to explore a sci-fi world. The modeling of characters in the game is very attractive, and the operation is smooth and natural, which brings excellent combat experience to players. In addition to fighting monsters, the game also provides a large number of exploration tasks, allowing players to collect precious materials and resources.


★ [3] —— The Original God—

Features: open world exploration

Heat of the whole network: 960w+

The game is introduced: "The Original God" is the most popular 3D game in 2024, and "The Original God" is an open world exploration mobile game. In the vast map, players can walk at will and visit easily with the help of transmission anchor points. The country and culture in the game draw lessons from the real situation. Trees, flowers and even monster buildings use 3D modeling to make you feel the game world.


★ [4] —— The World—

Features: The main line of the story is rich.

Heat of the whole network: 700w+

The game is introduced: "The World" is based on a complete story line, combined with animation and option branches, and strives to bring players a strong sense of substitution. 3D picture quality is elegant and charming, and every task and copy activity will enrich you. Even if you spend hours every day, you can continue to gain new achievements and experiences in the game.


★ [5] —— Nine Shadows—

Features: Martial arts theme

Heat of the whole network: 690w+

The game is introduced: In "Nine Shadows", a classic game with the theme of martial arts, we can make full use of flying skills to shuttle over the map and break through the restrictions on the ground. In the game, not only the appearance of the characters can be customized, but also the immersive stage can be built according to the real scene. In the open world, players can not only experience dynamic battle scenes, but also explore the fantastic journey of Xian Xia.


★ [6] —— King of Kings 3D》——

Features: diversified copies

Heat of the whole network: 810w+

The game is introduced: "King of Kings 3D" is good at providing diversified copies, and players will experience various types of games from different gangs, limited time activities and king challenges. There are four races and 20 occupations in the game for players to choose and match. The map quality is superior, and the panoramic and seamless map structure allows you to enjoy the immersive game experience. A lot of exploration tasks are waiting for you to find.


★ [7] —— Glorious Mission: Mission Action—

Features: Multi-player competitive shooting

Heat of the whole network: 830w+

The game is introduced: Glorious Mission: Mission Action is a fascinating multiplayer competitive shooting game. The game uses a unique goal of eating chicken to test players’ teamwork, tactical formulation and personal operation skills. Extensive game maps, 3D modeling guns and vehicles, and highly realistic scenes bring the ultimate audio-visual experience to players.


★ [8] —— Dragon-3D—

Features: IP adaptation of Jin Yong’s martial arts

Heat of the whole network: 720w+

The game is introduced: "Tianlong -3D" is born out of Jin Yong’s martial arts novels, and has accumulated more than 100 million registered users. The game style is faithful to the original end-tour, and the mobile phone is used to adapt, so that players can enjoy the fun of the game in the single-player push map and team copy. The game also provides an exquisite mount collection system, allowing players to ride in the dragon world.


★ [9]-"Magic Day 3D"-

Features: The original works are highly reducible.

Heat of the whole network: 780w+

The game is introduced: "Magic Day 3D" completely presents the magic world in the original work. The game allows players to start from the perspective of the protagonist’s awakening and experience the whole growth process from the world to the highest realm. The game supports sending real-time voice chats, holding gorgeous weddings, and exploring classic scenes with favorite players to spend a wonderland trip together.

★ [10]-"Floating in the Jianghu"-

Features: 3d Martial Arts

Heat of the whole network: 780w+

The game is introduced: this is a martial arts mobile game that integrates real fighting, 3d technology, cool special effects and exquisite fashion. It is also a high-quality mobile game this year!



These are the ten most popular 3D mobile games we recommend for you in 2024, covering a variety of themes and game types. We believe you will find your favorite among them. In the process of the game, we hope that everyone can keep a positive attitude, enjoy the joy and challenges brought by the game, and pay attention to the health and development of real life. Let’s join in these wonderful 3D game worlds and taste the infinite charm of virtual and reality!