Did the concert meet the "Little New Year" veteran?

  Luo Dayou and Alan Tam have held concerts in Beijing more than once, but their recent concerts unexpectedly encountered Waterloo, which is a pity.

  The Beijing Youth Daily reporter learned from industry insiders that the performance market in 2019 is indeed somewhat different. It can be regarded as the "Little New Year" of the performance industry. Top artists such as Jacky Cheung, Eason Chan, and Jay Chou have no plans to hold concerts, and the market is relatively deserted.

  For the cold situation of Luo and Tan’s concert, industry insiders believe that "those who win the young win the world" is one of the reasons, and the old songs with a strong sense of age and the "elderly" audience are also an important reason why it is difficult to have a good box office.


  Luo Dayou Tam Wing Lun sings

  The box office was unexpectedly cold

  A month before Mr. Luo’s solo concert at the Beijing Workers’ Stadium on June 8, two ticketing websites, Yongle and Damai, showed that the lowest price of 200 yuan had been sold out, while the other five prices had plenty left. Only a third of the tickets had been sold, according to the organizers, and the remaining tickets were ready for sale at a discount.

  On the day of the concert, although the attendance rate was not too low, according to insiders, the actual box office of Luo Dayou’s Beijing concert was rather dismal, which did not match his achievements and status in the music world.

  On July 13, Alan Tam, known as the "principal of the music industry," also came to the Beijing Workers’ Stadium to hold a "40 Years of the Galaxy" tour. Although the concert could be said to be full on the day, according to people familiar with the matter, many of the audience at the scene entered with free tickets. This time, Alan Tam’s Beijing concert was also cold at the box office.


  Luo Tan and the two have a strong "sense of age"

  The acceptance of Cantonese plus old songs is not high.

  Luo Dayou, 64, has been in the music scene for more than 40 years, and the 69-year-old "music principal" Tan Yonglin is not to mention a symbol of an era. Many people think that their concerts should be popular, but the reality is always more cruel than imagined.

  Performance planner Meng Lun analyzed that Tan Yilin and Luo Dayou’s previous concerts in Beijing were held in the gymnasium, and the box office was okay. This time, they were all selected in the Workers’ Stadium, which is 4 times larger than the gymnasium, which also means that the number of tickets sold is higher than in the past. For young people today, Luo Dayou and Tan Yilin do have a sense of age, or there is a generation gap. For example, Luo Dayou’s songs are not so popular with young people.

  As for the poor box office performance of Alan Tam’s concerts, Meng Lun believes that the main reasons are these: most of his songs are in Cantonese, and his audience is mostly elderly. "Although Alan Tam is still releasing albums in recent years, his singing is not so high."

  In short, the generation that grew up listening to Luo Dayou and Tan Yilin’s songs has started or has already aged, and for them, watching performances is optional. Compared with young people, older fans have more concerns when buying tickets, and even if they have financial strength, they need to calculate the cost of time.

  Zhang Yiming, a senior performance planner and general manager of Beijing Huale Extraordinary Culture Communication Co., Ltd., believes that the good concert box office must be liked by young people. The so-called "young people win the world", such as Li Zongsheng, whose audience for each tour is at least 60% young people. "As long as it is a performance that young people are after, it will generally be very popular." In addition, in recent years, Li Zongsheng has often released new works that have been praised by the outside world. This is also an important reason why Li Zongsheng’s concerts are popular, while Luo Dayou can’t have a good box office if he changes the big venue.


  Miriam Yeung "Chunjiao" successfully planned

  One-day seckill for Beijing Railway Station tickets

  However, "Laughing Aunt" Miriam Yeung became the "box office queen" on her first tour in the mainland, which surprised many people, including the performers. Her tour in the mainland was extremely popular, and both the Beijing Station and other performances in the mainland sold out at the box office. There is no doubt that Miriam Yeung’s "My Beautiful Live" tour is the most well-deserved "hit" so far in 2019, with 11 consecutive concerts "spiked". The Beijing concert at the Cadillac Center on June 29 was Miriam Yeung’s first solo concert in Beijing. After the official pre-sale of tickets on April 8, 8,000 tickets were sold out quickly, and Miriam Yeung also became the "dark horse" in the performance market this year.

  Zhang Yiming believes that Miriam Yeung is very popular in Guangdong, and many of her Cantonese songs have a good mass base, but she did not expect to have such a high degree of singing in Beijing, and actually heard a Cantonese chorus at the performance site. The mainland tour originally planned to sing a few more Mandarin songs to cater to the mainland audience, but I never expected the call from the mainland audience: I hope she will sing more Cantonese songs.

  In addition to music, Miriam Yeung also has a lot of achievements in film and television, such as "Zhiming and Chunjiao" and "Thousand Cups Never Drunk" and other films, which have deeply rooted her image of urban women in the hearts of the people, so many tickets for this tour are sold out in one day.

  "After so many years of debuting, the accumulation has been in place." Zhang Yiming believes that the special planning on the occasion of the "10th anniversary of Zhiming and Chunjiao’s meeting" has a special link in Beijing Station – "Remembering and recreating together" Zhang Zhiming and Yu Chunjiao’s story about growing up. This wave of operation is in the hands of fans, and it has also made Miriam Yeung’s Beijing concert a double harvest of box office and reputation.

  Little New Year

  The performance market is relatively deserted

  There will be many major projects next year

  According to Zhang Yiming, 2019 can be regarded as a "Little New Year" in the performance industry. Many top artists have no plans for concerts, and the performance market is relatively deserted. In the performance industry, there is indeed a "Little New Year", in which "Little New Year" means that artists are preparing new albums, filming film and television works, or just completing a tour and need to take a long vacation. In these cases, tours will not be arranged.

  Beiqing Daily reporter investigation found that so far this year, the concerts of Luo Dayou, Alan Tam, Miriam Yeung and others have attracted much attention; now to the end of the year, the concerts worth looking forward to are only the concerts of Zhang Jie, Fei Yuqing and Cai Qin.

  But Zhang Yiming also revealed that although this year is the "Little New Year" ** the performance industry, many big projects for next year are being planned, and it can be expected that the ******* performance market will be a booming "******" next year.

  By our reporter, Shou Penghuan

  Coordinator/Liu Jianghua