In 2019, the hot spots of complaints at the 315 party were heavily exposed, involving online shopping, buying a house and buying a car.

  In daily consumption, have you ever encountered some problems in safeguarding rights? Have you ever encountered a "hidden rule" of consumption? Have you ever fallen into a shopping trap? The special live broadcast of CCTV’s Finance and Economics Zone on March 15th exposed five hot spots of complaints about the March 15th party, and invited Zhang Dezhi, director of the Complaints Department of China Consumers Association, and Qiu Baochang, a legal expert of the Expert Committee of China Consumers Association, to interpret them exclusively, which sounded the alarm for consumers.

  3.15 party complaints hot spot heavy exposure! Is there a "pit" you have encountered?

  The 315 party in 2019 is counting down, and which industries will be exposed at this year’s party will become a hot spot of social concern. Since the opening of the complaint channel in CCTV Finance 3.15 area, many consumers have sent their own experiences. Through the pre-statistics of the program group of the March 15th party, in this special live broadcast of the March 15th zone, five major complaints hot spots of the March 15th party were released, including online shopping consumption, prepaid decoration, exaggerated publicity of health care products, automobile consumption and real estate chaos.

  For these hot complaints, Zhang Dezhi, director of the Complaints Department of China Consumers Association, said that it is very consistent with the complaints analysis of China Consumers Association in 2018. For example, in online consumption, it is very difficult for consumers to purchase large-scale goods and after-sales service remotely, and the combination of prepaid consumption and loans damages consumers’ rights and interests.

  So what are the consumer complaints? CCTV Finance takes stock for you:

  Complaint hot spot: What should I do if I buy fake goods and knockoffs online?

  User complaint: I bought clothes online, and the store claimed that the baby I selected was genuine clothes of a certain brand, but the baby I actually received was found to have poor workmanship when trying it on. The brand logo on the front of the clothes tag was different, so I couldn’t provide monopoly authorization. After verification, it was found to be a fake, and repeated negotiations with the store failed. What should I do?

  Expert advice:

  Zhang Dezhi, Director of the Complaints Department of China Consumers Association: If the products bought online are determined to be fake and shoddy goods, it belongs to the fraud of the merchants. Consumers have the right to claim one refund and three compensations in accordance with Article 55 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests, which is the right of consumers. If the amount of compensation increased is less than 500 yuan, the compensation amount is 500 yuan, which is the guarantee of consumers’ minimum rights and interests.

  Qiu Baochang, legal expert of the Expert Committee of China Consumers Association: According to the Food Safety Law, if the food does not meet the national food standards, consumers not only have the right to return the goods, but also claim ten times the compensation.

  Complaint hot spot: prepaid decoration, decoration company ran away! What should we do?

  Netizen complaint: I found a good decoration company, paid the decoration fee in advance, and waited to live in my own nest as soon as possible. As a result, the decoration company ran away after installing the water and electricity. Some owners also borrowed a decoration loan, the house can’t live, and the loan has to be paid back. There is no place to talk about it.

  Expert advice:

  Zhang Dezhi, Director of Complaints Department of China Consumers Association: In the field of decoration, we should pay attention to the fact that the traditional decoration still has a corresponding guarantee in terms of scale and quality. The Internet form and the loan situation have certain hidden dangers for consumers, and ordinary consumers simply can’t judge it. Just to be on the safe side, find some decoration companies with traditional scale, and at the same time, in a particularly large store, make a confirmation seal on after-sales and contract through the store, and guarantee the rights better.

  Qiu Baochang, legal expert of the Expert Committee of China Consumers Association: Consumer loans are available if the funds are not enough, but it is recommended to go through formal banks, because it will not cheat. Some small loans are illegal and unlicensed, which is a routine loan, cheat people.

  Complaint hot spot: what should I do if I encounter a new sale of old cars?

  Netizen’s complaint: I bought a car in the 4s shop, and found that the car had a record of accident maintenance last year after I picked it up. The 4s shop said that the car was painted before it was sold to me, and I wanted to return it, but the 4s shop always ignored it and only offered to send it for maintenance and extended warranty several times …

  Expert advice:

  Qiu Baochang, a legal expert of the Expert Committee of China Consumers Association: Operators should do a good job in PDI testing (pre-sale inspection records of vehicles) before selling, operate with integrity, and ensure that children are innocent. Consumers have a normal mentality and accept PDI testing. If PDI testing harms consumers’ rights and interests and involves fraud, they must resolutely defend their rights. The Beijing No.3 Intermediate People’s Court sentenced the old car to be sold as a new car and awarded three times compensation. When buying a car, you must ask more questions and find an expert to accompany you. You can enter the engine number and car number into the system to check whether there are maintenance records, etc., so as to avoid the new sale of used cars.

  Complaint hotspot: The cruising range of new energy vehicles is greatly reduced. What should I do?

  Netizen complained that the cruising range of their new energy vehicles is greatly reduced. They can only run more than 100 kilometers when fully charged, and sometimes even break down at high speed, which is very dangerous. What should I do?

  Expert advice:

  Zhang Dezhi, Director of Complaints Department of China Consumers Association: There are different types of new energy vehicles, including pure electric vehicles, which are very costly in extremely cold conditions. It is necessary for dealers, including 4S stores, to make a corresponding explicit statement to consumers when promoting sales, and to give a hint of what impact the main use areas will have, so that consumers can make judgments, which involves consumers’ right to know. Consumers should also pay attention to whether the performance of different types of new energy vehicles will change in the areas they use or will use. At the time of purchase, you can also communicate with the merchants or ask for further information about the technical parameters, so that you can have a pre-judgment on the problems encountered in your own use.

  Hot spot of complaint: what should I do if the new house is actually mortgaged?

  Netizen complaint: Not long ago, I took a fancy to a suite and paid a down payment, only to find that I couldn’t sign it online, only to know that the house was in a "mortgage" state. Now if you cancel the contract and check out, you need to pay liquidated damages. If you don’t check out, you are afraid that the house will be taken away one day. What should I do now?

  Expert advice:

  Qiu Baochang, legal expert of the Expert Committee of China Consumers Association: If there are many unfair and unreasonable clauses in your terms, they will be invalid. It is very clear in the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests that if the provisions in your liability for breach of contract are unreasonable, the contract can be determined by the court to be invalid, so it is best to settle it through consultation. Developers should respect consumers and not be rich. If they refuse to be responsible, they should also investigate and deal with such developers.

  Zhang Dezhi, Director of Complaints Department of China Consumers Association: When buying a house, consumers need to know whether the other party has five certificates, such as land transfer license, etc., but it doesn’t need to be so complicated actually, it depends on whether the other party has a consumption license. Now, in the case of open government information, it can be found on the relevant government websites, such as the location of the land and the service life of the land, etc. There are corresponding regulations, so consumers now need the convenience of collecting big data on the Internet to protect their rights.

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