Tencent hosts the 2021 China Online Media Forum Content Forum, focusing on "Communication: Shaping Value"

  On November 25th, the opening ceremony and main forum of the 2021 China Internet Media Forum jointly sponsored by the Central Network Information Office, the Central Radio and Television Station, and the Guangdong Provincial Committee of Internet and Information Technology was held in Guangzhou. With the theme of "Development and Order: Let Large Traffic Surge Positive Energy", the forum focused on the new situation, new tasks and new challenges facing the construction of online content. It promoted online media to strengthen its ideals and beliefs, keep in mind its original mission, and continue its red blood. It is determined to maintain integrity and innovation. It actively participates in the hot practice of network content construction. It further sings the main theme, promotes positive energy, promotes the construction of network civilization, and creates a clear and clear network space. Xi Dan, senior vice president and chief talent officer of Tencent Group, attended the opening ceremony.

  This forum set up five parallel forums on technology, content, responsibility, industry, and the Greater Bay Area, focusing on topics such as "Innovation: Technology Empowering", "Communication: Shaping Value", "Responsibility: Co-governance and Sharing", "Development: Steady and Long-term", "Greater Bay Area: One Network Connected" and other topics to conduct discussions and exchanges, colliding with ideological sparks.

  The content forum was co-hosted by Xinhuanet, Tencent, China Federation of Internet Societies, and Yangcheng Evening News Newspaper Group. With the theme of "Communication: Shaping Value", guests from all walks of life discussed and exchanged views on how online media can spread positive energy, expand the influence of mainstream values, and build a more harmonious, clear, and upward-looking online culture in the current era of in-depth media integration and profound changes in public opinion ecology.

  Chen Yong, vice-president of Tencent, delivered a keynote speech titled "Bringing together" good flow "to help spread positive energy." Chen Yong said, "We deeply realize that traffic is like a coin, on the one hand is the trust of netizens in the platform; on the other hand, it is the serious responsibility and solemn mission of the platform. For large traffic, Tencent has always been in awe." Chen Yong believes that accompanied by large traffic is the mission of the times, the choice for good, and the value of users and society. First, we must closely adhere to the proposition of the times and bring living water to the source of positive energy. The changes of the times and the struggle of the present are the best themes for creating high-quality content. Large traffic should be bred from the big era. Second, we must innovate the connection form and promote positive energy to bloom. If traffic is the branches and leaves, the connection is the root system. Large traffic should grow in large connections. Only by constantly innovating the connection form between technology, content and users, and constantly enriching the connection scene, can we promote the growth of the positive energy traffic ecology. Third, we need to enhance the value-based, converge "good flow" and spread the good. Large traffic should be based on big value, and use positive energy communication to help a better life. This year, Tencent has raised social value to the height of the company’s strategy, increasing investment in areas such as digital aging, protection of minors, public welfare, and traditional culture, and using technology and products to converge "good flow" to spread the good. Looking forward to exploring new possibilities for positive energy transmission through this openness.

  Chen Yong said that science and technology for good is Tencent’s mission and vision. In the trendsetting era and technology, Tencent has always been in awe, adhered to the principles of responsibility and value, and strived to make traffic upwards to absorb the spirit of the times and contribute to a better life.

  This year’s forum held the first exhibition of new technologies, new applications and new business formats in China’s online media field. This is the first large-scale offline exhibition with the theme of online communication, and it is an important innovation in the concept of online communication. With the theme of "Science and Technology Create Beauty", more than ten high-quality projects on display in the Tencent exhibition area attracted a lot of attention.

  Open the "Travel to Dunhuang" Mini Program, you can easily visit more than 200 caves in Dunhuang, admire more than 2,000 murals and painted sculptures, and experience "one click to cross the millennium"; through the "Digital Forbidden City" Mini Program, you can "cloud" tour the major buildings of the Forbidden City, view millions of rare collections, browse online to understand the "cold" knowledge of the Forbidden City, and check the digital cultural relics resources of the Forbidden City with one click. "Travel to Dunhuang" and "Digital Forbidden City" are cultural heritage digitization projects created by Tencent in cooperation with the Dunhuang Research Institute and the Palace Museum respectively, leveraging its own digital capabilities. " The model of "Technology + Culture" has revitalized the connotation of traditional cultural IP in cyberspace, and convenient digital channels and rich interactive methods have made more young people willing to accept and spread traditional culture, so that traditional classics have a lasting vitality.

  The "Tencent Virtual Live" project has attracted many live media to experience it. Using virtual-reality fusion, 3D game engine, cloud rendering and other technologies, live streaming hosts can be implanted into flexible and variable virtual scenes to improve the viewing effect and convenience of live broadcasts. Among them, self-developed algorithms greatly reduce the deployment cost and difficulty of live broadcast rooms. Just customize the green screen wallpaper, no need for wrinkle-free green screen, locator and other cumbersome and expensive hardware, you can realize advanced functions such as mirror movement and zoom, and at the same time, you can reduce the deployment cost of the traditional solution of about 30,000 yuan to at least 300 yuan, so that ordinary live streaming hosts can realize high-quality and low-cost virtual live broadcast at home, and experience the convenient "all-real Internet" live broadcast experience.

  At this exhibition, Tencent also exhibited a "hard core equipment" – 5G remote real-time driving mining car. Sitting at the exhibition site in Guangzhou, the staff can easily control the mining car in the Ordos mining area 2,000 kilometers away. The remote intelligent mining car launched by Tencent and Sany Smart Mine shows the charm of intelligence and unmanned. Accurate operation across thousands of miles relies on a low-latency remote real-time control product called "Tencent Cloud Unbounded". Tencent has applied the real-time audio & video technology that has been accumulated in the field of network communication over the past 21 years to support the ultra-high concurrency of massive users in the field of industrial production. The powerful cloud network of Tencent Cloud guarantees the stability of 2000 kilometers of ultra-long-distance transmission. The ultra-low latency of end-to-end as low as 200 milliseconds based on 5G network ensures the timeliness and accuracy of operation, making it very suitable for industrial autonomous driving and remote operation scenarios in dangerous environments. At present, this technology has been applied in mines, ports and other scenarios, and is an effective landing of digital and real fusion in the industrial field.

  In addition, the exhibition area also showcased Guangdong Learning Party History Guangdong Love Party – clock in Guangdong Red, Tencent Growth Guardian Platform, National Treasure Global Digital Museum, Grand Canal Digital Culture Project, Tencent Miaobi · Immersive Interactive Ink Painting, VR Panoramic Immersion Experience Tencent Science WE Conference, Tencent Free Perspective and other projects, respectively, from the perspectives of science and technology to help spread positive energy, science and technology to protect the growth of young people, and science and technology to promote the popularization of knowledge.

  The 2021 China Network Media Forum is organized by the Network Communication Bureau of the Central Network Information Office, the Network Information Office of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, CCTV, the Network Information Committee of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee, Guangdong Radio and Television Station, and Tencent. The China Network Media Forum is currently the highest-level, most authoritative and influential annual event in the online media industry in our country, and is known as an important window to observe the development trend of China’s online media.