Fan Bingbing became the queen of the dinner party in a floral dress, saying he was satisfied with being photographed by the media

Wang Xueqi, Wang Xiaoshuai, Fan Bingbing, and Yu Dong, President of Poly Bona (from left to right)

Wu Yanzu and Gu Tianle

Jia Zhangke, Zhao Tao

        Movie Network News(Photo/Shanghai Film Festival Report Team) The "Bona Night" dinner hosted by Poly Bona was held in Shanghai on June 13. That night, Fan Bingbing, Wu Yanzu, Gu Tianle, Er Dongsheng, Wang Xueqi, Wang Xiaoshuai, Huang Yi, Jia Zhangke, Zhao Tao, Peng Haoxiang, Weng Hong, Yuan Li, Chen Zhipeng, Zhang Jie and other stars made their debut.

Fan Bingbing

Fan Bingbing and Poly Bona President Yu Dong

Fan Bingbing floral dress show beach style, high popularity can be called the queen of the dinner party

        Fan Bingbing is definitely the popular queen and topic queen in the entertainment industry today, and everywhere he goes is the focus. That night, Fan Bingbing was wearing a floral dress, with big wavy hair hanging down to his chest, and with red leather shoes, it was quite a beach vacation style.

        Although Fan Bingbing arrived late, as soon as she appeared, the directors and bosses at the reception immediately came forward to greet her and rushed to take photos with Fan Bingbing. Unlike other actors, Fan Bingbing was basically unable to move at the reception, surrounded by a large number of passers-by, competing to see her style. Fan Bingbing’s popularity was evident, and she was definitely the queen of the dinner party that night.

Fan Bingbing was the highlight of the night

Fan Bingbing denied the identity of the agent’s boyfriend, saying he was satisfied that he was secretly photographed

        Recently, Fan Bingbing was exposed by a Hong Kong weekly magazine, saying that she was in love with her agent, Mu Xiaoguang, and also published a picture of Fan Bingbing burying his head in a man’s chest in Cannes. Fan Bingbing also responded publicly to the matter for the first time that night. She laughed and said that not only was she not angry, but she thanked the weekly magazine for taking a beautiful picture of her, and she was very satisfied.

        "I saw the photo, and the man on it has no head, but I’m still grateful for this fake news, because everyone knows that this weekly magazine has always been famous for taking ugly pictures of female stars, and every time it takes a very ugly picture of the artist, but this time it took a very beautiful picture of me, and the photo also makes me look very cute." Fan Bingbing announced louder, "If I fall in love, I will definitely tell you loudly, because this kind of happy thing must be shared with everyone!"