Interview with Li Yapeng: Being Faye Wong’s husband is stressful. Weibo flirting is very romantic

Talking about new films: having a "bed scene" with Xu Jinglei, I think I used to be handsome

  In the movie version of "Will Love", two school lovers who passed by 13 years ago, Yang Zheng and Wen Hui, reunite for the second time, and perform three completely different love scenes in Beijing, Shanghai and Bordeaux.

  The Beijing passage is suspenseful, with Yang Zheng peeking through a telescope at Wen Hui, who is bathing in her home. The Shanghai passage revolves around an old classmate party, where two first lovers who broke up decide to embark on a crazy night of "big adventure" because of a "truth or truth" test. The Bordeaux passage is full of romantic lyricism. Yang Zheng and Wen Hui, who has already been married, unexpectedly reunite, only to find that Wen Hui is in the predicament of her husband’s infidelity.

Movie Network: What is your favorite relationship in the movie version of "General Love", and what is the biggest difference between the movie and the TV series version?

Li Yapeng:The movie version of "General Love" tells three different stories, of which the story that took place in Bordeaux, France, impressed me the most. The movie version continues a certain character characteristic of the TV series version of "General Love". Although it still gives up in the end, it has a very beautiful feeling of love, which is what I like very much. The movie version of "General Love" tells the different life stages of these two characters, and there are also images interspersed 13 years ago. This is very interesting, and this kind of creation is not possible in every film.

Movie Network: Due to the promotion of "General Love", you and Xu Jinglei took a group of photos for the magazine, but many netizens think you are pretending to be tender. Do you agree?

Li Yapeng:That is the demand of the magazine, but I think there is no way to pretend to be tender. If we can still "pretend to be tender", it means that we are still good.

Movie Network: After more than 10 years, what do you think is the biggest change between Xu Jinglei and you? Do you still have the feeling of working together again?

Li Yapeng:Everyone has matured, and everyone has lived a wonderful life in the past 10 years, whether it is a director, screenwriter, photographer, stage artist or actor. What makes me particularly happy is that the group of people we used to be has made progress in their respective positions today, and they are all living their lives very seriously. Everyone is still actively facing love, family and work.
  The audience may think that we have changed a lot in appearance, but in our eyes, you are still the same as you were, and I am still the same as me. In fact, this is the same, so we can always be friends. If we really change, we will no longer be friends today.

Movie Network: After 13 years, has the love between you and Xu Jinglei in the movie been replaced by a more mature passion drama?

Li Yapeng:There are some, but I’m not very clear about the scale and standards of passion scenes. Is it so difficult to get into bed that it’s a bed scene? Yes, but it’s not embarrassing to act. This is the basic quality of an actor.

Movie Network: At that time, Yang Zheng, who had "long hair fluttering", was popular in the mainland. Now looking back at your role, do you also think Yang Zheng is charming?

Li Yapeng:Today, I feel quite handsome. I feel that I am quite handsome at some point (laughs). In fact, every man is handsome at some point. I have never seen Zhang Yibai’s behind- the-scene before. At that time, everyone of us was full of youth, which was really youthful.