What is the relationship between Li Xuelian and Pan Jinlian? Just because they were not virgins when they got married

(This article was first published on "Movie Rising Capital Trend", welcome to search for filmmore on WeChat to follow)

    1905 film network exclusive manuscript The movie "I am not Pan Jinlian" revealed another trailer. Feng Xiaogang narrated the origin of the character Pan Jinlian in the form of a narrator, and also briefly mentioned why Li Xuelian went to complain in the film. However, why did Li Xuelian’s husband say she was Pan Jinlian?


    At the same time as the trailer was exposed, a poster of "Left Lotus Right Ice" also appeared. Fan Bingbing appeared as a village woman and a modern girl, with a big black cow in the middle. What is the use of this cow?

Feng Xiaogang, Fan Bingbing and Liu Zhenyun attend the first press conference of "I am not Pan Jinlian"

    Previously, Feng Xiaogang said at the first press conference of "I Am Not Pan Jinlian" that there are 28 male characters with names in his new film, all of which are to set off Fan Bingbing’s role as Li Xuelian, including Wang Gongdao, Zhao Datou and other characters. From the first trailer of the film, Li Zonghan, Dapeng, Guo Tao and others can be seen. What role did these 28 men play in Li Xuelian’s complaint?


    Don’t worry, let’s see the breakdown below.

The cover of the novel "I am not Pan Jinlian" and the movie poster of the same name

First, some basics you need to understand

    The book written by Liu Zhenyun can be roughly divided into three parts. The first part takes place 20 years ago and is called "Preface: The Year". Li Xuelian is still very young. She embarked on the road of complaining soon after giving birth to her daughter, and she "passed the pass" all the way, successfully came to Beijing, and even sneaked into the ranks of the National People’s Congress and walked into the Great Hall of the People. It is reported that the Great Hall of the People does not appear in the movie, which means that the final location of Li Xuelian’s first visit to Beijing to complain has changed. So how did she become famous through the complaint and bring down the officials she had contacted before? It will only be revealed after the movie is released.

    The second part took place 20 years later, and the name was "Preface: Twenty Years Later". At this time, Li Xuelian was basically in a situation of being in the middle of a family because she had been complaining for many years. She was no longer the beautiful woman of the past, and her figure had also changed.


Liu Zhenyun, author and screenwriter of the novel "I Am Not Pan Jinlian"

    The third part is short, and the plot has nothing to do with Li Xuelian’s complaint. The protagonist is Shi Weimin, a county magistrate whom Li Xuelian met when she complained 20 years ago. However, the third part, which has the least number of pages, is called "main text: playing" in the book, but the first two parts are "preface".

    In the original book, the time span for Li Xuelian to complain was as long as 20 years, and after the adaptation into the movie, the time became 10 years, which means that the age difference between Fan Bingbing and Fan Bingbing is 10 years. Since he has not seen the movie yet, the characters and plots mentioned below are based on the original book.

Second, Li Xuelian’s person: once beautiful as a flower, complained for many years that her image was sloppy

    "Twenty years ago, Li Xuelian was twenty-nine years old, with big eyes and a melon seed face, full of black hair, beautiful eyebrows, chest is chest, waist is waist." These adjectives were all extracted from the book. According to this standard, Li Xuelian was indeed a beautiful woman, and Fan Bingbing was very suitable in image.

Li Xuelian, played by Fan Bingbing

    The book describes how Li Xuelian looks 20 years later as "already forty-nine years old, with half of her hair, her face full of wrinkles, and her waist and chest as thick." Since the movie has changed the time difference to 10 years, Fan Bingbing’s image should not be so sloppy.

(Written by: Viewers)

Wang Sicong’s ten-year investment "cool" is vast, and the high-rise building banquets the guest building and collapses

  Can a collapsed building be rebuilt?

  Text Shu Hunting Cloud Network ID: ilieyun

  Author: Planting Mountains, Editor: Ai Fan Paris

  2019 seems to be the year of "water reverse" for Wang Sicong.

  In March this year, Panda Live announced on the official Weibo that it would shut down the server. Since the second half of the year, the shares of many companies under the banana plan founded by Wang Sicong have been frozen one after another. On July 15 this year, Shanghai Crystal Lychee Entertainment and Culture Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Crystal Lychee Entertainment"), which holds 80% of the shares, was also frozen. The freezing date was until July 14, 2022. Wang Sicong’s 8 million yuan stake was frozen.

  In October, the equity of Pusi Capital, which was chaired by Wang Sicong and held 100% of the shares, was frozen by the People’s Court of Baoshan District, Shanghai, and the investment myth that he used to practice with 500 million "pocket money" was shattered. On November 4, according to the China Execution Information Open Network, Wang Sicong was listed as the person to be executed by the Beijing Second Intermediate People’s Court, and the execution target was 151437840.0, about 150 million.

  Subsequently, Wang Sicong was issued a consumption restriction order by the People’s Court of Jiading District, Shanghai. After 11 days, Wang Sicong was lifted from the consumption restriction, but only one night later, Wang Sicong was again restricted from consumption. According to Lieyun.com, on November 19, Wang Sicong was issued a consumption restriction order by the Second Intermediate People’s Court of Beijing.

  According to Red Star coverage, at the implementation theme news briefing held by the Second Intermediate Court of Beijing, after Wang Sicong executed the 150 million case, the court served the execution notice and report property order to Wang Sicong according to law, and investigated the property under his name, and seized the real estate, vehicles, bank deposits and other properties under Wang Sicong’s name.

  Looking back on the ten years that Wang Sicong has returned to China, I have seen him rise high-rise buildings, feast on guests, and see his buildings collapse.

  tall building

  In 2009, Wang Sicong graduated from the philosophy department of the University of London. His father Wang Jianlin hoped that he could take over the business empire of Wanda, which was in full swing at the time, but the young rich second generation did not want to keep his job.

  So there was Wang Sicong’s "500 million pocket money", which was later talked about by everyone, and allowed him to fail twice. If he didn’t succeed, he had to come to Wanda to work honestly.

  It was with this "500 million pocket money" that Wang Sicong started his investment career by founding a private equity fund management company, Price Capital.

  Before this year, Pusi Capital’s investment performance was as glorious as Wang Sicong himself, and it was frequently recognized by Wang Jianlin and even the market. According to the official website of Pusi Capital, Pusi Capital has invested more than 3 billion RMB.

  In previous years, Pusi Capital was mainly a Pre-IPO project. In 2013, Pusi Capital invested 4 million US dollars and obtained 1.05% of Yunyou Holdings. In the same year, Yunyou Holdings landed in Hong Kong stocks, with a market value of more than 9 billion Hong Kong dollars, and Pusi Capital made more than 2 times its book. In 2014, Pusi Capital acquired 1.3% of Ledou Games for 5.90 million US dollars, and then Ledou Games listed on the US stock market. According to the issue price of 15 US dollars at that time, Wang Sicong’s investment increased to 2774.48 million US dollars, achieving a return on investment of nearly 5 times.

  In the early stage, Wang Sicong’s investment goal was basically to go to listed companies, which made the newly established Pusi Capital invest a lot in many projects, and also won the praise of the media.

  Banquet guests

  In addition to choosing traditional industries on the eve of listing, Wang Sicong’s personal preference has gradually become an important strategy for Pusi Capital’s investment. After all, "I don’t want to go public, and I don’t want to cash out. If I have money, I can slowly choose the projects I want to invest in, and I don’t rush for investment returns. I don’t rely on the company to make money to eat."

  In August 2011, Wang Sicong announced on Weibo "strong entry, integration of e-sports", and acquired the CCM team that was facing dissolution at that time to form the IG e-sports club. Seven years later, IG won the S8 finals in one fell swoop, which was also the best result for the mainland team.

  Focusing on the upstream and downstream of e-sports, Wang Sicong has invested in many game companies on the one hand, and on the other hand, through Shanghai Banana Plan Video Game Co., Ltd. for the right to host game events. It is understood that Banana Games has successively held the 2015 League of Legends Demacia Cup Finals and Awards Ceremony, the 2016 League of Legends LPL Spring and Spring Finals and other events. In 2017, it maintained a long-term cooperation with Tencent in the League of Legends.

  In the field of live broadcast, Wang Sicong is personally down, in 2015, to 20 million yuan to establish the Panda TV Game LIVE platform and served as CEO.

  In the same year, Pusi Capital invested in LeTV Sports, which was still in full swing at the time, and obtained 3.96% of the shares of LeTV Sports, becoming the eighth largest shareholder.

  According to Qichacha, Price Capital has also invested in a number of star projects, including Flash Delivery, Ucommune, Renren Car, Dianping, and Xiaoguo Culture.

  These investments helped Wang Sicong’s net worth soar. By 2017, Wang Sicong’s personal net worth reached 6.30 billion yuan, surpassing Wang Jianlin’s personal wealth in 2008 and ranking 37 in China’s top investor rankings.

  The building collapsed

  At the end of 2016, LeTV Sports disclosed that it had lent more than 4 billion yuan to its affiliated party LeTV Holdings without the consent of the board of directors or shareholders’ meeting. Due to the occupation of funds by affiliated companies, the normal business activities of LeTV Sports were seriously affected, and a large number of businesses could not be carried out due to financial constraints, and even were prosecuted and held responsible for being unable to repay external debts.

  This caused the investment interests of Price Capital to suffer losses.

  In 2018, Pusi Capital filed a lawsuit against four companies, including LeTV Internet (300104, stock bar) and LeTV Sports, for the loss of investment rights and interests, demanding that LeTV Sports compensate RMB 97.8516 million yuan for economic losses.

  On the evening of November 21, LeTV released an announcement that the Beijing Arbitration Commission recently issued an award ruling that LeTV, Lele Interactive, etc. repurchased the A + round equity and B round equity of LeTV Sports held by Pusi Investment. This ruling is final.

  According to the ruling, LeTV, Lele Interactive Sports and Beijing Pengyi Asset Management Center (Limited Partnership) were required to repurchase the two rounds of equity investment and income of LeTV Sports, including jointly paying the principal of the A + round of equity repurchase 13.51 million yuan; the principal of the equity repurchase in the B round 50 million yuan and the principal 8.41 million yuan and their corresponding income, the total amount is about 91.46 million yuan. In addition, the case also includes the payment of lawyers’ fees and arbitration fees, and the ruling will take effect from the date of issuance.

  Although the lawsuit was won, Pusi Capital has not been compensated so far, and LeTV, which is riddled with debt, may not be able to repay it.

  In addition to LeTV Sports, Pusi Capital’s investment company Jiuhao Group failed to go public, Wang Sicong asked for 10 million investment money; Dianping was acquired by Meituan and the valuation fell sharply; Renren Car was squeezed out of the used car market; its investment in Xinruitong, Amethyst Storage, Mackay Intelligent Manufacturing and other companies have also been delisted.

  The panda live broadcast collapsed after burning the 2 billion, and the equity of the banana plan was also frozen. According to Qichacha, Wang Sicong has 30 risks and 869 related risks.

  In the words of Zhang Ying, founder of Matrix Partners China: "The money earned by luck in the past few years has been lost by ability in the past few years."

  In 2017, Wanda began to enter a difficult time, and Wang Jianlin’s wealth value has also shrunk by more than half. On November 16, Wanda stated at a press conference held in Hong Kong that the company did not guarantee any debts of Wang Sicong, the son of chairperson Wang Jianlin, nor did it have any financial transactions with the companies it controlled.

  In 2018, the venture capital industry encountered a cold winter of capital, and the investment risk of investment institutions increased. When the tide of Wanda and capital receded, naked swimmers returned to the beach, and Wang Sicong’s investment project of billions of yuan in paper wealth also fell with the trend.

  Wang Sicong, who has just passed his thirties, can the collapsed building be rebuilt?

This article was first published on WeChat official account: Lieyun.com. The content of the article belongs to the author’s personal opinion and does not represent the position of Hexun.com. Investors operate accordingly, and please bear the risk.

(Editor in charge: Wang Zhiqiang HF013)

The strongest Chinese film in the past 10 years has finally been discovered by me!

In the past ten years, Chinese films have entered an era of rapid development, with various commercial blockbusters showing a trend of frequent hits. "Tangshan Earthquake" and "Wolf Warrior 2" continue to break box office records, and the commercial film market has flourished.

However, in the field of realistic themes, the survival of literary films can still be described as difficult.

In the past ten years, Chinese films have made tremendous achievements in the commercial field, and masterpieces have also been published in the field of literature and art. The development of films still faces various challenges. Looking back on this decade, these masterpieces are worth remembering.

Director: Su Zhaobin

Starring: Michelle Yeoh, Zheng Yusheng, Yu Wenle, Xu Xiyuan

Release: 2010.9.28

"Sword Rain" is produced by John Woo, and Su Zhaobin is the director. From the perspective of the finished effect, Su Zhaobin’s style is more intense.

Film, they are all fighting for desire, for ego, for love. The so-called heart is the rivers and lakes, you can’t quit, you can only live.

"Rain of Swords" fuses traditional martial arts and Hollywood thriller routines, weaving them seamlessly.

Time is a wonderful thing. Looking back many years later, you will find that "Sword Rain" has injected new life into the martial arts film that has been silent for many years, but the box office and audience reputation were not satisfactory in the year of its release. Su Zhaobin has not surpassed himself since then, and even the martial arts film has begun to fade out of the Chinese film market.

Liu Qingyun’s classic expression comes from this

Director: Johnnie To

Starring: Liu Qingyun, Ren Xianqi, Hu Xinger

Release: 2011.10.20

Without the romantic play of the male and female protagonists in his commercial works, nor the strong personal imprint in his action movies, he unexpectedly completed the most realistic writing of Hong Kong society.

In "Death by King", Johnnie To tried a complex network narrative, promoting the fate of all kinds of little people in Hong Kong with the undercurrent of the times, expressing the various aspects of the market in an extremely cinematic form, and accurately depicting the dramatic reality like a movie.

At the JIN MA Awards that year, the film received six nominations and won three awards for Best Director, Best Actor, and Best Original Screenplay, making it the most outstanding and timely work of 2011.

Director: Wei Desheng

Starring: Lin Qingtai, Ma Zhixiang, Ando Masanobu

Release: 2012.5.10

In the long-sluggish Taiwanese film industry, the appearance of the majestic and passionate "Sedek Bale" is like a wolf in the flock.

Compared to the 270-minute upper and lower episodes of "Bale" in pursuit of blockbuster volume,.

With three hundred warriors against three thousand Japanese troops, this was an anti-Japanese struggle like a moth to a flame despite knowing that there was no luck. The movie "Balai" is firmly rooted in this culture that is difficult to understand today, writing their blood and pride for the barbarians.

"Bale" is still slightly flawed in the technical details, but it is still there.

Director: Wong Kar-wai

Starring: Zhang Ziyi, Tony Leung, Zhang Zhen, Song Hye Kyo

Release: 2013.1.8

"The Grandmaster" is a "martial arts opera singing". Ye Wen and Gong Er are both grandmasters of the first generation. This is an epic about the rise and fall of Chinese martial arts.

Wong Kar Wai’s films also change direction during the filming process, initially as Ip Man’s main story line, and later during the filming process.

It is precisely because of this long production cycle that "The Grandmaster" has become a meticulously crafted work. Luxurious costumes, full of charm lines, and dance-like gorgeous action scenes make "The Grandmaster" the pinnacle of Wong Kar-wai.

Director: Wang Xiaoshuai

Starring: Lv Zhong, Feng Yuanzheng, Qin Hailu, Qin Hao

Release: 2015.4.30

"Interloper" does not directly focus on that particular historical period, but starts from the present and gradually extends to the 1960s, the fate of those little people who came to the third-tier construction.

At the narrative level, "The Interloper" is also a bit more composed than before, with an orderly portrayal of the heroine played by Lu Zhong in daily situations.

In the end, like a dagger, the interloper punctures the close connection between the present and history, smoothly bringing the audience to the face of the appalling scandal, not only criticizing the "banality evil" of the individual, but also pointing the finger at history – it is under its coercion that the damage that still hurts decades later has broadened the breadth and depth of criticism.

Director: Hou Hsiao-hsien

Starring: Shu Qi, Zhang Zhen, wife Mu Cong, Zhou Yun

Release: 2015.8.27

Hou Xiaoxian used nearly 100 million yuan of funds to return to the basics and shoot a "retro" masterpiece "Assassin Nie Yinniang".

Hou Hsiao-hsien used a very stupid method to make a true movie that was completely out of touch with other similar people around him. In his words, it was "one person, no similar kind", which was also the theme of this movie.

The director has written his dedication and delicacy to the film into this light and shadow prose poem, achieving an unprecedented martial arts film with Taoist thinking.

Director: Cheng Er

Starring: Ge You, Zhang Ziyi, Tadanobu Asano, etc

Release: 2016.12.16

"Romantic Demise" presents a very different Ge You, who appeared with awe and elegance, and staged a Chinese-style "The Godfather".

Guns and lust are intertwined, official and unofficial history are mixed, and the trump card of all narrative art is to explore how we should live

The flower of desire blooms, the waves of fate are surging, the tide of the times is surging, the inner emotions of the legendary characters and the power of the golden age are intriguing. From the feasting before the war to the ruins after the war, the movie "Romantic Death History" splices the story with the demise of time and space, and uses the rhythm of music to render emotions, leading people to go into the world at the bottom of their hearts, returning to the thinking of life and life and death.

Director: Wen Yan

Starring: Wen Qi, Zhou Meijun, Shi Ke, Geng Le

Release: 2017.11.24

The film’s theme is very bold, revealing the sensitivity and depth of the issue, making it almost the most courageous creation of a mainland film in 2017.

It’s not just about the heartbreaking story of a young girl who was sexually assaulted.

Of course, "Carnival" has more than just courage. Its smooth narrative and simple and delicate camera language reflect the keen observation and expression ability of female director Wen Yan.

The film is disturbing and compelling, and the story is bleak and addictive…

Director: Jia Zhangke

Starring: Zhao Tao, Liao Fan

Release: 2018.9.21

Jia Zhangke likes to be a chronicler of the times.

In the first decade of the 21st century, films such as "Three Gorges Good Man" and "Ren Xiaoyao" carried the sharpness that belonged to Jia Zhangke. In the second decade, films such as "Mountains and Rivers" and "Children of Jianghu" showed the tenderness that belonged to Jia Zhangke alone.

In "Children of Jianghu", money and love are the most mundane desires, and things and people are the deepest sorrows. No matter how we feel, history always moves forward. As the English title Ash Is Purest White says, passion is easy to fade, but only love lasts forever.

Director: Diao Yinan

Starring: Hu Ge, Gui Lunmei, Wan Qian, Liao Fan

Release: 2019.12.6

After seeing "The Wild Goose Lake" in Cannes, the American director Quentin Tarantino said: "It’s a very beautiful authorship film, I haven’t seen one like it in years."

Director Diao Yinan’s understanding and playing with the language of the camera has reached a very high level, such as the wet night rain, the surprising use of green, yellow and purple, the metaphorical imagery, etc. The film not only presents a tortuous story, but also an audio-visual feast.

In addition, the film is also a highly completed localized film noir.

The film is full of the city atmosphere of Wuhan, where it was shot; it has many references to European and American black film elements, such as femme fatale, gangster fighting, and bloody killings. It is no wonder that Quentin, who is a "fellow in the same way", also smiled after watching it.

The morning newspaper is super informative, "Me and My Hometown" Ge You will play again in Beijing, Guo Fucheng and Miriam Yang’s new work will be finalized

Fresh information morning call is all in the morning newspaper

Good morning everyone! Don’t worry, netizens who haven’t had time to turn on their computers, the hot news in the film industry that has happened in the past 24 hours, I have materials for everyone. Let’s look up at the sky and "suck" a wave of fresh air to start a day full of positive energy~

The trailer is fresh to behold Shu Guo Fucheng’s new work "Mai Passerby" is fixed.Me and my hometown"Ning Hao Unit Ge You Cooperates with Liu Mintao


Recently, the film "Mai Passerby", produced by Zheng Baorui and directed by Huang Qingxun, starring Guo Fucheng and Miriam Yeung, has revealed its first fixed-file poster. The fixed-file poster exposed this time highlights the warm texture with the theme of warm colors. The handwritten "September 17" schedule is attached with the slogan "Mai Road is the same way, cherish each other and rely on each other". The five flavors of life are condensed in this group photo. It is reported that the movie "Mai Passerby" is based on real social events. "Mai Passerby" is also known as "homeless", which refers to many low-level workers who are homeless at night and choose to spend the night in 24-hour fast food restaurants.

Under the eaves of the twenty-four-hour fast food restaurant, the "Wandering Family" all went into battle together. A frozen frame photo focused on everyone’s face. The big group photo showed a variety of sentient beings among the little people at the bottom, and behind the smiles of each character implied the sour life of "every family has a difficult scripture". The movie shows the warmth of the world by showing a group of strangers warming and helping each other in a fast food restaurant, retrieving the warmth of their families from strangers, and finding the dreams of life together. I believe this film must be a warm masterpiece, everyone looks forward to it~

The trailer continues to watch! Yesterday, the national comedy "My Hometown and I" exposed the trailer and poster of the "Good People in Beijing" unit, and Ning Hao and Ge You collaborated for the second time to stage the sequel of "Zhang Beijing". In the trailer, Zhang Beijing sang Peking Opera until the sound was broken, and Director Ning Hao broke the news. "Although Uncle Ge did not sing well in Peking Opera, he did a good job, and vividly interpreted Zhang Beijing’s state of not being able to hit the high notes but full of comedy." Liu Mintao, who turned into a nurse Reiko, glanced at it in the trailer, but also showed surprising comedy skills. Zhang Beijing was immediately dumbfounded with a white eye.

The movie "My Hometown and Me" is scheduled for release on National Day. The five stories are directed by directors Ning Hao, Xu Zheng, Chen Sicheng, Yan Fei & Peng Damo, Deng Chao & Yu Baimei respectively. Zhang Yimou is the director of the system, Ning Hao is the general director, and Zhang Yibai is the general planner. It will be officially released on October 1. Such a strong lineup, just ask if you are looking forward to it!

Recently, there has been a lot of news about the new film, let’s continue! The first comedy movie of 2020, "My Girlfriend is a Robot", has been exposed with a set poster and four highly hilarious stills, and it is announced that it will be released nationwide on September 11. The film is directed by Wang Weicheng, starring Bao Bell and Xin Zhilei, and starring Wei Xiang. It tells the story of a robot who is ordered to save the human Fang Yuan in danger on the first day of junior high school, but because of its magical brain circuits and superpowers, it causes a constant oolong. After a few months, the audience can finally usher in a long-lost laugh in the cinema!

In the poster exposed this time, the two are sitting together in a simply decorated cabin, and the disordered head-to-body ratio is full of joy, setting off the comedy tone of the movie. The slogan "Understand my weirdness, you are my favorite" on the poster seems to indicate that a strange and funny love story will take place between the two, and it also expresses that they can accept each other’s weirdness. Perhaps it is the best appearance of love, highlighting the importance of mutual understanding and mutual running-in between couples at present. The new "love declaration" pokes the ideal love mode in the hearts of young people. In the four stills exposed at the same time, the film’s lead actors also appear, with funny actions and full of jokes, highlighting the film’s comedy style. The film has the strength of Wei Xiang, a happy twist "meritorious actor", who is full of highlights as a "cold-faced comedian". The trio’s highly contrasting comedy lineup is about to hit with laughter.

Box office trumpet "800" won the single-day box office championship in a row, and the little character "Survival" touched the audience


The movie "800" directed by Guan Hu is being screened. On August 20, the "Life and Death" trailer was released. The two actors integrated their own feelings into the characters and interpreted the inner struggles of small and medium-sized characters in troubled times. This plot not only made many audiences cry in the cinema, but also made director Guan Hu cry on the set. The cumulative box office has broken 170 million, and it has won the global single-day box office championship for many consecutive days. The movie will be released nationwide on August 21.

The movie "800" focuses on the ordinary soldiers in the warehouse of the four lines. Director Guan Hu’s speculation and portrayal of the little people allows the audience to see the torturous and cruel side of the war, and feel the complex and warm changes in human nature. As the first domestic commercial blockbuster released after the resumption of cinema work, the appearance of "800" has accelerated the recovery of the film market and sounded an inspiring horn. It has received affirmation and encouragement from many authoritative media including Xinhua News Agency, Guangming Daily, CCTV News Channel and so on. At present, the cumulative box office of the show has exceeded 170 million, and it has won the global single-day box office championship for many consecutive days. So the question is, have you watched "800" today~

(The specific broadcast content is subject to TV)

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Subvert the definition of electric hybrid SUV value, Jietu Shanhai L6 listing price 123,900 yuan

China Economic News Network (Liu Chenxi)On August 25th, the "new choice of young people’s electric hybrid SUV" Jietu Shanhai L6 "C debut", this time launched three versions, the official price range is 123,900-144,900 yuan, and the price range after the trade-in is 100,900-116,900 yuan (including the national trade-in subsidy).

In order to help young users easily encounter the new experience of Shanhai L6, a lot of car purchase subsidies and car purchase rights are also unlocked simultaneously. When you place an order for a new car during the listing period, users can enjoy seven car purchase gifts, up to a maximum value of 48,000 yuan:

① Deposit gift: The deposit of 2,000 yuan is equivalent to 7,000 yuan for the purchase of the car;

② Financial gift: 0 down payment and 60 super long-term loans;

③ quality assurance gift: enjoy the lifetime quality assurance of the whole vehicle worth 10,000 heads of state and non-operating owners, and the lifetime quality assurance of Sandian;

④ Maintenance gift: The first 5,000 people place an order and enjoy free basic maintenance for the first owner worth 6,000 yuan for 10 years/100,000 kilometers;

⑤ Traffic gift: enjoy free traffic worth 2,000 yuan for 3 years, 4G/month;

(6) Renewal gift: enjoy a full brand replacement subsidy with a maximum value of 28,000 yuan (including the national trade-in subsidy);

0006 Pet powder gift: Jietu old users replace Shanhai L6 and send 20,000 Jietu coins

Better understand the aesthetics of youth, electric hybrid SUV also has a coupe style. Jietu Shanhai L6, as a new choice of electric hybrid SUV exclusive to young people, shows the unique charm of avant-garde fashion with new national style aesthetics. The new car launched six dazzling car colors: moonlight white, vanilla blue, star mist silver, interstellar black, phantom gray, and blue wave blue, which are enough to show the user’s personality by virtue of the high recognition of "no collision shirt" when going out on the street.

In the large space enjoyed by Jietu Shanhai L6 at the same level, its technology configuration also meets the needs of young people for entertainment and quality. It creates a cinema-level giant screen experience with a 15.6-inch floating central control screen. The 2K resolution not only displays clear and natural effects, but also "catches up" massive audio and video resources. At the same time, the new car is also equipped with Sony 9 speakers and 64-color AI running water ambient lights, so that the interior space can be transformed into an audio and video box at any time, making the travel experience of young people smooth and not boring. In addition, Jietu Shanhai L6 also integrates personalized suede panels, elegant wood grains and other luxury elements into the interior materials at any cost, while the luxury car-level Huaiblock design makes the driving experience full of rituals, accompanying young people to start a delicate travel life.

A good horse is of course equipped with a saddle, which not only needs to sit comfortably but also play at will. Jietu Shanhai L6 is ergonomically designed with a cloud sofa seat, which has up to 32 storage spaces. In addition, Jietu Shanhai L6 also has a 50W wireless charging position for mobile phones that can be called a "tarmac", as well as a 6.6kW external power discharge function. Outdoor equipment such as electric ovens and coffee machines can be easily used, allowing users to move their homes into nature and enjoy a fun life in the mountains and seas.

With the help of Chery’s fifth-generation Kunpeng super-hybrid C-DM system, Jietu Shanhai L6 is equipped with 1.5TD "China Heart" top ten engines. In cooperation with the "high energy" of the stepless electric hybrid DHT gearbox, it can burst out a maximum torque of 220N · m and a maximum power of 115kW, easily ranking among the "7-second club". Thanks to the industry-leading 44.5% engine thermal efficiency and 98.5% gearbox mechanical efficiency, Jietu Shanhai L6 power system can drain every drop of oil and every kilowatt-hour of electricity, so that its fuel consumption for 100 kilometers of power supply is only 5.2L. The new car’s pure electric battery life can reach 125km, and the comprehensive battery life is as high as 1400km.

The Jietu Shanhai L6 adopts a rare four-wheel independent suspension of the same class, and is also equipped with L2-level intelligent driving assistance + 540 ° panoramic image, which reduces driving pressure and avoids risks through up to 7 warning functions and 4 active intervention functions. In addition, Jietu Shanhai L6 also uses the 8155 flagship chip of "large computing power" and AI voice assistant to turn the car into a "cyber travel housekeeper".

The Jietu Shanhai L6 is built with a cage-like body structure with high-strength steel plates up to about 80%, supplemented by the leading 6 airbags in the same class, to create a "rigid iron combat suit" for young people. If you run fast, you need to be able to brake, and you need to brake firmly. The new car brakes only 36.6 meters at 100-0km/h, and under the precision tuning of the "master level", the braking response speed is only 150 milliseconds. As an electric hybrid SUV, Jietu Shanhai L6 also has a Guardian battery safety system, which has IP68 waterproof performance, just like putting the battery in a "safe". With the hard core protection that is safe for both people and cars, it brings users a safe travel experience at all times.

In order to provide young people with a "lying flat" car experience, the listing not only brings real car purchase subsidies to young users, but also brings lifelong quality assurance of the whole vehicle and lifelong quality assurance of Sandian, as well as free traffic and other car rights and interests, so that young users can really worry-free in all aspects of buying a car, using a car, and maintaining a car.

Qiao Shan joined "Running Man" and finally returned to partner Li Chen to form Niu Banchan Team

Video: Run, Brothers 160701 Trailer: Who will become the strongest warrior in the universe in the final battle?

Qiao Shan joined "Running Man" and finally returned to partner Li Chen to form Niu Banchan Team

On Friday, the fourth season of Zhejiang Satellite TV’s "Running Brothers" will usher in the final program. In the last program preview, although the face was mosaic to add a little mystery, the distinctive "pear-shaped face" still made Qiao Shan instantly recognizable to sharp-eyed viewers. This time, the "great health care male god" Qiao Shan strongly helped the running man group to form the "Niu Banchan" team with "big black cow" Li Chen. The health care brother with his own laughs will add more joy to the show, which is called "the battle fruit among pistachios".

Enter the Blueberry Video to watch the latest full video of the fourth season of "Run, Brother" > >

Qiao Shan had a simple and honest appearance and was a versatile and powerful actor. As a main member of the variety show "Love to Laugh Conference Room", his more than two years of Love to Laugh performance made him deeply loved by the audience. After that, he made a cameo appearance as a gold medal member in the micro-movie "Diaosi Men", which left a deep impression on the audience and gave Qiao Shan the nickname "Health Brother".

In this issue of "Running Man", Qiao Shan’s ancient armor shape is very eye-catching, mistaken by netizens as "Qiao Feng" Qiao Gang Leader. After seeing the program trailer, some netizens laughed and said, "Does this program have a big health care?", but this unintentional words were unfortunately said on Qiao Shan. According to the agent, "Health Brother" Qiao Shan unfortunately sprained his waist during the recording of the program, and really did a "big health care" in the program team.

This time with "Big Black Bull" Li Chen, Qiao Shan’s combat effectiveness soared, calling himself "Qiao Erniu" and fighting Luhan head-on. In the end, how effective the "Niu Banchan Shan" team is, please look forward to the closing battle of "Run Brothers" this Friday.

Original 43-year-old Mingdao official announced the arrival of the second child! Thinning hair is too much like Dad, netizens tease Jiang Wenli’s birth

43-Year-old Mingdao official announced the arrival of the second child! Thinning hair is too much like Dad, netizens tease Jiang Wenli’s birth

Ming Dao, who was once all the rage, could be said to have left a very deep impression on everyone. Back then, he successfully entered everyone’s attention with "King of Adventures", and in 2005, he and Chen Qiaoen starred in "Prince Turns into a Frog", which was officially known to everyone. Since then, there have been many films.

Ming Dao, who is now 43 years old, has also married a long time ago. This is not the day on August 30. Ming Dao officially announced on social platforms that he welcomed his second child. In the photo, he is holding the swaddling baby, looking very warm. But the most eye-catching thing is the appearance of the child, and the thinning hair seems to be very different from Ming Dao. No matter which angle you look at, the hair is very thin, but Ming Dao’s holding the child is still very warm.

Because of Ming Dao’s official announcement this time, although some people blessed, some netizens also ridiculed whether Wen Lili was born? In fact, everyone knows that some time ago, Ming Dao and Jiang Wenli starred in the modern idol drama "Love Around the Corner" together. Because there is too much age difference in the drama, but they also played a couple, which made it difficult for many people to accept.

It is understood that Ming Dao married his wife in April 2023. At that time, he already had a 3-year-old son. Now that his daughter has been born, it can be said that both children are completely winners in life.

At present, Ming Dao’s career focus is on the mainland, and he is often busy with various affairs, becoming more mature and stable. Even so, as a multi-talented actor, he also occasionally threw himself into the creation of movies to bring new feelings to the audience. However, at the same time, he also focuses on running his own skin care product brand, and every product of the brand is personally planned by him, striving to bring quality and trust to the majority of consumers.

Now that so many years have passed, Ming Dao’s hard work has finally paid off. His family and career have achieved prosperity and success. Whether it is performing on the big screen or running the family business, Ming Dao polishes every detail to perfection with enthusiasm and determination.

In his career in mainland China, Ming Dao is not only a well-known actor, but also the spokesperson and promoter of the brand named after him. He not only won the recognition and love of the audience with his excellent acting skills, but also with his insistence on quality and keen insight into the market, making skin care brands stand out in the fierce competition. Ming Dao understands that fashion and beauty are what everyone yearns for, and he hopes to use his brand to bring more confidence and beauty to everyone.

However, no matter how busy his career is, Ming Dao never forgets the importance of family. He places the happiness of his family above all else and always focuses on balancing the relationship between career and family. His love and care for his family is beyond words. Ming Dao knows that success is not just about career gains, but more importantly, the warmth and happiness of the family.

In this era full of dreams and struggles, Ming Dao interprets success and courage in his unique way. His career focuses on the mainland, and he occasionally shoots and runs his own skin care brand. Today, his family and career are both fruitful, and his hard work and dedication have finally paid off. Whether on stage or in life, Ming Dao uses his talent and charm to show us the image of a sincere, determined, passionate and loving modern person.

Responsible editor:

Ming Dao admits that he likes 30-year-old mature women, suggesting that he does not exclude siblings (picture)

Handsome guy Ming Dao

  Guangzhou Daily News (Reporter, Su Lei, Photo Report) On the evening of September 7, "The End of the World is At This Time – Anhui Satellite TV’s Cross-Strait Mid-Autumn Festival Gala", co-hosted by Wu Zongxian, Aya, Li Bin and Zhang Yangguoer, was recorded via satellite connection in Hefei and Taipei. In an interview before the recording, Wu Zongxian responded to the purchase of a house in Beijing via satellite. He, who has frequently traveled to the mainland to host the program "Gold Rush" in recent years, admitted that because he often returns to the mainland of his motherland to work, he bought a house in Beijing not long ago and is currently renovating it. "I will work more in Beijing in the future, and then I will be able to live in my new house."

  On the same day, the reporter also met the Taiwanese idol actor Ming Dao. In the interview, Ming Dao, who is born in the 1980s, confessed that he likes "mature women", and hinted that he does not exclude siblings.

  Holding hands with Zhang Jiani to shoot a hotel scene again

  Ming Dao, who came from the cast of "Smile in My Heart" in Sanya, revealed that in the play, he played a rich boy who did not want to be the successor of the family restaurant business because of his love of design, but was eventually arranged to go incognito to various departments of the hotel for an internship. In the process, he met the poor heroine of the family. The heroine in the play is "Ziling" Zhang Jiani in the new version of "A Curtain of Dreams". Ming Dao commented: "She is only 21 years old. She is a very soft and slow girl, but she is very energetic in acting." Asked where the intimacy between the two in the play will go, Ming Dao smiled: "It is not as exciting as she was in" A Curtain of Dreams "before."

  Refused to respond to questions about pay

  Recently, the intimacy between the male and female protagonists of Taiwanese idol dramas is getting wider and wider. Ming Dao believes that TV dramas will never be too exaggerated, and the reason for this trend is that lovers in life will have very intimate moments. When they are restored to the screen, the audience will feel very life-like. It is reported that he made this "Smile in My Heart" for an episode of 70,000 yuan. Ming Dao is unwilling to respond to the salary, saying only that he has no restrictions on the shooting area.

  Asked Ming Dao what kind of girl he liked, his answer surprised the media present. "I used to like a little more dignified, but recently I like a cheerful and confident one." A reporter asked him how Zhang Jiani was, and Ming Dao immediately said: "She is too young, I hope she is a mature woman around 30 years old, cheerful but not too lively."

Editor in charge: Wang Yuxi

Lin Chaoxian’s "Emergency Rescue" exposes "every second counts" trailer, subverting imagination

1905 movie network news On December 5, the first Chinese-language film focusing on the theme of maritime rescue released the "every second counts" version of the trailer. In the trailer, many rescue scenes were exposed for the first time: the offshore oil well platform ignited a raging fire, and the plane full of passengers made an emergency landing at the sea. Rescue teams rushed to the front line to carry out rescue against time, building a maritime life infra for the victims. Along with the trailer, there was also a "close call" version of the poster, which showed the real scene of the full rescue of our country’s maritime professional rescue teams, which was full of shock. Peng Yuyan, Wang Yanlin, and Xin Zhilei will face their inner fears and challenge multiple limits, showing the spirit of maritime rescue that is brave enough to move forward and face difficulties! 

"Emergency Rescue" oil well explosion plane crash landing scene exposed

When the sky enters the sea, it will burn to the point of bursting!

Director Lin Chaoxian once revealed that there are multiple rescue scenes in "Emergency Rescue", each of which can be made into a separate movie. The release of the "every second counts" version of the trailer revealed for the first time a number of scenes in the film: the offshore oil well platform collapsed in the raging fire and fell to the sea, and Peng Yuyan jumped into the fire alone when the fire was urgent; the helicopter dived between the canyons and mountains, and Captain Xin Zhilei took the order to rescue the lives in distress; the plane full of passengers was forced to land on the sea due to failure. Due to the broken nose, the rescue team had to race against time to open the life channel for the passengers… This is the first time the film has released an important scene in the film. Whether it is a raging oil well fire or a plane crash rescue, the figure of the rescue team who fearlessly moved forward under the emergency fully interprets the meaning of the title.

In addition to the first exposure of the grand scene, the relationship between the main characters of the film is also beginning to emerge: although Peng Yuyan’s rescue team captain Gao Qian is entrusted with an important task, although he is full of "fear" at every moment of life and death, he will never back down no matter what difficulties he encounters, because this is the mission of China’s rescue team. In the rescue team he leads, everyone unconditionally believes in the captain, Wang Yanlin, Xin Zhilei and others are always ready to go to the front line of rescue and protect the lives of people in distress at sea! Their courage to face fear and meet the challenge shows the power of shaking people!

The "close call" poster and trailer released at the same time complement each other, freezing frame the moment when the rescuers urgently gather and rush to the rescue scene, showing the same rescue scene from different angles, conveying the film’s blood and majestic temperament to the audience.

Real-life shooting requires the most authentic performance of the actor 

Lin Chaoxian doesn’t want to "save effort"

Director Lin Chaoxian revealed that "Emergency Rescue" not only has more shocking scenes and better-looking actions, but also more characters will be portrayed. Because this time it shows a group of rescue heroes composed of ordinary people, "Although they dare to take risks to save people, they are just ordinary people. This group of people have their lives and carry their mission." Referring to the understanding of heroes, director Lin Chaoxian said as early as the final release: "Every hero hides a fear, and I believe that all rescue workers need to overcome this fear when facing the front line."

"Emergency Rescue" is based on real rescue events and creates a group of flesh and blood maritime rescue characters. For this reason, director Lin Chaoxian adhered to a filming principle "real" at the beginning of the preparations. It is worth mentioning that the plane in the plane crash rescue scene in the trailer is a real plane specially prepared by the crew. Lin Chaoxian believes this is necessary: "I don’t want to set up the scene, because the setting is very fake, especially for the actors. If the scene is fake, everyone can feel it as soon as they walk in, and the actors can’t give a good reaction."

For the director to insist on real-life shooting, the actors also think it is necessary, Peng Yuyan believes: "It is especially important to feel this fear, because only in this way can the reaction be the most real". Wang Yanlin was asked by the director to dive from a height of more than ten meters, and although he was afraid, he insisted on not using a double. In order to ensure the safety of shooting, Lin Chaoxian also asked the Hollywood team to test every scene as safe as possible: "They have engineers in the team, so the data must be accurate." Now that computer special effects are so developed, many people cannot understand why they insist on real-life shooting, and everything is real. Director Lin Chaoxian also responded: "I have made movies for decades, and I know how to make fake and real. Everyone does it, and if I did the same, I wouldn’t find it challenging. "

The movie "Emergency Rescue" is adapted according to the real maritime rescue incident in our country, directed by Lin Chaoxian and produced by Liang Fengying, starring Peng Yuyan, Wang Yanlin and Xin Zhilei, and co-starring Lan Yingying, Wang Yutian, Xu Yang, Chen Jiale and Li Mincheng. The movie "Emergency Rescue" will be officially released on the first day of the new year in 2020.

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