Autonavi map wheelchair navigation goes online in Changsha

On May 17, it was learned from Autonavi Maps that Autonavi Maps wheelchair navigation will be officially launched in 7 cities including Changsha and Wuhan this month. In addition to cities such as Beijing and Shanghai that have already landed, Autonavi Maps wheelchair navigation has been supported in 13 cities across the country.

  Autonavi Map Wheelchair Navigation is a public welfare project specially developed for people with disabilities and walking disabilities. Since its launch in November 2022, the cumulative number of services provided has exceeded 2.30 million times.

  It is understood that the biggest difficulty in ** chair navigation is not technology, but "empathy". Because of this, the Autonavi map wheelchair navigation R & D team has done a lot of research and interviews, and even engineers have tried to sit in a wheelchair by themselves to perceive the difficulty of traveling for people with disabilities as much as possible. According to the research results, the core problem that people with disabilities rarely go out may not be that there are few barrier-free facilities, nor that they are unwilling to go out, but that it is impossible for people to remember every barrier-free facility and related routes in the city, and they are not willing to ask for help and trouble others frequently. And Autonavi map wheelchair navigation is to use technology to make friends in wheelchairs feel as safe and confident as possible when traveling, and relieve anxiety.

  Wheelchair users in 13 cities, including Changsha, now only need to turn on "barrier-free navigation" in the settings options on the Autonavi map app. Later, when using walking navigation, they will avoid underground passages, pedestrian bridges and other wheelchair-inaccessible sections. It can also combine barrier-free facilities such as barrier-free elevators and lifts to plan a barrier-free route for users.